Source code for satpy.tests.reader_tests.test_viirs_edr

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2022 Satpy developers
# This file is part of satpy.
# satpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# satpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# satpy.  If not, see <>.
"""Module for testing the satpy.readers.viirs_l2_jrr module.

Note: This is adapted from the code.
from __future__ import annotations

import datetime as dt
import shutil
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Iterable

import dask
import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
import pytest
import xarray as xr
from pyresample import SwathDefinition
from pytest import TempPathFactory  # noqa: PT013
from pytest_lazy_fixtures import lf as lazy_fixture

from satpy.tests.utils import RANDOM_GEN

I_COLS = 6400
I_ROWS = 32  # one scan
M_COLS = 3200
M_ROWS = 16  # one scan
START_TIME = dt.datetime(2023, 5, 30, 17, 55, 41, 0)
END_TIME = dt.datetime(2023, 5, 30, 17, 57, 5, 0)
\tBits are listed from the MSB (bit 7) to the LSB (bit 0):
\tBit    Description
\t6-7    SUN GLINT;
\t       00 -- none
\t       01 -- geometry based
\t       10 -- wind speed based
\t       11 -- geometry & wind speed based
\t5      low sun mask;
\t       0 -- high
\t       1 -- low
\t4      day/night;
\t       0 -- day
\t       1 -- night
\t2-3    cloud detection & confidence;
\t       00 -- confident clear
\t       01 -- probably clear
\t       10 -- probably cloudy
\t       11 -- confident cloudy
\t0-1    cloud mask quality;
\t       00 -- poor
\t       01 -- low
\t       10 -- medium
\t       11 -- high

[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def surface_reflectance_file(tmp_path_factory: TempPathFactory) -> Path: """Generate fake surface reflectance EDR file.""" return _create_surface_reflectance_file(tmp_path_factory, START_TIME, include_veg_indices=False)
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def surface_reflectance_file2(tmp_path_factory: TempPathFactory) -> Path: """Generate fake surface reflectance EDR file.""" return _create_surface_reflectance_file(tmp_path_factory, START_TIME + dt.timedelta(minutes=5), include_veg_indices=False)
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def multiple_surface_reflectance_files(surface_reflectance_file, surface_reflectance_file2) -> list[Path]: """Get two multiple surface reflectance files.""" return [surface_reflectance_file, surface_reflectance_file2]
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def surface_reflectance_with_veg_indices_file(tmp_path_factory: TempPathFactory) -> Path: """Generate fake surface reflectance EDR file with vegetation indexes included.""" return _create_surface_reflectance_file(tmp_path_factory, START_TIME, include_veg_indices=True)
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def surface_reflectance_with_veg_indices_file2(tmp_path_factory: TempPathFactory) -> Path: """Generate fake surface reflectance EDR file with vegetation indexes included.""" return _create_surface_reflectance_file(tmp_path_factory, START_TIME + dt.timedelta(minutes=5), include_veg_indices=True)
