Source code for satpy.readers.fci_l2_nc

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# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
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"""Reader for the FCI L2 products in NetCDF4 format."""

import logging
from contextlib import suppress

import netCDF4
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from pyresample import geometry

from satpy._compat import cached_property
from satpy.readers._geos_area import get_geos_area_naming, make_ext
from satpy.readers.eum_base import get_service_mode
from satpy.readers.file_handlers import BaseFileHandler
from satpy.resample import get_area_def
from satpy.utils import get_legacy_chunk_size

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

CHUNK_SIZE = get_legacy_chunk_size()


[docs] class FciL2CommonFunctions(object): """Shared operations for file handlers.""" @property def spacecraft_name(self): """Return spacecraft name.""" return["platform"] @property def sensor_name(self): """Return instrument name.""" return["data_source"] @property def ssp_lon(self): """Return longitude at subsatellite point.""" try: return float(["mtg_geos_projection"].attrs["longitude_of_projection_origin"]) except (KeyError, AttributeError): logger.warning(f"ssp_lon could not be obtained from file content, using default value " f"of {SSP_DEFAULT} degrees east instead") return SSP_DEFAULT
[docs] def _get_global_attributes(self): """Create a dictionary of global attributes to be added to all datasets. Returns: dict: A dictionary of global attributes. filename: name of the product file spacecraft_name: name of the spacecraft ssp_lon: longitude of subsatellite point sensor: name of sensor platform_name: name of the platform """ attributes = { "filename": self.filename, "spacecraft_name": self.spacecraft_name, "ssp_lon": self.ssp_lon, "sensor": self.sensor_name, "platform_name": self.spacecraft_name, } return attributes
[docs] def _set_attributes(self, variable, dataset_info, segmented=False): """Set dataset attributes.""" if segmented: xdim, ydim = "number_of_FoR_cols", "number_of_FoR_rows" else: xdim, ydim = "number_of_columns", "number_of_rows" if dataset_info["nc_key"] not in ["product_quality", "product_completeness", "product_timeliness"]: variable = variable.swap_dims({ydim: "y", xdim: "x"}) variable.attrs.setdefault("units", None) if "unit" in variable.attrs: # Need to convert this attribute to the expected satpy entry variable.attrs.update({"units": variable.attrs["unit"]}) del variable.attrs["unit"] variable.attrs.update(dataset_info) variable.attrs.update(self._get_global_attributes()) import_enum_information = dataset_info.get("import_enum_information", False) if import_enum_information: variable = self._add_flag_values_and_meanings(self.filename, dataset_info["nc_key"], variable) if variable.attrs["units"] == "none": variable.attrs.update({"units": None}) return variable
[docs] @staticmethod def _add_flag_values_and_meanings(filename, key, variable): """Build flag values and meaning from enum datatype.""" nc_dataset = netCDF4.Dataset(filename, "r") # This currently assumes a flat netCDF file data_type = nc_dataset.variables[key].datatype if hasattr(data_type, "enum_dict"): enum = data_type.enum_dict flag_values = [] flag_meanings = [] for meaning, value in enum.items(): flag_values.append(value) flag_meanings.append(meaning) variable.attrs["flag_values"] = flag_values variable.attrs["flag_meanings"] = flag_meanings nc_dataset.close() return variable
[docs] def _slice_dataset(self, variable, dataset_info, dimensions): """Slice data if dimension layers have been provided in yaml-file.""" slice_dict = {dim: dataset_info[dim_id] for (dim, dim_id) in dimensions.items() if dim_id in dataset_info.keys() and dim in variable.dims} for dim, dim_ind in slice_dict.items(): logger.debug(f"Extracting {dimensions[dim]}-index {dim_ind} from dimension {dim!r}.") variable = variable.sel(slice_dict) return variable
[docs] @staticmethod def _mask_data(variable, fill_value): """Set fill_values, as defined in yaml-file, to NaN. Set data points in variable to NaN if they are equal to fill_value or any of the values in fill_value if fill_value is a list. """ if not isinstance(fill_value, list): fill_value = [fill_value] for val in fill_value: variable = variable.where(variable != val).astype("float32") return variable
def __del__(self): """Close the NetCDF file that may still be open.""" with suppress(AttributeError, OSError):
