Source code for satpy.readers.clavrx

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2021 Satpy developers
# This file is part of satpy.
# satpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# satpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# satpy.  If not, see <>.
"""Interface to CLAVR-X HDF4 products."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import os
from glob import glob
from typing import Optional

import netCDF4
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from pyresample import geometry

from satpy.readers.file_handlers import BaseFileHandler
from satpy.readers.hdf4_utils import SDS, HDF4FileHandler
from satpy.utils import get_legacy_chunk_size

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

CHUNK_SIZE = get_legacy_chunk_size()

    "none": "1",

    "MODIS": "modis",
    "VIIRS": "viirs",
    "AVHRR": "avhrr",
    "AHI": "ahi",
    "ABI": "abi",
    "GOES-RU-IMAGER": "abi",
    "SNPP": "npp",
    "HIM8": "himawari8",
    "HIM9": "himawari9",
    "H08": "himawari8",
    "H09": "himawari9",
    "G16": "GOES-16",
    "G17": "GOES-17",
    "G18": "GOES-18",
    "viirs": 16,
    "modis": 10,
    "viirs": 742,
    "modis": 1000,
    "avhrr": 1050,
    "ahi": 2000,
    "abi": 2004,

    "abi": {"refl_0_47um_nom": {"name": "C01", "wavelength": 0.47, "modifiers": ("sunz_corrected",)},
            "refl_0_65um_nom": {"name": "C02", "wavelength": 0.64, "modifiers": ("sunz_corrected",)},
            "refl_0_86um_nom": {"name": "C03", "wavelength": 0.865, "modifiers": ("sunz_corrected",)},
            "refl_1_38um_nom": {"name": "C04", "wavelength": 1.38, "modifiers": ("sunz_corrected",)},
            "refl_1_60um_nom": {"name": "C05", "wavelength": 1.61, "modifiers": ("sunz_corrected",)},
            "refl_2_10um_nom": {"name": "C06", "wavelength": 2.25, "modifiers": ("sunz_corrected",)},
    "viirs": {"refl_0_65um_nom": {"name": "I01", "wavelength": 0.64, "modifiers": ("sunz_corrected",)},
              "refl_1_38um_nom": {"name": "M09", "wavelength": 1.38, "modifiers": ("sunz_corrected",)},
              "refl_1_60um_nom": {"name": "I03", "wavelength": 1.61, "modifiers": ("sunz_corrected",)}