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def multiple_surface_reflectance_files_with_veg_indices(surface_reflectance_with_veg_indices_file, surface_reflectance_with_veg_indices_file2) -> list[Path]: """Get two multiple surface reflectance files with vegetation indexes included.""" return [surface_reflectance_with_veg_indices_file, surface_reflectance_with_veg_indices_file2]
[docs] def _create_surface_reflectance_file( tmp_path_factory: TempPathFactory, start_time: dt.datetime, include_veg_indices: bool = False, ) -> Path: fn = f"SurfRefl_v1r2_npp_s{start_time:%Y%m%d%H%M%S}0_e{END_TIME:%Y%m%d%H%M%S}" sr_vars = _create_surf_refl_variables() if include_veg_indices: sr_vars.update(_create_veg_index_variables()) return _create_fake_file(tmp_path_factory, fn, sr_vars)
[docs] def _create_surf_refl_variables() -> dict[str, xr.DataArray]: dim_y_750 = "Along_Track_750m" dim_x_750 = "Along_Scan_750m" m_dims = (dim_y_750, dim_x_750) dim_y_375 = "Along_Track_375m" dim_x_375 = "Along_Scan_375m" i_dims = (dim_y_375, dim_x_375) lon_attrs = {"standard_name": "longitude", "units": "degrees_east", "_FillValue": -999.9, "valid_min": -180.0, "valid_max": 180.0} lat_attrs = {"standard_name": "latitude", "units": "degrees_north", "_FillValue": -999.9, "valid_min": -90.0, "valid_max": 90.0} sr_attrs = {"units": "unitless", "_FillValue": -9999, "scale_factor": np.float32(0.0001), "add_offset": np.float32(0.0)} i_data = RANDOM_GEN.random((I_ROWS, I_COLS)).astype(np.float32) m_data = RANDOM_GEN.random((M_ROWS, M_COLS)).astype(np.float32) lon_i_data = (i_data * 360) - 180.0 lon_m_data = (m_data * 360) - 180.0 lat_i_data = (i_data * 180) - 90.0 lat_m_data = (m_data * 180) - 90.0 for geo_var in (lon_i_data, lon_m_data, lat_i_data, lat_m_data): geo_var[0, 0] = -999.9 geo_var[0, 1] = -999.3 data_arrs = { "Longitude_at_375m_resolution": xr.DataArray(lon_i_data, dims=i_dims, attrs=lon_attrs), "Latitude_at_375m_resolution": xr.DataArray(lat_i_data, dims=i_dims, attrs=lat_attrs), "Longitude_at_750m_resolution": xr.DataArray(lon_m_data, dims=m_dims, attrs=lon_attrs), "Latitude_at_750m_resolution": xr.DataArray(lat_m_data, dims=m_dims, attrs=lat_attrs), "375m Surface Reflectance Band I1": xr.DataArray(i_data, dims=i_dims, attrs=sr_attrs), "750m Surface Reflectance Band M1": xr.DataArray(m_data, dims=m_dims, attrs=sr_attrs), } for data_arr in data_arrs.values(): data_arr.encoding["chunksizes"] = data_arr.shape if "scale_factor" not in data_arr.attrs: continue data_arr.encoding["dtype"] = np.int16 data_arr.encoding["scale_factor"] = data_arr.attrs.pop("scale_factor") data_arr.encoding["add_offset"] = data_arr.attrs.pop("add_offset") return data_arrs
[docs] def _create_veg_index_variables() -> dict[str, xr.DataArray]: dim_y_750 = "Along_Track_750m" dim_x_750 = "Along_Scan_750m" m_dims = (dim_y_750, dim_x_750) dim_y_375 = "Along_Track_375m" dim_x_375 = "Along_Scan_375m" i_dims = (dim_y_375, dim_x_375) vi_data = np.zeros((I_ROWS, I_COLS), dtype=np.float32) vi_data[0, :7] = [-2.0, -1.