#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2021 Satpy developers
# This file is part of satpy.
# satpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# satpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# satpy. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""Unit tests for MODIS L1b HDF reader."""
from __future__ import annotations
import dask
import numpy as np
import pytest
from pytest_lazy_fixtures import lf as lazy_fixture
from satpy import Scene, available_readers
from satpy.tests.utils import CustomScheduler, make_dataid
from ._modis_fixtures import (
# The following fixtures are not defined in this file, but are used and injected by Pytest:
# - modis_l1b_imapp_1000m_file
# - modis_l1b_imapp_geo_file,
# - modis_l1b_nasa_1km_mod03_files,
# - modis_l1b_nasa_mod02hkm_file,
# - modis_l1b_nasa_mod02qkm_file,
# - modis_l1b_nasa_mod03_file,
# - modis_l1b_nasa_mod021km_file
def _load_and_check_geolocation(scene, resolution, exp_res, exp_shape, has_res,
scene.load(["longitude", "latitude"], resolution=resolution)
lon_id = make_dataid(name="longitude", resolution=exp_res)
lat_id = make_dataid(name="latitude", resolution=exp_res)
if has_res:
lon_arr = scene[lon_id]
lat_arr = scene[lat_id]
assert lon_arr.shape == exp_shape
assert lat_arr.shape == exp_shape
# compute lon/lat at the same time to avoid wasted computation
lon_vals, lat_vals = dask.compute(lon_arr, lat_arr)
assert lon_arr.dtype == lat_arr.dtype
assert lon_arr.dtype == np.float32
assert lon_vals.dtype == lon_arr.dtype
assert lat_vals.dtype == lat_arr.dtype
np.testing.assert_array_less(lon_vals, 0)
np.testing.assert_array_less(0, lat_vals)
pytest.raises(KeyError, scene.__getitem__, lon_id)
pytest.raises(KeyError, scene.__getitem__, lat_id)
class TestModisL1b:
"""Test MODIS L1b reader."""
def test_available_reader(self):
"""Test that MODIS L1b reader is available."""
assert "modis_l1b" in available_readers()
("input_files", "expected_names", "expected_data_res", "expected_geo_res"),
[1000], [5000, 1000]),
[1000], [5000, 1000]),
AVAILABLE_QKM_PRODUCT_NAMES, [250], [1000, 500, 250]),
def test_scene_available_datasets(self, input_files, expected_names, expected_data_res, expected_geo_res):
"""Test that datasets are available."""
scene = Scene(reader="modis_l1b", filenames=input_files)
available_datasets = scene.available_dataset_names()
assert len(available_datasets) > 0
assert "longitude" in available_datasets
assert "latitude" in available_datasets
for chan_name in expected_names:
assert chan_name in available_datasets
available_data_ids = scene.available_dataset_ids()
available_datas = {x: [] for x in expected_data_res}
available_geos = {x: [] for x in expected_geo_res}
# Make sure that every resolution from the reader is what we expect
for data_id in available_data_ids:
res = data_id["resolution"]
if data_id["name"] in ["longitude", "latitude"]:
assert res in expected_geo_res
assert res in expected_data_res
# Make sure that every resolution we expect has at least one dataset
for exp_res, avail_id in available_datas.items():
assert avail_id, f"Missing datasets for data resolution {exp_res}"
for exp_res, avail_id in available_geos.items():
assert avail_id, f"Missing geo datasets for geo resolution {exp_res}"
("input_files", "has_5km", "has_500", "has_250", "default_res"),
True, False, False, 1000),
True, False, False, 1000),
False, True, True, 250),
False, True, True, 250),
True, True, True, 250),
def test_load_longitude_latitude(self, input_files, has_5km, has_500, has_250, default_res):
"""Test that longitude and latitude datasets are loaded correctly."""
scene = Scene(reader="modis_l1b", filenames=input_files)
shape_5km = _shape_for_resolution(5000)
shape_500m = _shape_for_resolution(500)
shape_250m = _shape_for_resolution(250)
default_shape = _shape_for_resolution(default_res)
scheduler = CustomScheduler(max_computes=1 + has_5km + has_500 + has_250)
with dask.config.set({"scheduler": scheduler, "array.chunk-size": "1 MiB"}):
_load_and_check_geolocation(scene, "*", default_res, default_shape, True)
_load_and_check_geolocation(scene, 5000, 5000, shape_5km, has_5km)
_load_and_check_geolocation(scene, 500, 500, shape_500m, has_500)
_load_and_check_geolocation(scene, 250, 250, shape_250m, has_250)
def test_load_sat_zenith_angle(self, modis_l1b_nasa_mod021km_file):
"""Test loading satellite zenith angle band."""
scene = Scene(reader="modis_l1b", filenames=modis_l1b_nasa_mod021km_file)
dataset_name = "satellite_zenith_angle"
with dask.config.set({"array.chunk-size": "1 MiB"}):
dataset = scene[dataset_name]
assert dataset.shape == _shape_for_resolution(1000)
assert dataset.attrs["resolution"] == 1000
def test_load_vis(self, modis_l1b_nasa_mod021km_file):
"""Test loading visible band."""
scene = Scene(reader="modis_l1b", filenames=modis_l1b_nasa_mod021km_file)
dataset_name = "1"
with dask.config.set({"array.chunk-size": "1 MiB"}):
dataset = scene[dataset_name]
assert dataset[0, 0] == 300.0
assert dataset.shape == _shape_for_resolution(1000)
assert dataset.attrs["resolution"] == 1000
@pytest.mark.parametrize("mask_saturated", [False, True])
def test_load_vis_saturation(self, mask_saturated, modis_l1b_nasa_mod021km_file):
"""Test loading visible band."""
scene = Scene(reader="modis_l1b", filenames=modis_l1b_nasa_mod021km_file,
reader_kwargs={"mask_saturated": mask_saturated})
dataset_name = "2"
with dask.config.set({"array.chunk-size": "1 MiB"}):
dataset = scene[dataset_name]
assert dataset.shape == _shape_for_resolution(1000)
assert dataset.attrs["resolution"] == 1000
# check saturation fill values
data = dataset.values
assert dataset[0, 0] == 300.0
assert np.isnan(data[-1, -1]) # normal fill value
if mask_saturated:
assert np.isnan(data[-1, -2]) # saturation
assert np.isnan(data[-1, -3]) # can't aggregate
# test data factor/offset are 1/0
# albedos are converted to %
assert data[-1, -2] >= 32767 * 100.0 # saturation
assert data[-1, -3] >= 32767 * 100.0 # can't aggregate