satpy.readers.utils module
Helper functions for satpy readers.
- class satpy.readers.utils.CalibrationCoefficientPicker(coefs, calib_wishlist, default='nominal', fallback=None)[source]
Helper for choosing coefficients out of multiple options.
Example: Three sets of coefficients are available (nominal, meirink, gsics). A user wants to calibrate
channel 1 with “meirink”
channels 2/3 with “gsics”
channel 4 with custom coefficients
remaining channels with nominal coefficients
Users provide a wishlist via
calib_wishlist = { "ch1": "meirink", ("ch2", "ch3"): "gsics" "ch4": {"mygain": 123}, } # Also possible: Same mode for all channels via # calib_wishlist = "gsics"
Readers provide a dictionary with all available coefficients
coefs = { "nominal": { "ch1": 1.0, "ch2": 2.0, "ch3": 3.0, "ch4": 4.0, "ch5": 5.0, }, "meirink": { "ch1": 1.1, }, "gsics": { "ch2": 2.2, # ch3 coefficients are missing } }
Raders make queries to get the desired coefficients:
>>> from satpy.readers.utils import CalibrationCoefficientPicker >>> picker = CalibrationCoefficientPicker(coefs, calib_wishlist) >>> picker.get_coefs("ch1") {"coefs": 1.0, "mode": "meirink"} >>> picker.get_coefs("ch2") {"coefs": 2.2, "mode": "gsics"} >>> picker.get_coefs("ch3") KeyError: 'No gsics calibration coefficients for ch3' >>> picker.get_coefs("ch4") {"coefs": {"mygain": 123}, "mode": "external"} >>> picker.get_coefs("ch5") {"coefs": 5.0, "mode": "nominal"}
Fallback to nominal coefficients for ch3:
>>> picker = CalibrationCoefficientPicker(coefs, calib_wishlist, fallback="nominal") >>> picker.get_coefs("ch3") WARNING No gsics calibration coefficients for ch3. Falling back to nominal. {"coefs": 3.0, "mode": "nominal"}
Initialize the coefficient picker.
- Parameters:
coefs (dict) – One set of calibration coefficients for each calibration mode. The actual coefficients can be of any type (reader-specific).
calib_wishlist (str or dict) – Desired calibration coefficients. Use a dictionary to specify channel-specific coefficients. Use a string to specify one mode for all channels.
default (str) – Default coefficients to be used if nothing was specified in the calib_wishlist. Default: “nominal”.
fallback (str) – Fallback coefficients if the desired coefficients are not available for some channel. By default, an exception is raised if coefficients are missing.
- class satpy.readers.utils._CalibrationCoefficientParser(coefs, default='nominal')[source]
Parse user-defined calibration coefficients.
Initialize the parser.
- satpy.readers.utils._lonlat_from_geos_angle(x, y, geos_area)[source]
Get lons and lats from x, y in projection coordinates.
- satpy.readers.utils._unzip_FSFile(filename: FSFile, prefix=None)[source]
Open and Unzip remote FSFile ending with ‘bz2’.
- Parameters:
filename – The FSFile to unzip.
prefix (str, optional) – If file is one of many segments of data, prefix random filename
number. (for correct sorting. This is normally the segment)
- Returns:
Temporary filename path for decompressed file or None.
- satpy.readers.utils._unzip_local_file(filename: str, prefix=None)[source]
Unzip the file ending with ‘bz2’. Initially with pbzip2 if installed or bz2.
- Parameters:
filename – The file to unzip.
prefix (str, optional) – If file is one of many segments of data, prefix random filename
number. (for correct sorting. This is normally the segment)
- Returns:
Temporary filename path for decompressed file or None.
- satpy.readers.utils.apply_earthsun_distance_correction(reflectance, utc_date=None)[source]
Correct reflectance data to account for changing Earth-Sun distance.
- satpy.readers.utils.apply_rad_correction(data, slope, offset)[source]
Apply GSICS-like correction factors to radiance data.
- satpy.readers.utils.bbox(img)[source]
Find the bounding box around nonzero elements in the given array.
Copied from .
- Returns:
rowmin, rowmax, colmin, colmax
- satpy.readers.utils.fromfile(filename, dtype, count=1, offset=0)[source]
Read the numpy array from a (remote or local) file using a buffer.
This function relies on the
context manager to read a file remotely.- Parameters:
filename – Either the name of the file to read or a
object.dtype – The data type of the numpy array
count (Optional, default
) – Number of items to readoffset (Optional, default
) – Starting point for reading the buffer from
- Returns:
The content of the filename as a numpy array with the given data type.
- satpy.readers.utils.generic_open(filename, *args, **kwargs)[source]
Context manager for opening either a regular file or a bzip2 file.
Returns a file-like object.
- satpy.readers.utils.get_array_date(scn_data, utc_date=None)[source]
Get start time from a channel data array.
- satpy.readers.utils.get_earth_radius(lon, lat, a, b)[source]
Compute radius of the earth ellipsoid at the given longitude and latitude.
- Parameters:
lon – Geodetic longitude (degrees)
lat – Geodetic latitude (degrees)
a – Semi-major axis of the ellipsoid (meters)
b – Semi-minor axis of the ellipsoid (meters)
- Returns:
Earth Radius (meters)
- satpy.readers.utils.get_geostationary_angle_extent(geos_area)[source]
Get the max earth (vs space) viewing angles in x and y.
- satpy.readers.utils.get_geostationary_bounding_box(geos_area, nb_points=50)[source]
Get the bbox in lon/lats of the valid pixels inside geos_area.
- Parameters:
geos_area – The geostationary area to analyse.
nb_points – Number of points on the polygon
- satpy.readers.utils.get_geostationary_mask(area, chunks=None)[source]
Compute a mask of the earth’s shape as seen by a geostationary satellite.
- Parameters:
area (pyresample.geometry.AreaDefinition) – Corresponding area definition
chunks (int or tuple) – Chunk size for the 2D array that is generated.
- Returns:
Boolean mask, True inside the earth’s shape, False outside.
- satpy.readers.utils.get_sub_area(area, xslice, yslice)[source]
Apply slices to the area_extent and size of the area.
- satpy.readers.utils.get_user_calibration_factors(band_name, correction_dict)[source]
Retrieve radiance correction factors from user-supplied dict.
- satpy.readers.utils.np2str(value)[source]
Convert an numpy.string_ to str.
- Parameters:
value (ndarray) – scalar or 1-element numpy array to convert
- Raises:
ValueError – if value is array larger than 1-element, or it is not of type numpy.string_ or it is not a numpy array
- satpy.readers.utils.reduce_mda(mda, max_size=100)[source]
Recursively remove arrays with more than max_size elements from the given metadata dictionary.
- satpy.readers.utils.remove_earthsun_distance_correction(reflectance, utc_date=None)[source]
Remove the sun-earth distance correction.
- satpy.readers.utils.unzip_context(filename)[source]
Context manager for decompressing a .bz2 file on the fly.
Uses unzip_file. Removes the uncompressed file on exit of the context manager.
Returns: the filename of the uncompressed file or of the original file if it was not compressed.
- satpy.readers.utils.unzip_file(filename: str | FSFile, prefix=None)[source]
Unzip the local/remote file ending with ‘bz2’.
- Parameters:
filename – The local/remote file to unzip.
prefix (str, optional) – If file is one of many segments of data, prefix random filename
number. (for correct sorting. This is normally the segment)
- Returns:
Temporary filename path for decompressed file or None.