Source code for satpy.tests.reader_tests.test_viirs_l1b

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Satpy developers
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"""Module for testing the satpy.readers.viirs_l1b module."""

import os
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from unittest import mock

import numpy as np

from satpy.tests.reader_tests.test_netcdf_utils import FakeNetCDF4FileHandler
from satpy.tests.utils import convert_file_content_to_data_array

DEFAULT_FILE_FACTORS = np.array([2.0, 1.0], dtype=np.float32)

[docs] class FakeNetCDF4FileHandlerDay(FakeNetCDF4FileHandler): """Swap-in NetCDF4 File Handler.""" M_REFL_BANDS = [f"M{band_num:02d}" for band_num in range(1, 12)] M_BT_BANDS = [f"M{band_num:02d}" for band_num in range(12, 17)] M_BANDS = M_REFL_BANDS + M_BT_BANDS I_REFL_BANDS = [f"I{band_num:02d}" for band_num in range(1, 4)] I_BT_BANDS = [f"I{band_num:02d}" for band_num in range(4, 6)] I_BANDS = I_REFL_BANDS + I_BT_BANDS
[docs] def get_test_content(self, filename, filename_info, filetype_info): """Mimic reader input file content.""" dt = filename_info.get("start_time", datetime(2016, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0)) file_type = filename[:5].lower() num_lines = DEFAULT_FILE_SHAPE[0] num_pixels = DEFAULT_FILE_SHAPE[1] num_scans = 5 num_luts = DEFAULT_FILE_SHAPE[0] * DEFAULT_FILE_SHAPE[1] file_content = { "/dimension/number_of_scans": num_scans, "/dimension/number_of_lines": num_lines, "/dimension/number_of_pixels": num_pixels, "/dimension/number_of_LUT_values": num_luts, "/attr/time_coverage_start": dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z"), "/attr/time_coverage_end": (dt + timedelta(minutes=6)).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z"), "/attr/orbit_number": 26384, "/attr/instrument": "VIIRS", "/attr/platform": "Suomi-NPP", } self._fill_contents_with_default_data(file_content, file_type) self._set_dataset_specific_metadata(file_content) convert_file_content_to_data_array(file_content) return file_content
[docs] def _fill_contents_with_default_data(self, file_content, file_type): """Fill file contents with default data.""" if file_type.startswith("vgeo"): file_content["/attr/OrbitNumber"] = file_content.pop("/attr/orbit_number") file_content["geolocation_data/latitude"] = DEFAULT_LAT_DATA file_content["geolocation_data/longitude"] = DEFAULT_LON_DATA file_content["geolocation_data/solar_zenith"] = DEFAULT_LON_DATA file_content["geolocation_data/solar_azimuth"] = DEFAULT_LON_DATA file_content["geolocation_data/sensor_zenith"] = DEFAULT_LON_DATA file_content["geolocation_data/sensor_azimuth"] = DEFAULT_LON_DATA if file_type.endswith("d"): file_content["geolocation_data/lunar_zenith"] = DEFAULT_LON_DATA file_content["geolocation_data/lunar_azimuth"] = DEFAULT_LON_DATA elif file_type == "vl1bm": for m_band in self.M_BANDS: file_content[f"observation_data/{m_band}"] = DEFAULT_FILE_DATA elif file_type == "vl1bi": for i_band in self.I_BANDS: file_content[f"observation_data/{i_band}"] = DEFAULT_FILE_DATA elif file_type == "vl1bd": file_content["observation_data/DNB_observations"] = DEFAULT_FILE_DATA file_content["observation_data/DNB_observations/attr/units"] = "Watts/cm^2/steradian"
[docs] @staticmethod def _set_dataset_specific_metadata(file_content): """Set dataset-specific metadata.""" for k in list(file_content.keys()): if not k.startswith("observation_data") and not k.startswith("geolocation_data"): continue file_content[k + "/shape"] = DEFAULT_FILE_SHAPE if k[-3:] in ["M12", "M13", "M14", "M15", "M16", "I04", "I05"]: file_content[k + "_brightness_temperature_lut"] = DEFAULT_FILE_DATA.ravel() file_content[k + "_brightness_temperature_lut/attr/units"] = "Kelvin" file_content[k + "_brightness_temperature_lut/attr/valid_min"] = 0 file_content[k + "_brightness_temperature_lut/attr/valid_max"] = 