Source code for satpy.tests.reader_tests.test_fci_l2_nc

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2019 Satpy developers
# satpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# satpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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"""The fci_cld_l2_nc reader tests package."""

import os
import unittest
import uuid
from contextlib import suppress
from unittest import mock

import numpy as np
import pytest
from netCDF4 import Dataset
from pyresample import geometry

from satpy.readers.fci_l2_nc import FciL2NCAMVFileHandler, FciL2NCFileHandler, FciL2NCSegmentFileHandler
from satpy.tests.utils import make_dataid

AREA_DEF = geometry.AreaDefinition(
    "MTG FCI Full Disk Scanning Service area definition with 2 km resolution",
    {"h": 35786400., "lon_0": 0.0, "ellps": "WGS84", "proj": "geos", "units": "m"},
    (-5567999.9942, 5567999.9942, 5567999.9942, -5567999.9942)

SEG_AREA_DEF = geometry.AreaDefinition(
    "MTG FCI Full Disk Scanning Service area definition with 32 km resolution",
    {"h": 35786400., "lon_0": 0.0, "ellps": "WGS84", "proj": "geos", "units": "m"},
    (-5567999.9942, 5567999.9942, 5567999.9942, -5567999.9942)

[docs] class TestFciL2NCFileHandler(unittest.TestCase): """Test the FciL2NCFileHandler reader."""
[docs] def setUp(self): """Set up the test by creating a test file and opening it with the reader.""" # Easiest way to test the reader is to create a test netCDF file on the fly # Create unique filenames to prevent race conditions when tests are run in parallel self.test_file = str(uuid.uuid4()) + ".nc" with Dataset(self.test_file, "w") as nc: # Create dimensions nc.createDimension("number_of_columns", 10) nc.createDimension("number_of_rows", 100) nc.createDimension("maximum_number_of_layers", 2) # add global attributes nc.data_source = "test_data_source" nc.platform = "test_platform" # Add datasets x = nc.createVariable("x", np.float32, dimensions=("number_of_columns",)) x.standard_name = "projection_x_coordinate" x[:] = np.arange(10) y = nc.createVariable("y", np.float32, dimensions=("number_of_rows",)) y.standard_name = "projection_y_coordinate" y[:] = np.arange(100) s = nc.createVariable("product_quality", np.int8) s[:] = 99. one_layer_dataset = nc.createVariable("test_one_layer", np.float32, dimensions=("number_of_rows", "number_of_columns")) one_layer_dataset[:] = np.ones((100, 10)) one_layer_dataset.test_attr = "attr" one_layer_dataset.units = "test_units" two_layers_dataset = nc.createVariable("test_two_layers", np.float32, dimensions=("maximum_number_of_layers", "number_of_rows", "number_of_columns")) two_layers_dataset[0, :, :] = np.ones((100, 10)) two_layers_dataset[1, :, :] = 2 * np.ones((100, 10)) two_layers_dataset.unit = "test_unit" mtg_geos_projection = nc.createVariable("mtg_geos_projection", int, dimensions=()) mtg_geos_projection.longitude_of_projection_origin = 0.0 mtg_geos_projection.semi_major_axis = 6378137. mtg_geos_projection.inverse_flattening = 298.257223563 mtg_geos_projection.perspective_point_height = 35786400. # Add enumerated type enum_dict = {"False": 0, "True": 1} bool_type = nc.createEnumType(np.uint8,"bool_t",enum_dict) nc.createVariable("quality_flag", bool_type, dimensions=("number_of_rows", "number_of_columns")) self.fh = FciL2NCFileHandler(filename=self.test_file, filename_info={}, filetype_info={})
[docs] def tearDown(self): """Remove the previously created test file.""" # First delete the file handler, forcing the file to be closed if still open del self.fh # Then we can safely remove the file from the system with suppress(OSError): os.remove(self.test_file)
