Satpy supports reading and loading data from many input file formats and
schemes through the concept of readers. Each reader supports a specific type of input data.
The Scene
object provides a simple interface around all the complexity of
these various formats through its load
The following sections describe the different way data can be loaded, requested, or added to a Scene object.
Available Readers
For readers currently available in Satpy see Reader Table. Additionally to get a list of available readers you can use the available_readers function. By default, it returns the names of available readers. To return additional reader information use available_readers(as_dict=True):
>>> from satpy import available_readers
>>> available_readers()
Reader Table
Description |
Reader name |
Status |
fsspec support |
GOES-R ABI imager Level 1b data in netcdf format |
abi_l1b |
Nominal |
true |
SCMI ABI L1B in netCDF4 format |
abi_l1b_scmi |
Beta |
false |
GOES-R ABI Level 2 products in netCDF4 format |
abi_l2_nc |
Beta |
true |
NOAA Level 2 ACSPO SST data in netCDF4 format |
acspo |
Nominal |
false |
FY-4A AGRI Level 1 HDF5 format |
agri_fy4a_l1 |
Beta |
false |
FY-4B AGRI Level 1 data HDF5 format |
agri_fy4b_l1 |
Nominal |
true |
Himawari (8 + 9) AHI Level 1 (HRIT) |
ahi_hrit |
Nominal |
false |
Himawari (8 + 9) AHI Level 1b (HSD) |
ahi_hsd |
Nominal |
false |
Himawari (8 + 9) AHI Level 1b (gridded) |
ahi_l1b_gridded_bin |
Nominal |
false |
Himawari-8/9 AHI Level 2 products in netCDF4 format from NOAA enterprise |
ahi_l2_nc |
Beta |
true |
GEO-KOMPSAT-2 AMI Level 1b |
ami_l1b |
Beta |
true |
GCOM-W1 AMSR2 data in HDF5 format |
amsr2_l1b |
Nominal |
false |
GCOM-W1 AMSR2 Level 2 (HDF5) |
amsr2_l2 |
Beta |
false |
GCOM-W1 AMSR2 Level 2 GAASP (NetCDF4) |
amsr2_l2_gaasp |
Beta |
false |
AAPP L1C AMSU-B format |
amsub_l1c_aapp |
Beta |
false |
ascat_l2_soilmoisture_bufr |
Defunct |
false |
S-NPP and JPSS-1 ATMS L1B (NetCDF4) |
atms_l1b_nc |
Beta |
false |
S-NPP and JPSS ATMS SDR (hdf5) |
atms_sdr_hdf5 |
Beta |
false |
NOAA 15 to 19, Metop A to C AVHRR data in AAPP format |
avhrr_l1b_aapp |
Nominal |
false |
Metop A to C AVHRR in native level 1 format |
avhrr_l1b_eps |
Nominal |
false |
Tiros-N, NOAA 7 to 19 AVHRR data in GAC and LAC format |
avhrr_l1b_gaclac |
Nominal |
false |
NOAA 15 to 19 AVHRR data in raw HRPT format |
avhrr_l1b_hrpt |
Alpha |
false |
avhrr_l1c_eum_gac_fdr_nc |
Defunct |
false |
AWS1 MWR L1B Radiance (NetCDF4) |
aws1_mwr_l1b_nc |
Beta |
false |
AWS1 MWR L1C Radiance (NetCDF4) |
aws1_mwr_l1c_nc |
Beta |
false |
Callipso Caliop Level 2 Cloud Layer data (v3) in EOS-hdf4 format |
caliop_l2_cloud |
Alpha |
false |
The Clouds from AVHRR Extended (CLAVR-x) |
clavrx |
Nominal |
false |
CMSAF CLAAS-2 data for SEVIRI-derived cloud products |
cmsaf-claas2_l2_nc |
Beta |
false |
Electro-L N2 MSU-GS data in HRIT format |
electrol_hrit |
Nominal |
false |
DSCOVR EPIC L1b hdf5 |
epic_l1b_h5 |
Beta |
false |
EPS-Sterna MWR L1B Radiance (NetCDF4) |
eps_sterna_mwr_l1b_nc |
Beta |
false |
MTG FCI Level-1c NetCDF |
fci_l1c_nc |
Beta for full-disc and RSS FDHSI, HRFI, African dissemination format, IPDF-I and IQT-I processing facilities. |
true |
MTGi Level 2 products in BUFR format |
fci_l2_bufr |
Alpha |
false |
MTG FCI L2 data in GRIB2 format |
fci_l2_grib |
Nominal |
false |
MTG FCI L2 data in netCDF4 format |
fci_l2_nc |
Alpha |
false |
FY-3A MERSI-1 L1B data in HDF5 format |
fy3a_mersi1_l1b |
Beta |
false |
FY-3B MERSI-1 L1B data in HDF5 format |
fy3b_mersi1_l1b |
Beta |
false |
FY-3C MERSI-1 L1B data in HDF5 format |
fy3c_mersi1_l1b |
Beta |
false |
Generic Images e.g. GeoTIFF |
generic_image |
Nominal |
true |
GEOstationary Cloud Algorithm Test-bed |
geocat |
Nominal |
false |
Meteosat Second Generation Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget L2 High-Resolution |
gerb_l2_hr_h5 |
Beta |
false |
FY-4A GHI Level 1 HDF5 format |
ghi_l1 |
Nominal |
false |
Sentinel-3 SLSTR SST data in netCDF4 format |
ghrsst_l2 |
Beta |
false |
Vaisala GLD360 UALF2 |
gld360_ualf2 |
false |
GOES-R GLM Level 2 |
glm_l2 |
Beta |
false |
GMS-5 VISSR Level 1b |
gms5-vissr_l1b |
Alpha |
true |
GK-2B GOCI-II Level 2 products in netCDF4 format from NOSC |
goci2_l2_nc |
Beta |
true |
GOES Imager Level 1 (HRIT) |
goes-imager_hrit |
Nominal |
false |
GOES Imager Level 1 (netCDF) |
goes-imager_nc |
Beta |
false |
GPM IMERG level 3 precipitation data in HDF5 format |
gpm_imerg |
Nominal |
false |
GRIB2 format |
grib |
Beta |
false |
Hydrology SAF products in GRIB format |
hsaf_grib |
Beta, only h03, h03b, h05 and h05b currently supported |
false |
Hydrology SAF products in HDF5 format |
hsaf_h5 |
Beta, only h10 currently supported |
false |
HY-2B Scatterometer level 2b data in HDF5 format from both EUMETSAT and NSOAS |
