Source code for satpy.tests.reader_tests.test_clavrx.test_clavrx_polarhdf

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2018 Satpy developers
# This file is part of satpy.
# satpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# satpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# satpy.  If not, see <>.
"""Module for testing the satpy.readers.clavrx module."""

import os
import unittest
from unittest import mock

import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from pyresample.geometry import SwathDefinition

from satpy.tests.reader_tests.test_hdf4_utils import FakeHDF4FileHandler

DEFAULT_FILE_FACTORS = np.array([2.0, 1.0], dtype=np.float32)

[docs] class FakeHDF4FileHandlerPolar(FakeHDF4FileHandler): """Swap-in HDF4 File Handler."""
[docs] def get_test_content(self, filename, filename_info, filetype_info): """Mimic reader input file content.""" file_content = { "/attr/platform": "SNPP", "/attr/sensor": "VIIRS", } file_content["longitude"] = xr.DataArray( da.from_array(DEFAULT_LON_DATA, chunks=4096), attrs={ "_FillValue": np.nan, "scale_factor": 1., "add_offset": 0., "standard_name": "longitude", }) file_content["longitude/shape"] = DEFAULT_FILE_SHAPE file_content["latitude"] = xr.DataArray( da.from_array(DEFAULT_LAT_DATA, chunks=4096), attrs={ "_FillValue": np.nan, "scale_factor": 1., "add_offset": 0., "standard_name": "latitude", }) file_content["latitude/shape"] = DEFAULT_FILE_SHAPE file_content["variable1"] = xr.DataArray( da.from_array(DEFAULT_FILE_DATA, chunks=4096).astype(np.float32), attrs={ "_FillValue": -1, "scale_factor": 1., "add_offset": 0., "units": "1", }) file_content["variable1/shape"] = DEFAULT_FILE_SHAPE # data with fill values file_content["variable2"] = xr.DataArray( da.from_array(DEFAULT_FILE_DATA, chunks=4096).astype(np.float32), attrs={ "_FillValue": -1, "scale_factor": 1., "add_offset": 0., "units": "1", }) file_content["variable2/shape"] = DEFAULT_FILE_SHAPE file_content["variable2"] = file_content["variable2"].where( file_content["variable2"] % 2 != 0) # category file_content["variable3"] = xr.DataArray( da.from_array(DEFAULT_FILE_DATA, chunks=4096).astype(np.byte), attrs={ "SCALED": 0, "_FillValue": -128, "flag_meanings": "clear water supercooled mixed ice unknown", "flag_values": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], "units": "none", }) file_content["variable3/shape"] = DEFAULT_FILE_SHAPE file_content["refl_1_38um_nom"] = xr.DataArray( da.from_array(DEFAULT_FILE_DATA, chunks=4096).astype(np.float32), attrs={ "SCALED": 1, "add_offset": 59.0, "scale_factor": 0.0018616290763020515, "units": "%", "_FillValue": -32768, "valid_range": [-32767, 32767], "actual_range": [-2., 120.], "actual_missing": -999.0 }) file_content["refl_1_38um_nom/shape"] = DEFAULT_FILE_SHAPE return file_content
[docs] class TestCLAVRXReaderPolar(unittest.TestCase): """Test CLAVR-X Reader with Polar files.""" yaml_file = "clavrx.yaml"
[docs] def setUp(self): """Wrap HDF4 file handler with our own fake handler.""" from satpy._config import config_search_paths from satpy.readers.clavrx import CLAVRXHDF4FileHandler self.reader_configs = config_search_paths(os.path.join("readers", self.yaml_file)) # self.p = mock.patch.object(CLAVRXHDF4FileHandler, "__bases__", (FakeHDF4FileHandlerPolar,)) self.fake_handler = self.p.start() self.p.is_local = True
[docs] def tearDown(self): """Stop wrapping the NetCDF4 file handler.""" self.p.stop()
[docs] def test_init(self): """Test basic init with no extra parameters.""" from satpy.readers import load_reader r = load_reader(self.reader_configs) loadables = r.select_files_from_pathnames([ "clavrx_npp_d20170520_t2053581_e2055223_b28822.level2.hdf", ]) assert len(loadables) == 1 r.create_filehandlers(loadables) # make sure we have some files assert r.file_handlers
