
Loading and accessing data

To work with weather satellite data you must create a Scene object. Satpy does not currently provide an interface to download satellite data, it assumes that the data is on a local hard disk already. In order for Satpy to get access to the data the Scene must be told what files to read and what Satpy Reader should read them:

>>> from satpy import Scene
>>> from glob import glob
>>> filenames = glob("/home/a001673/data/satellite/Meteosat-10/seviri/lvl1.5/2015/04/20/HRIT/*201504201000*")
>>> global_scene = Scene(reader="seviri_l1b_hrit", filenames=filenames)

To load data from the files use the Scene.load method. Printing the Scene object will list each of the xarray.DataArray objects currently loaded:

>>> global_scene.load(['0.8', '1.6', '10.8'])
>>> print(global_scene)
<xarray.DataArray 'reshape-d66223a8e05819b890c4535bc7e74356' (y: 3712, x: 3712)>
dask.array<shape=(3712, 3712), dtype=float32, chunksize=(464, 3712)>
  * x        (x) float64 5.567e+06 5.564e+06 5.561e+06 5.558e+06 5.555e+06 ...
  * y        (y) float64 -5.567e+06 -5.564e+06 -5.561e+06 -5.558e+06 ...
    orbital_parameters:   {'projection_longitude': 0.0, 'pr...
    sensor:               seviri
    platform_name:        Meteosat-11
    standard_name:        brightness_temperature
    units:                K
    wavelength:           (9.8, 10.8, 11.8)
    start_time:           2018-02-28 15:00:10.814000
    end_time:             2018-02-28 15:12:43.956000
    area:                 Area ID: some_area_name\nDescription: On-the-fly ar...
    name:                 IR_108
    resolution:           3000.40316582
    calibration:          brightness_temperature
    polarization:         None
    level:                None
    modifiers:            ()
    ancillary_variables:  []
<xarray.DataArray 'reshape-1982d32298aca15acb42c481fd74a629' (y: 3712, x: 3712)>
dask.array<shape=(3712, 3712), dtype=float32, chunksize=(464, 3712)>
  * x        (x) float64 5.567e+06 5.564e+06 5.561e+06 5.558e+06 5.555e+06 ...
  * y        (y) float64 -5.567e+06 -5.564e+06 -5.561e+06 -5.558e+06 ...
    orbital_parameters:   {'projection_longitude': 0.0, 'pr...
    sensor:               seviri
    platform_name:        Meteosat-11
    standard_name:        toa_bidirectional_reflectance
    units:                %
    wavelength:           (0.74, 0.81, 0.88)
    start_time:           2018-02-28 15:00:10.814000
    end_time:             2018-02-28 15:12:43.956000
    area:                 Area ID: some_area_name\nDescription: On-the-fly ar...
    name:                 VIS008
    resolution:           3000.40316582
    calibration:          reflectance
    polarization:         None
    level:                None
    modifiers:            ()
    ancillary_variables:  []
<xarray.DataArray 'reshape-e86d03c30ce754995ff9da484c0dc338' (y: 3712, x: 3712)>
dask.array<shape=(3712, 3712), dtype=float32, chunksize=(464, 3712)>
  * x        (x) float64 5.567e+06 5.564e+06 5.561e+06 5.558e+06 5.555e+06 ...
  * y        (y) float64 -5.567e+06 -5.564e+06 -5.561e+06 -5.558e+06 ...
    orbital_parameters:   {'projection_longitude': 0.0, 'pr...
    sensor:               seviri
    platform_name:        Meteosat-11
    standard_name:        toa_bidirectional_reflectance
    units:                %
    wavelength:           (1.5, 1.64, 1.78)
    start_time:           2018-02-28 15:00:10.814000
    end_time:             2018-02-28 15:12:43.956000
    area:                 Area ID: some_area_name\nDescription: On-the-fly ar...
    name:                 VIS006
    resolution:           3000.40316582
    calibration:          reflectance
    polarization:         None
    level:                None
    modifiers:            ()
    ancillary_variables:  []

Satpy allows loading file data by wavelengths in micrometers (shown above) or by channel name:

>>> global_scene.load(["VIS008", "IR_016", "IR_108"])

To have a look at the available channels for loading from your Scene object use the available_dataset_names() method:

>>> global_scene.available_dataset_names()

To access the loaded data use the wavelength or name:

>>> print(global_scene[0.8])

For more information on loading datasets by resolution, calibration, or other advanced loading methods see the Reading documentation.

Calculating measurement values and navigation coordinates

Once loaded, measurement values can be calculated from a DataArray within a scene, using .values to get a fully calculated numpy array:

>>> vis008 = global_scene["VIS008"]
>>> vis008_meas = vis008.values

Note that for very large images, such as half-kilometer geostationary imagery, calculated measurement arrays may require multiple gigabytes of memory; using deferred computation and/or subsetting of datasets may be preferred in such cases.

The ‘area’ attribute of the DataArray, if present, can be converted to latitude and longitude arrays. For some instruments (typically polar-orbiters), the get_lonlats() may result in arrays needing an additional .compute() or .values extraction.