hy2_scat_l2b_h5 |
Beta |
false |
IASI Level 2 data in HDF5 format |
iasi_l2 |
Alpha |
false |
IASI All Sky Temperature and Humidity Profiles - Climate Data Record Release 1.1 - Metop-A and -B |
iasi_l2_cdr_nc |
Alpha |
True |
METOP IASI Level 2 SO2 in BUFR format |
iasi_l2_so2_bufr |
Beta |
false |
EPS-SG ICI L1B Radiance (NetCDF4) |
ici_l1b_nc |
Beta |
false |
Insat 3d IMG L1B HDF5 |
insat3d_img_l1b_h5 |
Beta, navigation still off |
false |
MTSAT-1R JAMI Level 1 data in JMA HRIT format |
jami_hrit |
Beta |
false |
LI Level-2 NetCDF Reader |
li_l2_nc |
Beta |
false |
AAPP MAIA VIIRS and AVHRR products in HDF5 format |
maia |
Nominal |
false |
MODIS Level 3 (mcd12Q1) data in HDF-EOS format |
mcd12q1 |
Beta |
false |
Sentinel 3 MERIS NetCDF format |
meris_nc_sen3 |
Beta |
false |
MERSI-2 L1B data in HDF5 format |
mersi2_l1b |
Beta |
false |
MERSI-3 L1B data in HDF5 format |
mersi3_l1b |
Beta |
false |
FY-3E MERSI Low Light Level 1B |
mersi_ll_l1b |
Nominal |
true |
MERSI-RM L1B data in HDF5 format |
mersi_rm_l1b |
Beta |
false |
AAPP L1C in MHS format |
mhs_l1c_aapp |
Nominal |
false |
MIMIC Total Precipitable Water Product Reader in netCDF format |
mimicTPW2_comp |
Beta |
false |
MiRS Level 2 Precipitation and Surface Swath Product Reader in netCDF4 format |
mirs |
Beta |
false |
Terra and Aqua MODIS data in EOS-hdf4 level-1 format as produced by IMAPP and IPOPP or downloaded from LAADS |
modis_l1b |
Nominal |
false |
Terra and Aqua MODIS Level 2 (mod35) data in HDF-EOS format |
modis_l2 |
Beta |
false |
MODIS Level 3 (mcd43) data in HDF-EOS format |
modis_l3 |
Beta |
false |
Sentinel-2 A and B MSI L1C data in SAFE format |
msi_safe |
Nominal |
false |
Sentinel-2 A and B MSI L2A data in SAFE format |
msi_safe_l2a |
Nominal |
false |
Arctica-M (N1) MSU-GS/A data in HDF5 format |
msu_gsa_l1b |
Beta |
false |
MTSAT-2 Imager Level 1 data in JMA HRIT format |
mtsat2-imager_hrit |
Beta |
false |
MFG (Meteosat 2 to 7) MVIRI data in netCDF format (FIDUCEO FCDR) |
mviri_l1b_fiduceo_nc |
Beta |
false |
EPS-SG MWI L1B Radiance (NetCDF4) |
mwi_l1b_nc |
Beta |
false |
EPS-SG MWS L1B Radiance (NetCDF4) |
mws_l1b_nc |
Beta |
false |
NUCAPS EDR Retrieval data in NetCDF4 format |
nucaps |
Nominal |
false |
NWCSAF GEO 2016 products in netCDF4 format (limited to SEVIRI) |
nwcsaf-geo |
Alpha |
false |
NWCSAF GEO 2013 products in HDF5 format (limited to SEVIRI) |
nwcsaf-msg2013-hdf5 |
Defunct |
false |
NWCSAF PPS 2014, 2018 products in netCDF4 format |
nwcsaf-pps_nc |
Alpha, only standard swath based ouput supported (remapped netCDF and CPP products not supported yet) |
false |
Ocean color CCI Level 3S data reader |
oceancolorcci_l3_nc |
Nominal |
false |
PACE OCI L2 Biogeochemical in NetCDF format |
oci_l2_bgc |
Beta |
false |
Sentinel-3 A and B OLCI Level 1B data in netCDF4 format |
olci_l1b |
Nominal |
true |
Sentinel-3 A and B OLCI Level 2 data in netCDF4 format |
olci_l2 |
Nominal |
true |
Landsat-8/9 OLI/TIRS L1 data in GeoTIFF format. |
oli_tirs_l1_tif |
Beta |
false |
OMPS EDR data in HDF5 format |
omps_edr |
Beta |
false |
OSI-SAF data in netCDF4 format |
osisaf_nc |
Beta |
true |
SAR Level 2 OCN data in SAFE format |
safe_sar_l2_ocn |
Defunct |
false |
Sentinel-1 A and B SAR-C data in SAFE format |
sar-c_safe |
Nominal |
false |
Reader for CF conform netCDF files written with Satpy |
satpy_cf_nc |
Nominal |
false |
Scatsat-1 Level 2b Wind field data in HDF5 format |
scatsat1_l2b |
defunct |
false |
SEADAS L2 Chlorphyll A product in HDF4 format |
seadas_l2 |
Beta |
false |
MSG SEVIRI Level 1b (HRIT) |
seviri_l1b_hrit |
Nominal |
true |
MSG SEVIRI Level 1b in HDF format from ICARE (Lille) |
seviri_l1b_icare |
Defunct |
false |
MSG (Meteosat 8 to 11) SEVIRI data in native format |
seviri_l1b_native |
Nominal |
true |
MSG SEVIRI Level 1b NetCDF4 |
seviri_l1b_nc |
Beta, HRV channel not supported |
true |
MSG (Meteosat 8 to 11) Level 2 products in BUFR format |
seviri_l2_bufr |
Alpha |
false |
MSG (Meteosat 8 to 11) SEVIRI Level 2 products in GRIB2 format |
seviri_l2_grib |
Nominal |
false |
GCOM-C SGLI Level 1B HDF5 format |
sgli_l1b |
Beta |
false |
Sentinel-3 A and B SLSTR data in netCDF4 format |
slstr_l1b |
Alpha |
false |
SMOS level 2 wind data in NetCDF4 format |
smos_l2_wind |
Beta |
false |
TROPOMI Level 2 data in NetCDF4 format |
tropomi_l2 |
Beta |
false |
EPS-SG Visual Infrafred Imager (VII) Level 1B Radiance data in netCDF4 format |
vii_l1b_nc |
Beta |
false |
EPS-SG Visual Infrared Imager (VII) Level 2 data in netCDF4 format |
vii_l2_nc |
Beta |
false |
JPSS VIIRS SDR data in HDF5 Compact format |
viirs_compact |
Nominal |
false |
viirs_edr |
Beta |
false |
VIIRS EDR Active Fires data in netCDF4 & CSV .txt format |
viirs_edr_active_fires |
Beta |
false |
VIIRS EDR Flood data in HDF4 format |
