satpy.readers.vii_l1b_nc module
EUMETSAT EPS-SG Visible/Infrared Imager (VII) Level 1B products reader.
The vii_l1b_nc
reader reads and calibrates EPS-SG VII L1b image data in netCDF format. The format is explained
in the EPS-SG VII Level 1B Product Format Specification V4A.
This version is applicable for the vii test data V2 to be released in Jan 2022.
- class satpy.readers.vii_l1b_nc.ViiL1bNCFileHandler(filename, filename_info, filetype_info, **kwargs)[source]
Reader class for VII L1B products in netCDF format.
Read the calibration data and prepare the class for dataset reading.
- static _calibrate_bt(radiance, cw, a, b)[source]
Perform the calibration to brightness temperature.
- Parameters:
radiance – numpy ndarray containing the radiance values.
cw – center wavelength [μm].
a – temperature coefficient [-].
b – temperature coefficient [K].
- Returns:
array containing the calibrated brightness temperature values.
- Return type:
numpy ndarray
- static _calibrate_refl(radiance, angle_factor, isi)[source]
Perform the calibration to reflectance.
- Parameters:
radiance – numpy ndarray containing the radiance values.
angle_factor – numpy ndarray containing the inverse of cosine of solar zenith angle [-].
isi – integrated solar irradiance [W/(m2 * μm)].
- Returns:
array containing the calibrated reflectance values.
- Return type:
numpy ndarray
- _perform_calibration(variable, dataset_info)[source]
Perform the calibration.
- Parameters:
variable – xarray DataArray containing the dataset to calibrate.
dataset_info – dictionary of information about the dataset.
- Returns:
array containing the calibrated values and all the original metadata.
- Return type:
- _perform_orthorectification(variable, orthorect_data_name)[source]
Perform the orthorectification.
- Parameters:
variable – xarray DataArray containing the dataset to correct for orthorectification.
orthorect_data_name – name of the orthorectification correction data in the product.
- Returns:
array containing the corrected values and all the original metadata.
- Return type: