satpy.readers.seadas_l2 module

Reader for SEADAS L2 products.

This reader currently only supports MODIS and VIIRS Chlorophyll A from SEADAS.

The reader includes an additional keyword argument apply_quality_flags which can be used to mask out low-quality pixels based on quality flags contained in the file (l2_flags). This option defaults to False, but when set to True the “CHLWARN” pixels of the l2_flags variable are masked out. These pixels represent data where the chlorophyll algorithm warned about the quality of the result.

class satpy.readers.seadas_l2.SEADASL2HDFFileHandler(filename, filename_info, filetype_info, apply_quality_flags=False)[source]

Bases: _SEADASL2Base, HDF4FileHandler

Simple handler of SEADAS L2 HDF4 files.

Initialize file handler and determine if data quality flags should be applied.

end_time_attr_name = '/attr/End Time'
l2_flags_var_name = 'l2_flags'
platform_attr_name = '/attr/Mission'
sensor_attr_name = '/attr/Sensor Name'
start_time_attr_name = '/attr/Start Time'
time_format = '%Y%j%H%M%S'
class satpy.readers.seadas_l2.SEADASL2NetCDFFileHandler(filename, filename_info, filetype_info, apply_quality_flags=False)[source]

Bases: _SEADASL2Base, NetCDF4FileHandler

Simple handler of SEADAS L2 NetCDF4 files.

Initialize file handler and determine if data quality flags should be applied.

end_time_attr_name = '/attr/time_coverage_end'
l2_flags_var_name = 'geophysical_data/l2_flags'
platform_attr_name = '/attr/platform'
sensor_attr_name = '/attr/instrument'
start_time_attr_name = '/attr/time_coverage_start'
time_format = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f'
class satpy.readers.seadas_l2._SEADASL2Base(filename, filename_info, filetype_info, apply_quality_flags=False)[source]

Bases: object

Simple handler of SEADAS L2 files.

Initialize file handler and determine if data quality flags should be applied.

_get_file_key_and_variable(data_id, dataset_info)[source]
property end_time

Get the ending observation time of this file’s data.

get_dataset(data_id, dataset_info)[source]

Get DataArray for the specified DataID.

property sensor_names

Get sensor for the current file’s data.

property start_time

Get the starting observation time of this file’s data.