viirs_edr_flood |
Beta |
false |
JPSS VIIRS Level 1b data in netCDF4 format |
viirs_l1b |
Nominal |
false |
SNPP VIIRS Level 2 data in netCDF4 format |
viirs_l2 |
Alpha |
false |
JPSS VIIRS data in HDF5 SDR format |
viirs_sdr |
Nominal |
false |
VIIRS Global Area Coverage from VIIRS Reflected Solar Band and Thermal Emission Band data for both Moserate resolution and Imager resolution channels. |
viirs_vgac_l1c_nc |
false |
VIRR data in HDF5 format |
virr_l1b |
Beta |
false |
Status description:
- Defunct
Most likely the reader is not functional. If it is there is a good chance of bugs and/or performance problems (e.g. not ported to dask/xarray yet). Future development is unclear. Users are encouraged to contribute (see section How to contribute and/or get help on Slack or by opening a Github issue).
- Alpha
This denotes early development status. Reader is functional and implements some or all of the nominal features. There might be bugs. Exactness of results is not be guaranteed. Use at your own risk.
- Beta
This denotes final developement status. Reader is functional and implements all nominal features. Results should be dependable but there might be bugs. Users are actively encouraged to test and report bugs.
- Nominal
This denotes a finished status. Reader is functional and most likely no new features will be introduced. It has been tested and there are no known bugs.
Documentation for specific readers
SEVIRI L1.5 data readers
Common functionality for SEVIRI L1.5 data readers.
The Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager (SEVIRI) is the primary instrument on Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) and has the capacity to observe the Earth in 12 spectral channels.
Level 1.5 corresponds to image data that has been corrected for all unwanted radiometric and geometric effects, has been geolocated using a standardised projection, and has been calibrated and radiance-linearised. (From the EUMETSAT documentation)
Satpy provides the following readers for SEVIRI L1.5 data in different formats:
This section describes how to control the calibration of SEVIRI L1.5 data.
Calibration to radiance
The SEVIRI L1.5 data readers allow for choosing between two file-internal calibration coefficients to convert counts to radiances:
Nominal for all channels (default)
GSICS where available (IR currently) and nominal for the remaining channels (VIS & HRV currently)
In order to change the default behaviour, use the reader_kwargs
argument upon Scene creation:
import satpy
scene = satpy.Scene(filenames=filenames,
reader_kwargs={'calib_mode': 'GSICS'})
scene.load(['VIS006', 'IR_108'])
In addition, two other calibration methods are available:
It is possible to specify external calibration coefficients for the conversion from counts to radiances. External coefficients take precedence over internal coefficients and over the Meirink coefficients, but you can also mix internal and external coefficients: If external calibration coefficients are specified for only a subset of channels, the remaining channels will be calibrated using the chosen file-internal coefficients (nominal or GSICS). Calibration coefficients must be specified in [mW m-2 sr-1 (cm-1)-1].
The calibration mode
uses coefficients based on an intercalibration with Aqua-MODIS for the visible channels, as found in Inter-calibration of polar imager solar channels using SEVIRI (2013) by J. F. Meirink, R. A. Roebeling, and P. Stammes.
In the following example we use external calibration coefficients for the
& IR_108
channels, and nominal coefficients for the
remaining channels:
coefs = {'VIS006': {'gain': 0.0236, 'offset': -1.20},
'IR_108': {'gain': 0.2156, 'offset': -10.4}}
scene = satpy.Scene(filenames,
reader_kwargs={'ext_calib_coefs': coefs})
scene.load(['VIS006', 'VIS008', 'IR_108', 'IR_120'])
In the next example we use external calibration coefficients for the
& IR_108
channels, GSICS coefficients where available
(other IR channels) and nominal coefficients for the rest:
coefs = {'VIS006': {'gain': 0.0236, 'offset': -1.20},
'IR_108': {'gain': 0.2156, 'offset': -10.4}}
scene = satpy.Scene(filenames,
reader_kwargs={'calib_mode': 'GSICS',
'ext_calib_coefs': coefs})
scene.load(['VIS006', 'VIS008', 'IR_108', 'IR_120'])
In the next example we use the mode meirink-2023
coefficients for all visible channels and nominal coefficients for the
scene = satpy.Scene(filenames,
reader_kwargs={'calib_mode': 'meirink-2023'})
scene.load(['VIS006', 'VIS008', 'IR_016'])
Calibration to reflectance
When loading solar channels, the SEVIRI L1.5 data readers apply a correction for
the Sun-Earth distance variation throughout the year - as recommended by
the EUMETSAT document
Conversion from radiances to reflectances for SEVIRI warm channels.
