Source code for satpy.tests.reader_tests._li_test_utils

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# satpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# satpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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"""Common utility modules used for LI mock-oriented unit tests."""

from datetime import datetime

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from satpy.tests.reader_tests.test_netcdf_utils import FakeNetCDF4FileHandler

# mapping of netcdf type code to numpy data type:
    "i1": np.int8,
    "i2": np.int16,
    "i4": np.int32,
    "i8": np.int64,
    "u1": np.uint8,
    "u2": np.uint16,
    "u4": np.uint32,
    "u8": np.uint64,
    "f4": np.float32,
    "f8": np.float64,

[docs] def l2_le_schema(settings=None): """Define schema for LI L2 LE product.""" settings = settings or {} nobs = settings.get("num_obs", 123) nchunks = settings.get("num_chunks", 23) nfilters = settings.get("num_filters", 2) def rand_u16(num): return np.random.randint(low=0, high=np.iinfo(np.uint16).max - 1, size=num, dtype=np.uint16) return { "providers": settings.get("providers", {}), "variable_path": settings.get("variable_path", "data/"), "dimensions": { "unfiltered_events": nobs, "l1b_chunks": nchunks, "l1b_offsets": nchunks, "filters": nfilters, "scalar": 1, }, "variables": {}, "sector_variables": { "event_id": { "format": "u2", "shape": ("unfiltered_events",), "fill_value": 65535, "long_name": "ID of LI L2 Event", "default_data": lambda: rand_u16(nobs) }, "group_id": { "format": "u2", "shape": ("unfiltered_events",), "fill_value": 65535, "long_name": "ID of associated LI L2 Group object", "default_data": lambda: rand_u16(nobs) }, "l1b_chunk_ids": { "format": "u4", "shape": ("l1b_chunks",), "fill_value": 4294967295, "long_name": "Array of L1b event chunk IDs", "default_data": lambda: np.arange(nchunks) + 10000 }, "l1b_chunk_offsets": { "format": "u4", "shape": ("l1b_offsets",), "fill_value": 4294967295, "long_name": "Array offset for L1b event chunk boundaries", "default_data": lambda: np.arange(nchunks) }, "l1b_window": { "format": "u4", "shape": ("unfiltered_events",), "fill_value": 4294967295, "long_name": "window index of associated L1b event", "default_data": lambda: (np.arange(nobs) + 10000) }, "filter_values": { "format": "u1", "shape": ("unfiltered_events", "filters",), "fill_value": 255, "scale_factor": 0.004, "add_offset": 0.0, "long_name": "L2 filter results", "default_data": lambda: np.random.randint(low=0, high=255, size=(nobs, nfilters), dtype=np.uint8) }, "epoch_time": { "format": "f8", "shape": ("scalar",), "fill_value": 9.96920996886869e36, "long_name": "Start time of integration frame", "default_data": lambda: 1.234, "precision": "1 millisecond", "time_standard": "UTC", "standard_name": "time", "units": "seconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00.0", }, "time_offset": { "format": "f4", "shape": ("unfiltered_events",), "fill_value": 9.96921e36, "long_name": "Time offset from epoch time", "default_data": lambda: np.linspace(0.0, 1000.0, nobs), "units": "seconds", }, } }
[docs] def l2_lef_schema(settings=None): """Define schema for LI L2 LEF product.""" epoch_ts = datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) start_time = start_ts = (start_time - epoch_ts).total_seconds() settings = settings or {} nobs = settings.get("num_obs", 123) return { "providers": settings.get("providers", {}), "variable_path": settings.get("variable_path", "data/"), "dimensions": { "events": nobs, "scalar": 1, }, "variables": { "l1b_geolocation_warning": { "format": "i1", "shape": (), # test explicitly the scalar case "default_data": lambda: 0 }, "l1b_missing_warning": { "format": "i1", "shape": ("scalar",), "default_data": lambda: 0 }, "l1b_radiometric_warning": { "format": "i1", "shape": ("scalar",), "default_data": lambda: 0 }, }, "sector_variables": { "event_id": { "format": "u4", "shape": ("events",), "fill_value": 65535, "long_name": "ID of LI L2 Event", "default_data": lambda: np.arange(1, nobs + 