[docs] def test_all_basic(self): """Test all basic functionalities.""" assert self.fh.spacecraft_name == "test_platform" assert self.fh.sensor_name == "test_data_source" assert self.fh.ssp_lon == 0.0 global_attributes = self.fh._get_global_attributes() expected_global_attributes = { "filename": self.test_file, "spacecraft_name": "test_platform", "ssp_lon": 0.0, "sensor": "test_data_source", "platform_name": "test_platform" } assert global_attributes == expected_global_attributes
[docs] @mock.patch("satpy.readers.fci_l2_nc.geometry.AreaDefinition") @mock.patch("satpy.readers.fci_l2_nc.make_ext") def test_area_definition(self, me_, gad_): """Test the area definition computation.""" self.fh._compute_area_def(make_dataid(name="test_area_def", resolution=2000)) # Asserts that the make_ext function was called with the correct arguments me_.assert_called_once() args, kwargs = me_.call_args np.testing.assert_allclose(args, [-0.0, -515.6620, 5672.28217, 0.0, 35786400.]) proj_dict = {"a": 6378137., "lon_0": 0.0, "h": 35786400, "rf": 298.257223563, "proj": "geos", "units": "m", "sweep": "y"} # Asserts that the get_area_definition function was called with the correct arguments gad_.assert_called_once() args, kwargs = gad_.call_args assert args[0] == "mtg_fci_fdss_2km" assert args[1] == "MTG FCI Full Disk Scanning Service area definition with 2 km resolution" assert args[2] == "" assert args[3] == proj_dict assert args[4] == 10 assert args[5] == 100
[docs] def test_dataset(self): """Test the correct execution of the get_dataset function with a valid nc_key.""" dataset = self.fh.get_dataset(make_dataid(name="test_one_layer", resolution=2000), {"name": "test_one_layer", "nc_key": "test_one_layer", "fill_value": -999, "file_type": "test_file_type"}) np.testing.assert_allclose(dataset.values, np.ones((100, 10))) assert dataset.attrs["test_attr"] == "attr" assert dataset.attrs["fill_value"] == -999
[docs] def test_dataset_with_layer(self): """Check the correct execution of the get_dataset function with a valid nc_key & layer.""" dataset = self.fh.get_dataset(make_dataid(name="test_two_layers", resolution=2000), {"name": "test_two_layers", "nc_key": "test_two_layers", "layer": 1, "fill_value": -999, "file_type": "test_file_type"}) np.testing.assert_allclose(dataset.values, 2 * np.ones((100, 10))) assert dataset.attrs["spacecraft_name"] == "test_platform"
[docs] def test_dataset_with_invalid_filekey(self): """Test the correct execution of the get_dataset function with an invalid nc_key.""" invalid_dataset = self.fh.get_dataset(make_dataid(name="test_invalid", resolution=2000), {"name": "test_invalid", "nc_key": "test_invalid", "fill_value": -999, "file_type": "test_file_type"}) assert invalid_dataset is None
[docs] def test_dataset_with_total_cot(self): """Test the correct execution of the get_dataset function for total COT (add contributions from two layers).""" dataset = self.fh.get_dataset(make_dataid(name="retrieved_cloud_optical_thickness", resolution=2000), {"name": "retrieved_cloud_optical_thickness", "nc_key": "test_two_layers", "fill_value": -999, "file_type": "test_file_type"}) # Checks that the function returns None expected_sum = np.empty((100, 10)) expected_sum[:] = np.log10(10**2 + 10**1) np.testing.assert_allclose(dataset.values, expected_sum)
[docs] def test_dataset_with_scalar(self): """Test the execution of the get_dataset function for scalar values.""" # Checks returned scalar value dataset = self.fh.get_dataset(make_dataid(name="test_scalar"), {"name": "product_quality", "nc_key": "product_quality", "file_type": "test_file_type"}) assert dataset.values == 99.0 # Checks that no AreaDefintion is implemented for scalar values with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): self.fh.get_area_def(None)
[docs] def test_emumerations(self): """Test the conversion of enumerated type information into flag_values and flag_meanings.""" dataset = self.fh.get_dataset(make_dataid(name="test_enum", resolution=2000), {"name": "quality_flag", "nc_key": "quality_flag", "file_type": "test_file_type", "import_enum_information": True}) attributes = dataset.attrs assert "flag_values" in attributes assert attributes["flag_values"] == [0,1] assert "flag_meanings" in attributes assert attributes["flag_meanings"] == ["False","True"]