In the unlikely situation that this correction is not required, it can be
removed on a per-channel basis using
Masking of bad quality scan lines
By default bad quality scan lines are masked and replaced with np.nan
for radiance, reflectance and
brightness temperature calibrations based on the quality flags provided by the data (for details on quality
flags see MSG Level 1.5 Image Data Format Description page 109). To disable masking
reader_kwargs={'mask_bad_quality_scan_lines': False}
can be passed to the Scene.
The SEVIRI L1.5 readers provide the following metadata:
attribute provides the nominal and actual satellite position, as well as the projection centre. See the Metadata section in the Reading chapter for more information.The
coordinate provides the mean acquisition time for each scanline. Use aMultiIndex
to enable selection by acquisition time:import pandas as pd mi = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([scn['IR_108']['y'].data, scn['IR_108']['acq_time'].data], names=('y_coord', 'time')) scn['IR_108']['y'] = mi scn['IR_108'].sel(time=np.datetime64('2019-03-01T12:06:13.052000000'))
HRIT and Native readers can add raw metadata from the file header, such as calibration coefficients, to dataset attributes. Use the reader keyword argument
. Here’s an example for extracting calibration coefficients from Native files.scene = satpy.Scene(filenames, reader='seviri_l1b_native', reader_kwargs={'include_raw_metadata': True}) scene.load(["IR_108"]) mda = scene["IR_108"].attrs["raw_metadata"] coefs = mda["15_DATA_HEADER"]["RadiometricProcessing"]["Level15ImageCalibration"]
Note that this comes with a performance penalty of up to 10% if raw metadata from multiple segments or scans need to be combined. By default, arrays with more than 100 elements are excluded to limit the performance penalty. This threshold can be adjusted using the
reader keyword argument:scene = satpy.Scene(filenames, reader='seviri_l1b_native', reader_kwargs={'include_raw_metadata': True, 'mda_max_array_size': 1000})
SEVIRI HRIT format reader
SEVIRI Level 1.5 HRIT format reader.
The seviri_l1b_hrit
reader reads and calibrates MSG-SEVIRI L1.5 image data in HRIT format. The format is explained
in the MSG Level 1.5 Image Data Format Description. The files are usually named as
Each image is decomposed into 24 segments (files) for the high-resolution-visible (HRV) channel and 8 segments for other visible (VIS) and infrared (IR) channels. Additionally, there is one prologue and one epilogue file for the entire scan which contain global metadata valid for all channels.
Reader Arguments
Some arguments can be provided to the reader to change its behaviour. These are provided through the Scene instantiation, eg:
scn = Scene(filenames=filenames, reader="seviri_l1b_hrit", reader_kwargs={'fill_hrv': False})
To see the full list of arguments that can be provided, look into the documentation
of HRITMSGFileHandler
This reader accepts compressed HRIT files, ending in C_
as other HRIT readers, see
This reader also accepts bzipped file with the extension .bz2
for the prologue,
epilogue, and segment files.
Nominal start/end time
attribute access change
and nominal_end_time
should be accessed using the time_parameters
and nominal_end_time
are also available directly
via start_time
and end_time
Here is an exmaple of the content of the start/end time and time_parameters
Start time: 2019-08-29 12:00:00
End time: 2019-08-29 12:15:00
{'nominal_start_time': datetime.datetime(2019, 8, 29, 12, 0),
'nominal_end_time': datetime.datetime(2019, 8, 29, 12, 15),
'observation_start_time': datetime.datetime(2019, 8, 29, 12, 0, 9, 338000),
'observation_end_time': datetime.datetime(2019, 8, 29, 12, 15, 9, 203000)
Here is an example how to read the data in satpy:
from satpy import Scene
import glob
filenames = glob.glob('data/H-000-MSG4__-MSG4________-*201903011200*')
scn = Scene(filenames=filenames, reader='seviri_l1b_hrit')
scn.load(['VIS006', 'IR_108'])
<xarray.DataArray (y: 3712, x: 3712)>
dask.array<shape=(3712, 3712), dtype=float32, chunksize=(464, 3712)>
acq_time (y) datetime64[ns] NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT ... NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT
* x (x) float64 5.566e+06 5.563e+06 5.56e+06 ... -5.566e+06 -5.569e+06
* y (y) float64 -5.566e+06 -5.563e+06 ... 5.566e+06 5.569e+06
orbital_parameters: {'projection_longitude': 0.0, 'projection_latit...
platform_name: Meteosat-11
georef_offset_corrected: True
standard_name: brightness_temperature
raw_metadata: {'file_type': 0, 'total_header_length': 6198, '...
wavelength: (9.8, 10.8, 11.8)
units: K
sensor: seviri
platform_name: Meteosat-11
start_time: 2019-03-01 12:00:09.716000
end_time: 2019-03-01 12:12:42.946000
area: Area ID: some_area_name\\nDescription: On-the-fl...
name: IR_108
resolution: 3000.403165817
calibration: brightness_temperature
polarization: None
level: None
modifiers: ()
ancillary_variables: []
The filenames argument can either be a list of strings, see the example above, or a list of
objects. FSFiles can be used in conjunction with fsspec,
e.g. to handle in-memory data:
import glob
from fsspec.implementations.memory import MemoryFile, MemoryFileSystem
from satpy import Scene
from satpy.readers import FSFile
# In this example, we will make use of `MemoryFile`s in a `MemoryFileSystem`.
memory_fs = MemoryFileSystem()
# Usually, the data already resides in memory.
# For explanatory reasons, we will load the files found with glob in memory,
# and load the scene with FSFiles.
filenames = glob.glob('data/H-000-MSG4__-MSG4________-*201903011200*')
fs_files = []
for fn in filenames:
with open(fn, 'rb') as fh:
path="{}{}".format(memory_fs.root_marker, fn),
fs_files[-1].commit() # commit the file to the filesystem
fs_files = [FSFile(open_file) for open_file in filenames] # wrap MemoryFiles as FSFiles
# similar to the example above, we pass a list of FSFiles to the `Scene`
scn = Scene(filenames=fs_files, reader='seviri_l1b_hrit')
scn.load(['VIS006', 'IR_108'])
<xarray.DataArray (y: 3712, x: 3712)>
dask.array<shape=(3712, 3712), dtype=float32, chunksize=(464, 3712)>
acq_time (y) datetime64[ns] NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT ... NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT
* x (x) float64 5.566e+06 5.563e+06 5.56e+06 ... -5.566e+06 -5.569e+06
* y (y) float64 -5.566e+06 -5.563e+06 ... 5.566e+06 5.569e+06
orbital_parameters: {'projection_longitude': 0.0, 'projection_latit...
