satpy.modifiers.spectral module

Modifier classes dealing with spectral domain changes or corrections.

class satpy.modifiers.spectral.NIREmissivePartFromReflectance(sunz_threshold=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: NIRReflectance

Get the emissive part of NIR bands.

Collect custom configuration values.


sunz_threshold – The threshold sun zenith angle used when deriving the near infrared reflectance. Above this angle the derivation will assume this sun-zenith everywhere. Default None, in which case the default threshold defined in Pyspectral will be used.

_get_emissivity_as_dask(da_nir, da_tb11, da_tb13_4, da_sun_zenith, metadata)[source]

Get the emissivity from pyspectral.

_get_emissivity_as_dataarray(nir, da_tb11, da_tb13_4, da_sun_zenith)[source]

Get the emissivity as a dataarray.

class satpy.modifiers.spectral.NIRReflectance(sunz_threshold=85.0, masking_limit=88.0, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ModifierBase

Get the reflective part of NIR bands.

Collect custom configuration values.

  • sunz_threshold – The threshold sun zenith angle used when deriving the near infrared reflectance. Above this angle the derivation will assume this sun-zenith everywhere. Unless overridden, the default threshold of 85.0 degrees will be used.

  • masking_limit – Mask the data (set to NaN) above this Sun zenith angle. By default the limit is at 88.0 degrees. If set to None, no masking is done.

_create_modified_dataarray(reflectance, base_dataarray)[source]
_get_nir_inputs(projectables, optional_datasets)[source]
_get_reflectance_as_dask(da_nir, da_tb11, da_tb13_4, da_sun_zenith, metadata)[source]

Calculate 3.x reflectance in % with pyspectral from dask arrays.

_get_reflectance_as_dataarray(nir, da_tb11, da_tb13_4, da_sun_zenith)[source]

Get the reflectance as a dataarray.

static _get_sun_zenith_from_provided_data(nir, optional_datasets, dtype)[source]

Get the sunz from available data or compute it if unavailable.

static _get_tb13_4_from_optionals(optional_datasets)[source]

Initialize the 3.x reflectance derivations.