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5] data_arrs = { "NDVI": xr.DataArray(vi_data, dims=i_dims, attrs={"units": "unitless"}), "EVI": xr.DataArray(vi_data, dims=i_dims, attrs={"units": "unitless"}), } data_arrs["NDVI"].encoding["dtype"] = np.float32 data_arrs["EVI"].encoding["dtype"] = np.float32 # Quality Flags are from the Surface Reflectance data, but only used for VI products in the reader for qf_num in range(1, 8): qf_name = f"QF{qf_num} Surface Reflectance" qf_data = np.zeros((M_ROWS, M_COLS), dtype=np.uint8) bad_qf_start = 4 # 0.5x the last test pixel set in "vi_data" above (I-band versus M-band index) if qf_num == 1: qf_data[:, :] |= 0b00000010 # medium cloud mask quality everywhere qf_data[0, bad_qf_start] |= 0b11000000 # sun glint qf_data[0, bad_qf_start + 1] |= 0b00001100 # cloudy qf_data[0, bad_qf_start + 2] = 0b00000001 # low cloud mask quality elif qf_num == 2: qf_data[:, :] |= 0b00000011 # desert everywhere qf_data[0, bad_qf_start + 3] |= 0b00100000 # snow or ice qf_data[0, bad_qf_start + 4] |= 0b00001000 # cloud shadow qf_data[0, bad_qf_start + 5] = 0b00000001 # deep ocean elif qf_num == 7: qf_data[0, bad_qf_start + 6] |= 0b00001100 # high aerosol qf_data[0, bad_qf_start + 7] |= 0b00000010 # adjacent to cloud data_arr = xr.DataArray(qf_data, dims=m_dims, attrs={"flag_meanings": QF1_FLAG_MEANINGS}) data_arr.encoding["dtype"] = np.uint8 data_arrs[qf_name] = data_arr return data_arrs
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def cloud_height_file(tmp_path_factory: TempPathFactory) -> Path: """Generate fake CloudHeight VIIRS EDR file.""" fn = f"JRR-CloudHeight_v3r2_npp_s{START_TIME:%Y%m%d%H%M%S}0_e{END_TIME:%Y%m%d%H%M%S}" data_vars = _create_continuous_variables( ("CldTopTemp", "CldTopHght", "CldTopPres") ) lon_pc = data_vars["Longitude"].copy(deep=True) lat_pc = data_vars["Latitude"].copy(deep=True) lon_pc.attrs["long_name"] = "BAD" lat_pc.attrs["long_name"] = "BAD" del lon_pc.encoding["_FillValue"] del lat_pc.encoding["_FillValue"] data_vars["Longitude_Pc"] = lon_pc data_vars["Latitude_Pc"] = lat_pc return _create_fake_file(tmp_path_factory, fn, data_vars)
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def aod_file(tmp_path_factory: TempPathFactory) -> Path: """Generate fake AOD VIIRs EDR file.""" fn = f"JRR-AOD_v3r2_npp_s{START_TIME:%Y%m%d%H%M%S}0_e{END_TIME:%Y%m%d%H%M%S}" data_vars = _create_continuous_variables( ("AOD550",), data_attrs={ "valid_range": [-0.5, 0.5], "units": "1", "_FillValue": -999.999, } ) qc_data = np.zeros(data_vars["AOD550"].shape, dtype=np.int8) qc_data[-1, -1] = 2 data_vars["QCAll"] = xr.DataArray( qc_data, dims=data_vars["AOD550"].dims, attrs={"valid_range": [0, 3]}, ) data_vars["QCAll"].encoding["_FillValue"] = -128 return _create_fake_file(tmp_path_factory, fn, data_vars)
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def lst_file(tmp_path_factory: TempPathFactory) -> Path: """Generate fake VLST EDR file.""" fn = f"LST_v2r0_npp_s{START_TIME:%Y%m%d%H%M%S}0_e{END_TIME:%Y%m%d%H%M%S}" data_vars = _create_lst_variables() return _create_fake_file(tmp_path_factory, fn, data_vars)
[docs] def _create_lst_variables() -> dict[str, xr.DataArray]: data_vars = _create_continuous_variables(("VLST",)) # VLST scale factors data_vars["VLST"].data = (data_vars["VLST"].data / 0.0001).astype(np.int16) data_vars["VLST"].encoding.pop("scale_factor") data_vars["VLST"].encoding.pop("add_offset") data_vars["LST_ScaleFact"] = xr.DataArray(np.float32(0.0001)) data_vars["LST_Offset"] = xr.DataArray(np.float32(0.0)) return data_vars