1) }, "group_id": { "format": "u4", "shape": ("events",), "fill_value": 65535, "long_name": "ID of associated LI L2 Group object", "default_data": lambda: np.arange(1, nobs + 1) }, "flash_id": { "format": "u4", "shape": ("events",), "fill_value": 65535, "long_name": "ID of associated LI L2 Flash object", "default_data": lambda: np.arange(1, nobs + 1) }, "detector": { "format": "u4", "shape": ("scalar",), "fill_value": 65535, "long_name": "ID of detector for this group", "default_data": lambda: 1 }, "latitude": { "format": "i2", "shape": ("events",), "fill_value": -32767, "long_name": "Latitude of group", "units": "degrees_north", "standard_name": "latitude", "default_data": lambda: np.linspace(-90, 90, nobs) }, "longitude": { "format": "i2", "shape": ("events",), "fill_value": -32767, "long_name": "Longitude of group", "units": "degrees_east", "standard_name": "longitude", "default_data": lambda: np.linspace(-180, 80, nobs) }, "radiance": { "format": "u2", "shape": ("events",), "long_name": "Radiance of Flash", "standard_name": "radiance", "units": "", "default_data": lambda: np.clip(np.round(np.random.normal(500, 100, nobs)), 1, 2 ** 16 - 1) }, "event_filter_qa": { "format": "u1", "shape": ("events",), "long_name": "L2 event pre-filtering quality assurance value", "default_data": lambda: np.random.randint(1, 2 ** 8 - 1, nobs) }, "epoch_time": { "format": "f8", "shape": ("scalar",), "long_name": "Start time of integration frame", "units": "seconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00.0", "default_data": lambda: start_ts }, "time_offset": { "format": "f4", "shape": ("events",), "long_name": "Time offset from epoch time", "units": "seconds", "default_data": lambda: np.random.uniform(1, 2 ** 31 - 1, nobs) }, "detector_row": { "format": "u2", "shape": ("events",), "long_name": "Detector row position of event pixel", "units": "1", "default_data": lambda: np.random.randint(1, 1000, nobs) }, "detector_column": { "format": "u2", "shape": ("events",), "long_name": "Detector column position of event pixel", "units": "1", "default_data": lambda: np.random.randint(1, 1000, nobs) }, } }
[docs] def l2_lgr_schema(settings=None): """Define schema for LI L2 LGR product.""" settings = settings or {} ngrps = settings.get("num_groups", 120) return { "providers": settings.get("providers", {}), "variable_path": settings.get("variable_path", ""), "dimensions": { "groups": ngrps, }, "variables": { "latitude": { "format": "f4", "shape": ("groups",), "long_name": "Latitude of group", "units": "degrees_north", "default_data": lambda: np.linspace(-90, 90, ngrps) }, "longitude": { "format": "f4", "shape": ("groups",), "long_name": "Longitude of group", "units": "degrees_east", "default_data": lambda: np.linspace(-180, 80, ngrps) }, } }
[docs] def l2_lfl_schema(settings=None): """Define schema for LI L2 LFL product.""" settings = settings or {} nobs = settings.get("num_obs", 1234) epoch = datetime(2000, 1, 1) stime = (datetime(2019, 1, 1) - epoch).total_seconds() etime = (datetime(2019, 1, 2) - epoch).total_seconds() return { "providers": settings.get("providers", {}), "variable_path": settings.get("variable_path", ""), "dimensions": { "flashes": nobs, }, "variables": { "latitude": { "format": "i2", "shape": ("flashes",), "long_name": "Latitude of Flash", "standard_name": "latitude", "units": "degrees_north", "add_offset": 0.0, "scale_factor": 0.0027, # Note: using a default range of [-88.3deg, 88.3deg] to stay in # the available type range [-32727,32727] with scaling: "default_data": lambda: np.linspace(-88.3 / 0.0027, 88.3 / 0.0027, nobs) }, "longitude": { "format": "i2", "shape": ("flashes",), "long_name": "Longitude of Flash", "standard_name": "longitude", "units": "degrees_east", "add_offset": 0.0, "scale_factor": 0.0027, # Note: using a default range of [-88.3deg, 88.3deg] to stay in # the available type range [-32727,32727] with scaling: "default_data": lambda: np.linspace(-88.3 / 0.0027, 88.3 / 0.0027, nobs) }, "radiance": { "format": "u2", "shape": ("flashes",), "long_name": "Radiance of