satpy.readers.mcd12q1 module
MCD12Q1 hdf-eos format reader.
The mcd12q1
reader reads MCD12Q1 products in HDF-EOS format.
The 500m product is provided on a sinusoidal grid.
- Reference documents and links:
MODIS land products grid:
User guide:
MCD12Q1 v061: MODIS/Terra+Aqua Land Cover Type Yearly L3 Global 500 m SIN Grid
- The reader has been tested with:
MCD12Q1: Land cover data.
To get a list of the available datasets for a given file refer to the “Load data” section in Reading.
- class satpy.readers.mcd12q1.MCD12Q1HDFFileHandler(filename, filename_info, filetype_info, **kwargs)[source]
File handler for MCD12Q1 HDF-EOS 500m granules.
Initialize the base reader.
- available_datasets(configured_datasets=None)[source]
Automatically determine datasets provided by this file.
- get_area_def(dsid)[source]
Get the area definition.
This is fixed, but not defined in the file. So we must generate it ourselves with some assumptions.
The proj_param string comes from