Source code for satpy.tests.reader_tests.test_seviri_l1b_nc

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2017-2020 Satpy developers
# This file is part of satpy.
# satpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
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# satpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
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# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
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"""The HRIT msg reader tests package."""

from datetime import datetime
from unittest import mock

import numpy as np
import pytest
import xarray as xr

from satpy.readers.seviri_l1b_nc import NCSEVIRIFileHandler
from satpy.tests.reader_tests.test_seviri_base import ORBIT_POLYNOMIALS
from satpy.tests.reader_tests.test_seviri_l1b_calibration import TestFileHandlerCalibrationBase
from satpy.tests.utils import assert_attrs_equal, make_dataid

channel_keys_dict = {"VIS006": "ch1", "IR_108": "ch9"}

[docs] def to_cds_time(time): """Convert datetime to (days, msecs) since 1958-01-01.""" if isinstance(time, datetime): time = np.datetime64(time) t0 = np.datetime64("1958-01-01 00:00") delta = time - t0 days = (delta / np.timedelta64(1, "D")).astype(int) msecs = delta / np.timedelta64(1, "ms") - days * 24 * 3600 * 1E3 return days, msecs
[docs] class TestNCSEVIRIFileHandler(TestFileHandlerCalibrationBase): """Unit tests for SEVIRI netCDF reader."""
[docs] def _get_fake_dataset(self, counts, h5netcdf): """Create a fake dataset. Args: counts (xr.DataArray): Array with data. h5netcdf (boolean): If True an array attribute will be created which is common for the h5netcdf backend in xarray for scalar values. """ acq_time_day = np.repeat([1, 1], 11).reshape(2, 11) acq_time_msec = np.repeat([1000, 2000], 11).reshape(2, 11) line_validity = np.repeat([3, 3], 11).reshape(2, 11) line_geom_radio_quality = np.repeat([4, 4], 11).reshape(2, 11) orbit_poly_start_day, orbit_poly_start_msec = to_cds_time( np.array([datetime(2019, 12, 31, 18), datetime(2019, 12, 31, 22)], dtype="datetime64") ) orbit_poly_end_day, orbit_poly_end_msec = to_cds_time( np.array([datetime(2019, 12, 31, 22), datetime(2020, 1, 1, 2)], dtype="datetime64") ) counts = counts.rename({ "y": "num_rows_vis_ir", "x": "num_columns_vis_ir" }) scan_time_days, scan_time_msecs = to_cds_time(self.scan_time) ds = xr.Dataset( { "ch1": counts.copy(), "ch9": counts.copy(), "HRV": (("num_rows_hrv", "num_columns_hrv"), [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]), "planned_chan_processing": self.radiance_types, "channel_data_visir_data_l10_line_mean_acquisition_time_day": ( ("num_rows_vis_ir", "channels_vis_ir_dim"), acq_time_day ), "channel_data_visir_data_l10_line_mean_acquisition_msec": ( ("num_rows_vis_ir", "channels_vis_ir_dim"), acq_time_msec ), "channel_data_visir_data_line_validity": ( ("num_rows_vis_ir", "channels_vis_ir_dim"), line_validity ), "channel_data_visir_data_line_geometric_quality": ( ("num_rows_vis_ir", "channels_vis_ir_dim"), line_geom_radio_quality ), "channel_data_visir_data_line_radiometric_quality": ( ("num_rows_vis_ir", "channels_vis_ir_dim"), line_geom_radio_quality ), "orbit_polynomial_x": ( ("orbit_polynomial_dim_row", "orbit_polynomial_dim_col"), ORBIT_POLYNOMIALS["X"][0:2] ), "orbit_polynomial_y": ( ("orbit_polynomial_dim_row", "orbit_polynomial_dim_col"), ORBIT_POLYNOMIALS["Y"][0:2] ), "orbit_polynomial_z": ( ("orbit_polynomial_dim_row", "orbit_polynomial_dim_col"), ORBIT_POLYNOMIALS["Z"][0:2] ), "orbit_polynomial_start_time_day": ( "orbit_polynomial_dim_row", orbit_poly_start_day ), "orbit_polynomial_start_time_msec": ( "orbit_polynomial_dim_row", orbit_poly_start_msec ), "orbit_polynomial_end_time_day": ( "orbit_polynomial_dim_row", orbit_poly_end_day ), "orbit_polynomial_end_time_msec": ( "orbit_polynomial_dim_row", orbit_poly_end_msec ), }, attrs={ "equatorial_radius": 6378.169, "north_polar_radius": 6356.5838, "south_polar_radius": 6356.5838, "longitude_of_SSP": 0.0, "nominal_longitude": -3.5, "satellite_id": self.platform_id, "true_repeat_cycle_start_day": scan_time_days, "true_repeat_cycle_start_mi_sec": scan_time_msecs, "planned_repeat_cycle_end_day": scan_time_days, "planned_repeat_cycle_end_mi_sec": scan_time_msecs, "north_most_line": 3712, "east_most_pixel": 1, "west_most_pixel": 3712, "south_most_line": 1, "vis_ir_grid_origin": 0, "vis_ir_column_dir_grid_step": 3.0004032, "vis_ir_line_dir_grid_step": 3.0004032, "type_of_earth_model": "0x02", "nominal_image_scanning": "T", } ) if h5netcdf: nattrs = {"equatorial_radius": np.array([6378.169]), "north_polar_radius": np.array([6356.5838]), "south_polar_radius": np.array([6356.5838]), "longitude_of_SSP": np.array([0.0]), "vis_ir_column_dir_grid_step": np.array([3.0004032]), "vis_ir_line_dir_grid_step": np.array([3.0004032]) } ds.attrs.update(nattrs) ds["ch1"].attrs.update({ "scale_factor": self.gains_nominal[0], "add_offset": self.offsets_nominal[0] }) # IR_108 is dataset with key ch9 ds["ch9"].attrs.update({ "scale_factor": self.gains_nominal[8], "add_offset": self.offsets_nominal[8], }) # Add some attributes so that the reader can strip them strip_attrs = { "comment": None, "long_name": None, "valid_min": None, "valid_max": None } for name in ["ch1", "ch9"]: ds[name].attrs.update(strip_attrs) return ds
[docs] @pytest.fixture() def h5netcdf(self): """Fixture for xr backend choice.""" return False
[docs] @pytest.fixture(name="file_handler") def file_handler(self, counts, h5netcdf): """Create a mocked file handler.""" with mock.patch( "satpy.readers.seviri_l1b_nc.open_dataset", return_value=self._get_fake_dataset(counts=counts, h5netcdf=h5netcdf) ): return NCSEVIRIFileHandler( "filename", {"platform_shortname": "MSG3", "start_time": self.scan_time, "service": "MSG"}, {"filetype": "info"} )
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("channel", "calibration", "use_ext_coefs"), [ # VIS channel, internal coefficients ("VIS006", "counts", False), ("VIS006", "radiance", False), ("VIS006", "reflectance", False), # VIS channel, external coefficients ("VIS006", "radiance", True), ("VIS006", "reflectance", True), # IR channel, internal coefficients ("IR_108", "counts", False), ("IR_108", "radiance", False), ("IR_108", "brightness_temperature", False), # IR channel, external coefficients ("IR_108", "radiance", True), ("IR_108", "brightness_temperature", True), # FUTURE: Enable once HRV reading has been fixed. # # HRV channel, internal coefficiens # ('HRV', 'counts', False), # ('HRV', 'radiance', False), # ('HRV', 'reflectance', False), # # HRV channel, external coefficients (mode should have no effect) # ('HRV', 'radiance', True), # ('HRV', 'reflectance', True), ] ) def test_calibrate( self, file_handler, channel, calibration, use_ext_coefs ): """Test the calibration.""" external_coefs = self.external_coefs if use_ext_coefs else {} expected = self._get_expected( channel=channel, calibration=calibration, calib_mode="NOMINAL", use_ext_coefs=use_ext_coefs ) fh = file_handler fh.ext_calib_coefs = external_coefs dataset_id = make_dataid(name=channel, calibration=calibration) key = channel_keys_dict[channel] res = fh.calibrate([key], dataset_id) xr.testing.assert_allclose(res, expected)
[docs] def test_mask_bad_quality(self, file_handler): """Test masking of bad quality scan lines.""" channel = "VIS006" key = channel_keys_dict[channel] dataset_info = { "nc_key": key, "units": "units", "wavelength": "wavelength", "standard_name": "standard_name" } expected = self._get_expected( channel=channel, calibration="radiance", calib_mode="NOMINAL", use_ext_coefs=False ) fh = file_handler res = fh._mask_bad_quality([key], dataset_info) new_data = np.zeros_like("float32") new_data[:, :] = np.nan expected = expected.copy(data=new_data) xr.testing.assert_allclose(res, expected)