Flash", "standard_name": "radiance", "units": "", "default_data": lambda: np.round(np.random.normal(500, 100, nobs)) }, "flash_duration": { "format": "u2", "shape": ("flashes",), "long_name": "Flash duration", "standard_name": "flash_duration", "units": "ms", "default_data": lambda: np.linspace(0, 1000, nobs) }, "flash_filter_confidence": { "format": "i1", "shape": ("flashes",), "long_name": "L2 filtered flash confidence", "standard_name": "flash_filter_confidence", "default_data": lambda: np.clip(np.round(np.random.normal(20, 10, nobs)), 1, 2 ** 7 - 1) }, "flash_footprint": { "format": "u2", "shape": ("flashes",), "long_name": "Flash footprint size", "standard_name": "flash_footprint", "units": "L1 grid pixels", "default_data": lambda: np.maximum(1, np.round(np.random.normal(5, 3, nobs))) }, "flash_id": { "format": "u4", "shape": ("flashes",), "long_name": "Flash footprint size", "standard_name": "flash_id", "default_data": lambda: np.arange(1, nobs + 1) }, "flash_time": { "format": "f8", "shape": ("flashes",), "long_name": "Nominal flash time", "units": "seconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00.0", "standard_name": "time", "precision": "1 millisecond", "default_data": lambda: np.random.uniform(stime, etime, nobs) }, "l1b_geolocation_warning": { "format": "i1", "shape": ("flashes",), "long_name": "L1b geolocation warning", "default_data": lambda: -127 }, "l1b_radiometric_warning": { "format": "i1", "shape": ("flashes",), "long_name": "L1b radiometric warning", "default_data": lambda: -127 }, "number_of_events": { "format": "u2", "shape": ("flashes",), "long_name": "Number of events in each flash", "default_data": lambda: 1 }, "number_of_groups": { "format": "u4", "shape": ("flashes",), "long_name": "Number of flashes in each flash", "default_data": lambda: 1 }, } }
[docs] def l2_af_schema(settings=None): """Define schema for LI L2 AF product.""" settings = settings or {} nobs = settings.get("num_obs", 1234) return { "providers": settings.get("providers", {}), "variable_path": settings.get("variable_path", ""), "dimensions": accumulation_dimensions(1, nobs), "variables": { "accumulation_offsets": { "format": "u4", "shape": ("accumulations",), "default_data": lambda: 0 }, "accumulation_start_times": { "format": "f8", "shape": ("accumulations",), "default_data": lambda: 4.25055600161e8 }, "l1b_geolocation_warning": { "format": "i1", "shape": ("accumulations",), "long_name": "L1b geolocation warning", "default_data": lambda: -127 }, "l1b_radiometric_warning": { "format": "i1", "shape": ("accumulations",), "long_name": "L1b radiometric warning", "default_data": lambda: -127 }, "average_flash_qa": { "format": "i1", "shape": ("accumulations",), "default_data": lambda: 23 }, "flash_accumulation": { "format": "u2", "shape": ("pixels",), "default_data": lambda: np.clip(np.round(np.random.normal(1, 2, nobs)), 1, 2 ** 16 - 1) }, "mtg_geos_projection": mtg_geos_projection(), "x": fci_grid_definition("X", nobs), "y": fci_grid_definition("Y", nobs), } }
[docs] def l2_afa_schema(settings=None): """Define schema for LI L2 AFA product.""" settings = settings or {} npix = settings.get("num_pixels", 120) nacc = settings.get("num_accumulations", 20) return { "providers": settings.get("providers", {}), "variable_path": settings.get("variable_path", ""), "dimensions": accumulation_dimensions(nacc, npix), "variables": { "accumulation_start_times": { "format": "f4", "shape": ("accumulations",), "long_name": "Accumulation start time", "units": "seconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00.0", "default_data": lambda: np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, nacc) }, "accumulated_flash_area": { "format": "u4", "shape": ("pixels",), "fill_value": 4294967295, "long_name": "Number of contributing unique flashes to each pixel", "default_data": lambda: np.mod(np.arange(npix), 10) + 1 }, "mtg_geos_projection": mtg_geos_projection(), "x": fci_grid_definition("X", npix), "y": fci_grid_definition("Y", npix), } }
