Source code for satpy.readers.virr_l1b

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2019 Satpy developers
# This file is part of satpy.
# satpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# satpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# satpy.  If not, see <>.
"""Interface to VIRR (Visible and Infra-Red Radiometer) level 1b format.

The file format is HDF5. Important attributes:

    - Latitude
    - Longitude
    - SolarZenith
    - EV_Emissive
    - EV_RefSB
    - Emissive_Radiance_Offsets
    - Emissive_Radiance_Scales
    - RefSB_Cal_Coefficients
    - RefSB_Effective_Wavelength
    - Emmisive_Centroid_Wave_Number

Supported satellites:

    - FY-3B and FY-3C.

For more information:



import datetime as dt
import logging

import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
from pyspectral.blackbody import blackbody_wn_rad2temp as rad2temp

from satpy.readers.hdf5_utils import HDF5FileHandler

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#     0.12640, -1.43200,  #channel1#
#     0.13530, -1.62360,  #channel2#
#     0.09193, -2.48207,  #channel6#
#     0.07480, -0.90980,  #channel7#
#     0.07590, -0.91080,  #channel8#
#     0.07460, -0.89520,  #channel9#
#     0.06300, -0.76280]  #channel10#
# CMA - 2015 -
    0.1264, -1.4320,
    0.1353, -1.6236,
    0.0919, -2.4821,
    0.0938, -1.1494,
    0.0857, -1.0280,
    0.0803, -0.9636,
    0.0630, -0.7628]

[docs] class VIRR_L1B(HDF5FileHandler): """VIRR Level 1b reader.""" def __init__(self, filename, filename_info, filetype_info): """Open file and perform initial setup.""" super(VIRR_L1B, self).__init__(filename, filename_info, filetype_info) LOG.debug("day/night flag for {0}: {1}".format(filename, self["/attr/Day Or Night Flag"])) self.geolocation_prefix = filetype_info["geolocation_prefix"] self.platform_id = filename_info["platform_id"] self.l1b_prefix = "Data/" self.wave_number = "Emissive_Centroid_Wave_Number" # Else filename_info['platform_id'] == FY3C. if filename_info["platform_id"] == "FY3B": self.l1b_prefix = "" self.wave_number = "Emmisive_Centroid_Wave_Number"
[docs] def get_dataset(self, dataset_id, ds_info): """Create DataArray from file content for `dataset_id`.""" file_key = self.geolocation_prefix + ds_info.get("file_key", dataset_id["name"]) if self.platform_id == "FY3B": file_key = file_key.replace("Data/", "") data = self[file_key] band_index = ds_info.get("band_index") valid_range = data.attrs.pop("valid_range", None) if isinstance(valid_range, np.ndarray): valid_range = valid_range.tolist() if band_index is not None: data = data[band_index] if valid_range: data = data.where((data >= valid_range[0]) & (data <= valid_range[1])) if "Emissive" in file_key: self._calibrate_emissive(data, band_index) elif "RefSB" in file_key: data = self._calibrate_reflective(data, band_index) else: slope = self._correct_slope(self[file_key + "/attr/Slope"]) intercept = self[file_key + "/attr/Intercept"] if valid_range: data = data.where((data >= valid_range[0]) & (data <= valid_range[1])) data = data * slope + intercept new_dims = {old: new for old, new in zip(data.dims, ("y", "x"))} data = data.rename(new_dims) # use lowercase sensor name to be consistent with the rest of satpy data.attrs.update({"platform_name": self["/attr/Satellite Name"], "sensor": self["/attr/Sensor Identification Code"].lower()}) data.attrs.update(ds_info) units = self.get(file_key + "/attr/units") if units is not None and str(units).lower() != "none": data.attrs.update({"units": self.get(file_key + "/attr/units")}) elif data.attrs.get("calibration") == "reflectance": data.attrs.update({"units": "%"}) else: data.attrs.update({"units": "1"}) return data
[docs] def _calibrate_reflective(self, data, band_index): if self.platform_id == "FY3B": coeffs = da.from_array(FY3B_REF_COEFFS, chunks=-1) else: coeffs = self["/attr/RefSB_Cal_Coefficients"] slope = self._correct_slope(coeffs[0::2]) intercept = coeffs[1::2] data = data * slope[band_index] + intercept[band_index] return data
[docs] def _calibrate_emissive(self, data, band_index): slope = self._correct_slope(self[self.l1b_prefix + "Emissive_Radiance_Scales"]. data[:, band_index][:, np.newaxis]) intercept = self[self.l1b_prefix + "Emissive_Radiance_Offsets"].data[:, band_index][:, np.newaxis] # Converts cm^-1 (wavenumbers) and (mW/m^2)/(str/cm^-1) (radiance data) # to SI units m^-1, mW*m^-3*str^-1. wave_number = self["/attr/" + self.wave_number][band_index] * 100 bt_data = rad2temp(wave_number, ( * slope + intercept) * 1e-5) if isinstance(bt_data, np.ndarray): # old versions of pyspectral produce numpy arrays = da.from_array(bt_data, else: # new versions of pyspectral can do dask arrays = bt_data
[docs] def _correct_slope(self, slope): # 0 slope is invalid. Note: slope can be a scalar or array. return da.where(slope == 0, 1, slope)
@property def start_time(self): """Get starting observation time.""" start_time = self["/attr/Observing Beginning Date"] + "T" + self["/attr/Observing Beginning Time"] + "Z" return dt.datetime.strptime(start_time, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ") @property def end_time(self): """Get ending observation time.""" end_time = self["/attr/Observing Ending Date"] + "T" + self["/attr/Observing Ending Time"] + "Z" return dt.datetime.strptime(end_time, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")