#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2023 Satpy developers
# This file is part of satpy.
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# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
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"""Unit tests for MODIS L3 HDF reader."""
from __future__ import annotations
import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
import pytest
from pyresample import geometry
from pytest_lazy_fixtures import lf as lazy_fixture
from satpy import Scene, available_readers
def _expected_area():
proj_param = "EPSG:4326"
return geometry.AreaDefinition("gridded_modis",
"A gridded L3 MODIS area",
(-180, -90, 180, 90))
class TestModisL3:
"""Test MODIS L3 reader."""
def test_available_reader(self):
"""Test that MODIS L3 reader is available."""
assert "modis_l3" in available_readers()
("loadable", "filename"),
("Coarse_Resolution_Surface_Reflectance_Band_2", lazy_fixture("modis_l3_nasa_mod09_file")),
("BRDF_Albedo_Parameter1_Band2", lazy_fixture("modis_l3_nasa_mod43_file")),
def test_scene_available_datasets(self, loadable, filename):
"""Test that datasets are available."""
scene = Scene(reader="modis_l3", filenames=filename)
available_datasets = scene.all_dataset_names()
assert len(available_datasets) > 0
assert loadable in available_datasets
from satpy.readers.modis_l3 import ModisL3GriddedHDFFileHandler
fh = ModisL3GriddedHDFFileHandler(filename[0], {}, {"file_type": "modis_l3_cmg_hdf"})
configured_datasets = [[None, {"name": "none_ds", "file_type": "modis_l3_cmg_hdf"}],
[True, {"name": "true_ds", "file_type": "modis_l3_cmg_hdf"}],
[False, {"name": "false_ds", "file_type": "modis_l3_cmg_hdf"}],
[None, {"name": "other_ds", "file_type": "modis_l2_random"}]]
for status, mda in fh.available_datasets(configured_datasets):
if mda["name"] == "none_ds":
assert mda["file_type"] == "modis_l3_cmg_hdf"
assert status is False
elif mda["name"] == "true_ds":
assert mda["file_type"] == "modis_l3_cmg_hdf"
assert status
elif mda["name"] == "false_ds":
assert mda["file_type"] == "modis_l3_cmg_hdf"
assert status is False
elif mda["name"] == "other_ds":
assert mda["file_type"] == "modis_l2_random"
assert status is None
elif mda["name"] == loadable:
assert mda["file_type"] == "modis_l3_cmg_hdf"
assert status
def test_load_l3_dataset(self, modis_l3_nasa_mod09_file):
"""Load and check an L2 variable."""
scene = Scene(reader="modis_l3", filenames=modis_l3_nasa_mod09_file)
ds_name = "Coarse_Resolution_Surface_Reflectance_Band_2"
data_arr = scene[ds_name]
assert isinstance(data_arr.data, da.Array)
data_arr_comp = data_arr.compute()
# Check types
assert data_arr_comp.dtype == data_arr.dtype
assert data_arr_comp.dtype == np.float32
assert data_arr_comp.shape == (3600, 7200)
assert data_arr_comp.attrs.get("resolution") == 0.05
assert data_arr_comp.attrs.get("area") == _expected_area()