65534 file_content[k + "_brightness_temperature_lut/attr/_FillValue"] = 65535 file_content[k + "/attr/units"] = "Watts/meter^2/steradian/micrometer" elif k[-3:] in ["M01", "M02", "M03", "M04", "M05", "M06", "M07", "M08", "M09", "M10", "M11", "I01", "I02", "I03"]: file_content[k + "/attr/radiance_units"] = "Watts/meter^2/steradian/micrometer" file_content[k + "/attr/radiance_scale_factor"] = 1.1 file_content[k + "/attr/radiance_add_offset"] = 0.1 elif k.endswith("longitude"): file_content[k + "/attr/units"] = "degrees_east" elif k.endswith("latitude"): file_content[k + "/attr/units"] = "degrees_north" elif k.endswith("zenith") or k.endswith("azimuth"): file_content[k + "/attr/units"] = "degrees" file_content[k + "/attr/valid_min"] = 0 file_content[k + "/attr/valid_max"] = 65534 file_content[k + "/attr/_FillValue"] = 65535 file_content[k + "/attr/scale_factor"] = 1.1 file_content[k + "/attr/add_offset"] = 0.1
[docs] class FakeNetCDF4FileHandlerNight(FakeNetCDF4FileHandlerDay): """Same as the day file handler, but some day-only bands are missing. This matches what happens in real world files where reflectance bands are removed in night data to save space. """ M_BANDS = FakeNetCDF4FileHandlerDay.M_BT_BANDS I_BANDS = FakeNetCDF4FileHandlerDay.I_BT_BANDS
[docs] class TestVIIRSL1BReaderDay: """Test VIIRS L1B Reader.""" yaml_file = "viirs_l1b.yaml" fake_cls = FakeNetCDF4FileHandlerDay has_reflectance_bands = True
[docs] def setup_method(self): """Wrap NetCDF4 file handler with our own fake handler.""" from satpy._config import config_search_paths from satpy.readers.viirs_l1b import VIIRSL1BFileHandler self.reader_configs = config_search_paths(os.path.join("readers", self.yaml_file)) # self.p = mock.patch.object(VIIRSL1BFileHandler, "__bases__", (self.fake_cls,)) self.fake_handler = self.p.start() self.p.is_local = True
[docs] def teardown_method(self): """Stop wrapping the NetCDF4 file handler.""" self.p.stop()
[docs] def test_init(self): """Test basic init with no extra parameters.""" from satpy.readers import load_reader r = load_reader(self.reader_configs) loadables = r.select_files_from_pathnames([ "", ]) assert len(loadables) == 1 r.create_filehandlers(loadables) # make sure we have some files assert r.file_handlers
[docs] def test_available_datasets_m_bands(self): """Test available datasets for M band files.""" from satpy.readers import load_reader r = load_reader(self.reader_configs) loadables = r.select_files_from_pathnames([ "", "", ]) r.create_filehandlers(loadables) avail_names = r.available_dataset_names angles = {"satellite_azimuth_angle", "satellite_zenith_angle", "solar_azimuth_angle", "solar_zenith_angle"} geo = {"m_lon", "m_lat"} assert set(avail_names) == set(self.fake_cls.M_BANDS) | angles | geo
[docs] def test_load_every_m_band_bt(self): """Test loading all M band brightness temperatures.""" from satpy.readers import load_reader r = load_reader(self.reader_configs) loadables = r.select_files_from_pathnames([ "", "", ]) r.create_filehandlers(loadables) datasets = r.load(["M12", "M13", "M14", "M15", "M16"]) assert len(datasets) == 5 for v in datasets.values(): assert v.attrs["calibration"] == "brightness_temperature" assert v.attrs["units"] == "K" assert v.attrs["rows_per_scan"] == 2 assert v.attrs["area"].lons.attrs["rows_per_scan"] == 2 assert v.attrs["area"].lats.attrs["rows_per_scan"] == 2 assert v.attrs["sensor"] == "viirs"
[docs] def test_load_every_m_band_refl(self): """Test loading all M band reflectances.""" from satpy.readers import load_reader r = load_reader(self.reader_configs) loadables = r.select_files_from_pathnames([ "", "", ]) r.create_filehandlers(loadables) datasets = r.load(["M01", "M02", "M03", "M04", "M05", "M06", "M07", "M08", "M09", "M10", "M11"]) assert len(datasets) == (11 if self.has_reflectance_bands else 0) for v in datasets.values(): assert v.attrs["calibration"] == "reflectance" assert v.attrs["units"] == "%" assert v.attrs["rows_per_scan"] == 2 assert v.attrs["area"].lons.attrs["rows_per_scan"] == 2 assert v.attrs["area"].lats.attrs["rows_per_scan"] == 2 assert v.attrs["sensor"] == "viirs"