[docs] def test_available_datasets(self): """Test available_datasets with fake variables from YAML.""" from satpy.readers import load_reader r = load_reader(self.reader_configs) loadables = r.select_files_from_pathnames([ "clavrx_npp_d20170520_t2053581_e2055223_b28822.level2.hdf", ]) assert len(loadables) == 1 r.create_filehandlers(loadables) # make sure we have some files assert r.file_handlers # mimic the YAML file being configured for more datasets fake_dataset_info = [ (None, {"name": "variable1", "resolution": None, "file_type": ["clavrx_hdf4"]}), (True, {"name": "variable2", "resolution": 742, "file_type": ["clavrx_hdf4"]}), (True, {"name": "variable2", "resolution": 1, "file_type": ["clavrx_hdf4"]}), (None, {"name": "variable2", "resolution": 1, "file_type": ["clavrx_hdf4"]}), (None, {"name": "_fake1", "file_type": ["clavrx_hdf4"]}), (None, {"name": "variable1", "file_type": ["level_fake"]}), (True, {"name": "variable3", "file_type": ["clavrx_hdf4"]}), ] new_ds_infos = list(r.file_handlers["clavrx_hdf4"][0].available_datasets( fake_dataset_info)) assert len(new_ds_infos) == 9 # we have this and can provide the resolution assert new_ds_infos[0][0] assert new_ds_infos[0][1]["resolution"] == 742 # hardcoded # we have this, but previous file handler said it knew about it # and it is producing the same resolution as what we have assert new_ds_infos[1][0] assert new_ds_infos[1][1]["resolution"] == 742 # we have this, but don't want to change the resolution # because a previous handler said it has it assert new_ds_infos[2][0] assert new_ds_infos[2][1]["resolution"] == 1 # even though the previous one was known we can still # produce it at our new resolution assert new_ds_infos[3][0] assert new_ds_infos[3][1]["resolution"] == 742 # we have this and can update the resolution since # no one else has claimed it assert new_ds_infos[4][0] assert new_ds_infos[4][1]["resolution"] == 742 # we don"t have this variable, don't change it assert not new_ds_infos[5][0] assert new_ds_infos[5][1].get("resolution") is None # we have this, but it isn't supposed to come from our file type assert new_ds_infos[6][0] is None assert new_ds_infos[6][1].get("resolution") is None # we could have loaded this but some other file handler said it has this assert new_ds_infos[7][0] assert new_ds_infos[7][1].get("resolution") is None # we can add resolution to the previous dataset, so we do assert new_ds_infos[8][0] assert new_ds_infos[8][1]["resolution"] == 742
[docs] def test_available_datasets_with_alias(self): """Test availability of aliased dataset.""" import xarray as xr from satpy.readers import load_reader r = load_reader(self.reader_configs) with mock.patch("satpy.readers.clavrx.SDS", xr.DataArray): loadables = r.select_files_from_pathnames([ "clavrx_npp_d20170520_t2053581_e2055223_b28822.level2.hdf", ]) r.create_filehandlers(loadables) available_ds = list(r.file_handlers["clavrx_hdf4"][0].available_datasets()) assert available_ds[5][1]["name"] == "refl_1_38um_nom" assert available_ds[6][1]["name"] == "M09" assert available_ds[6][1]["file_key"] == "refl_1_38um_nom"
[docs] def test_load_all(self): """Test loading all test datasets.""" import xarray as xr from satpy.readers import load_reader r = load_reader(self.reader_configs) with mock.patch("satpy.readers.clavrx.SDS", xr.DataArray): loadables = r.select_files_from_pathnames([ "clavrx_npp_d20170520_t2053581_e2055223_b28822.level2.hdf", ]) r.create_filehandlers(loadables) var_list = ["M09", "variable2", "variable3"] datasets = r.load(var_list) assert len(datasets) == len(var_list) for v in datasets.values(): assert v.attrs["units"] in ["1", "%"] assert v.attrs["platform_name"] == "npp" assert v.attrs["sensor"] == "viirs" assert isinstance(v.attrs["area"], SwathDefinition) assert v.attrs["area"].lons.attrs["rows_per_scan"] == 16 assert v.attrs["area"].lats.attrs["rows_per_scan"] == 16 assert isinstance(datasets["variable3"].attrs.get("flag_meanings"), list)