[docs] def test_units_from_file(self): """Test units extraction from NetCDF file.""" dataset = self.fh.get_dataset(make_dataid(name="test_units_from_file", resolution=2000), {"name": "test_one_layer", "nc_key": "test_one_layer", "file_type": "test_file_type"}) assert dataset.attrs["units"] == "test_units"
[docs] def test_unit_from_file(self): """Test that a unit stored with attribute `unit` in the file is assigned to the `units` attribute.""" dataset = self.fh.get_dataset(make_dataid(name="test_unit_from_file", resolution=2000), {"name": "test_two_layers", "nc_key": "test_two_layers", "layer": 1, "file_type": "test_file_type"}) assert dataset.attrs["units"] == "test_unit"
[docs] def test_units_from_yaml(self): """Test units extraction from yaml file.""" dataset = self.fh.get_dataset(make_dataid(name="test_units_from_yaml", resolution=2000), {"name": "test_one_layer", "units": "test_unit_from_yaml", "nc_key": "test_one_layer", "file_type": "test_file_type"}) assert dataset.attrs["units"] == "test_unit_from_yaml"
[docs] def test_units_none_conversion(self): """Test that a units stored as 'none' is converted to None.""" dataset = self.fh.get_dataset(make_dataid(name="test_units_none_conversion", resolution=2000), {"name": "test_one_layer", "units": "none", "nc_key": "test_one_layer", "file_type": "test_file_type"}) assert dataset.attrs["units"] is None
[docs] class TestFciL2NCSegmentFileHandler(unittest.TestCase): """Test the FciL2NCSegmentFileHandler reader."""
[docs] def setUp(self): """Set up the test by creating a test file and opening it with the reader.""" # Easiest way to test the reader is to create a test netCDF file on the fly self.seg_test_file = str(uuid.uuid4()) + ".nc" with Dataset(self.seg_test_file, "w") as nc: # Create dimensions nc.createDimension("number_of_FoR_cols", 348) nc.createDimension("number_of_FoR_rows", 348) nc.createDimension("number_of_channels", 8) nc.createDimension("number_of_categories", 6) # add global attributes nc.data_source = "test_fci_data_source" nc.platform = "test_fci_platform" # Add datasets x = nc.createVariable("x", np.float32, dimensions=("number_of_FoR_cols",)) x.standard_name = "projection_x_coordinate" x[:] = np.arange(348) y = nc.createVariable("y", np.float32, dimensions=("number_of_FoR_rows",)) y.standard_name = "projection_y_coordinate" y[:] = np.arange(348) s = nc.createVariable("product_quality", np.int8) s[:] = 99. chans = nc.createVariable("channels", np.float32, dimensions=("number_of_channels",)) chans.standard_name = "fci_channels" chans[:] = np.arange(8) cats = nc.createVariable("categories", np.float32, dimensions=("number_of_categories",)) cats.standard_name = "product_categories" cats[:] = np.arange(6) test_dataset = nc.createVariable("test_values", np.float32, dimensions=("number_of_FoR_rows", "number_of_FoR_cols", "number_of_channels", "number_of_categories")) test_dataset[:] = self._get_unique_array(range(8), range(6)) test_dataset.test_attr = "attr" test_dataset.units = "test_units"
[docs] def tearDown(self): """Remove the previously created test file.""" # First delete the fh, forcing the file to be closed if still open del self.fh # Then can safely remove it from the system with suppress(OSError): os.remove(self.seg_test_file)
[docs] def test_all_basic(self): """Test all basic functionalities.""" self.fh = FciL2NCSegmentFileHandler(filename=self.seg_test_file, filename_info={}, filetype_info={}) assert self.fh.spacecraft_name == "test_fci_platform" assert self.fh.sensor_name == "test_fci_data_source" assert self.fh.ssp_lon == 0.0 global_attributes = self.fh._get_global_attributes() expected_global_attributes = { "filename": self.seg_test_file, "spacecraft_name": "test_fci_platform", "ssp_lon": 0.0, "sensor": "test_fci_data_source", "platform_name": "test_fci_platform" } assert global_attributes == expected_global_attributes