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("channel", "calibration", "mask_bad_quality_scan_lines"), [ ("VIS006", "reflectance", True), ("VIS006", "reflectance", False), ("IR_108", "brightness_temperature", True) ] ) def test_get_dataset(self, file_handler, channel, calibration, mask_bad_quality_scan_lines): """Test getting the dataset.""" dataset_id = make_dataid(name=channel, calibration=calibration) key = channel_keys_dict[channel] dataset_info = { "nc_key": key, "units": "units", "wavelength": "wavelength", "standard_name": "standard_name" } file_handler.mask_bad_quality_scan_lines = mask_bad_quality_scan_lines res = file_handler.get_dataset(dataset_id, dataset_info) # Test scanline acquisition times expected = self._get_expected( channel=channel, calibration=calibration, calib_mode="NOMINAL", use_ext_coefs=False ) expected.attrs = { "orbital_parameters": { "satellite_actual_longitude": -3.541742131915741, "satellite_actual_latitude": -0.5203765167594427, "satellite_actual_altitude": 35783419.16135868, "satellite_nominal_longitude": -3.5, "satellite_nominal_latitude": 0.0, "projection_longitude": 0.0, "projection_latitude": 0.0, "projection_altitude": 35785831.0 }, "time_parameters": { "nominal_start_time": datetime(2020, 1, 1, 0, 0), "nominal_end_time": datetime(2020, 1, 1, 0, 0), "observation_start_time": datetime(2020, 1, 1, 0, 0), "observation_end_time": datetime(2020, 1, 1, 0, 0), }, "georef_offset_corrected": True, "platform_name": "Meteosat-11", "sensor": "seviri", "units": "units", "wavelength": "wavelength", "standard_name": "standard_name" } expected["acq_time"] = ("y", [np.datetime64("1958-01-02 00:00:01").astype("datetime64[ns]"), np.datetime64("1958-01-02 00:00:02").astype("datetime64[ns]")]) expected = expected[::-1] # reader flips data upside down if mask_bad_quality_scan_lines: expected = file_handler._mask_bad_quality(expected, dataset_info) xr.testing.assert_allclose(res, expected) for key in ["sun_earth_distance_correction_applied", "sun_earth_distance_correction_factor"]: res.attrs.pop(key, None) assert_attrs_equal(res.attrs, expected.attrs, tolerance=1e-4)
[docs] def test_time(self, file_handler): """Test start/end nominal/observation time handling.""" assert datetime(2020, 1, 1, 0, 0) == file_handler.observation_start_time assert datetime(2020, 1, 1, 0, 0) == file_handler.start_time assert file_handler.start_time == file_handler.nominal_start_time assert datetime(2020, 1, 1, 0, 0) == file_handler.observation_end_time assert file_handler.end_time == file_handler.nominal_end_time assert datetime(2020, 1, 1, 0, 0) == file_handler.end_time
[docs] def test_repeat_cycle_duration(self, file_handler): """Test repeat cycle handling for FD or ReduscedScan.""" assert 15 == file_handler._repeat_cycle_duration # Change the reducescan scenario to test the repeat cycle duration handling["nominal_image_scanning"] = ""["reduced_scanning"] = "T" # file_handler.trailer['15TRAILER']['ImageProductionStats']['ActualScanningSummary']['ReducedScan'] = 1 assert 5 == file_handler._repeat_cycle_duration
[docs] def test_satpos_no_valid_orbit_polynomial(self, file_handler): """Test satellite position if there is no valid orbit polynomial.""" dataset_id = make_dataid(name="VIS006", calibration="counts") dataset_info = { "name": "VIS006", "nc_key": "ch1", "units": "units", "wavelength": "wavelength", "standard_name": "standard_name" }["orbit_polynomial_start_time_day"] = 0["orbit_polynomial_end_time_day"] = 0 with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match=r"No orbit polynomial valid for"): res = file_handler.get_dataset(dataset_id, dataset_info) assert "satellite_actual_longitude" not in res.attrs[ "orbital_parameters"]
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize("h5netcdf", [True]) def test_h5netcdf_pecularity(self, file_handler, h5netcdf): """Test conversion of attributes when xarray is used with h5netcdf backend.""" fh = file_handler assert isinstance(fh.mda["projection_parameters"]["a"], float)