#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2020 Satpy developers
# This file is part of satpy.
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# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# satpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
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"""Modifier classes dealing with spectral domain changes or corrections."""
import logging
import xarray as xr
from satpy.modifiers import ModifierBase
from pyspectral.near_infrared_reflectance import Calculator
except ImportError:
Calculator = None
from pyorbital.astronomy import sun_zenith_angle
except ImportError:
sun_zenith_angle = None
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class NIRReflectance(ModifierBase):
"""Get the reflective part of NIR bands."""
def __init__(self, sunz_threshold=TERMINATOR_LIMIT, # noqa: D417
masking_limit=MASKING_LIMIT, **kwargs):
"""Collect custom configuration values.
sunz_threshold: The threshold sun zenith angle used when deriving
the near infrared reflectance. Above this angle the derivation
will assume this sun-zenith everywhere. Unless overridden, the
default threshold of 85.0 degrees will be used.
masking_limit: Mask the data (set to NaN) above this Sun zenith angle.
By default the limit is at 88.0 degrees. If set to `None`, no masking
is done.
self.sun_zenith_threshold = sunz_threshold
self.masking_limit = masking_limit
super(NIRReflectance, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def __call__(self, projectables, optional_datasets=None, **info):
"""Get the reflectance part of an NIR channel.
Not supposed to be used for wavelength outside [3, 4] µm.
projectables = self.match_data_arrays(projectables)
inputs = self._get_nir_inputs(projectables, optional_datasets)
return self._get_reflectance_as_dataarray(*inputs)
def _get_reflectance_as_dataarray(self, nir, da_tb11, da_tb13_4, da_sun_zenith):
"""Get the reflectance as a dataarray."""
logger.info("Getting reflective part of %s", nir.attrs["name"])
reflectance = self._get_reflectance_as_dask(nir.data, da_tb11, da_tb13_4, da_sun_zenith, nir.attrs)
proj = self._create_modified_dataarray(reflectance, base_dataarray=nir)
proj.attrs["units"] = "%"
return proj
def _get_tb13_4_from_optionals(optional_datasets):
tb13_4 = None
for dataset in optional_datasets:
wavelengths = dataset.attrs.get("wavelength", [100., 0, 0])
if (dataset.attrs.get("units") == "K" and
wavelengths[0] <= 13.4 <= wavelengths[2]):
tb13_4 = dataset.data
return tb13_4
def _get_sun_zenith_from_provided_data(nir, optional_datasets, dtype):
"""Get the sunz from available data or compute it if unavailable."""
sun_zenith = None
for dataset in optional_datasets:
if dataset.attrs.get("standard_name") == "solar_zenith_angle":
sun_zenith = dataset.data
if sun_zenith is None:
if sun_zenith_angle is None:
raise ImportError("Module pyorbital.astronomy needed to compute sun zenith angles.")
lons, lats = nir.attrs["area"].get_lonlats(chunks=nir.data.chunks, dtype=dtype)
sun_zenith = sun_zenith_angle(nir.attrs["start_time"], lons, lats)
return sun_zenith
def _create_modified_dataarray(self, reflectance, base_dataarray):
proj = xr.DataArray(reflectance, dims=base_dataarray.dims,
coords=base_dataarray.coords, attrs=base_dataarray.attrs.copy())
proj.attrs["sun_zenith_threshold"] = self.sun_zenith_threshold
proj.attrs["sun_zenith_masking_limit"] = self.masking_limit
self.apply_modifier_info(base_dataarray, proj)
return proj
def _get_reflectance_as_dask(self, da_nir, da_tb11, da_tb13_4, da_sun_zenith, metadata):
"""Calculate 3.x reflectance in % with pyspectral from dask arrays."""
reflectance_3x_calculator = self._init_reflectance_calculator(metadata)
return reflectance_3x_calculator.reflectance_from_tbs(da_sun_zenith, da_nir, da_tb11, tb_ir_co2=da_tb13_4) * 100
def _init_reflectance_calculator(self, metadata):
"""Initialize the 3.x reflectance derivations."""
if not Calculator:
logger.info("Couldn't load pyspectral")
raise ImportError("No module named pyspectral.near_infrared_reflectance")
reflectance_3x_calculator = Calculator(metadata["platform_name"], metadata["sensor"], metadata["name"],
return reflectance_3x_calculator
class NIREmissivePartFromReflectance(NIRReflectance):
"""Get the emissive part of NIR bands."""
def __init__(self, sunz_threshold=None, **kwargs): # noqa: D417
"""Collect custom configuration values.
sunz_threshold: The threshold sun zenith angle used when deriving
the near infrared reflectance. Above this angle the derivation
will assume this sun-zenith everywhere. Default None, in which
case the default threshold defined in Pyspectral will be used.
self.sunz_threshold = sunz_threshold
super(NIREmissivePartFromReflectance, self).__init__(sunz_threshold=sunz_threshold, **kwargs)
def __call__(self, projectables, optional_datasets=None, **info):
"""Get the emissive part an NIR channel after having derived the reflectance.
Not supposed to be used for wavelength outside [3, 4] µm.
projectables = self.match_data_arrays(projectables)
inputs = self._get_nir_inputs(projectables, optional_datasets)
return self._get_emissivity_as_dataarray(*inputs)
def _get_emissivity_as_dataarray(self, nir, da_tb11, da_tb13_4, da_sun_zenith):
"""Get the emissivity as a dataarray."""
logger.info("Getting emissive part of %s", nir.attrs["name"])
emissivity = self._get_emissivity_as_dask(nir.data, da_tb11, da_tb13_4, da_sun_zenith, nir.attrs)
proj = self._create_modified_dataarray(emissivity, base_dataarray=nir)
proj.attrs["units"] = "K"
return proj
def _get_emissivity_as_dask(self, da_nir, da_tb11, da_tb13_4, da_sun_zenith, metadata):
"""Get the emissivity from pyspectral."""
reflectance_3x_calculator = self._init_reflectance_calculator(metadata)
# Use the nir and thermal ir brightness temperatures and derive the reflectance using
# PySpectral. The reflectance is stored internally in PySpectral and
# needs to be derived first in order to get the emissive part.
reflectance_3x_calculator.reflectance_from_tbs(da_sun_zenith, da_nir, da_tb11, tb_ir_co2=da_tb13_4)
return reflectance_3x_calculator.emissive_part_3x()