[docs] def _create_continuous_variables( var_names: Iterable[str], data_attrs: None | dict = None ) -> dict[str, xr.DataArray]: dims = ("Rows", "Columns") lon_attrs = {"standard_name": "longitude", "units": "degrees_east", "_FillValue": -999.9} lat_attrs = {"standard_name": "latitude", "units": "degrees_north", "_FillValue": -999.9} cont_attrs = data_attrs if cont_attrs is None: cont_attrs = {"units": "Kelvin", "_FillValue": -9999, "scale_factor": np.float32(0.0001), "add_offset": np.float32(0.0)} m_data = RANDOM_GEN.random((M_ROWS, M_COLS)).astype(np.float32) data_arrs = { "Longitude": xr.DataArray(m_data, dims=dims, attrs=lon_attrs), "Latitude": xr.DataArray(m_data, dims=dims, attrs=lat_attrs), } cont_data = m_data if "valid_range" in cont_attrs: valid_range = cont_attrs["valid_range"] # scale 0-1 random data to fit in valid_range cont_data = cont_data * (valid_range[1] - valid_range[0]) + valid_range[0] for var_name in var_names: data_arrs[var_name] = xr.DataArray(cont_data, dims=dims, attrs=cont_attrs) for data_arr in data_arrs.values(): if "_FillValue" in data_arr.attrs: data_arr.encoding["_FillValue"] = data_arr.attrs.pop("_FillValue") data_arr.encoding["coordinates"] = "Longitude Latitude" if "scale_factor" not in data_arr.attrs: continue data_arr.encoding["dtype"] = np.int16 data_arr.encoding["scale_factor"] = data_arr.attrs.pop("scale_factor") data_arr.encoding["add_offset"] = data_arr.attrs.pop("add_offset") return data_arrs
[docs] def _create_fake_file(tmp_path_factory: TempPathFactory, filename: str, data_arrs: dict[str, xr.DataArray]) -> Path: tmp_path = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("viirs_edr_tmp") file_path = tmp_path / filename ds = _create_fake_dataset(data_arrs) ds.to_netcdf(file_path) return file_path
[docs] def _create_fake_dataset(vars_dict: dict[str, xr.DataArray]) -> xr.Dataset: ds = xr.Dataset( vars_dict, attrs={} ) return ds
[docs] def test_available_datasets(aod_file): """Test that available datasets doesn't claim non-filetype datasets. For example, if a YAML-configured dataset's file type is not loaded then the available status is `None` and should remain `None`. This means no file type knows what to do with this dataset. If it is `False` then that means that a file type knows of the dataset, but that the variable is not available in the file. In the below test this isn't the case so the YAML-configured dataset should be provided once and have a `None` availability. """ from satpy.readers.viirs_edr import VIIRSJRRFileHandler file_handler = VIIRSJRRFileHandler( aod_file, {"platform_shortname": "npp"}, {"file_type": "jrr_aod"}, ) fake_yaml_datasets = [ (None, {"file_key": "fake", "file_type": "fake_file", "name": "fake"}), ] available_datasets = list(file_handler.available_datasets(configured_datasets=fake_yaml_datasets)) fake_availables = [avail_tuple for avail_tuple in available_datasets if avail_tuple[1]["name"] == "fake"] assert len(fake_availables) == 1 assert fake_availables[0][0] is None
[docs] class TestVIIRSJRRReader: """Test the VIIRS JRR L2 reader."""