[docs] class FciL2NCFileHandler(FciL2CommonFunctions, BaseFileHandler): """Reader class for FCI L2 products in NetCDF4 format.""" def __init__(self, filename, filename_info, filetype_info, with_area_definition=True): """Open the NetCDF file with xarray and prepare for dataset reading.""" super().__init__(filename, filename_info, filetype_info) # Use xarray's default netcdf4 engine to open the fileq = xr.open_dataset( self.filename, decode_cf=True, mask_and_scale=True, chunks={ "number_of_columns": CHUNK_SIZE, "number_of_rows": CHUNK_SIZE } ) if with_area_definition is False:"Setting `with_area_defintion=False` has no effect on pixel-based products.") # Read metadata which are common to all datasets self.nlines =["y"].size self.ncols =["x"].size self._projection =["mtg_geos_projection"] self.multi_dims = {"maximum_number_of_layers": "layer", "number_of_vis_channels": "vis_channel_id"}
[docs] def get_area_def(self, key): """Return the area definition.""" try: return self._area_def except AttributeError: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_dataset(self, dataset_id, dataset_info): """Get dataset using the nc_key in dataset_info.""" var_key = dataset_info["nc_key"] par_name = dataset_info["name"] logger.debug("Reading in file to get dataset with key %s.", var_key) try: variable =[var_key] except KeyError: logger.warning("Could not find key %s in NetCDF file, no valid Dataset created", var_key) return None # Compute the area definition if var_key not in ["product_quality", "product_completeness", "product_timeliness"]: self._area_def = self._compute_area_def(dataset_id) if any(dim_id in dataset_info.keys() for dim_id in self.multi_dims.values()): variable = self._slice_dataset(variable, dataset_info, self.multi_dims) if par_name == "retrieved_cloud_optical_thickness": variable = self.get_total_cot(variable) if dataset_info["file_type"] == "nc_fci_test_clm": variable = self._decode_clm_test_data(variable, dataset_info) if "fill_value" in dataset_info: variable = self._mask_data(variable, dataset_info["fill_value"]) variable = self._set_attributes(variable, dataset_info) return variable
[docs] @staticmethod def _decode_clm_test_data(variable, dataset_info): if dataset_info["nc_key"] != "cloud_mask_cmrt6_test_result": variable = variable.astype("uint32") variable.values = (variable.values >> dataset_info["extract_byte"] << 31 >> 31).astype("int8") return variable
[docs] def _compute_area_def(self, dataset_id): """Compute the area definition. Returns: AreaDefinition: A pyresample AreaDefinition object containing the area definition. """ area_extent = self._get_area_extent() area_naming, proj_dict = self._get_proj_area(dataset_id) area_def = geometry.AreaDefinition( area_naming["area_id"], area_naming["description"], "", proj_dict, self.ncols, self.nlines, area_extent) return area_def
[docs] def _get_area_extent(self): """Calculate area extent of dataset.""" # Load and convert x/y coordinates to degrees as required by the make_ext function x =["x"] y =["y"] x_deg = np.degrees(x) y_deg = np.degrees(y) # Select the extreme points and calcualte area extent (not: these refer to pixel center) ll_x, ur_x = -x_deg.values[0], -x_deg.values[-1] ll_y, ur_y = y_deg.values[-1], y_deg.values[0] h = float(self._projection.attrs["perspective_point_height"]) area_extent_pixel_center = make_ext(ll_x, ur_x, ll_y, ur_y, h) # Shift area extent by half a pixel to get the area extent w.r.t. the dataset/pixel corners scale_factor = (x[1:] - x[0:-1]).values.mean() res = abs(scale_factor) * h area_extent = tuple(i + res / 2 if i > 0 else i - res / 2 for i in area_extent_pixel_center) return area_extent
[docs] def _get_proj_area(self, dataset_id): """Extract projection and area information.""" # Read the projection data from the mtg_geos_projection variable a = float(self._projection.attrs["semi_major_axis"]) h = float(self._projection.attrs["perspective_point_height"]) # Some L2PF test data files have a typo in the keyname for the inverse flattening parameter. Use a default value # as fallback until all L2PF test files are correctly formatted. rf = float(self._projection.attrs.get("inverse_flattening", 298.257223563)) res = dataset_id["resolution"] area_naming_input_dict = {"platform_name": "mtg", "instrument_name": "fci", "resolution": res, } area_naming = get_geos_area_naming({**area_naming_input_dict, **get_service_mode("fci", self.ssp_lon)}) proj_dict = {"a": a, "lon_0": self.ssp_lon, "h": h, "rf": rf, "proj": "geos", "units": "m", "sweep": "y"} return area_naming, proj_dict
[docs] @staticmethod def get_total_cot(variable): """Sum the cloud optical thickness from the two OCA layers. The optical thickness has to be transformed to linear space before adding the values from the two layers. The combined/total optical thickness is then transformed back to logarithmic space. """ attrs = variable.attrs variable = 10 ** variable variable = variable.fillna(0.) variable = variable.sum(dim="maximum_number_of_layers", keep_attrs=True) variable = variable.where(variable != 0., np.nan) variable = np.log10(variable) variable.attrs = attrs return variable
