# Copyright (c) 2021 Satpy developers
# This file is part of satpy.
# satpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# satpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
"""Tests related to parallax correction."""
import datetime
import logging
import math
import os
import unittest.mock
import warnings
import dask.array as da
import dask.config
import numpy as np
import pyorbital.tlefile
import pyresample.kd_tree
import pytest
import xarray as xr
from pyproj import Geod
from pyresample import create_area_def
import satpy.resample
from satpy.tests.utils import xfail_skyfield_unstable_numpy2
from satpy.writers import get_enhanced_image
# The following fixtures are not defined in this file, but are used and injected by Pytest:
# - tmp_path
# - caplog
# - request
def fake_tle():
"""Produce fake Two Line Element (TLE) object from pyorbital."""
return pyorbital.tlefile.Tle(
line1="1 40732U 15034A 22011.84285506 .00000004 00000+0 00000+0 0 9995",
line2="2 40732 0.2533 325.0106 0000976 118.8734 330.4058 1.00272123 23817")
def _get_fake_areas(center, sizes, resolution, code=4326): # noqa: D417
"""Get multiple square areas with the same center.
Returns multiple square areas centered at the same location
center (Tuple[float, float]): Center of all areass
sizes (List[int]): Sizes of areas
resolution (float): Resolution of fake area.
List of areas.
return [create_area_def(
shape=(size, size))
for size in sizes]
def _get_attrs(lat, lon, height=35_000):
"""Get attributes for datasets in fake scene."""
return {
"orbital_parameters": {
"satellite_actual_altitude": height, # in km above surface
"satellite_actual_longitude": lon,
"satellite_actual_latitude": lat},
"units": "m" # does not apply to orbital parameters, I think!
class TestForwardParallax:
"""Test the forward parallax function with various inputs."""
def test_get_parallax_corrected_lonlats_ssp(self):
"""Test that at SSP, parallax correction does nothing."""
from satpy.modifiers.parallax import get_parallax_corrected_lonlats
sat_lat = sat_lon = lon = lat = 0.
height = 5000. # m
sat_alt = 30_000_000. # m
corr_lon, corr_lat = get_parallax_corrected_lonlats(
sat_lon, sat_lat, sat_alt, lon, lat, height)
assert corr_lon == corr_lat == 0
def test_get_parallax_corrected_lonlats_clearsky(self):
"""Test parallax correction for clearsky case (returns NaN)."""
from satpy.modifiers.parallax import get_parallax_corrected_lonlats
sat_lat = sat_lon = 0
lat = np.linspace(-20, 20, 25).reshape(5, 5)
lon = np.linspace(-20, 20, 25).reshape(5, 5).T
height = np.full((5, 5), np.nan) # no CTH --> clearsky
sat_alt = 35_000_000. # m above surface
(corr_lon, corr_lat) = get_parallax_corrected_lonlats(
sat_lon, sat_lat, sat_alt, lon, lat, height)
# clearsky becomes NaN
assert np.isnan(corr_lon).all()
assert np.isnan(corr_lat).all()
@pytest.mark.parametrize(("lat", "lon"), [(0, 0), (0, 40), (0, 179.9)])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("resolution", [0.01, 0.5, 10])
def test_get_parallax_corrected_lonlats_cloudy_ssp(self, lat, lon, resolution):
"""Test parallax correction for fully cloudy scene at SSP."""