[docs] def test_load_every_m_band_rad(self): """Test loading all M bands as radiances.""" from satpy.readers import load_reader from satpy.tests.utils import make_dataid r = load_reader(self.reader_configs) loadables = r.select_files_from_pathnames([ "", "", ]) r.create_filehandlers(loadables) datasets = r.load([make_dataid(name="M01", calibration="radiance"), make_dataid(name="M02", calibration="radiance"), make_dataid(name="M03", calibration="radiance"), make_dataid(name="M04", calibration="radiance"), make_dataid(name="M05", calibration="radiance"), make_dataid(name="M06", calibration="radiance"), make_dataid(name="M07", calibration="radiance"), make_dataid(name="M08", calibration="radiance"), make_dataid(name="M09", calibration="radiance"), make_dataid(name="M10", calibration="radiance"), make_dataid(name="M11", calibration="radiance"), make_dataid(name="M12", calibration="radiance"), make_dataid(name="M13", calibration="radiance"), make_dataid(name="M14", calibration="radiance"), make_dataid(name="M15", calibration="radiance"), make_dataid(name="M16", calibration="radiance")]) assert len(datasets) == (16 if self.has_reflectance_bands else 5) for v in datasets.values(): assert v.attrs["calibration"] == "radiance" assert v.attrs["units"] == "W m-2 um-1 sr-1" assert v.attrs["rows_per_scan"] == 2 assert v.attrs["area"].lons.attrs["rows_per_scan"] == 2 assert v.attrs["area"].lats.attrs["rows_per_scan"] == 2 assert v.attrs["sensor"] == "viirs"
[docs] def test_load_i_band_angles(self): """Test loading all M bands as radiances.""" from satpy.readers import load_reader from satpy.tests.utils import make_dataid r = load_reader(self.reader_configs) loadables = r.select_files_from_pathnames([ "", "", "", "", ]) r.create_filehandlers(loadables) datasets = r.load([ make_dataid(name="satellite_zenith_angle"), make_dataid(name="satellite_azimuth_angle"), make_dataid(name="solar_azimuth_angle"), make_dataid(name="solar_zenith_angle"), ]) assert len(datasets) == 4 for v in datasets.values(): assert v.attrs["resolution"] == 371 assert v.attrs["sensor"] == "viirs"
[docs] def test_load_dnb_radiance(self): """Test loading the main DNB dataset.""" from satpy.readers import load_reader r = load_reader(self.reader_configs) loadables = r.select_files_from_pathnames([ "", "", ]) r.create_filehandlers(loadables) datasets = r.load(["DNB"]) assert len(datasets) == 1 for v in datasets.values(): assert v.attrs["calibration"] == "radiance" assert v.attrs["units"] == "W m-2 sr-1" assert v.attrs["rows_per_scan"] == 2 assert v.attrs["area"].lons.attrs["rows_per_scan"] == 2 assert v.attrs["area"].lats.attrs["rows_per_scan"] == 2 assert v.attrs["sensor"] == "viirs"
[docs] def test_load_dnb_angles(self): """Test loading all DNB angle datasets.""" from satpy.readers import load_reader r = load_reader(self.reader_configs) loadables = r.select_files_from_pathnames([ "", "", ]) r.create_filehandlers(loadables) datasets = r.load(["dnb_solar_zenith_angle", "dnb_solar_azimuth_angle", "dnb_satellite_zenith_angle", "dnb_satellite_azimuth_angle", "dnb_lunar_zenith_angle", "dnb_lunar_azimuth_angle", ]) assert len(datasets) == 6 for v in datasets.values(): assert v.attrs["units"] == "degrees" assert v.attrs["rows_per_scan"] == 2 assert v.attrs["area"].lons.attrs["rows_per_scan"] == 2 assert v.attrs["area"].lats.attrs["rows_per_scan"] == 2 assert v.attrs["sensor"] == "viirs"
[docs] class TestVIIRSL1BReaderDayNight(TestVIIRSL1BReaderDay): """Test VIIRS L1b with night data. Night data files don't have reflectance bands in them. """ fake_cls = FakeNetCDF4FileHandlerNight has_reflectance_bands = False