[docs] def _get_sensor(sensor: str) -> str: """Get the sensor.""" for k, v in SENSORS.items(): if k in sensor: return v raise ValueError(f"Unknown sensor '{sensor}'")
[docs] def _get_platform(platform: str) -> str: """Get the platform.""" for k, v in PLATFORMS.items(): if k in platform: return v return platform
[docs] def _get_rows_per_scan(sensor: str) -> Optional[int]: """Get number of rows per scan.""" for k, v in ROWS_PER_SCAN.items(): if sensor.startswith(k): return v return None
[docs] def _scale_data(data_arr: xr.DataArray | int, scale_factor: float, add_offset: float) -> xr.DataArray: """Scale data, if needed.""" scaling_needed = not (scale_factor == 1.0 and add_offset == 0.0) if scaling_needed: data_arr = data_arr * np.float32(scale_factor) + np.float32(add_offset) return data_arr
[docs] class _CLAVRxHelper: """A base class for the CLAVRx File Handlers."""
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_nadir_resolution(sensor, filename_info_resolution): """Get nadir resolution.""" for k, v in NADIR_RESOLUTION.items(): if sensor.startswith(k): return v if filename_info_resolution is None: return None if isinstance(filename_info_resolution, str) and filename_info_resolution.startswith("m"): return int(filename_info_resolution[:-1]) else: return int(filename_info_resolution)
[docs] @staticmethod def _remove_attributes(attrs: dict) -> dict: """Remove attributes that described data before scaling.""" old_attrs = ["unscaled_missing", "SCALED_MIN", "SCALED_MAX", "SCALED_MISSING"] for attr_key in old_attrs: attrs.pop(attr_key, None) return attrs
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_data(data, dataset_id: dict) -> xr.DataArray: """Get a dataset.""" if dataset_id.get("resolution"): data.attrs["resolution"] = dataset_id["resolution"] attrs = data.attrs.copy() # don't need these attributes after applied. factor = attrs.pop("scale_factor", (np.ones(1, dtype=data.dtype))[0]) offset = attrs.pop("add_offset", (np.zeros(1, dtype=data.dtype))[0]) flag_values = data.attrs.get("flag_values", [None]) valid_range = attrs.get("valid_range", [None]) if isinstance(valid_range, np.ndarray): valid_range = valid_range.tolist() attrs["valid_range"] = valid_range flags = not data.attrs.get("SCALED", 1) and any(flag_values) if flags: fill = attrs.get("_FillValue", None) if isinstance(flag_values, np.ndarray) or isinstance(flag_values, list): data = data.where((data >= flag_values[0]) & (data <= flag_values[-1]), fill) else: fill = attrs.pop("_FillValue", None) data = data.where(data != fill) data = _scale_data(data, factor, offset) if valid_range[0] is not None: valid_min = _scale_data(valid_range[0], factor, offset) valid_max = _scale_data(valid_range[1], factor, offset) data = data.where((data >= valid_min) & (data <= valid_max)) attrs["valid_range"] = [valid_min, valid_max] data.attrs = _CLAVRxHelper._remove_attributes(attrs) return data
[docs] @staticmethod def _area_extent(x, y, h: float): x_l = h * x[0] x_r = h * x[-1] y_l = h * y[-1] y_u = h * y[0] ncols = x.shape[0] nlines = y.shape[0] x_half = (x_r - x_l) / (ncols - 1) / 2. y_half = (y_u - y_l) / (nlines - 1) / 2. area_extent = (x_l - x_half, y_l - y_half, x_r + x_half, y_u + y_half) return area_extent, ncols, nlines
[docs] @staticmethod def _read_pug_fixed_grid(projection_coordinates: netCDF4.Variable, distance_multiplier=1.0) -> dict: """Read from recent PUG format, where axes are in meters.""" a = projection_coordinates.semi_major_axis h = projection_coordinates.perspective_point_height b = projection_coordinates.semi_minor_axis lon_0 = projection_coordinates.longitude_of_projection_origin sweep_axis = projection_coordinates.sweep_angle_axis[0] proj_dict = {"a": float(a) * distance_multiplier, "b": float(b) * distance_multiplier, "lon_0": float(lon_0), "h": float(h) * distance_multiplier, "proj": "geos", "units": "m", "sweep": sweep_axis} return proj_dict
[docs] @staticmethod def _find_input_nc(filename: str, sensor: str, l1b_base: str) -> str: dirname = os.path.dirname(filename) l1b_filename = os.path.join(dirname, l1b_base + ".nc") if os.path.exists(l1b_filename): return str(l1b_filename) if sensor == "AHI": glob_pat = os.path.join(dirname, l1b_base + "*R20*.nc") else: glob_pat = os.path.join(dirname, l1b_base + "*.nc") LOG.debug("searching for {0}".format(glob_pat)) found_l1b_filenames = list(glob(glob_pat)) if len(found_l1b_filenames) == 0: fp = os.path.join(dirname, l1b_base) raise IOError(f"Missing navigation donor {fp}") LOG.debug("Candidate nav donors: {0}".format(repr(found_l1b_filenames))) return found_l1b_filenames[0]