[docs] def test_dataset(self): """Test the correct execution of the get_dataset function with valid nc_key.""" self.fh = FciL2NCSegmentFileHandler(filename=self.seg_test_file, filename_info={}, filetype_info={}) # Checks the correct execution of the get_dataset function with a valid nc_key dataset = self.fh.get_dataset(make_dataid(name="test_values", resolution=32000), {"name": "test_values", "nc_key": "test_values", "fill_value": -999, }) expected_dataset = self._get_unique_array(range(8), range(6)) np.testing.assert_allclose(dataset.values, expected_dataset) assert dataset.attrs["test_attr"] == "attr" assert dataset.attrs["units"] == "test_units" assert dataset.attrs["fill_value"] == -999 # Checks that no AreaDefintion is implemented with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): self.fh.get_area_def(None)
[docs] def test_dataset_with_invalid_filekey(self): """Test the correct execution of the get_dataset function with an invalid nc_key.""" self.fh = FciL2NCSegmentFileHandler(filename=self.seg_test_file, filename_info={}, filetype_info={}) # Checks the correct execution of the get_dataset function with an invalid nc_key invalid_dataset = self.fh.get_dataset(make_dataid(name="test_invalid", resolution=32000), {"name": "test_invalid", "nc_key": "test_invalid", "fill_value": -999, }) # Checks that the function returns None assert invalid_dataset is None
[docs] def test_dataset_with_adef(self): """Test the correct execution of the get_dataset function with `with_area_definition=True`.""" self.fh = FciL2NCSegmentFileHandler(filename=self.seg_test_file, filename_info={}, filetype_info={}, with_area_definition=True) # Checks the correct execution of the get_dataset function with a valid nc_key dataset = self.fh.get_dataset(make_dataid(name="test_values", resolution=32000), {"name": "test_values", "nc_key": "test_values", "fill_value": -999, "coordinates": ("test_lon", "test_lat"), }) expected_dataset = self._get_unique_array(range(8), range(6)) np.testing.assert_allclose(dataset.values, expected_dataset) assert dataset.attrs["test_attr"] == "attr" assert dataset.attrs["units"] == "test_units" assert dataset.attrs["fill_value"] == -999 # Checks returned AreaDefinition against reference adef = self.fh.get_area_def(None) assert adef == SEG_AREA_DEF
[docs] def test_dataset_with_adef_and_wrongs_dims(self): """Test the correct execution of the get_dataset function with dims that don't match expected AreaDefinition.""" self.fh = FciL2NCSegmentFileHandler(filename=self.seg_test_file, filename_info={}, filetype_info={}, with_area_definition=True) with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): self.fh.get_dataset(make_dataid(name="test_wrong_dims", resolution=6000), {"name": "test_wrong_dims", "nc_key": "test_values", "fill_value": -999} )
[docs] def test_dataset_with_scalar(self): """Test the execution of the get_dataset function for scalar values.""" self.fh = FciL2NCSegmentFileHandler(filename=self.seg_test_file, filename_info={}, filetype_info={}) # Checks returned scalar value dataset = self.fh.get_dataset(make_dataid(name="test_scalar"), {"name": "product_quality", "nc_key": "product_quality", "file_type": "test_file_type"}) assert dataset.values == 99.0 # Checks that no AreaDefintion is implemented for scalar values with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): self.fh.get_area_def(None)
[docs] def test_dataset_slicing_catid(self): """Test the correct execution of the _slice_dataset function with 'category_id' set.""" self.fh = FciL2NCSegmentFileHandler(filename=self.seg_test_file, filename_info={}, filetype_info={}) dataset = self.fh.get_dataset(make_dataid(name="test_values", resolution=32000), {"name": "test_values", "nc_key": "test_values", "fill_value": -999, "category_id": 5}) expected_dataset = self._get_unique_array(range(8), 5) np.testing.assert_allclose(dataset.values, expected_dataset)
