Source code for satpy.readers.mersi_l1b

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2019 Satpy developers
# This file is part of satpy.
# satpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# satpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
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"""Reader for the FY-3D MERSI-2 L1B file format.

The files for this reader are HDF5 and come in four varieties; band data
and geolocation data, both at 250m and 1000m resolution.

This reader was tested on FY-3D MERSI-2 data, but should work on future
platforms as well assuming no file format changes.

from datetime import datetime

import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
from pyspectral.blackbody import blackbody_wn_rad2temp as rad2temp

from satpy.readers.hdf5_utils import HDF5FileHandler


[docs] class MERSIL1B(HDF5FileHandler): """MERSI-2/MERSI-LL/MERSI-RM L1B file reader."""
[docs] def _strptime(self, date_attr, time_attr): """Parse date/time strings.""" date = self[date_attr] time = self[time_attr] # "18:27:39.720" # cuts off microseconds because of unknown meaning # is .720 == 720 microseconds or 720000 microseconds return datetime.strptime(date + " " + time.split(".")[0], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
@property def start_time(self): """Time for first observation.""" return self._strptime("/attr/Observing Beginning Date", "/attr/Observing Beginning Time") @property def end_time(self): """Time for final observation.""" return self._strptime("/attr/Observing Ending Date", "/attr/Observing Ending Time") @property def sensor_name(self): """Map sensor name to Satpy 'standard' sensor names.""" file_sensor = self["/attr/Sensor Identification Code"] sensor = { "MERSI": "mersi-2", "MERSI LL": "mersi-ll", "MERSI RM": "mersi-rm", }.get(file_sensor, file_sensor) return sensor
[docs] def get_refl_mult(self): """Get reflectance multiplier.""" if self.sensor_name == "mersi-rm": # MERSI-RM has reflectance in the range 0-1, so we need to convert return 100. else: return 1.
[docs] def _get_single_slope_intercept(self, slope, intercept, cal_index): try: # convert scalar arrays to scalar return slope.item(), intercept.item() except ValueError: # numpy array but has more than one element return slope[cal_index], intercept[cal_index]
[docs] def _get_coefficients(self, cal_key, cal_index): coeffs = self[cal_key][cal_index] slope = coeffs.attrs.pop("Slope", None) intercept = coeffs.attrs.pop("Intercept", None) if slope is not None: slope, intercept = self._get_single_slope_intercept( slope, intercept, cal_index) coeffs = coeffs * slope + intercept return coeffs
[docs] def get_dataset(self, dataset_id, ds_info): """Load data variable and metadata and calibrate if needed.""" file_key = ds_info.get("file_key", dataset_id["name"]) band_index = ds_info.get("band_index") data = self[file_key] if band_index is not None: data = data[band_index] if data.ndim >= 2: data = data.rename({data.dims[-2]: "y", data.dims[-1]: "x"}) attrs = data.attrs.copy() # avoid contaminating other band loading attrs.update(ds_info) if "rows_per_scan" in self.filetype_info: attrs.setdefault("rows_per_scan", self.filetype_info["rows_per_scan"]) data = self._mask_data(data, dataset_id, attrs) slope = attrs.pop("Slope", None) intercept = attrs.pop("Intercept", None) if slope is not None and dataset_id.get("calibration") != "counts": if band_index is not None and slope.size > 1: slope = slope[band_index] intercept = intercept[band_index] data = data * slope + intercept if dataset_id.get("calibration") == "reflectance": coeffs = self._get_coefficients(ds_info["calibration_key"], ds_info["calibration_index"]) data = coeffs[0] + coeffs[1] * data + coeffs[2] * data ** 2 data = data * self.get_refl_mult() elif dataset_id.get("calibration") == "brightness_temperature": calibration_index = ds_info["calibration_index"] # Converts um^-1 (wavenumbers) and (mW/m^2)/(str/cm^-1) (radiance data) # to SI units m^-1, mW*m^-3*str^-1. wave_number = 1. / (dataset_id["wavelength"][1] / 1e6) data = self._get_bt_dataset(data, calibration_index, wave_number) data.attrs = attrs # convert bytes to str for key, val in attrs.items(): # python 3 only if bytes is not str and isinstance(val, bytes): data.attrs[key] = val.decode("utf8") data.attrs.update({ "platform_name": self["/attr/Satellite Name"], "sensor": self.sensor_name, }) return data
[docs] def _mask_data(self, data, dataset_id, attrs): """Mask the data using fill_value and valid_range attributes.""" fill_value = attrs.pop("FillValue", np.nan) # covered by valid_range valid_range = attrs.pop("valid_range", None) if dataset_id.get("calibration") == "counts": # preserve integer type of counts if possible attrs["_FillValue"] = fill_value new_fill = data.dtype.type(fill_value) else: new_fill = np.nan if valid_range is not None: # Due to a bug in the valid_range upper limit in the 10.8(24) and 12.0(25) # in the HDF data, this is hardcoded here. if dataset_id["name"] in ["24", "25"] and valid_range[1] == 4095: valid_range[1] = 25000 # typically bad_values == 65535, saturated == 65534 # dead detector == 65533 data = data.where((data >= valid_range[0]) & (data <= valid_range[1]), new_fill) return data
[docs] def _get_bt_dataset(self, data, calibration_index, wave_number): """Get the dataset as brightness temperature. Apparently we don't use these calibration factors for Rad -> BT:: coeffs = self._get_coefficients(ds_info['calibration_key'], calibration_index) # coefficients are per-scan, we need to repeat the values for a # clean alignment coeffs = np.repeat(coeffs, data.shape[0] // coeffs.shape[1], axis=1) coeffs = coeffs.rename({ coeffs.dims[0]: 'coefficients', coeffs.dims[1]: 'y' }) # match data dims data = coeffs[0] + coeffs[1] * data + coeffs[2] * data**2 + coeffs[3] * data**3 """ # pass the dask array bt_data = rad2temp(wave_number, * 1e-5) # brightness temperature if isinstance(bt_data, np.ndarray): # old versions of pyspectral produce numpy arrays = da.from_array(bt_data, else: # new versions of pyspectral can do dask arrays = bt_data # Some BT bands seem to have 0 in the first 10 columns # and it is an invalid measurement, so let's mask data = data.where(data != 0) # additional corrections from the file if self.sensor_name == "mersi-2": corr_coeff_a = float(self["/attr/TBB_Trans_Coefficient_A"][calibration_index]) corr_coeff_b = float(self["/attr/TBB_Trans_Coefficient_B"][calibration_index]) elif self.sensor_name == "mersi-ll": # MERSI-LL stores these coefficients differently try: coeffs = self["/attr/TBB_Trans_Coefficient"] corr_coeff_a = coeffs[calibration_index] corr_coeff_b = coeffs[calibration_index + N_TOT_IR_CHANS_LL] except KeyError: return data else: # MERSI-RM has no correction coefficients corr_coeff_a = 0 if corr_coeff_a != 0: data = (data - corr_coeff_b) / corr_coeff_a # some bands have 0 counts for the first N columns and # seem to be invalid data points data = data.where(data != 0) return data