Source code for satpy.readers.insat3d_img_l1b_h5

"""File handler for Insat 3D L1B data in hdf5 format."""

import datetime as dt
from contextlib import suppress
from functools import cached_property

import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from xarray.core.datatree import DataTree

from satpy.readers.file_handlers import BaseFileHandler

                "swir": ("RADIANCE",),
                "mir": ("RADIANCE", "TEMP"),
                "tir1": ("RADIANCE", "TEMP"),
                "tir2": ("RADIANCE", "TEMP"),
                "wv": ("RADIANCE", "TEMP"),

CHANNELS_BY_RESOLUTION = {1000: ["vis", "swir"],
                          4000: ["mir", "tir1", "tir2"],
                          8000: ["wv"],

[docs] def apply_lut(data, lut): """Apply a lookup table.""" return lut[data]
[docs] def decode_lut_arr(arr, lut): """Decode an array using a lookup table.""" dtype = lut.dtype lut_attrs = lut.attrs attrs = arr.attrs attrs["units"] = lut_attrs["units"] attrs["long_name"] = lut_attrs["long_name"] new_darr = da.map_blocks(apply_lut,, lut=np.asanyarray(lut), dtype=dtype) new_arr = xr.DataArray(new_darr, dims=arr.dims, attrs=attrs, coords=arr.coords) new_arr = new_arr.where( != attrs["_FillValue"]) return new_arr
[docs] def get_lonlat_suffix(resolution): """Get the lonlat variable suffix from the resolution.""" if resolution == 1000: lonlat_suffix = "_VIS" elif resolution == 8000: lonlat_suffix = "_WV" else: lonlat_suffix = "" return lonlat_suffix
[docs] def open_dataset(filename, resolution=1000): """Open a dataset for a given resolution.""" if resolution not in [1000, 4000, 8000]: raise ValueError(f"Resolution {resolution} not available. Available resolutions: 1000, 4000, 8000") h5ds = xr.open_dataset(filename, engine="h5netcdf", chunks="auto") h5ds_raw = xr.open_dataset(filename, engine="h5netcdf", chunks="auto", mask_and_scale=False) ds = xr.Dataset() ds.attrs = h5ds.attrs for channel in CHANNELS_BY_RESOLUTION[resolution]: var_name = "IMG_" + channel.upper() channel_data = h5ds_raw[var_name] ds[var_name] = channel_data for name in [var_name + "_" + suffix for suffix in LUT_SUFFIXES[channel]]: lut = h5ds[name] decoded = decode_lut_arr(channel_data, lut) ds[name] = decoded lonlat_suffix = get_lonlat_suffix(resolution) for coord in ["Longitude", "Latitude"]: var_name = coord + lonlat_suffix ds[var_name] = h5ds[var_name] ds = _rename_dims(ds) return ds
[docs] def _rename_dims(ds): """Rename dimensions to satpy standards.""" for x_dim in ["GeoX", "GeoX1", "GeoX2"]: with suppress(ValueError): ds = ds.rename({x_dim: "x"}) for y_dim in ["GeoY", "GeoY1", "GeoY2"]: with suppress(ValueError): ds = ds.rename({y_dim: "y"}) for lons in ["Longitude_VIS", "Longitude_WV"]: with suppress(ValueError): ds = ds.rename({lons: "Longitude"}) for lats in ["Latitude_VIS", "Latitude_WV"]: with suppress(ValueError): ds = ds.rename({lats: "Latitude"}) return ds
[docs] def open_datatree(filename): """Open a datatree.""" datasets = {} for resolution in [1000, 4000, 8000]: datasets[str(resolution)] = open_dataset(filename, resolution) dt = DataTree.from_dict(datasets) dt.attrs = dt["1000"].attrs return dt
[docs] class Insat3DIMGL1BH5FileHandler(BaseFileHandler): """File handler for insat 3d imager data.""" @property def start_time(self): """Get the start time.""" start_time = dt.datetime.strptime( self.datatree.attrs["Acquisition_Start_Time"], "%d-%b-%YT%H:%M:%S") return start_time @property def end_time(self): """Get the end time.""" end_time = dt.datetime.strptime( self.datatree.attrs["Acquisition_End_Time"], "%d-%b-%YT%H:%M:%S") return end_time @cached_property def datatree(self): """Create the datatree.""" return open_datatree(self.filename)
[docs] def get_dataset(self, ds_id, ds_info): """Get a data array.""" resolution = ds_id["resolution"] ds = self.datatree[str(resolution)] if ds_id["name"] in ["longitude", "latitude"]: darr = ds[ds_id["name"].capitalize()] return darr if ds_id["calibration"] == "counts": calibration = "" elif ds_id["calibration"] == "radiance": calibration = "_RADIANCE" elif ds_id["calibration"] == "reflectance": calibration = "_ALBEDO" elif ds_id["calibration"] == "brightness_temperature": calibration = "_TEMP" darr = ds["IMG_" + ds_id["name"] + calibration] nlat, nlon = ds.attrs["Nominal_Central_Point_Coordinates(degrees)_Latitude_Longitude"] darr.attrs["orbital_parameters"] = dict(satellite_nominal_longitude=float(nlon), satellite_nominal_latitude=float(nlat), satellite_nominal_altitude=float(ds.attrs["Nominal_Altitude(km)"]), satellite_actual_altitude=float(ds.attrs["Observed_Altitude(km)"])) darr.attrs["platform_name"] = "insat-3d" darr.attrs["sensor"] = "imager" darr = darr.squeeze() return darr
[docs] def get_area_def(self, ds_id): """Get the area definition.""" from satpy.readers._geos_area import get_area_definition, get_area_extent darr = self.get_dataset(ds_id, None) shape = darr.shape lines = shape[-2] cols = shape[-1] # From empirical analysis, hardcoding the view of view to 18 degrees # produces better geolocation results. # Uncommenting the line below will use the fov from the file instead, # this line is kept for reference. #fov = self.datatree.attrs["Field_of_View(degrees)"] fov = 18 cfac = 2 ** 16 / (fov / cols) # From reverse engineering metadata from a netcdf file, we discovered # the lfac is actually the same as cfac, ie dependent on cols, not lines! lfac = 2 ** 16 / (fov / cols) h = self.datatree.attrs["Observed_Altitude(km)"] * 1000 # WGS 84 a = 6378137.0 b = 6356752.314245 subsatellite_longitude = self.datatree.attrs["Nominal_Central_Point_Coordinates(degrees)_Latitude_Longitude"][1] pdict = { "cfac": cfac, "lfac": lfac, "coff": cols // 2 + 1, "loff": lines // 2, "ncols": cols, "nlines": lines, "scandir": "N2S", "a": a, "b": b, "h": h, "ssp_lon": subsatellite_longitude, "a_name": "insat3d82", "a_desc": "insat3d82", "p_id": "geosmsg" } area_extent = get_area_extent(pdict) adef = get_area_definition(pdict, area_extent) return adef