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "data_files", [ lazy_fixture("surface_reflectance_file"), lazy_fixture("multiple_surface_reflectance_files"), ], ) def test_get_dataset_surf_refl(self, data_files): """Test retrieval of datasets.""" from satpy import Scene if not isinstance(data_files, list): data_files = [data_files] is_multiple = len(data_files) > 1 bytes_in_m_row = 4 * 3200 with dask.config.set({"array.chunk-size": f"{bytes_in_m_row * 4}B"}): scn = Scene(reader="viirs_edr", filenames=data_files) scn.load(["surf_refl_I01", "surf_refl_M01"]) assert scn.start_time == START_TIME assert scn.end_time == END_TIME _check_surf_refl_data_arr(scn["surf_refl_I01"], multiple_files=is_multiple) _check_surf_refl_data_arr(scn["surf_refl_M01"], multiple_files=is_multiple)
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize("filter_veg", [False, True]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "data_files", [ lazy_fixture("surface_reflectance_with_veg_indices_file2"), lazy_fixture("multiple_surface_reflectance_files_with_veg_indices"), ], ) def test_get_dataset_surf_refl_with_veg_idx( self, data_files, filter_veg, ): """Test retrieval of vegetation indices from surface reflectance files.""" from satpy import Scene if not isinstance(data_files, list): data_files = [data_files] is_multiple = len(data_files) > 1 bytes_in_m_row = 4 * 3200 with dask.config.set({"array.chunk-size": f"{bytes_in_m_row * 4}B"}): scn = Scene(reader="viirs_edr", filenames=data_files, reader_kwargs={"filter_veg": filter_veg}) scn.load(["NDVI", "EVI", "surf_refl_qf1"]) _check_vi_data_arr(scn["NDVI"], filter_veg, is_multiple) _check_vi_data_arr(scn["EVI"], filter_veg, is_multiple) _check_surf_refl_qf_data_arr(scn["surf_refl_qf1"], is_multiple)
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("var_names", "data_file"), [ (("CldTopTemp", "CldTopHght", "CldTopPres"), lazy_fixture("cloud_height_file")), (("VLST",), lazy_fixture("lst_file")), ] ) def test_get_dataset_generic(self, var_names, data_file): """Test datasets from cloud height files.""" from satpy import Scene bytes_in_m_row = 4 * 3200 with dask.config.set({"array.chunk-size": f"{bytes_in_m_row * 4}B"}): scn = Scene(reader="viirs_edr", filenames=[data_file]) scn.load(var_names) for var_name in var_names: _check_continuous_data_arr(scn[var_name])
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("aod_qc_filter", "exp_masked_pixel"), [ (None, False), (0, True), (2, False) ], ) def test_get_aod_filtered(self, aod_file, aod_qc_filter, exp_masked_pixel): """Test that the AOD product can be loaded and filtered.""" from satpy import Scene bytes_in_m_row = 4 * 3200 with dask.config.set({"array.chunk-size": f"{bytes_in_m_row * 4}B"}): scn = Scene(reader="viirs_edr", filenames=[aod_file], reader_kwargs={"aod_qc_filter": aod_qc_filter}) scn.load(["AOD550"]) _check_continuous_data_arr(scn["AOD550"]) data_np = scn["AOD550"].data.compute() pixel_is_nan = np.isnan(data_np[-1, -1]) assert pixel_is_nan if exp_masked_pixel else not pixel_is_nan # filtering should never affect geolocation lons, lats = scn["AOD550"].attrs["area"].get_lonlats() assert not np.isnan(lons[-1, -1].compute()) assert not np.isnan(lats[-1, -1].compute())
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("data_file", "exp_available"), [ (lazy_fixture("surface_reflectance_file"), False), (lazy_fixture("surface_reflectance_with_veg_indices_file"), True), ] ) def test_availability_veg_idx(self, data_file, exp_available): """Test that vegetation indexes aren't available when they aren't present.""" from satpy import Scene scn = Scene(reader="viirs_edr", filenames=[data_file]) avail = scn.available_dataset_names() if exp_available: assert "NDVI" in avail assert "EVI" in avail else: assert "NDVI" not in avail assert "EVI" not in avail