platform_name: Meteosat-11
georef_offset_corrected: True
standard_name: brightness_temperature
raw_metadata: {'file_type': 0, 'total_header_length': 6198, '...
wavelength: (9.8, 10.8, 11.8)
units: K
sensor: seviri
platform_name: Meteosat-11
start_time: 2019-03-01 12:00:09.716000
end_time: 2019-03-01 12:12:42.946000
area: Area ID: some_area_name\\nDescription: On-the-fl...
name: IR_108
resolution: 3000.403165817
calibration: brightness_temperature
polarization: None
level: None
modifiers: ()
ancillary_variables: []
SEVIRI Native format reader
SEVIRI Level 1.5 native format reader.
The seviri_l1b_native
reader reads and calibrates MSG-SEVIRI L1.5 image data in binary format. The format is
explained in the MSG Level 1.5 Native Format File Definition. The files are usually named as
Reader Arguments
Some arguments can be provided to the reader to change its behaviour. These are provided through the Scene instantiation, eg:
scn = Scene(filenames=filenames, reader="seviri_l1b_native", reader_kwargs={'fill_disk': True})
To see the full list of arguments that can be provided, look into the documentation
of NativeMSGFileHandler
Here is an example how to read the data in satpy.
NOTE: When loading the data, the orientation
of the image can be set with upper_right_corner
Possible options are NW
, NE
, SW
, SE
, or native
from satpy import Scene
filenames = ['MSG4-SEVI-MSG15-0100-NA-20210302124244.185000000Z-NA.nat']
scn = Scene(filenames=filenames, reader='seviri_l1b_native')
scn.load(['VIS006', 'IR_108'], upper_right_corner='NE')
<xarray.DataArray 'reshape-969ef97d34b7b0c70ca19f53c6abcb68' (y: 3712, x: 3712)>
dask.array<truediv, shape=(3712, 3712), dtype=float32, chunksize=(928, 3712), chunktype=numpy.ndarray>
acq_time (y) datetime64[ns] NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT ... NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT
crs object PROJCRS["unknown",BASEGEOGCRS["unknown",DATUM["unknown",...
* y (y) float64 -5.566e+06 -5.563e+06 ... 5.566e+06 5.569e+06
* x (x) float64 5.566e+06 5.563e+06 5.56e+06 ... -5.566e+06 -5.569e+06
orbital_parameters: {'projection_longitude': 0.0, 'projection_latit...
time_parameters: {'nominal_start_time': datetime.datetime(2021, ...
units: K
wavelength: 10.8 µm (9.8-11.8 µm)
standard_name: toa_brightness_temperature
platform_name: Meteosat-11
sensor: seviri
georef_offset_corrected: True
start_time: 2021-03-02 12:30:11.584603
end_time: 2021-03-02 12:45:09.949762
reader: seviri_l1b_native
area: Area ID: msg_seviri_fes_3km\\nDescription: MSG S...
name: IR_108
resolution: 3000.403165817
calibration: brightness_temperature
modifiers: ()
_satpy_id: DataID(name='IR_108', wavelength=WavelengthRang...
ancillary_variables: []
SEVIRI netCDF format reader
SEVIRI netcdf format reader.
Other xRIT-based readers
HRIT/LRIT format reader.
This module is the base module for all HRIT-based formats. Here, you will find the common building blocks for hrit reading.
One of the features here is the on-the-fly decompression of hrit files when compressed hrit files are encountered (files finishing with .C_).
JMA HRIT format reader
HRIT format reader for JMA data.
The JMA HRIT format is described in the JMA HRIT - Mission Specific Implementation. There are three readers for this format in Satpy:
: For data from the JAMI instrument on MTSAT-1Rmtsat2-imager_hrit
: For data from the Imager instrument on MTSAT-2ahi_hrit
: For data from the AHI instrument on Himawari-8/9
Although the data format is identical, the instruments have different characteristics, which is why there is a dedicated reader for each of them. Sample data is available here:
Here is an example how to read Himwari-8 HRIT data with Satpy:
from satpy import Scene
import glob
filenames = glob.glob('data/IMG_DK01B14_2018011109*')
scn = Scene(filenames=filenames, reader='ahi_hrit')
<xarray.DataArray (y: 5500, x: 5500)>
dask.array<concatenate, shape=(5500, 5500), dtype=float64, chunksize=(550, 4096), ...
acq_time (y) datetime64[ns] 2018-01-11T09:00:20.995200 ... 2018-01-11T09:09:40.348800
crs object +proj=geos +lon_0=140.7 +h=35785831 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6378169 ...
* y (y) float64 5.5e+06 5.498e+06 5.496e+06 ... -5.496e+06 -5.498e+06
* x (x) float64 -5.498e+06 -5.496e+06 -5.494e+06 ... 5.498e+06 5.5e+06
orbital_parameters: {'projection_longitude': 140.7, 'projection_latitud...
standard_name: toa_brightness_temperature
level: None
wavelength: (11.0, 11.2, 11.4)
units: K
calibration: brightness_temperature
file_type: ['hrit_b14_seg', 'hrit_b14_fd']
modifiers: ()
polarization: None
sensor: ahi
name: B14
platform_name: Himawari-8
resolution: 4000
start_time: 2018-01-11 09:00:20.995200
end_time: 2018-01-11 09:09:40.348800
area: Area ID: FLDK, Description: Full Disk, Projection I...
ancillary_variables: []
JMA HRIT data contain the scanline acquisition time for only a subset of scanlines. Timestamps of
the remaining scanlines are computed using linear interpolation. This is what you’ll find in the
coordinate of the dataset.