>>> vis008_lon, vis008_lat = vis008.attrs['area'].get_lonlats()

Visualizing data

To visualize loaded data in a pop-up window:

>>> global_scene.show(0.8)

Alternatively if working in a Jupyter notebook the scene can be converted to a geoviews object using the to_geoviews() method. The geoviews package is not a requirement of the base satpy install so in order to use this feature the user needs to install the geoviews package himself.

>>> import holoviews as hv
>>> import geoviews as gv
>>> import geoviews.feature as gf
>>> gv.extension("bokeh", "matplotlib")
>>> %opts QuadMesh Image [width=600 height=400 colorbar=True] Feature [apply_ranges=False]
>>> %opts Image QuadMesh (cmap='RdBu_r')
>>> gview = global_scene.to_geoviews(vdims=[0.6])
>>> gview[::5,::5] * gf.coastline * gf.borders

Creating new datasets

Calculations based on loaded datasets/channels can easily be assigned to a new dataset:

>>> global_scene.load(['VIS006', 'VIS008'])
>>> global_scene["ndvi"] = (global_scene['VIS008'] - global_scene['VIS006']) / (global_scene['VIS008'] + global_scene['VIS006'])
>>> global_scene.show("ndvi")

When doing calculations Xarray, by default, will drop all attributes so attributes need to be copied over by hand. The combine_metadata() function can assist with this task. Assigning additional custom metadata is also possible.

>>> from satpy.dataset import combine_metadata
>>> scene['new_band'] = scene['VIS008'] / scene['VIS006']
>>> scene['new_band'].attrs = combine_metadata(scene['VIS008'], scene['VIS006'])
>>> scene['new_band'].attrs['some_other_key'] = 'whatever_value_you_want'

Generating composites

Satpy comes with many composite recipes built-in and makes them loadable like any other dataset:

>>> global_scene.load(['overview'])

To get a list of all available composites for the current scene:

>>> global_scene.available_composite_names()

Loading composites will load all necessary dependencies to make that composite and unload them after the composite has been generated.


Some composite require datasets to be at the same resolution or shape. When this is the case the Scene object must be resampled before the composite can be generated (see below).


In certain cases it may be necessary to resample datasets whether they come from a file or are generated composites. Resampling is useful for mapping data to a uniform grid, limiting input data to an area of interest, changing from one projection to another, or for preparing datasets to be combined in a composite (see above). For more details on resampling, different resampling algorithms, and creating your own area of interest see the Resampling documentation. To resample a Satpy Scene:

>>> local_scene = global_scene.resample("eurol")

This creates a copy of the original global_scene with all loaded datasets resampled to the built-in “eurol” area. Any composites that were requested, but could not be generated are automatically generated after resampling. The new local_scene can now be used like the original global_scene for working with datasets, saving them to disk or showing them on screen:

>>> local_scene.show('overview')
>>> local_scene.save_dataset('overview', './local_overview.tif')

Saving to disk

To save all loaded datasets to disk as geotiff images:

>>> global_scene.save_datasets()

To save all loaded datasets to disk as PNG images:

>>> global_scene.save_datasets(writer='simple_image')

Or to save an individual dataset:

>>> global_scene.save_dataset('VIS006', 'my_nice_image.png')

Datasets are automatically scaled or “enhanced” to be compatible with the output format and to provide the best looking image. For more information on saving datasets and customizing enhancements see the documentation on Writing.

Slicing and subsetting scenes

Array slicing can be done at the scene level in order to get subsets with consistent navigation throughout. Note that this does not take into account scenes that may include channels at multiple resolutions, i.e. index slicing does not account for dataset spatial resolution.

>>> scene_slice = global_scene[2000:2004, 2000:2004]
>>> vis006_slice = scene_slice['VIS006']
>>> vis006_slice_meas = vis006_slice.values
>>> vis006_slice_lon, vis006_slice_lat = vis006_slice.attrs['area'].get_lonlats()

To subset multi-resolution data consistently, use the crop() method.

>>> scene_llbox = global_scene.crop(ll_bbox=(-4.0, -3.9, 3.9, 4.0))
>>> vis006_llbox = scene_llbox['VIS006']
>>> vis006_llbox_meas = vis006_llbox.values
>>> vis006_llbox_lon, vis006_llbox_lat = vis006_llbox.attrs['area'].get_lonlats()


When something goes wrong, a first step to take is check that the latest Version of satpy and its dependencies are installed. Satpy drags in a few packages as dependencies per default, but each reader and writer has it’s own dependencies which can be unfortunately easy to miss when just doing a regular pip install. To check the missing dependencies for the readers and writers, a utility function called check_satpy() can be used:

>>> from satpy.utils import check_satpy
>>> check_satpy()

Due to the way Satpy works, producing as many datasets as possible, there are times that behavior can be unexpected but with no exceptions raised. To help troubleshoot these situations log messages can be turned on. To do this run the following code before running any other Satpy code:

>>> from satpy.utils import debug_on
>>> debug_on()