Source code for satpy.readers.vii_l1b_nc

#!/usr/bin/env python
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"""EUMETSAT EPS-SG Visible/Infrared Imager (VII) Level 1B products reader.

The ``vii_l1b_nc`` reader reads and calibrates EPS-SG VII L1b image data in netCDF format. The format is explained
in the `EPS-SG VII Level 1B Product Format Specification V4A`_.

This version is applicable for the vii test data V2 to be released in Jan 2022.

.. _EPS-SG VII Level 1B Product Format Specification V4A:


import logging

import numpy as np

from satpy.readers.vii_base_nc import ViiNCBaseFileHandler
from satpy.readers.vii_utils import C1, C2, MEAN_EARTH_RADIUS

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class ViiL1bNCFileHandler(ViiNCBaseFileHandler): """Reader class for VII L1B products in netCDF format.""" def __init__(self, filename, filename_info, filetype_info, **kwargs): """Read the calibration data and prepare the class for dataset reading.""" super().__init__(filename, filename_info, filetype_info, **kwargs) # Read the variables which are required for the calibration self._bt_conversion_a = self["data/calibration_data/bt_conversion_a"].values self._bt_conversion_b = self["data/calibration_data/bt_conversion_b"].values self._channel_cw_thermal = self["data/calibration_data/channel_cw_thermal"].values self._integrated_solar_irradiance = self["data/calibration_data/Band_averaged_solar_irradiance"].values # Computes the angle factor for reflectance calibration as inverse of cosine of solar zenith angle # (the values in the product file are on tie points and in degrees, # therefore interpolation and conversion to radians are required) solar_zenith_angle = self["data/measurement_data/solar_zenith"] solar_zenith_angle_on_pixels = self._perform_interpolation(solar_zenith_angle) solar_zenith_angle_on_pixels_radians = np.radians(solar_zenith_angle_on_pixels) self.angle_factor = 1.0 / (np.cos(solar_zenith_angle_on_pixels_radians))
[docs] def _perform_calibration(self, variable, dataset_info): """Perform the calibration. Args: variable: xarray DataArray containing the dataset to calibrate. dataset_info: dictionary of information about the dataset. Returns: DataArray: array containing the calibrated values and all the original metadata. """ calibration_name = dataset_info["calibration"] if calibration_name == "brightness_temperature": # Extract the values of calibration coefficients for the current channel chan_index = dataset_info["chan_thermal_index"] cw = self._channel_cw_thermal[chan_index] a = self._bt_conversion_a[chan_index] b = self._bt_conversion_b[chan_index] # Perform the calibration calibrated_variable = self._calibrate_bt(variable, cw, a, b) calibrated_variable.attrs = variable.attrs elif calibration_name == "reflectance": # Extract the values of calibration coefficients for the current channel chan_index = dataset_info["chan_solar_index"] isi = self._integrated_solar_irradiance[chan_index] # Perform the calibration calibrated_variable = self._calibrate_refl(variable,, isi) calibrated_variable.attrs = variable.attrs elif calibration_name == "radiance": calibrated_variable = variable else: raise ValueError("Unknown calibration %s for dataset %s" % (calibration_name, dataset_info["name"])) return calibrated_variable
[docs] def _perform_orthorectification(self, variable, orthorect_data_name): """Perform the orthorectification. Args: variable: xarray DataArray containing the dataset to correct for orthorectification. orthorect_data_name: name of the orthorectification correction data in the product. Returns: DataArray: array containing the corrected values and all the original metadata. """ try: orthorect_data = self[orthorect_data_name] # Convert the orthorectification delta values from meters to degrees # based on the simplified formula using mean Earth radius variable += np.degrees(orthorect_data / MEAN_EARTH_RADIUS) except KeyError: logger.warning("Required dataset %s for orthorectification not available, skipping", orthorect_data_name) return variable
[docs] @staticmethod def _calibrate_bt(radiance, cw, a, b): """Perform the calibration to brightness temperature. Args: radiance: numpy ndarray containing the radiance values. cw: center wavelength [μm]. a: temperature coefficient [-]. b: temperature coefficient [K]. Returns: numpy ndarray: array containing the calibrated brightness temperature values. """ log_expr = np.log(1.0 + C1 / ((cw ** 5) * radiance)) bt_values = b + (a * C2 / (cw * log_expr)) return bt_values
[docs] @staticmethod def _calibrate_refl(radiance, angle_factor, isi): """Perform the calibration to reflectance. Args: radiance: numpy ndarray containing the radiance values. angle_factor: numpy ndarray containing the inverse of cosine of solar zenith angle [-]. isi: integrated solar irradiance [W/(m2 * μm)]. Returns: numpy ndarray: array containing the calibrated reflectance values. """ refl_values = (np.pi / isi) * angle_factor * radiance * 100.0 return refl_values