Gzip-compressed MTSAT files can be decompressed on the fly using
import fsspec
from satpy import Scene
from satpy.readers import FSFile
filename = "/data/HRIT_MTSAT1_20090101_0630_DK01IR1.gz"
open_file =, compression="gzip")
fs_file = FSFile(open_file)
scn = Scene([fs_file], reader="jami_hrit")
GOES HRIT format reader
GOES HRIT format reader.
LRIT/HRIT Mission Specific Implementation, February 2012 GVARRDL98.pdf 05057_SPE_MSG_LRIT_HRI
Electro-L HRIT format reader
HRIT format reader.
LRIT/HRIT Mission Specific Implementation, February 2012
hdf-eos based readers
Modis level 1b hdf-eos format reader.
The modis_l1b
reader reads and calibrates Modis L1 image data in hdf-eos format. Files often have
a pattern similar to the following one:
Other patterns where “collection” and/or “proccessing_time” are missing might also work
(see the readers yaml file for details). Geolocation files (MOD03) are also supported.
The IMAPP direct broadcast naming format is also supported with names like:
Saturation Handling
Band 2 of the MODIS sensor is available in 250m, 500m, and 1km resolutions.
The band data may include a special fill value to indicate when the detector
was saturated in the 250m version of the data. When the data is aggregated to
coarser resolutions this saturation fill value is converted to a
“can’t aggregate” fill value. By default, Satpy will replace these fill values
with NaN to indicate they are invalid. This is typically undesired when
generating images for the data as they appear as “holes” in bright clouds.
To control this the keyword argument mask_saturated
can be passed and set
to False
to set these two fill values to the maximum valid value.
scene = satpy.Scene(filenames=filenames,
reader_kwargs={'mask_saturated': False})
Note that the saturation fill value can appear in other bands (ex. bands 7-19) in addition to band 2. Also, the “can’t aggregate” fill value is a generic “catch all” for any problems encountered when aggregating high resolution bands to lower resolutions. Filling this with the max valid value could replace non-saturated invalid pixels with valid values.
Geolocation files
For the 1km data (mod021km) geolocation files (mod03) are optional. If not given to the reader 1km geolocations will be interpolated from the 5km geolocation contained within the file.
For the 500m and 250m data geolocation files are needed.
Modis gelocation description:
Modis level 2 hdf-eos format reader.
The modis_l2
reader reads and calibrates Modis L2 image data in hdf-eos format.
Since there are a multitude of different level 2 datasets not all of theses are implemented (yet).
- Currently the reader supports:
m[o/y]d35_l2: cloud_mask dataset
some datasets in m[o/y]d06 files
Additionally the reader tries to add non yaml configured 2D datasets dynamically. As mentioned above there are a lot of different level 2 datasets so this might not work in every case (for example bit encoded datasets similar to the supported m[0/y]d35_l2 cloud mask are not decoded).
To get a list of the available datasets for a given file refer to the Available datasets section.
Geolocation files
Similar to the modis_l1b
reader the geolocation files (mod03) for the 1km data are optional and if not
given 1km geolocations will be interpolated from the 5km geolocation contained within the file.
For the 500m and 250m data geolocation files are needed.
Documentation about the format:
satpy cf nc readers
Reader for files produced with the cf netcdf writer in satpy.
The satpy_cf_nc
reader reads data written by the satpy cf_writer. Filenames for cf_writer are optional.
There are several readers using the same reader.
Generic reader
Generic reader
The generic satpy_cf_nc
reader reads files of type:
Here is an example how to read the data in satpy:
from satpy import Scene
filenames = ['data/']
scn = Scene(reader='satpy_cf_nc', filenames=filenames)
<xarray.DataArray 'M05' (y: 4592, x: 3200)>
dask.array<open_dataset-d91cfbf1bf4f14710d27446d91cdc6e4M05, shape=(4592, 3200),
dtype=float32, chunksize=(4096, 3200), chunktype=numpy.ndarray>
longitude (y, x) float32 dask.array<chunksize=(4096, 3200), meta=np.ndarray>
latitude (y, x) float32 dask.array<chunksize=(4096, 3200), meta=np.ndarray>
Dimensions without coordinates: y, x
start_time: 2020-10-07 07:59:15
start_orbit: 46350
end_time: 2020-10-07 08:07:44
end_orbit: 46350
calibration: reflectance
long_name: M05
modifiers: ('sunz_corrected',)
platform_name: Suomi-NPP
resolution: 742
sensor: viirs
standard_name: toa_bidirectional_reflectance
units: %
wavelength: 0.672 µm (0.662-0.682 µm)
date_created: 2020-10-07T08:20:02Z
instrument: VIIRS
Available datasets and attributes will depend on the data saved with the cf_writer.
The avhrr_l1c_eum_gac_fdr_nc
reader reads files of type:
Here is an example how to read the data in satpy:
from satpy import Scene
filenames = ['data/']
scn = Scene(reader='avhrr_l1c_eum_gac_fdr_nc', filenames=filenames)
<xarray.DataArray 'brightness_temperature_channel_4' (y: 11, x: 409)>
dask.array<open_dataset-55ffbf3623b32077c67897f4283640a5brightness_temperature_channel_4, shape=(11, 409),
dtype=float32, chunksize=(11, 409), chunktype=numpy.ndarray>
* x (x) int16 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ... 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408
* y (y) int64 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
acq_time (y) datetime64[ns] dask.array<chunksize=(11,), meta=np.ndarray>
longitude (y, x) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(11, 409), meta=np.ndarray>
latitude (y, x) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(11, 409), meta=np.ndarray>
start_time: 1981-03-30 04:23:58
end_time: 1981-03-30 06:09:03
calibration: brightness_temperature
modifiers: ()
resolution: 1050
standard_name: toa_brightness_temperature
units: K
wavelength: 10.8 µm (10.3-11.3 µm)
Conventions: CF-1.8 ACDD-1.3
comment: Developed in cooperation with EUME...