[docs] def l2_afr_schema(settings=None): """Define schema for LI L2 AFR product.""" settings = settings or {} nobs = settings.get("num_obs", 120) nacc = settings.get("num_accumulations", 20) return { "providers": settings.get("providers", {}), "variable_path": settings.get("variable_path", ""), "dimensions": accumulation_dimensions(nacc, nobs), "variables": { "flash_radiance": { "format": "f4", "shape": ("pixels",), "long_name": "Area averaged flash radiance accumulation", "grid_mapping": "mtg_geos_projection", "coordinate": "sparse: x y", "default_data": lambda: np.random.randint(low=1, high=6548, size=(120), dtype=np.int16) }, "accumulation_start_times": { "format": "f4", "shape": ("accumulations",), "long_name": "Accumulation start time", "units": "seconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00.0", "default_data": lambda: 0 }, "mtg_geos_projection": mtg_geos_projection(), "x": fci_grid_definition("X", nobs), "y": fci_grid_definition("Y", nobs), } }
[docs] def accumulation_dimensions(nacc, nobs): """Set dimensions for the accumulated products.""" return { "accumulations": nacc, "pixels": nobs, }
[docs] def fci_grid_definition(axis, nobs): """FCI grid definition on X or Y axis.""" if axis == "X": long_name = "azimuth angle encoded as column" standard_name = "projection_x_coordinate" else: long_name = "zenith angle encoded as row" standard_name = "projection_y_coordinate" return { "format": "i2", "shape": ("pixels",), "add_offset": -0.155619516, "axis": axis, "long_name": long_name, "scale_factor": 5.58878e-5, "standard_name": standard_name, "units": "radian", "valid_range": np.asarray([1, 5568]), "default_data": lambda: np.clip(np.round(np.random.normal(2000, 500, nobs)), 1, 2 ** 16 - 1) }
[docs] def mtg_geos_projection(): """MTG geos projection definition.""" return { "format": "i4", "shape": ("accumulations",), "grid_mapping_name": "geostationary", "inverse_flattening": 298.2572221, "latitude_of_projection_origin": 0, "longitude_of_projection_origin": 0, "perspective_point_height": 42164000, "semi_major_axis": 6378169, "semi_minor_axis": 6356583.8, "sweep_angle_axis": "y", "long_name": "MTG geostationary projection", "default_data": lambda: -2147483647 }
products_dict = { "2-LE": {"ftype": "li_l2_le_nc", "schema": l2_le_schema}, "2-LEF": {"ftype": "li_l2_lef_nc", "schema": l2_lef_schema}, "2-LGR": {"ftype": "li_l2_lgr_nc", "schema": l2_lgr_schema}, "2-LFL": {"ftype": "li_l2_lfl_nc", "schema": l2_lfl_schema}, "2-AF": {"ftype": "li_l2_af_nc", "schema": l2_af_schema}, "2-AFA": {"ftype": "li_l2_afa_nc", "schema": l2_afa_schema}, "2-AFR": {"ftype": "li_l2_afr_nc", "schema": l2_afr_schema}, }
[docs] def get_product_schema(pname, settings=None): """Retrieve an LI product schema given its name.""" return products_dict[pname]["schema"](settings)
[docs] def extract_filetype_info(filetype_infos, filetype): """Extract Satpy-conform filetype_info from filetype_infos fixture.""" ftype_info = filetype_infos[filetype] ftype_info["file_type"] = filetype return ftype_info
[docs] def set_variable_path(var_path, desc, sname): """Replace variable default path if applicable and ensure trailing separator.""" vpath = desc.get("path", var_path) # Ensure we have a trailing separator: if vpath != "" and vpath[-1] != "/": vpath += "/" if sname != "": vpath += sname + "/" return vpath
[docs] def populate_dummy_data(data, names, details): """Populate variable with dummy data.""" vname, sname = names desc, providers, settings = details if vname in providers: prov = providers[vname] # prov might be a function or directly an array that we assume will be of the correct shape: data[:] = prov(vname, sname, settings) if callable(prov) else prov else: # Otherwise we write the default data: if data.shape == (): # scalar case data = desc["default_data"]() else: data[:] = desc["default_data"]()
[docs] def add_attributes(attribs, ignored_attrs, desc): """Add all the custom properties directly as attributes.""" for key, val in desc.items(): if key not in ignored_attrs: attribs[key] = val
# Note: the helper class below has some missing abstract class implementation, # but that is not critical to us, so ignoring them for now.
