#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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# This file is part of satpy.
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"""Tests for the CF Area."""
import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
import pytest
import xarray as xr
from pyresample import AreaDefinition, SwathDefinition
from satpy.cf.area import _add_grid_mapping, area2cf
class TestCFArea:
"""Test case for CF Area."""
@pytest.mark.parametrize("include_lonlats", [False, True])
def test_area2cf_geos_area_nolonlats(self, input_data_arr, include_lonlats):
"""Test the conversion of an area to CF standards."""
geos = AreaDefinition(
projection={"proj": "geos", "h": 35785831., "a": 6378169., "b": 6356583.8},
width=2, height=2,
area_extent=[-1, -1, 1, 1])
input_data_arr.attrs["area"] = geos
res = area2cf(input_data_arr, include_lonlats=include_lonlats)
assert len(res) == 2
assert res[0].size == 1 # grid mapping variable
assert res[0].name == res[1].attrs["grid_mapping"]
if include_lonlats:
assert "longitude" in res[1].coords
assert "latitude" in res[1].coords
def test_area2cf_swath(self, input_data_arr):
"""Test area2cf for swath definitions."""
swath = SwathDefinition(lons=[[1, 1], [2, 2]], lats=[[1, 2], [1, 2]])
input_data_arr.attrs["area"] = swath
res = area2cf(input_data_arr, include_lonlats=False)
assert len(res) == 1
assert "longitude" in res[0].coords
assert "latitude" in res[0].coords
assert "grid_mapping" not in res[0].attrs
def test_add_grid_mapping_cf_repr(self, input_data_arr):
"""Test the conversion from pyresample area object to CF grid mapping.
Projection has a corresponding CF representation (e.g. geos).
a = 6378169.
b = 6356583.8
h = 35785831.
geos = AreaDefinition(
projection={"proj": "geos", "h": h, "a": a, "b": b,
"lat_0": 0, "lon_0": 0},
width=2, height=2,
area_extent=[-1, -1, 1, 1])
geos_expected = xr.DataArray(data=0,
attrs={"perspective_point_height": h,
"latitude_of_projection_origin": 0,
"longitude_of_projection_origin": 0,
"grid_mapping_name": "geostationary",
"semi_major_axis": a,
"semi_minor_axis": b,
# 'sweep_angle_axis': None,
input_data_arr.attrs["area"] = geos
new_ds, grid_mapping = _add_grid_mapping(input_data_arr)
if "sweep_angle_axis" in grid_mapping.attrs:
# older versions of pyproj might not include this
assert grid_mapping.attrs["sweep_angle_axis"] == "y"
assert new_ds.attrs["grid_mapping"] == "geos"
_gm_matches(grid_mapping, geos_expected)
# should not have been modified
assert "grid_mapping" not in input_data_arr.attrs
def test_add_grid_mapping_no_cf_repr(self, input_data_arr):
"""Test the conversion from pyresample area object to CF grid mapping.
Projection does not have a corresponding CF representation (e.g. COSMO).
cosmo7 = AreaDefinition(
projection={"proj": "ob_tran", "ellps": "WGS84", "lat_0": 46, "lon_0": 4.535,
"o_proj": "stere", "o_lat_p": 90, "o_lon_p": -5.465},
width=597, height=510,
area_extent=[-1812933, -1003565, 814056, 1243448]
input_data_arr.attrs["area"] = cosmo7
new_ds, grid_mapping = _add_grid_mapping(input_data_arr)
assert "crs_wkt" in grid_mapping.attrs
wkt = grid_mapping.attrs["crs_wkt"]
assert 'ELLIPSOID["WGS 84"' in wkt
assert 'PARAMETER["lat_0",46' in wkt
assert 'PARAMETER["lon_0",4.535' in wkt
assert 'PARAMETER["o_lat_p",90' in wkt
assert 'PARAMETER["o_lon_p",-5.465' in wkt
assert new_ds.attrs["grid_mapping"] == "cosmo7"
def test_add_grid_mapping_transverse_mercator(self, input_data_arr):
"""Test the conversion from pyresample area object to CF grid mapping.
Projection is transverse mercator.
lat_0 = 36.5
lon_0 = 15.0
tmerc = AreaDefinition(
projection={"proj": "tmerc", "ellps": "WGS84", "lat_0": 36.5, "lon_0": 15.0},
width=2, height=2,
area_extent=[-1, -1, 1, 1])
tmerc_expected = xr.DataArray(data=0,
attrs={"latitude_of_projection_origin": lat_0,
"longitude_of_central_meridian": lon_0,
"grid_mapping_name": "transverse_mercator",
"reference_ellipsoid_name": "WGS 84",
"false_easting": 0.,
"false_northing": 0.,
input_data_arr.attrs["area"] = tmerc
new_ds, grid_mapping = _add_grid_mapping(input_data_arr)
assert new_ds.attrs["grid_mapping"] == "tmerc"
_gm_matches(grid_mapping, tmerc_expected)
def test_add_grid_mapping_cf_repr_no_ab(self, input_data_arr):
"""Test the conversion from pyresample area object to CF grid mapping.