creator_name: EUMETSAT
date_created: 2020-09-14T10:50:51.073707
disposition_mode: O
gac_filename: NSS.GHRR.NA.D81089.S0423.E0609.B09...
geospatial_lat_max: 89.95386902434623
geospatial_lat_min: -89.97581969005503
geospatial_lat_resolution: 1050 meters
geospatial_lat_units: degrees_north
geospatial_lon_max: 179.99952992568998
geospatial_lon_min: -180.0
geospatial_lon_resolution: 1050 meters
geospatial_lon_units: degrees_east
ground_station: GC
id: DOI:10.5676/EUM/AVHRR_GAC_L1C_FDR/...
institution: EUMETSAT
instrument: Earth Remote Sensing Instruments >...
keywords_vocabulary: GCMD Science Keywords, Version 9.1
licence: EUMETSAT data policy https://www.e...
naming_authority: int.eumetsat
orbit_number_end: 9123
orbit_number_start: 9122
orbital_parameters_tle: ['1 11416U 79057A 81090.16350942...
platform: Earth Observation Satellites > NOA...
processing_level: 1C
processing_mode: R
product_version: 1.0.0
references: Devasthale, A., M. Raspaud, C. Sch...
source: AVHRR GAC Level 1 Data
standard_name_vocabulary: CF Standard Name Table v73
summary: Fundamental Data Record (FDR) of m...
sun_earth_distance_correction_factor: 0.9975244779999585
time_coverage_end: 19820803T003900Z
time_coverage_start: 19800101T000000Z
version_calib_coeffs: PATMOS-x, v2017r1
version_pygac: 1.4.0
version_pygac_fdr: 0.1.dev107+gceb7b26.d20200910
version_satpy: 0.21.1.dev894+g5cf76e6
history: Created by pytroll/satpy on 2020-0...
name: brightness_temperature_channel_4
_satpy_id: DataID(name='brightness_temperatur...
ancillary_variables: []
hdf5 based readers
Advanced Geostationary Radiation Imager reader for the Level_1 HDF format.
The files read by this reader are described in the official Real Time Data Service:
Geostationary High-speed Imager reader for the Level_1 HDF format.
This instrument is aboard the Fengyun-4B satellite. No document is available to describe this format is available, but it’s broadly similar to the co-flying AGRI instrument.
Arctica-M N1 HDF5 format reader
Reader for the Arctica-M1 MSU-GS/A data.
The files for this reader are HDF5 and contain channel data at 1km resolution for the VIS channels and 4km resolution for the IR channels. Geolocation data is available at both resolutions, as is sun and satellite geometry.
This reader was tested on sample data provided by EUMETSAT.
Filter loaded files
Coming soon…
Load data
Datasets in Satpy are identified by certain pieces of metadata set during
data loading. These include name, wavelength, calibration,
resolution, polarization, and modifiers. Normally, once a Scene
is created requesting datasets by name or wavelength is all that is
>>> from satpy import Scene
>>> scn = Scene(reader="seviri_l1b_hrit", filenames=filenames)
>>> scn.load([0.6, 0.8, 10.8])
>>> scn.load(['IR_120', 'IR_134'])
However, in many cases datasets are available in multiple spatial resolutions,
multiple calibrations (brightness_temperature
, reflectance
, etc),
multiple polarizations, or have corrections or other modifiers already applied
to them. By default Satpy will provide the version of the dataset with the
highest resolution and the highest level of calibration (brightness
temperature or reflectance over radiance). It is also possible to request one
of these exact versions of a dataset by using the
>>> from satpy import DataQuery
>>> my_channel_id = DataQuery(name='IR_016', calibration='radiance')
>>> scn.load([my_channel_id])
>>> print(scn['IR_016'])
Or request multiple datasets at a specific calibration, resolution, or polarization:
>>> scn.load([0.6, 0.8], resolution=1000)
Or multiple calibrations:
>>> scn.load([0.6, 10.8], calibration=['brightness_temperature', 'radiance'])
In the above case Satpy will load whatever dataset is available and matches
the specified parameters. So the above load
call would load the 0.6
(a visible/reflectance band) radiance data and 10.8
(an IR band)
brightness temperature data.
For geostationary satellites that have the individual channel data
separated to several files (segments) the missing segments are padded
by default to full disk area. This is made to simplify caching of
resampling look-up tables (see Resampling for more information).
To disable this, the user can pass pad_data
keyword argument when
loading datasets:
>>> scn.load([0.6, 10.8], pad_data=False)
For geostationary products, where the imagery is stored in the files in an unconventional orientation
(e.g. MSG SEVIRI L1.5 data are stored with the southwest corner in the upper right), the keyword argument
can be passed into the load call to automatically flip the datasets to the
wished orientation. Accepted argument values are 'NE'
, 'NW'
, 'SE'
, 'SW'
and 'native'
By default, no flipping is applied (corresponding to upper_right_corner='native'
) and
the data are delivered in the original format. To get the data in the common upright orientation,
load the datasets using e.g.:
>>> scn.load(['VIS008'], upper_right_corner='NE')
If a dataset could not be loaded there is no exception raised. You must
check the
property for any DataID
that could not be loaded.
Available datasets
To find out what datasets are available from a reader from the files that were
provided to the Scene
>>> scn.available_dataset_ids()
Or available_dataset_names()
for just the string
names of Datasets:
>>> scn.available_dataset_names()
Load remote data
Starting with Satpy version 0.25.1 with supported readers it is possible to
load data from remote file systems like s3fs
or fsspec
For example:
>>> from satpy import Scene
>>> from satpy.readers import FSFile
>>> import fsspec
>>> filename = 'noaa-goes16/ABI-L1b-RadC/2019/001/17/*_G16_s20190011702186*'
>>> the_files = fsspec.open_files("simplecache::s3://" + filename, s3={'anon': True})
>>> fs_files = [FSFile(open_file) for open_file in the_files]
>>> scn = Scene(filenames=fs_files, reader='abi_l1b')
>>> scn.load(['true_color_raw'])
Check the list of Reader Table to see which reader supports remote
files. For the usage of fsspec
and advanced features like caching files
locally see the fsspec Documentation .