[docs] def test_dataset_slicing_chid_catid(self): """Test the correct execution of the _slice_dataset function with 'channel_id' and 'category_id' set.""" self.fh = FciL2NCSegmentFileHandler(filename=self.seg_test_file, filename_info={}, filetype_info={}) dataset = self.fh.get_dataset(make_dataid(name="test_values", resolution=32000), {"name": "test_values", "nc_key": "test_values", "fill_value": -999, "channel_id": 0, "category_id": 1}) expected_dataset = self._get_unique_array(0, 1) np.testing.assert_allclose(dataset.values, expected_dataset)
[docs] def test_dataset_slicing_visid_catid(self): """Test the correct execution of the _slice_dataset function with 'vis_channel_id' and 'category_id' set.""" self.fh = FciL2NCSegmentFileHandler(filename=self.seg_test_file, filename_info={}, filetype_info={}) ={"number_of_channels": "number_of_vis_channels"}) dataset = self.fh.get_dataset(make_dataid(name="test_values", resolution=32000), {"name": "test_values", "nc_key": "test_values", "fill_value": -999, "vis_channel_id": 3, "category_id": 3}) expected_dataset = self._get_unique_array(3, 3) np.testing.assert_allclose(dataset.values, expected_dataset)
[docs] def test_dataset_slicing_irid(self): """Test the correct execution of the _slice_dataset function with 'ir_channel_id' set.""" self.fh = FciL2NCSegmentFileHandler(filename=self.seg_test_file, filename_info={}, filetype_info={}) ={"number_of_channels": "number_of_ir_channels"}) dataset = self.fh.get_dataset(make_dataid(name="test_values", resolution=32000), {"name": "test_values", "nc_key": "test_values", "fill_value": -999, "ir_channel_id": 4}) expected_dataset = self._get_unique_array(4, range(6)) np.testing.assert_allclose(dataset.values, expected_dataset)
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_unique_array(iarr, jarr): if not hasattr(iarr, "__iter__"): iarr = [iarr] if not hasattr(jarr, "__iter__"): jarr = [jarr] array = np.zeros((348, 348, 8, 6)) for i in iarr: for j in jarr: array[:, :, i, j] = (i * 10) + j array = array[:, :, list(iarr), :] array = array[:, :, :, list(jarr)] return np.squeeze(array)
[docs] class TestFciL2NCReadingByteData(unittest.TestCase): """Test the FciL2NCFileHandler when reading and extracting byte data."""
[docs] def setUp(self): """Set up the test by creating a test file and opening it with the reader.""" # Easiest way to test the reader is to create a test netCDF file on the fly self.test_byte_file = str(uuid.uuid4()) + ".nc" with Dataset(self.test_byte_file, "w") as nc_byte: # Create dimensions nc_byte.createDimension("number_of_columns", 1) nc_byte.createDimension("number_of_rows", 1) # add global attributes nc_byte.data_source = "test_data_source" nc_byte.platform = "test_platform" # Add datasets x = nc_byte.createVariable("x", np.float32, dimensions=("number_of_columns",)) x.standard_name = "projection_x_coordinate" x[:] = np.arange(1) y = nc_byte.createVariable("y", np.float32, dimensions=("number_of_rows",)) x.standard_name = "projection_y_coordinate" y[:] = np.arange(1) mtg_geos_projection = nc_byte.createVariable("mtg_geos_projection", int, dimensions=()) mtg_geos_projection.longitude_of_projection_origin = 0.0 mtg_geos_projection.semi_major_axis = 6378137. mtg_geos_projection.inverse_flattening = 298.257223563 mtg_geos_projection.perspective_point_height = 35786400. test_dataset = nc_byte.createVariable("cloud_mask_test_flag", np.float32, dimensions=("number_of_rows", "number_of_columns",)) # This number was chosen as we know the expected byte values test_dataset[:] = 4544767 self.byte_reader = FciL2NCFileHandler( filename=self.test_byte_file, filename_info={}, filetype_info={} )
