satpy.readers.mirs module
Interface to MiRS product.
- class satpy.readers.mirs.MiRSL2ncHandler(filename, filename_info, filetype_info, limb_correction=True)[source]
MiRS handler for NetCDF4 files using xarray.
The MiRS retrieval algorithm runs on multiple sensors. For the ATMS sensors, a limb correction is applied by default. In order to change that behavior, use the keyword argument
:from satpy import Scene, find_files_and_readers filenames = find_files_and_readers(base_dir, reader="mirs") scene = Scene(filenames, reader_kwargs={'limb_correction': False})
Init method.
- _apply_valid_range(data_arr, valid_range, scale_factor, add_offset)[source]
Get and apply valid_range.
- property _get_coeff_filenames
Retrieve necessary files for coefficients if needed.
- property _get_platform_name
Get platform name.
- property _get_sensor
Get sensor.
- apply_attributes(data, ds_info)[source]
Combine attributes from file and yaml and apply.
File attributes should take precedence over yaml if both are present
- available_datasets(configured_datasets=None)[source]
Dynamically discover what variables can be loaded from this file.
for more information.
- property end_time
Get end time.
- property platform_shortname
Get platform shortname.
- property sensor_names
Return standard sensor names for the file’s data.
- property start_time
Get start time.
- satpy.readers.mirs.apply_atms_limb_correction(datasets, channel_idx, dmean, coeffs, amean, nchx, nchanx)[source]
Calculate the correction for each channel.
- satpy.readers.mirs.get_coeff_by_sfc(coeff_fn, bt_data, idx)[source]
Read coefficients for specific filename (land or sea).