Search for local/remote files
Satpy provides a utility
for searching for files in
a base directory matching various search parameters. This function discovers
files based on filename patterns. It returns a dictionary mapping reader name
to a list of filenames supported. This dictionary can be passed directly to
the Scene
>>> from satpy import find_files_and_readers, Scene
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> my_files = find_files_and_readers(base_dir='/data/viirs_sdrs',
... reader='viirs_sdr',
... start_time=datetime(2017, 5, 1, 18, 1, 0),
... end_time=datetime(2017, 5, 1, 18, 30, 0))
>>> scn = Scene(filenames=my_files)
See the find_files_and_readers()
documentation for
more information on the possible parameters as well as for searching on
remote file systems.
The datasets held by a scene also provide vital metadata such as dataset name, units, observation time etc. The following attributes are standardized across all readers:
, and other identifying metadata keys: See Satpy internal workings: having a look under the hood.start_time
: Left boundary of the time interval covered by the dataset. For more information see the Time Metadata section below.end_time
: Right boundary of the time interval covered by the dataset. For more information see the Time Metadata section below.area
if data is geolocated. Areas are used for gridded projected data and Swaths when data must be described by individual longitude/latitude coordinates. See the Coordinates section below.sensor
: The name of the sensor that recorded the data. For full support through Satpy this should be all lowercase. If the dataset is the result of observations from multiple sensors aset
object can be used to specify more than one sensor name.reader
: The name of the Satpy reader that produced the dataset.orbital_parameters
: Dictionary of orbital parameters describing the satellite’s position. See the Orbital Parameters section below for more information.time_parameters
: Dictionary of additional time parameters describing the time ranges related to the requests or schedules for when observations should happen and when they actually do. See Time Metadata below for details.raw_metadata
: Raw, unprocessed metadata from the reader.rows_per_scan
: Optional integer indicating how many rows of data represent a single scan of the instrument. This is primarily used by some resampling algorithms (ex. EWA) to produce better results and only makes sense for swath-based (usually polar-orbiting) instruments. For example, MODIS 1km data has 10 rows of data per scan. If an instrument does not have multiple rows per scan this should usually be set to 0 rather than 1 to indicate that the entire swath should be treated as a whole.
Note that the above attributes are not necessarily available for each dataset.
Time Metadata
In addition to the generic start_time
and end_time
pieces of metadata
there are other time fields that may be provided if the reader supports them.
These items are stored in a time_parameters
sub-dictionary and they include
values like:
: The point in time when a sensor began recording for the current data.observation_end_time
: Same asobservation_start_time
, but when data has stopped being recorded.nominal_start_time
: The “human friendly” time describing the start of the data observation interval or repeat cycle. This time is often on a round minute (seconds=0). Along with the nominal end time, these times define the regular interval of the data collection. For example, GOES-16 ABI full disk images are collected every 10 minutes (in the common configuration) sonominal_start_time
would be 10 minutes apart regardless of when the instrument recorded data inside that interval. This time may also be referred to as the repeat cycle, repeat slot, or time slot.nominal_end_time
: Same asnominal_start_time
, but the end of the interval.
In general, start_time
and end_time
will be set to the “nominal”
time by the reader. This ensures that other Satpy components get a
consistent time for calculations (ex. generation of solar zenith angles)
and can be reused between bands.
See the Coordinates section below for more information on time information that may show up as a per-element/row “coordinate” on the DataArray (ex. acquisition time) instead of as metadata.
Orbital Parameters
Orbital parameters describe the position of the satellite. As such they typically come in a few “flavors” for the common types of orbits a satellite may have.
For geostationary satellites it is described using the following scalar attributes:
: Current position of the satellite at the time of observation in geodetic coordinates (i.e. altitude is relative and normal to the surface of the ellipsoid). The longitude and latitude are given in degrees, the altitude in meters.
: Center of the station keeping box (a confined area in which the satellite is actively maintained in using maneuvers). Inbetween major maneuvers, when the satellite is permanently moved, the nominal position is constant. The longitude and latitude are given in degrees, the altitude in meters.
: Intersection of the instrument’s Nadir with the surface of the earth. May differ from the actual satellite position, if the instrument is pointing slightly off the axis (satellite, earth-center). If available, this should be used to compute viewing angles etc. Otherwise, use the actual satellite position. The values are given in degrees.
: Projection center of the re-projected data. This should be used to compute lat/lon coordinates. Note that the projection center can differ considerably from the actual satellite position. For example MSG-1 was at times positioned at 3.4 degrees west, while the image data was re-projected to 0 degrees. The longitude and latitude are given in degrees, the altitude in meters.Note
For use in pyorbital, the altitude has to be converted to kilometers, see for example
For polar orbiting satellites the readers usually provide coordinates and viewing angles of the swath as ancillary datasets. Additional metadata related to the satellite position includes:
: Two-Line Element (TLE) set used to compute the satellite’s orbit
Each DataArray
produced by Satpy has several Xarray
coordinate variables added to them.
: Projection coordinates for gridded and projected data. By default y and x are the preferred dimensions for all 2D data, but these coordinates are only added for gridded (non-swath) data. For 1D data only they
dimension may be
object defined the Coordinate Reference System for the data. Requires pyproj 2.0 or later to be installed. This is stored as a scalar array by Xarray so it must be accessed by doingcrs = my_data_arr.attrs['crs'].item()
. For swath data this defaults to alonglat
CRS using the WGS84 datum.longitude
: Array of longitude coordinates for swath data.latitude
: Array of latitude coordinates for swath data.
Readers are free to define any coordinates in addition to the ones above that are automatically added. Other possible coordinates you may see:
: Instrument data acquisition time per scan or row of data.
Adding a Reader to Satpy
This is described in the developer guide, see Adding a Custom Reader to Satpy.