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("filename_platform", "exp_shortname"), [ ("npp", "Suomi-NPP"), ("JPSS-1", "NOAA-20"), ("J01", "NOAA-20"), ("n21", "NOAA-21") ]) def test_get_platformname(self, surface_reflectance_file, filename_platform, exp_shortname): """Test finding start and end times of granules.""" from satpy import Scene new_name = str(surface_reflectance_file).replace("npp", filename_platform) if new_name != str(surface_reflectance_file): shutil.copy(surface_reflectance_file, new_name) scn = Scene(reader="viirs_edr", filenames=[new_name]) scn.load(["surf_refl_I01"]) assert scn["surf_refl_I01"].attrs["platform_name"] == exp_shortname
[docs] def _check_surf_refl_qf_data_arr(data_arr: xr.DataArray, multiple_files: bool) -> None: _array_checks(data_arr, dtype=np.uint8, multiple_files=multiple_files) _shared_metadata_checks(data_arr) assert data_arr.attrs["units"] == "1" assert data_arr.attrs["standard_name"] == "quality_flag"
[docs] def _check_vi_data_arr(data_arr: xr.DataArray, is_filtered: bool, multiple_files: bool) -> None: _array_checks(data_arr, multiple_files=multiple_files) _shared_metadata_checks(data_arr) assert data_arr.attrs["units"] == "1" assert data_arr.attrs["standard_name"] == "normalized_difference_vegetation_index" data = if is_filtered: np.testing.assert_allclose(data[0, :7], [np.nan, -1.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, np.nan]) np.testing.assert_allclose(data[0, 8:8 + 16], np.nan) np.testing.assert_allclose(data[0, 8 + 16:], 0.0) else: np.testing.assert_allclose(data[0, :7], [np.nan, -1.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, np.nan]) np.testing.assert_allclose(data[0, 8:], 0.0)
[docs] def _check_surf_refl_data_arr( data_arr: xr.DataArray, dtype: npt.DType = np.float32, multiple_files: bool = False ) -> None: _array_checks(data_arr, dtype, multiple_files=multiple_files) data = assert data.max() > 1.0 # random 0-1 test data multiplied by 100 _shared_metadata_checks(data_arr) assert data_arr.attrs["units"] == "%" assert data_arr.attrs["standard_name"] == "surface_bidirectional_reflectance"
[docs] def _check_continuous_data_arr(data_arr: xr.DataArray) -> None: _array_checks(data_arr) if "valid_range" not in data_arr.attrs and "valid_min" not in data_arr.attrs: # random sample should be between 0 and 1 only if factor/offset applied exp_range = (0, 1) else: # if there is a valid range then we shouldn't be outside it exp_range = data_arr.attrs.get("valid_range", (data_arr.attrs.get("valid_min"), data_arr.attrs.get("valid_max"))) data = assert not (data < exp_range[0]).any() assert not (data > exp_range[1]).any() _shared_metadata_checks(data_arr)
[docs] def _array_checks(data_arr: xr.DataArray, dtype: npt.Dtype = np.float32, multiple_files: bool = False) -> None: assert data_arr.dims == ("y", "x") assert isinstance(data_arr.attrs["area"], SwathDefinition) assert data_arr.attrs["area"].shape == data_arr.shape assert isinstance(, da.Array) assert np.issubdtype(, dtype) is_mband_res = _is_mband_res(data_arr) shape_multiplier = 1 + int(multiple_files) exp_shape = (M_ROWS * shape_multiplier, M_COLS) if is_mband_res else (I_ROWS * shape_multiplier, I_COLS) assert data_arr.shape == exp_shape exp_row_chunks = 4 if is_mband_res else 8 assert all(c == exp_row_chunks for c in data_arr.chunks[0]) assert data_arr.chunks[1] == (exp_shape[1],)
[docs] def _shared_metadata_checks(data_arr: xr.DataArray) -> None: is_mband_res = _is_mband_res(data_arr) exp_rps = 16 if is_mband_res else 32 assert data_arr.attrs["sensor"] == "viirs" assert data_arr.attrs["rows_per_scan"] == exp_rps lons = data_arr.attrs["area"].lons lats = data_arr.attrs["area"].lats assert lons.attrs["rows_per_scan"] == exp_rps assert lats.attrs["rows_per_scan"] == exp_rps assert lons.min() >= -180.0 assert lons.max() <= 180.0 assert lats.min() >= -90.0 assert lats.max() <= 90.0 # Some files (ex. CloudHeight) have other lon/lats that shouldn't be used assert lons.attrs.get("long_name") != "BAD" assert lats.attrs.get("long_name") != "BAD" if "valid_range" in data_arr.attrs: valid_range = data_arr.attrs["valid_range"] assert isinstance(valid_range, tuple) assert len(valid_range) == 2
[docs] def _is_mband_res(data_arr: xr.DataArray) -> bool: return "I" not in data_arr.attrs["name"] # includes NDVI and EVI