Projection has a corresponding CF representation but no explicit a/b.
h = 35785831.
geos = AreaDefinition(
projection={"proj": "geos", "h": h, "datum": "WGS84", "ellps": "GRS80",
"lat_0": 0, "lon_0": 0},
width=2, height=2,
area_extent=[-1, -1, 1, 1])
geos_expected = xr.DataArray(data=0,
attrs={"perspective_point_height": h,
"latitude_of_projection_origin": 0,
"longitude_of_projection_origin": 0,
"grid_mapping_name": "geostationary",
"reference_ellipsoid_name": "WGS 84",
# 'semi_major_axis': 6378137.0,
# 'semi_minor_axis': 6356752.314,
# 'sweep_angle_axis': None,
input_data_arr.attrs["area"] = geos
new_ds, grid_mapping = _add_grid_mapping(input_data_arr)
assert new_ds.attrs["grid_mapping"] == "geos"
_gm_matches(grid_mapping, geos_expected)
def test_add_grid_mapping_oblique_mercator(self, input_data_arr):
"""Test the conversion from pyresample area object to CF grid mapping.
Projection is oblique mercator.
area = AreaDefinition(
description="On-the-fly omerc area",
projection={"alpha": "9.02638777018478", "ellps": "WGS84", "gamma": "0", "k": "1",
"lat_0": "-0.256794486098476", "lonc": "13.7888658224205",
"proj": "omerc", "units": "m"},
area_extent=[-1460463.0893, 3455291.3877, 1538407.1158, 9615788.8787]
omerc_dict = {"azimuth_of_central_line": 9.02638777018478,
"false_easting": 0.,
"false_northing": 0.,
# 'gamma': 0, # this is not CF compliant
"grid_mapping_name": "oblique_mercator",
"latitude_of_projection_origin": -0.256794486098476,
"longitude_of_projection_origin": 13.7888658224205,
# 'prime_meridian_name': "Greenwich",
"reference_ellipsoid_name": "WGS 84"}
omerc_expected = xr.DataArray(data=0, attrs=omerc_dict)
input_data_arr.attrs["area"] = area
new_ds, grid_mapping = _add_grid_mapping(input_data_arr)
assert new_ds.attrs["grid_mapping"] == "omerc_otf"
_gm_matches(grid_mapping, omerc_expected)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dims", [("y", "x"), ("bands", "y", "x")])
def test_add_lonlat_coords(self, dims):
"""Test the conversion from areas to lon/lat."""
from satpy.cf.area import _add_lonlat_coords
width, height = (2, 2) if len(dims) == 2 else (10, 10)
area = AreaDefinition(
"Native SEVIRI grid",
"+a=6378169.0 +h=35785831.0 +b=6356583.8 +lon_0=0 +proj=geos",
width, height,
[-5570248.686685662, -5567248.28340708, 5567248.28340708, 5570248.686685662]
lons_ref, lats_ref = area.get_lonlats()
if len(dims) == 2:
data_arr = xr.DataArray(data=[[1, 2], [3, 4]], dims=dims, attrs={"area": area})
data_arr = xr.DataArray(
data=da.from_array(np.arange(3 * 10 * 10).reshape(3, 10, 10), chunks=(1, 5, 5)),
dims=("bands", "y", "x"),
attrs={"area": area},
res = _add_lonlat_coords(data_arr)
# original should be unmodified
assert "longitude" not in data_arr.coords
assert set(res.coords) == {"longitude", "latitude"}
lat = res["latitude"]
lon = res["longitude"]
np.testing.assert_array_equal(lat.data, lats_ref)
np.testing.assert_array_equal(lon.data, lons_ref)
assert {"name": "latitude", "standard_name": "latitude", "units": "degrees_north"}.items() <= lat.attrs.items()
assert {"name": "longitude", "standard_name": "longitude", "units": "degrees_east"}.items() <= lon.attrs.items()
def _gm_matches(gmapping, expected):
"""Assert that all keys in ``expected`` match the values in ``gmapping``."""
for attr_key, attr_val in expected.attrs.items():
test_val = gmapping.attrs[attr_key]
if attr_val is None or isinstance(attr_val, str):
assert test_val == attr_val
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(test_val, attr_val, decimal=3)