[docs] class FciL2NCSegmentFileHandler(FciL2CommonFunctions, BaseFileHandler): """Reader class for FCI L2 Segmented products in NetCDF4 format.""" def __init__(self, filename, filename_info, filetype_info, with_area_definition=False): """Open the NetCDF file with xarray and prepare for dataset reading.""" super().__init__(filename, filename_info, filetype_info) # Use xarray's default netcdf4 engine to open the file = xr.open_dataset( self.filename, decode_cf=True, mask_and_scale=True, chunks={ "number_of_FoR_cols": CHUNK_SIZE, "number_of_FoR_rows": CHUNK_SIZE } ) # Read metadata which are common to all datasets self.nlines =["number_of_FoR_rows"].size self.ncols =["number_of_FoR_cols"].size self.with_adef = with_area_definition self.multi_dims = { "number_of_categories": "category_id", "number_of_channels": "channel_id", "number_of_vis_channels": "vis_channel_id", "number_of_ir_channels": "ir_channel_id", "number_test": "test_id", }
[docs] def get_area_def(self, key): """Return the area definition.""" try: return self._area_def except AttributeError: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_dataset(self, dataset_id, dataset_info): """Get dataset using the nc_key in dataset_info.""" var_key = dataset_info["nc_key"] logger.debug("Reading in file to get dataset with key %s.", var_key) try: variable =[var_key] except KeyError: logger.warning("Could not find key %s in NetCDF file, no valid Dataset created", var_key) return None if any(dim_id in dataset_info.keys() for dim_id in self.multi_dims.values()): variable = self._slice_dataset(variable, dataset_info, self.multi_dims) if self.with_adef and var_key not in ["longitude", "latitude", "product_quality", "product_completeness", "product_timeliness"]: self._area_def = self._construct_area_def(dataset_id) # coordinates are not relevant when returning data with an AreaDefinition if "coordinates" in dataset_info.keys(): del dataset_info["coordinates"] if "fill_value" in dataset_info: variable = self._mask_data(variable, dataset_info["fill_value"]) variable = self._set_attributes(variable, dataset_info, segmented=True) return variable
[docs] def _construct_area_def(self, dataset_id): """Construct the area definition. Returns: AreaDefinition: A pyresample AreaDefinition object containing the area definition. """ res = dataset_id["resolution"] area_naming_input_dict = {"platform_name": "mtg", "instrument_name": "fci", "resolution": res, } area_naming = get_geos_area_naming({**area_naming_input_dict, **get_service_mode("fci", self.ssp_lon)}) # Construct area definition from standardized area definition. stand_area_def = get_area_def(area_naming["area_id"]) if (stand_area_def.width != self.ncols) | (stand_area_def.height != self.nlines): raise NotImplementedError("Unrecognised AreaDefinition.") mod_area_extent = self._modify_area_extent(stand_area_def.area_extent) area_def = geometry.AreaDefinition( stand_area_def.area_id, stand_area_def.description, "",, stand_area_def.width, stand_area_def.height, mod_area_extent) return area_def
[docs] @staticmethod def _modify_area_extent(stand_area_extent): """Modify area extent to macth satellite projection. Area extent has to be modified since the L2 products are stored with the south-east in the upper-right corner (as opposed to north-east in the standardized area definitions). """ ll_x, ll_y, ur_x, ur_y = stand_area_extent ll_y *= -1. ur_y *= -1. area_extent = tuple([ll_x, ll_y, ur_x, ur_y]) return area_extent
[docs] class FciL2NCAMVFileHandler(FciL2CommonFunctions, BaseFileHandler): """Reader class for FCI L2 AMV products in NetCDF4 format.""" def __init__(self, filename, filename_info, filetype_info): """Open the NetCDF file with xarray and prepare for dataset reading.""" super().__init__(filename, filename_info, filetype_info) @cached_property def nc(self): """Read the file.""" return xr.open_dataset( self.filename, decode_cf=True, mask_and_scale=True, chunks={ "number_of_images": CHUNK_SIZE, "number_of_winds": CHUNK_SIZE } )
[docs] def _get_global_attributes(self): """Create a dictionary of global attributes to be added to all datasets. Returns: dict: A dictionary of global attributes. filename: name of the product file spacecraft_name: name of the spacecraft sensor: name of sensor platform_name: name of the platform """ attributes = { "filename": self.filename, "spacecraft_name": self.spacecraft_name, "sensor": self.sensor_name, "platform_name": self.spacecraft_name, "channel": self.filename_info["channel"] } return attributes
[docs] def get_dataset(self, dataset_id, dataset_info): """Get dataset using the nc_key in dataset_info.""" var_key = dataset_info["nc_key"] logger.debug("Reading in file to get dataset with key %s.", var_key) try: variable =[var_key] except KeyError: logger.warning("Could not find key %s in NetCDF file, no valid Dataset created", var_key) return None # Manage the attributes of the dataset variable.attrs.update(dataset_info) variable.attrs.update(self._get_global_attributes()) return variable