from satpy.modifiers.parallax import get_parallax_corrected_lonlats
N = 5
lats = np.linspace(lat-N*resolution, lat+N*resolution, 25).reshape(N, N)
lons = np.linspace(lon-N*resolution, lon+N*resolution, 25).reshape(N, N).T
height = np.full((N, N), 10_000) # constant high clouds at 10 km
sat_alt = 35_000_000. # satellite at 35 Mm
(corr_lon, corr_lat) = get_parallax_corrected_lonlats(
lon, lat, sat_alt, lons, lats, height)
# confirm movements behave as expected
geod = Geod(ellps="sphere")
# need to use np.tile here as geod.inv doesn't seem to broadcast (not
# when turning lon/lat in arrays of size (1, 1) either)
corr_dist = geod.inv(np.tile(lon, [N, N]), np.tile(lat, [N, N]), corr_lon, corr_lat)[2]
corr_delta = geod.inv(corr_lon, corr_lat, lons, lats)[2]
uncorr_dist = geod.inv(np.tile(lon, [N, N]), np.tile(lat, [N, N]), lons, lats)[2]
# should be equal at SSP and nowhere else
np.testing.assert_allclose(corr_delta[2, 2], 0, atol=1e-9)
assert np.isclose(corr_delta, 0, atol=1e-9).sum() == 1
# should always get closer to SSP
assert (uncorr_dist - corr_dist >= -1e-8).all()
# should be larger the further we get from SSP
assert (np.diff(corr_delta[N//2, :N//2+1]) < 0).all()
assert (np.diff(corr_delta[N//2, N//2:]) > 0).all()
assert (np.diff(corr_delta[N//2:, N//2]) > 0).all()
assert (np.diff(corr_delta[:N//2+1, N//2]) < 0).all()
assert (np.diff(np.diag(corr_delta)[:N//2+1]) < 0).all()
assert (np.diff(np.diag(corr_delta)[N//2:]) > 0).all()
def test_get_parallax_corrected_lonlats_cloudy_slant(self):
"""Test parallax correction for fully cloudy scene (not SSP)."""
from satpy.modifiers.parallax import get_parallax_corrected_lonlats
sat_lat = sat_lon = 0
lat = np.linspace(-20, 20, 25).reshape(5, 5)
lon = np.linspace(-20, 20, 25).reshape(5, 5).T
height = np.full((5, 5), 10_000) # constant high clouds at 10 km
sat_alt = 35_000_000. # satellite at 35 Mm
(corr_lon, corr_lat) = get_parallax_corrected_lonlats(
sat_lon, sat_lat, sat_alt, lon, lat, height)
# reference value from Simon Proud
corr_lat[4, 4], 19.955, rtol=5e-4)
corr_lon[4, 4], 19.960, rtol=5e-4)
def test_get_parallax_corrected_lonlats_mixed(self):
"""Test parallax correction for mixed cloudy case."""
from satpy.modifiers.parallax import get_parallax_corrected_lonlats
sat_lon = sat_lat = 0
sat_alt = 35_785_831.0 # m
lon = da.array([[-20, -10, 0, 10, 20]]*5)
lat = da.array([[-20, -10, 0, 10, 20]]*5).T
alt = da.array([
[np.nan, np.nan, 5000., 6000., np.nan],
[np.nan, 6000., 7000., 7000., 7000.],
[np.nan, 7000., 8000., 9000., np.nan],
[np.nan, 7000., 7000., 7000., np.nan],
[np.nan, 4000., 3000., np.nan, np.nan]])
(corrected_lon, corrected_lat) = get_parallax_corrected_lonlats(
sat_lon, sat_lat, sat_alt, lon, lat, alt)
assert corrected_lon.shape == lon.shape
assert corrected_lat.shape == lat.shape
# lon/lat should be nan for clear-sky pixels
assert np.isnan(corrected_lon[np.isnan(alt)]).all()
assert np.isnan(corrected_lat[np.isnan(alt)]).all()
# otherwise no nans
assert np.isfinite(corrected_lon[~np.isnan(alt)]).all()
assert np.isfinite(corrected_lat[~np.isnan(alt)]).all()
def test_get_parallax_corrected_lonlats_horizon(self):
"""Test that exception is raised if satellites exactly at the horizon.
Test the rather unlikely case of a satellite elevation of exactly 0
from satpy.modifiers.parallax import get_parallax_corrected_lonlats
sat_lat = sat_lon = lon = lat = 0.
height = 5000.
sat_alt = 30_000_000.
with unittest.mock.patch("satpy.modifiers.parallax.get_observer_look") as smpg:
smpg.return_value = (0, 0)
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
get_parallax_corrected_lonlats(sat_lon, sat_lat, sat_alt, lon, lat, height)
def test_get_surface_parallax_displacement(self):
"""Test surface parallax displacement."""
from satpy.modifiers.parallax import get_surface_parallax_displacement
val = get_surface_parallax_displacement(
0, 0, 36_000_000, 0, 10, 10_000)
np.testing.assert_allclose(val, 2141.2404451757875)
class TestParallaxCorrectionClass:
"""Test that the ParallaxCorrection class is behaving sensibly."""
