satpy.readers.seviri_l1b_icare module

Interface to SEVIRI L1B data from ICARE (Lille).


The seviri_l1b_icare reader reads MSG-SEVIRI L1.5 image data in HDF format that has been produced by the ICARE Data and Services Center Data can be accessed via:

Each SEVIRI timeslot comes as 12 HDF files, one per band. Only those bands that are of interest need to be passed to the reader. Others can be ignored. Filenames follow the format: GEO_L1B-MSG1_YYYY-MM-DDTHH-MM-SS_G_CHANN_VX-XX.hdf Where: YYYY, MM, DD, HH, MM, SS specify the timeslot starting time. CHANN is the channel (i.e: HRV, IR016, WV073, etc) VX-XX is the processing version number


Here is an example how to read the data in satpy:

from satpy import Scene
import glob

filenames = glob.glob('data/*2019-03-01T12-00-00*.hdf')
scn = Scene(filenames=filenames, reader='seviri_l1b_icare')
scn.load(['VIS006', 'IR_108'])


<xarray.DataArray 'array-a1d52b7e19ec5a875e2f038df5b60d7e' (y: 3712, x: 3712)>
dask.array<add, shape=(3712, 3712), dtype=float32, chunksize=(1024, 1024), chunktype=numpy.ndarray>
    crs      object +proj=geos +a=6378169.0 +b=6356583.8 +lon_0=0.0 +h=35785831.0 +units=m +type=crs
  * y        (y) float64 5.566e+06 5.563e+06 5.56e+06 ... -5.566e+06 -5.569e+06
  * x        (x) float64 -5.566e+06 -5.563e+06 -5.56e+06 ... 5.566e+06 5.569e+06
    start_time:           2004-12-29 12:15:00
    end_time:             2004-12-29 12:27:44
    area:                 Area ID: geosmsg\nDescription: MSG/SEVIRI low resol...
    name:                 IR_108
    resolution:           3000.403165817
    calibration:          brightness_temperature
    polarization:         None
    level:                None
    modifiers:            ()
    ancillary_variables:  []
class satpy.readers.seviri_l1b_icare.SEVIRI_ICARE(filename, filename_info, filetype_info)[source]

Bases: HDF4FileHandler

SEVIRI L1B handler for HDF4 files.

Init the file handler.


Return the correct dataset name based on requested band.

property alt

Get the altitude.

property end_time

Get the end time.

property geoloc

Get the geolocation.


Get the area def.

get_dataset(ds_id, ds_info)[source]

Get the dataset.

get_metadata(data, ds_info)[source]

Get the metadata.

property projection

Get the projection.

property projlon

Get the projection longitude.

property res

Get the resolution.

property satlon

Get the satellite longitude.

property sensor_name

Get the sensor name.

property start_time

Get the start time.

property zone

Get the zone.