[docs] class FakeLIFileHandlerBase(FakeNetCDF4FileHandler): # pylint: disable=abstract-method """Class for faking the NetCDF4 Filehandler.""" # Optional parameter that may be provided at the time of the creation of this file handler # to customize the generated content. This may be either a simple dictionary or a callable # if a callable is provided it will be called to retrieve the actual parameter to be used: schema_parameters = None
[docs] def get_variable_writer(self, dset, settings): """Get a variable writer.""" # use a variable path prefix: var_path = settings.get("variable_path", "") # Also keep track of the potential providers: providers = settings.get("providers", {}) # list of ignored attribute names: ignored_attrs = ["path", "format", "shape", "default_data", "fill_value"] # dictionary of dimensions: dims = settings.get("dimensions", {}) def write_variable(vname, desc, sname=""): """Write a variable in our dataset.""" # get numeric shape: shape_str = desc["shape"] shape = tuple([dims[dname] for dname in shape_str]) # Get the desired data type: dtype = TYPE_MAP[desc["format"]] # Prepare a numpy array with the appropriate shape and type: data = np.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype) # Replace variable default path if applicable: vpath = set_variable_path(var_path, desc, sname) # Variable full name: full_name = f"{vpath}{vname}" # Add all the custom properties directly as attributes: attribs = {} add_attributes(attribs, ignored_attrs, desc) # Rename the fill value attribute: if "fill_value" in desc: attribs["_FillValue"] = desc["fill_value"] names = [vname, sname] details = [desc, providers, settings] populate_dummy_data(data, names, details) # Now we assign that data array: dset[full_name] = xr.DataArray(data, dims=shape_str, attrs=attribs) # Write the copy of the content: self.content[full_name] = data return write_variable
[docs] def get_test_content(self, filename, filename_info, filetype_info): """Get the content of the test data. Here we generate the default content we want to provide depending on the provided filename infos. """ # Retrieve the correct schema to write with potential customization parameters: params = FakeLIFileHandlerBase.schema_parameters if callable(params): # Note: params *IS* callable below: params = params(filename, filename_info, filetype_info) # pylint: disable=not-callable settings = get_product_schema(filetype_info["file_desc"]["product_type"], params) # Resulting dataset: dset = {} # Also keep a copy of the written content: self.content = {} # Retrieve the variable writer function write_variable = self.get_variable_writer(dset, settings) # Write all the raw (i.e not in sectors) variables: self.write_variables(settings, write_variable) # Write the sector variables: self.write_sector_variables(settings, write_variable) return dset
[docs] def write_variables(self, settings, write_variable): """Write raw (i.e. not in sectors) variables.""" if "variables" in settings: variables = settings.get("variables") for vname, desc in variables.items(): write_variable(vname, desc)
[docs] def write_sector_variables(self, settings, write_variable): """Write the sector variables.""" if "sector_variables" in settings: sector_vars = settings.get("sector_variables") sectors = settings.get("sectors", ["north", "east", "south", "west"]) for sname in sectors: for vname, desc in sector_vars.items(): write_variable(vname, desc, sname)