@pytest.mark.parametrize("center", [(0, 0), (80, -10), (-180, 5)])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("sizes", [[5, 9]])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("resolution", [0.05, 1, 10])
def test_init_parallaxcorrection(self, center, sizes, resolution):
"""Test that ParallaxCorrection class can be instantiated."""
from satpy.modifiers.parallax import ParallaxCorrection
fake_area = _get_fake_areas(center, sizes, resolution)[0]
pc = ParallaxCorrection(fake_area)
assert pc.base_area == fake_area
@pytest.mark.parametrize(("sat_pos", "ar_pos"),
[((0, 0), (0, 0)), ((0, 0), (40, 0))])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("resolution", [0.01, 0.5, 10])
def test_correct_area_clearsky(self, sat_pos, ar_pos, resolution, caplog):
"""Test that ParallaxCorrection doesn't change clearsky geolocation."""
from satpy.modifiers.parallax import ParallaxCorrection
from satpy.tests.utils import make_fake_scene
(sat_lat, sat_lon) = sat_pos
(ar_lat, ar_lon) = ar_pos
small = 5
large = 9
(fake_area_small, fake_area_large) = _get_fake_areas(
(ar_lon, ar_lat), [small, large], resolution)
corrector = ParallaxCorrection(fake_area_small)
sc = make_fake_scene(
{"CTH_clear": np.full((large, large), np.nan)},
common_attrs=_get_attrs(sat_lat, sat_lon, 35_000))
with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
new_area = corrector(sc["CTH_clear"])
assert "Calculating parallax correction using heights from CTH_clear" in caplog.text
@pytest.mark.parametrize(("lat", "lon"),
[(0, 0), (0, 40), (0, 180),
(90, 0)]) # relevant for Арктика satellites
@pytest.mark.parametrize("resolution", [0.01, 0.5, 10])
def test_correct_area_ssp(self, lat, lon, resolution):
"""Test that ParallaxCorrection doesn't touch SSP."""
from satpy.modifiers.parallax import ParallaxCorrection
from satpy.tests.utils import make_fake_scene
codes = {
(0, 0): 4326,
(0, 40): 4326,
(0, 180): 3575,
(90, 0): 3575}
small = 5
large = 9
(fake_area_small, fake_area_large) = _get_fake_areas(
(lon, lat), [small, large], resolution,
code=codes[(lat, lon)])
corrector = ParallaxCorrection(fake_area_small)
sc = make_fake_scene(
{"CTH_constant": np.full((large, large), 10000)},
common_attrs=_get_attrs(lat, lon, 35_000))
new_area = corrector(sc["CTH_constant"])
assert new_area.shape == fake_area_small.shape
old_lonlats = fake_area_small.get_lonlats()
new_lonlats = new_area.get_lonlats()
if lat != 90: # don't check SSP longitude if lat=90
old_lonlats[0][2, 2],
new_lonlats[0][2, 2],
old_lonlats[0][2, 2],
old_lonlats[1][2, 2],
new_lonlats[1][2, 2],
old_lonlats[1][2, 2],
@pytest.mark.parametrize("daskify", [False, True])
def test_correct_area_partlycloudy(self, daskify):
"""Test ParallaxCorrection for partly cloudy situation."""
