satpy.tests.test_modifiers module

Tests for modifiers in modifiers/

class satpy.tests.test_modifiers.TestNIREmissivePartFromReflectance(methodName='runTest')[source]

Bases: TestCase

Test the NIR Emissive part from reflectance compositor.

Create an instance of the class that will use the named test method when executed. Raises a ValueError if the instance does not have a method with the specified name.

_classSetupFailed = False
_class_cleanups = []
test_compositor(calculator, apply_modifier_info, sza)[source]

Test the NIR emissive part from reflectance compositor.

class satpy.tests.test_modifiers.TestNIRReflectance(methodName='runTest')[source]

Bases: TestCase

Test NIR reflectance compositor.

Create an instance of the class that will use the named test method when executed. Raises a ValueError if the instance does not have a method with the specified name.

_classSetupFailed = False
_class_cleanups = []
fake_refl_from_tbs(sun_zenith, da_nir, da_tb11, tb_ir_co2=None)[source]

Fake refl_from_tbs.


Set up the test case for the NIRReflectance compositor.

test_masking_limit_default_value_is_not_none(calculator, apply_modifier_info, sza)[source]

Check that sun_zenith_threshold is not None.

test_no_sunz_no_co2(calculator, apply_modifier_info, sza)[source]

Test NIR reflectance compositor with minimal parameters.

test_no_sunz_with_co2(calculator, apply_modifier_info, sza)[source]

Test NIR reflectance compositor provided extra co2 info.

test_provide_masking_limit(calculator, apply_modifier_info, sza)[source]

Test NIR reflectance compositor provided sunz and a sunz threshold.

test_provide_sunz_and_threshold(calculator, apply_modifier_info, sza)[source]

Test NIR reflectance compositor provided sunz and a sunz threshold.

test_provide_sunz_no_co2(calculator, apply_modifier_info, sza)[source]

Test NIR reflectance compositor provided only sunz.

test_sunz_threshold_default_value_is_not_none(calculator, apply_modifier_info, sza)[source]

Check that sun_zenith_threshold is not None.

class satpy.tests.test_modifiers.TestPSPAtmosphericalCorrection(methodName='runTest')[source]

Bases: TestCase

Test the pyspectral-based atmospheric correction modifier.

Create an instance of the class that will use the named test method when executed. Raises a ValueError if the instance does not have a method with the specified name.

_classSetupFailed = False
_class_cleanups = []

Test atmospherical correction.

class satpy.tests.test_modifiers.TestPSPRayleighReflectance[source]

Bases: object

Test the pyspectral-based Rayleigh correction modifier.

_create_test_data(name, wavelength, resolution)[source]

Create test area definition and data.

test_rayleigh_corrector(name, wavelength, resolution, aerosol_type, reduce_lim_low, reduce_lim_high, reduce_strength, exp_mean, exp_unique)[source]

Test PSPRayleighReflectance with fake data.


Test PSPRayleighReflectance with angles provided.

class satpy.tests.test_modifiers.TestSunZenithCorrector[source]

Bases: object

Test case for the zenith corrector.

test_basic_default_not_provided(sunz_ds1, as_32bit)[source]

Test default limits when SZA isn’t provided.

test_basic_default_provided(data_arr, sunz_sza)[source]

Test default limits when SZA is provided.


Test custom limits when SZA isn’t provided.

test_basic_lims_provided(data_arr, sunz_sza)[source]

Test custom limits when SZA is provided.

test_imcompatible_areas(sunz_ds2, sunz_sza)[source]

Test sunz correction on incompatible areas.

class satpy.tests.test_modifiers.TestSunZenithReducer[source]

Bases: object

Test case for the sun zenith reducer.

classmethod setup_class()[source]

Initialze SunZenithReducer classes that shall be tested.

test_custom_settings(sunz_ds1, sunz_sza)[source]

Test custom settings with sza data available.

test_default_settings(sunz_ds1, sunz_sza)[source]

Test default settings with sza data available.

test_invalid_max_sza(sunz_ds1, sunz_sza)[source]

Test invalid max_sza with sza data available.


Get fake area for testing sunz generation.


Get area that is twice the size of ‘sunz_area_def’.


Get fake stacked area for testing sunz generation.


Generate fake dataset for sunz tests.


Generate fake dataset for sunz tests.


Generate larger fake dataset for sunz tests.


Generate fake solar zenith angle data array for testing.