satpy.readers.abi_base module
Advance Baseline Imager reader base class for the Level 1b and l2+ reader.
- class satpy.readers.abi_base.NC_ABI_BASE(filename, filename_info, filetype_info)[source]
Base reader for ABI L1B L2+ NetCDF4 files.
Open the NetCDF file with xarray and prepare the Dataset for reading.
- _chunk_bytes_for_resolution() int [source]
Get a best-guess optimal chunk size for resolution-based chunking.
First a chunk size is chosen for the provided Dask setting array.chunk-size and then aligned with a hardcoded on-disk chunk size of 226. This is then adjusted to match the current resolution.
This should result in 500 meter data having 4 times as many pixels per dask array chunk (2 in each dimension) as 1km data and 8 times as many as 2km data. As data is combined or upsampled geographically the arrays should not need to be rechunked. Care is taken to make sure that array chunks are aligned with on-disk file chunks at all resolutions, but at the cost of flexibility due to a hardcoded on-disk chunk size of 226 elements per dimension.
- _get_areadef_fixedgrid(key)[source]
Get the area definition of the data at hand.
Note this method takes special care to round and cast numbers to new data types so that the area definitions for different resolutions (different bands) should be equal. Without the special rounding in __getitem__ and this method the area extents can be 0 to 1.0 meters off depending on how the calculations are done.
- property end_time
End time of the current file’s observations.
- property nc
Get the xarray dataset for this file.
- property sensor
Get sensor name for current file handler.
- spatial_resolution_to_number()[source]
Convert the ‘spatial_resolution’ global attribute to meters.
- property start_time
Start time of the current file’s observations.