from satpy.modifiers.parallax import ParallaxCorrection
from satpy.tests.utils import make_fake_scene
small = 5
large = 9
(fake_area_small, fake_area_large) = _get_fake_areas(
(0, 50), [small, large], 0.1)
(fake_area_lons, fake_area_lats) = fake_area_small.get_lonlats()
corrector = ParallaxCorrection(fake_area_small)
sc = make_fake_scene(
{"CTH": np.array([
[np.nan, np.nan, 5000., 6000., 7000., 6000., 5000., np.nan, np.nan],
[np.nan, 6000., 7000., 7000., 7000., np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan],
[np.nan, 7000., 8000., 9000., np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan],
[np.nan, 7000., 7000., 7000., np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan],
[np.nan, 4000., 3000., np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan],
[np.nan, np.nan, 5000., 8000., 8000., 8000., 6000., np.nan, np.nan],
[np.nan, 9000., 9000., 9000., 9000., 9000., 9000., 9000., np.nan],
[np.nan, 9000., 9000., 9000., 9000., 9000., 9000., 9000., np.nan],
[np.nan, 9000., 9000., 9000., 9000., 9000., 9000., 9000., np.nan],
common_attrs=_get_attrs(0, 0, 40_000))
new_area = corrector(sc["CTH"])
assert new_area.shape == fake_area_small.shape
(new_lons, new_lats) = new_area.get_lonlats()
assert fake_area_lons[3, 4] != new_lons[3, 4]
[np.nan, np.nan, 0.0, 0.1, 0.2],
[-0.20078652, -0.10044222, 0.0, 0.1, 0.2],
[-0.20068529, -0.10034264, 0.0, 0.1, 0.2],
[np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan],
[-0.20048537, -0.10038778, 0., 0.10038778, 0.20058219]]),
[np.nan, np.nan, 50.2, 50.2, 50.2],
[50.2110675, 50.22493181, 50.1, 50.1, 50.1],
[50.09680357, 50.09680346, 50.0, 50.0, 50.0],
[np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan],
[49.86860622, 49.9097198, 49.90971976, 49.9097198, 49.88231496]]),
@pytest.mark.parametrize(("res1", "res2"), [(0.08, 0.3), (0.3, 0.08)])
def test_correct_area_clearsky_different_resolutions(self, res1, res2):
"""Test clearsky correction when areas have different resolutions."""
from satpy.modifiers.parallax import ParallaxCorrection
from satpy.tests.utils import make_fake_scene
# areas with different resolutions, but same coverage
area1 = create_area_def(
area_extent=[-1, -1, 1, 1])
area2 = create_area_def(
area_extent=[-1, -1, 1, 1])
with warnings.catch_warnings():
sc = make_fake_scene(
{"CTH_clear": np.full(area1.shape, np.nan)},
common_attrs=_get_attrs(0, 0, 35_000))
corrector = ParallaxCorrection(area2)
new_area = corrector(sc["CTH_clear"])
@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="awaiting pyresample fixes")
def test_correct_area_cloudy_no_overlap(self, ):
"""Test cloudy correction when areas have no overlap."""
from satpy.modifiers.parallax import MissingHeightError, ParallaxCorrection
from satpy.tests.utils import make_fake_scene
areas_00 = _get_fake_areas((0, 40), [5, 9], 0.1)
areas_shift = _get_fake_areas((90, 20), [5, 9], 0.1)
fake_area_small = areas_00[0]
fake_area_large = areas_shift[1]
sc = make_fake_scene(
{"CTH_constant": np.full((9, 9), 10000)},
common_attrs=_get_attrs(0, 0, 35_000))
corrector = ParallaxCorrection(fake_area_small)
with pytest.raises(MissingHeightError):
@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="awaiting pyresample fixes")
def test_correct_area_cloudy_partly_shifted(self, ):
"""Test cloudy correction when areas overlap only partly."""
from satpy.modifiers.parallax import IncompleteHeightWarning, ParallaxCorrection
from satpy.tests.utils import make_fake_scene
areas_00 = _get_fake_areas((0, 40), [5, 9], 0.1)
areas_shift = _get_fake_areas((0.5, 40), [5, 9], 0.1)
fake_area_small = areas_00[0]
fake_area_large = areas_shift[1]
sc = make_fake_scene(
{"CTH_constant": np.full((9, 9), 10000)},
common_attrs=_get_attrs(0, 0, 35_000))
corrector = ParallaxCorrection(fake_area_small)
with pytest.warns(IncompleteHeightWarning):
new_area = corrector(sc["CTH_constant"])
assert new_area.shape == fake_area_small.shape
def test_correct_area_cloudy_same_area(self, ):
"""Test cloudy correction when areas are the same."""
from satpy.modifiers.parallax import ParallaxCorrection
from satpy.tests.utils import make_fake_scene
area = _get_fake_areas((0, 0), [9], 0.1)[0]
sc = make_fake_scene(
{"CTH_constant": np.full((9, 9), 10000)},
common_attrs=_get_attrs(0, 0, 35_000))
corrector = ParallaxCorrection(area)
@pytest.mark.xfail(xfail_skyfield_unstable_numpy2(), reason="Skyfield doesn't support numpy 2 yet")
def test_correct_area_no_orbital_parameters(self, caplog, fake_tle):
"""Test ParallaxCorrection when CTH has no orbital parameters.