[docs] def tearDown(self): """Remove the previously created test file.""" # First delete the file handler, forcing the file to be closed if still open del self.byte_reader # Then can safely remove it from the system with suppress(OSError): os.remove(self.test_byte_file)
[docs] def test_byte_extraction(self): """Test the execution of the get_dataset function.""" # Value of 1 is expected to be returned for this test dataset = self.byte_reader.get_dataset(make_dataid(name="cloud_mask_test_flag", resolution=2000), {"name": "cloud_mask_test_flag", "nc_key": "cloud_mask_test_flag", "fill_value": -999, "file_type": "nc_fci_test_clm", "extract_byte": 1, }) assert dataset.values == 1 # Value of 0 is expected fto be returned or this test dataset = self.byte_reader.get_dataset(make_dataid(name="cloud_mask_test_flag", resolution=2000), {"name": "cloud_mask_test_flag", "nc_key": "cloud_mask_test_flag", "fill_value": -999, "mask_value": 0., "file_type": "nc_fci_test_clm", "extract_byte": 23, }) assert dataset.values == 0
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def amv_file(tmp_path_factory): """Create an AMV file.""" test_file = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data") / "" with Dataset(test_file, "w") as nc: # Create dimensions nc.createDimension("number_of_winds", 50000) # add global attributes nc.data_source = "test_data_source" nc.platform = "test_platform" # Add datasets latitude = nc.createVariable("latitude", np.float32, dimensions=("number_of_winds",)) latitude[:] = np.arange(50000) longitude = nc.createVariable("y", np.float32, dimensions=("number_of_winds",)) longitude[:] = np.arange(50000) qi = nc.createVariable("product_quality", np.int8) qi[:] = 99. test_dataset = nc.createVariable("test_dataset", np.float32, dimensions="number_of_winds") test_dataset[:] = np.ones(50000) test_dataset.test_attr = "attr" test_dataset.units = "test_units" mtg_geos_projection = nc.createVariable("mtg_geos_projection", int, dimensions=()) mtg_geos_projection.longitude_of_projection_origin = 0.0 mtg_geos_projection.semi_major_axis = 6378137. mtg_geos_projection.inverse_flattening = 298.257223563 mtg_geos_projection.perspective_point_height = 35786400. return test_file
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def amv_filehandler(amv_file): """Create an AMV filehandler.""" return FciL2NCAMVFileHandler(filename=amv_file, filename_info={"channel":"test_channel"}, filetype_info={} )
[docs] class TestFciL2NCAMVFileHandler: """Test the FciL2NCAMVFileHandler reader."""
[docs] def test_all_basic(self, amv_filehandler, amv_file): """Test all basic functionalities.""" assert amv_filehandler.spacecraft_name == "test_platform" assert amv_filehandler.sensor_name == "test_data_source" assert amv_filehandler.ssp_lon == 0.0 global_attributes = amv_filehandler._get_global_attributes() expected_global_attributes = { "filename": amv_file, "spacecraft_name": "test_platform", "sensor": "test_data_source", "platform_name": "test_platform", "channel": "test_channel" } assert global_attributes == expected_global_attributes
[docs] def test_dataset(self, amv_filehandler): """Test the correct execution of the get_dataset function with a valid nc_key.""" dataset = amv_filehandler.get_dataset(make_dataid(name="test_dataset", resolution=2000), {"name": "test_dataset", "nc_key": "test_dataset", "fill_value": -999, "file_type": "test_file_type"}) np.testing.assert_allclose(dataset.values, np.ones(50000)) assert dataset.attrs["test_attr"] == "attr" assert dataset.attrs["units"] == "test_units" assert dataset.attrs["fill_value"] == -999
[docs] def test_dataset_with_invalid_filekey(self, amv_filehandler): """Test the correct execution of the get_dataset function with an invalid nc_key.""" invalid_dataset = amv_filehandler.get_dataset(make_dataid(name="test_invalid", resolution=2000), {"name": "test_invalid", "nc_key": "test_invalid", "fill_value": -999, "file_type": "test_file_type"}) assert invalid_dataset is None