[docs] @staticmethod def _read_axi_fixed_grid(filename: str, sensor: str, l1b_attr) -> geometry.AreaDefinition: """Read a fixed grid. CLAVR-x does not transcribe fixed grid parameters to its output We have to recover that information from the original input file, which is partially named as L1B attribute example attributes found in L2 CLAVR-x files: sensor = "AHI" ; platform = "HIM8" ; FILENAME = "clavrx_H08_20180719_1300.level2.hdf" ; L1B = "clavrx_H08_20180719_1300" ; """ LOG.debug(f"looking for corresponding input file for {l1b_attr}" " to act as fixed grid navigation donor") l1b_path = _CLAVRxHelper._find_input_nc(filename, sensor, l1b_attr)"CLAVR-x does not include fixed-grid parameters, use input file {l1b_path} as donor") l1b = netCDF4.Dataset(l1b_path) proj = None proj_var = l1b.variables.get("Projection", None) if proj_var is not None: # hsd2nc input typically used by CLAVR-x uses old-form km for axes/height LOG.debug("found hsd2nc-style draft PUG fixed grid specification") proj = _CLAVRxHelper._read_pug_fixed_grid(proj_var, 1000.0) if proj is None: # most likely to come into play for ABI cases proj_var = l1b.variables.get("goes_imager_projection", None) if proj_var is not None: LOG.debug("found cmip-style final PUG fixed grid specification") proj = _CLAVRxHelper._read_pug_fixed_grid(proj_var) if not proj: raise ValueError(f"Unable to recover projection information for {filename}") h = float(proj["h"]) x, y = l1b["x"], l1b["y"] area_extent, ncols, nlines = _CLAVRxHelper._area_extent(x, y, h) area = geometry.AreaDefinition( f"{sensor}_geos", f"{sensor.upper()} L2 file area", f"{sensor}_geos", proj, ncols, nlines, area_extent) return area
[docs] @staticmethod def get_metadata(sensor: str, platform: str, attrs: dict, ds_info: dict) -> dict: """Get metadata.""" attr_info = {} attr_info.update(attrs) attr_info.update(ds_info) flag_meanings = attr_info.get("flag_meanings", None) if not attr_info.get("SCALED", 1) and not flag_meanings: attr_info["flag_meanings"] = "<flag_meanings_unknown>" attr_info.setdefault("flag_values", [None]) elif not attr_info.get("SCALED", 1) and isinstance(flag_meanings, str): attr_info["flag_meanings"] = flag_meanings.split(" ") u = attr_info.get("units") if u in CF_UNITS: # CF compliance attr_info["units"] = CF_UNITS[u] if u.lower() == "none": attr_info["units"] = "1" attr_info["sensor"] = sensor attr_info["platform_name"] = platform rps = _get_rows_per_scan(sensor) if rps: attr_info["rows_per_scan"] = rps attr_info["reader"] = "clavrx" return attr_info
[docs] class CLAVRXHDF4FileHandler(HDF4FileHandler, _CLAVRxHelper): """A file handler for CLAVRx files.""" def __init__(self, filename, filename_info, filetype_info): """Init method.""" super(CLAVRXHDF4FileHandler, self).__init__(filename, filename_info, filetype_info) self.sensor = _get_sensor(self.file_content.get("/attr/sensor")) self.platform = _get_platform(self.file_content.get("/attr/platform")) self.resolution = _CLAVRxHelper._get_nadir_resolution(self.sensor, self.filename_info.get("resolution")) @property def start_time(self): """Get the start time.""" return self.filename_info["start_time"] @property def end_time(self): """Get the end time.""" return self.filename_info.get("end_time", self.start_time)
[docs] def get_dataset(self, dataset_id, ds_info): """Get a dataset for Polar Sensors.""" var_name = ds_info.get("file_key", dataset_id["name"]) data = self[var_name] data = _CLAVRxHelper._get_data(data, dataset_id) data.attrs = _CLAVRxHelper.get_metadata(self.sensor, self.platform, data.attrs, ds_info) return data
[docs] def _available_aliases(self, ds_info, current_var): """Add alias if there is a match.""" new_info = ds_info.copy() alias_info = CHANNEL_ALIASES.get(self.sensor).get(current_var, None) if alias_info is not None: alias_info.update({"file_key": current_var}) new_info.update(alias_info) yield True, new_info
[docs] def available_datasets(self, configured_datasets=None): """Add more information if this reader can provide it.""" handled_variables = set() for is_avail, ds_info in (configured_datasets or []): # some other file handler knows how to load this if is_avail is not None: yield is_avail, ds_info new_info = ds_info.copy() # don't change input this_res = ds_info.get("resolution") var_name = ds_info.get("file_key", ds_info["name"]) matches = self.file_type_matches(ds_info["file_type"]) # we can confidently say that we can provide this dataset and can # provide more info if matches and var_name in self and this_res != self.resolution: handled_variables.add(var_name) new_info["resolution"] = self.resolution if self._is_polar(): new_info["coordinates"] = ds_info.get("coordinates", ("longitude", "latitude")) yield True, new_info elif is_avail is None: # if we didn't know how to handle this dataset and no one else did # then we should keep it going down the chain yield is_avail, ds_info # get data from file dynamically yield from self._dynamic_datasets()
[docs] def _dynamic_datasets(self): """Get data from file and build aliases.""" for var_name, val in self.file_content.items(): if isinstance(val, SDS): ds_info = { "file_type": self.filetype_info["file_type"], "resolution": self.resolution, "name": var_name, } if self._is_polar(): ds_info["coordinates"] = ["longitude", "latitude"] # always yield what we have yield True, ds_info if CHANNEL_ALIASES.get(self.sensor) is not None: # yield variable as it is # yield any associated aliases yield from self._available_aliases(ds_info, var_name)