Some CTH products, such as NWCSAF-GEO, do not include information
on satellite location directly. Rather, they include platform name,
sensor, start time, and end time, that we have to use instead.
from satpy.modifiers.parallax import ParallaxCorrection
from satpy.tests.utils import make_fake_scene
small = 5
large = 9
(fake_area_small, fake_area_large) = _get_fake_areas(
(0, 0), [small, large], 0.05)
corrector = ParallaxCorrection(fake_area_small)
sc = make_fake_scene(
{"CTH_clear": np.full((large, large), np.nan)},
"platform_name": "Meteosat-42",
"sensor": "irives",
"start_time": datetime.datetime(3021, 11, 30, 12, 24, 17),
"end_time": datetime.datetime(3021, 11, 30, 12, 27, 22)})
with unittest.mock.patch("pyorbital.tlefile.read") as plr:
plr.return_value = fake_tle
with caplog.at_level(logging.WARNING):
new_area = corrector(sc["CTH_clear"])
assert "Orbital parameters missing from metadata." in caplog.text
class TestParallaxCorrectionModifier:
"""Test that the parallax correction modifier works correctly."""
def test_parallax_modifier_interface(self):
"""Test the modifier interface."""
from satpy.modifiers.parallax import ParallaxCorrectionModifier
(area_small, area_large) = _get_fake_areas((0, 0), [5, 9], 0.1)
fake_bt = xr.DataArray(
np.linspace(220, 230, 25).reshape(5, 5),
dims=("y", "x"),
attrs={"area": area_small, **_get_attrs(0, 0, 35_000)})
cth_clear = xr.DataArray(
np.full((9, 9), np.nan),
dims=("y", "x"),
attrs={"area": area_large, **_get_attrs(0, 0, 35_000)})
modif = ParallaxCorrectionModifier(
prerequisites=[fake_bt, cth_clear],
res = modif([fake_bt, cth_clear], optional_datasets=[])
np.testing.assert_allclose(res, fake_bt)
with unittest.mock.patch("satpy.modifiers.parallax.resample_dataset") as smp:
smp.side_effect = satpy.resample.resample_dataset
modif([fake_bt, cth_clear], optional_datasets=[])
assert smp.call_args_list[0].kwargs["radius_of_influence"] == 48_000
assert smp.call_args_list[1].kwargs["radius_of_influence"] == 49_000
def test_parallax_modifier_interface_with_cloud(self):
"""Test the modifier interface with a cloud.
Test corresponds to a real bug encountered when using CTH data
from NWCSAF-GEO, which created strange speckles in Africa (see
for an example). Create fake CTH corresponding to NWCSAF-GEO area and
BT corresponding to full disk SEVIRI, and test that no strange speckles
from satpy.modifiers.parallax import ParallaxCorrectionModifier
w_cth = 25
h_cth = 15
proj_dict = {"a": "6378137", "h": "35785863", "proj": "geos", "units": "m"}
fake_area_cth = pyresample.create_area_def(
area_extent=(-2296808.75, 2785874.75, 2293808.25, 5570249.0),
shape=(h_cth, w_cth))
sz_bt = 20
fake_area_bt = pyresample.create_area_def(
area_extent=(-5567248.0742, -5513240.8172, 5513240.8172, 5567248.0742),
shape=(sz_bt, sz_bt))
(lons_cth, lats_cth) = fake_area_cth.get_lonlats()
fake_cth_data = np.where(
np.isfinite(lons_cth) & np.isfinite(lats_cth),
(lons_bt, lats_bt) = fake_area_bt.get_lonlats()
fake_bt_data = np.where(
np.isfinite(lons_bt) & np.isfinite(lats_bt),
np.linspace(200, 300, lons_bt.size).reshape(lons_bt.shape),
attrs = _get_attrs(0, 0)
fake_bt = xr.DataArray(
dims=("y", "x"),
attrs={**attrs, "area": fake_area_bt})
fake_cth = xr.DataArray(
dims=("y", "x"),
attrs={**attrs, "area": fake_area_cth})
modif = ParallaxCorrectionModifier(
prerequisites=[fake_bt, fake_cth],
res = modif([fake_bt, fake_cth], optional_datasets=[])
# with a constant cloud, a monotonically increasing BT should still
# do so after parallax correction
assert not (res.diff("x") < 0).any()
def test_area(self, request):
"""Produce test area for parallax correction unit tests.
Produce test area for the modifier-interface parallax correction unit
extents = {
"foroyar": [-861785.8867075047, 6820719.391005835, -686309.8124887547, 6954386.383193335],
"ouagadougou": [-232482.90622750926, 1328206.360136668,
-114074.70310250926, 1422810.852324168],
where = request.param
return pyresample.create_area_def(where, 4087, area_extent=extents[where], resolution=500)
def _get_fake_cloud_datasets(self, test_area, cth, use_dask):
"""Return datasets for BT and CTH for fake cloud."""
w_cloud = 20
h_cloud = 5
# location of cloud in uncorrected data
lat_min_i = 155
lat_max_i = lat_min_i + h_cloud
lon_min_i = 140
lon_max_i = lon_min_i + w_cloud
fake_bt_data = np.linspace(
270, 330, math.prod(test_area.shape), dtype="f8").reshape(
fake_cth_data = np.full(test_area.shape, np.nan, dtype="f8")
fake_bt_data[lat_min_i:lat_max_i, lon_min_i:lon_max_i] = np.linspace(
180, 220, w_cloud*h_cloud).reshape(h_cloud, w_cloud).round(2)
fake_cth_data[lat_min_i:lat_max_i, lon_min_i:lon_max_i] = cth
if use_dask:
fake_bt_data = da.array(fake_bt_data)
fake_cth_data = da.array(fake_cth_data)
attrs = _get_attrs(0, 0)
fake_bt = xr.DataArray(
dims=("y", "x"),
attrs={**attrs, "area": test_area})
fake_cth = xr.DataArray(
dims=("y", "x"),
attrs={**attrs, "area": test_area})
cma = np.zeros(shape=fake_bt.shape, dtype="?")
cma[lat_min_i:lat_max_i, lon_min_i:lon_max_i] = True
return (fake_bt, fake_cth, cma)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("test_area", ["foroyar", "ouagadougou"], indirect=["test_area"])
def test_modifier_interface_fog_no_shift(self, test_area):
"""Test that fog isn't masked or shifted."""
from satpy.modifiers.parallax import ParallaxCorrectionModifier
(fake_bt, fake_cth, _) = self._get_fake_cloud_datasets(test_area, 50, use_dask=False)
modif = ParallaxCorrectionModifier(
prerequisites=[fake_bt, fake_cth],
res = modif([fake_bt, fake_cth], optional_datasets=[])
assert np.isfinite(res).all()
np.testing.assert_allclose(res, fake_bt)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("cth", [7500, 15000])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("use_dask", [True, False])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("test_area", ["foroyar", "ouagadougou"], indirect=["test_area"])
def test_modifier_interface_cloud_moves_to_observer(self, cth, use_dask, test_area):
"""Test that a cloud moves to the observer.
With the modifier interface, use a high resolution area and test that
pixels are moved in the direction of the observer and not away from it.
from satpy.modifiers.parallax import ParallaxCorrectionModifier
(fake_bt, fake_cth, cma) = self._get_fake_cloud_datasets(test_area, cth, use_dask=use_dask)
# location of cloud in corrected data
# this may no longer be rectangular!
dest_mask = np.zeros(shape=test_area.shape, dtype="?")
cloud_location = {
"foroyar": {
7500: (197, 202, 152, 172),
15000: (239, 244, 165, 184)},
"ouagadougou": {
7500: (159, 164, 140, 160),
15000: (163, 168, 141, 161)}}
(x_lo, x_hi, y_lo, y_hi) = cloud_location[test_area.name][cth]
dest_mask[x_lo:x_hi, y_lo:y_hi] = True
modif = ParallaxCorrectionModifier(
prerequisites=[fake_bt, fake_cth],
res = modif([fake_bt, fake_cth], optional_datasets=[])
assert fake_bt.attrs["area"] == test_area # should not be changed
assert res.attrs["area"] == fake_bt.attrs["area"]
# confirm old cloud area now fill value
# except where it overlaps with new cloud
assert np.isnan(res.data[cma & (~dest_mask)]).all()
# confirm rest of the area does not have fill values
assert np.isfinite(res.data[~cma]).all()
# confirm that rest of area pixel values did not change, except where
# cloud arrived or originated
delta = res - fake_bt
assert (delta.data[~(cma | dest_mask)] == 0).all()