[docs] def get_shape(self, dataset_id, ds_info): """Get the shape.""" var_name = ds_info.get("file_key", dataset_id["name"]) return self[var_name + "/shape"]
[docs] def _is_polar(self): l1b_att, inst_att = (str(self.file_content.get("/attr/L1B", None)), str(self.file_content.get("/attr/sensor", None))) return (inst_att != "AHI" and "GOES" not in inst_att) or (l1b_att is None)
[docs] def get_area_def(self, key): """Get the area definition of the data at hand.""" if self._is_polar(): # then it doesn't have a fixed grid return super(CLAVRXHDF4FileHandler, self).get_area_def(key) l1b_att = str(self.file_content.get("/attr/L1B", None)) area_def = _CLAVRxHelper._read_axi_fixed_grid(self.filename, self.sensor, l1b_att) return area_def
[docs] class CLAVRXNetCDFFileHandler(_CLAVRxHelper, BaseFileHandler): """File Handler for CLAVRX netcdf files.""" def __init__(self, filename, filename_info, filetype_info): """Init method.""" super(CLAVRXNetCDFFileHandler, self).__init__(filename, filename_info, filetype_info, ) = xr.open_dataset(filename, decode_cf=True, mask_and_scale=False, decode_coords=True, chunks=CHUNK_SIZE) # y,x is used in satpy, bands rather than channel using in xrimage ={"scan_lines_along_track_direction": "y", "pixel_elements_along_scan_direction": "x"}) self.platform = _get_platform( self.filename_info.get("platform_shortname", None)) self.sensor = _get_sensor("sensor", None)) self.resolution = _CLAVRxHelper._get_nadir_resolution(self.sensor, self.filename_info.get("resolution")) # coordinates need scaling and valid_range (mask_and_scale won't work on valid_range)["latitude"] = _CLAVRxHelper._get_data(["latitude"], {"name": "latitude"})["longitude"] = _CLAVRxHelper._get_data(["longitude"], {"name": "longitude"})
[docs] def _dynamic_dataset_info(self, var_name): """Set data name and, if applicable, aliases.""" ds_info = { "file_type": self.filetype_info["file_type"], "name": var_name, } yield True, ds_info if CHANNEL_ALIASES.get(self.sensor) is not None: alias_info = ds_info.copy() channel_info = CHANNEL_ALIASES.get(self.sensor).get(var_name, None) if channel_info is not None: channel_info["file_key"] = var_name alias_info.update(channel_info) yield True, alias_info
[docs] @staticmethod def _is_2d_yx_data_array(data_arr): has_y_dim = data_arr.dims[0] == "y" has_x_dim = data_arr.dims[1] == "x" return has_y_dim and has_x_dim
[docs] def _available_file_datasets(self, handled_vars): """Metadata for available variables other than BT.""" possible_vars = list( + list( for var_name, data_arr in possible_vars: if var_name in handled_vars: continue if data_arr.ndim != 2: # we don't currently handle non-2D variables continue if not self._is_2d_yx_data_array(data_arr): # we need 'traditional' y/x dimensions currently continue yield from self._dynamic_dataset_info(var_name)
[docs] def available_datasets(self, configured_datasets=None): """Dynamically discover what variables can be loaded from this file. See :meth:`satpy.readers.file_handlers.BaseHandler.available_datasets` for more information. """ handled_vars = set() for is_avail, ds_info in (configured_datasets or []): if is_avail is not None: # some other file handler said it has this dataset # we don't know any more information than the previous # file handler so let's yield early yield is_avail, ds_info matches = self.file_type_matches(ds_info["file_type"]) if matches and ds_info.get("resolution") != self.resolution: # reader knows something about this dataset (file type matches) # add any information that this reader can add. new_info = ds_info.copy() if self.resolution is not None: new_info["resolution"] = self.resolution handled_vars.add(ds_info["name"]) yield True, new_info yield from self._available_file_datasets(handled_vars)
[docs] def _is_polar(self): l1b_att, inst_att = (str("L1B", None)), str("sensor", None))) return (inst_att not in ["ABI", "AHI"] and "GOES" not in inst_att) or (l1b_att is None)
[docs] def get_area_def(self, key): """Get the area definition of the data at hand.""" if self._is_polar(): # then it doesn't have a fixed grid return super(CLAVRXNetCDFFileHandler, self).get_area_def(key) l1b_att = str("L1B", None)) return _CLAVRxHelper._read_axi_fixed_grid(self.filename, self.sensor, l1b_att)
[docs] def get_dataset(self, dataset_id, ds_info): """Get a dataset for supported geostationary sensors.""" var_name = ds_info.get("file_key", dataset_id["name"]) data = self[var_name] data = _CLAVRxHelper._get_data(data, dataset_id) data.attrs = _CLAVRxHelper.get_metadata(self.sensor, self.platform, data.attrs, ds_info) return data
def __getitem__(self, item): """Wrap around `[item]`.""" # Check if "item" is an alias: data =[item] return data