# verify that cloud moved south. Pointwise comparison might not work because
# cloud may shrink.
assert ((res.attrs["area"].get_lonlats()[1][dest_mask]).mean() <
# verify that all pixels at the new cloud location are indeed cloudy
assert (res.data[dest_mask] < 250).all()
_test_yaml_code = """
sensor_name: visir
modifier: !!python/name:satpy.modifiers.parallax.ParallaxCorrectionModifier
- name: "ctth_alti"
compositor: !!python/name:satpy.composites.SingleBandCompositor
- name: VIS006
modifiers: [parallax_corrected]
class TestParallaxCorrectionSceneLoad:
"""Test that scene load interface works as expected."""
def yaml_code(self):
"""Return YAML code for parallax_corrected_VIS006."""
return _test_yaml_code
def conf_file(self, yaml_code, tmp_path):
"""Produce a fake configuration file."""
conf_file = tmp_path / "test.yaml"
with conf_file.open(mode="wt", encoding="ascii") as fp:
return conf_file
def fake_scene(self, yaml_code):
"""Produce fake scene and prepare fake composite config."""
from satpy import Scene
from satpy.dataset.dataid import WavelengthRange
from satpy.tests.utils import make_dataid
area = _get_fake_areas((0, 0), [5], 1)[0]
sc = Scene()
sc["VIS006"] = xr.DataArray(
np.linspace(0, 99, 25).reshape(5, 5),
dims=("y", "x"),
"_satpy_id": make_dataid(
wavelength=WavelengthRange(min=0.56, central=0.635, max=0.71, unit="µm"),
"modifiers": (),
"sensor": "seviri",
"area": area})
sc["ctth_alti"] = xr.DataArray(
np.linspace(0, 99, 25).reshape(5, 5),
dims=("y", "x"),
"_satpy_id": make_dataid(
"modifiers": (),
"sensor": {"seviri"},
"platform_name": "Meteosat-11",
"start_time": datetime.datetime(2022, 4, 12, 9, 0),
"area": area})
return sc
@pytest.mark.xfail(xfail_skyfield_unstable_numpy2(), reason="Skyfield doesn't support numpy 2 yet")
def test_double_load(self, fake_scene, conf_file, fake_tle):
"""Test that loading corrected and uncorrected works correctly.
When the modifier ``__call__`` method fails to call
``self.apply_modifier_info(new, old)`` and the original and
parallax-corrected dataset are requested at the same time, the
DataArrays differ but the underlying dask arrays have object identity,
which in turn leads to both being parallax corrected. This unit test
confirms that there is no such object identity.
with unittest.mock.patch(
"satpy.composites.config_loader.config_search_paths") as sccc, \
unittest.mock.patch("pyorbital.tlefile.read") as plr:
sccc.return_value = [os.fspath(conf_file)]
plr.return_value = fake_tle
fake_scene.load(["parallax_corrected_VIS006", "VIS006"])
assert fake_scene["VIS006"] is not fake_scene["parallax_corrected_VIS006"]
assert fake_scene["VIS006"].data is not fake_scene["parallax_corrected_VIS006"].data
@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="awaiting pyresample fixes")
def test_no_compute(self, fake_scene, conf_file):
"""Test that no computation occurs."""
from satpy.tests.utils import CustomScheduler
with unittest.mock.patch(
"satpy.composites.config_loader.config_search_paths") as sccc, \
sccc.return_value = [os.fspath(conf_file)]
@pytest.mark.xfail(xfail_skyfield_unstable_numpy2(), reason="Skyfield doesn't support numpy 2 yet")
def test_enhanced_image(self, fake_scene, conf_file, fake_tle):
"""Test that image enhancement is the same."""
with unittest.mock.patch(
"satpy.composites.config_loader.config_search_paths") as sccc, \
unittest.mock.patch("pyorbital.tlefile.read") as plr:
sccc.return_value = [os.fspath(conf_file)]
plr.return_value = fake_tle
fake_scene.load(["parallax_corrected_VIS006", "VIS006"])
im1 = get_enhanced_image(fake_scene["VIS006"])
im2 = get_enhanced_image(fake_scene["parallax_corrected_VIS006"])
assert im1.data.attrs["enhancement_history"] == im2.data.attrs["enhancement_history"]