Source code for satpy.readers.ahi_hsd

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Satpy developers
# This file is part of satpy.
# satpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# satpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# satpy.  If not, see <>.
"""Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI) standard format data reader.

    - Himawari-8/9 Himawari Standard Data User's Guide

Time Information

AHI observations use the idea of a "nominal" time and an "observation" time.
The "nominal" time or repeat cycle is the overall window when the instrument
can record data, usually at a specific and consistent interval. The
"observation" time is when the data was actually observed inside the nominal
window. These two times are stored in a sub-dictionary in the metadata calls
``time_parameters``. Nominal time can be accessed from the
``nominal_start_time`` and ``nominal_end_time`` metadata keys and
observation time from the ``observation_start_time`` and
``observation_end_time`` keys. Observation time can also be accessed from the
parent (``.attrs``) dictionary as the ``start_time`` and ``end_time`` keys.

Satellite Position

As discussed in the :ref:`orbital_parameters` documentation, a satellite
position can be described by a specific "actual" position, a "nominal"
position, a "projection" position, or sometimes a "nadir" position. Not all
readers are able to produce all of these positions. In the case of AHI HSD data
we have an "actual" and "projection" position. For a lot of sensors/readers
though, the "actual" position values do not change between bands or segments
of the same time step (repeat cycle). AHI HSD files contain varying values for
the actual position.

Other components in Satpy use this actual satellite
position to generate other values (ex. sensor zenith angles). If these values
are not consistent between bands then Satpy (dask) will not be able to share
these calculations (generate one sensor zenith angle for band 1, another for
band 2, etc) even though there is rarely a noticeable difference. To deal with
this this reader has an option ``round_actual_position`` that defaults to
``True`` and will round the "actual" position (longitude, latitude, altitude)
in a way to produce as consistent a position between bands as possible.


import logging
import os
import warnings
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from satpy._compat import cached_property
from satpy.readers._geos_area import get_area_definition, get_area_extent
from satpy.readers.file_handlers import BaseFileHandler
from satpy.readers.utils import (
from satpy.utils import normalize_low_res_chunks

AHI_CHANNEL_NAMES = ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5",
                     "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",
                     "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16")

logger = logging.getLogger("ahi_hsd")

# Basic information block:
_BASIC_INFO_TYPE = np.dtype([("hblock_number", "u1"),
                             ("blocklength", "<u2"),
                             ("total_number_of_hblocks", "<u2"),
                             ("byte_order", "u1"),
                             ("satellite", "S16"),
                             ("proc_center_name", "S16"),
                             ("observation_area", "S4"),
                             ("other_observation_info", "S2"),
                             ("observation_timeline", "<u2"),
                             ("observation_start_time", "f8"),
                             ("observation_end_time", "f8"),
                             ("file_creation_time", "f8"),
                             ("total_header_length", "<u4"),
                             ("total_data_length", "<u4"),
                             ("quality_flag1", "u1"),
                             ("quality_flag2", "u1"),
                             ("quality_flag3", "u1"),
                             ("quality_flag4", "u1"),
                             ("file_format_version", "S32"),
                             ("file_name", "S128"),
                             ("spare", "S40"),

# Data information block
_DATA_INFO_TYPE = np.dtype([("hblock_number", "u1"),
                            ("blocklength", "<u2"),
                            ("number_of_bits_per_pixel", "<u2"),
                            ("number_of_columns", "<u2"),
                            ("number_of_lines", "<u2"),
                            ("compression_flag_for_data", "u1"),
                            ("spare", "S40"),

# Projection information block
# See footnote 2; LRIT/HRIT Global Specification Section 4.4, CGMS, 1999)
_PROJ_INFO_TYPE = np.dtype([("hblock_number", "u1"),
                            ("blocklength", "<u2"),
                            ("sub_lon", "f8"),
                            ("CFAC", "<u4"),
                            ("LFAC", "<u4"),
                            ("COFF", "f4"),
                            ("LOFF", "f4"),
                            ("distance_from_earth_center", "f8"),
                            ("earth_equatorial_radius", "f8"),
                            ("earth_polar_radius", "f8"),
                            ("req2_rpol2_req2", "f8"),
                            ("rpol2_req2", "f8"),
                            ("req2_rpol2", "f8"),
                            ("coeff_for_sd", "f8"),
                            # Note: processing center use only:
                            ("resampling_types", "<i2"),
                            # Note: processing center use only:
                            ("resampling_size", "<i2"),
                            ("spare", "S40"),

# Navigation information block
_NAV_INFO_TYPE = np.dtype([("hblock_number", "u1"),
                           ("blocklength", "<u2"),
                           ("navigation_info_time", "f8"),
                           ("SSP_longitude", "f8"),
                           ("SSP_latitude", "f8"),
                           ("distance_earth_center_to_satellite", "f8"),
                           ("nadir_longitude", "f8"),
                           ("nadir_latitude", "f8"),
                           ("sun_position", "f8", (3,)),
                           ("moon_position", "f8", (3,)),
                           ("spare", "S40"),

# Calibration information block
_CAL_INFO_TYPE = np.dtype([("hblock_number", "u1"),
                           ("blocklength", "<u2"),
                           ("band_number", "<u2"),
                           ("central_wave_length", "f8"),
                           ("valid_number_of_bits_per_pixel", "<u2"),
                           ("count_value_error_pixels", "<u2"),
                           ("count_value_outside_scan_pixels", "<u2"),
                           ("gain_count2rad_conversion", "f8"),
                           ("offset_count2rad_conversion", "f8"),

# Infrared band (Band No. 7 – 16)
# (Band No. 2 – 5: backup operation (See Table 4 bb))
_IRCAL_INFO_TYPE = np.dtype([("c0_rad2tb_conversion", "f8"),
                             ("c1_rad2tb_conversion", "f8"),
                             ("c2_rad2tb_conversion", "f8"),
                             ("c0_tb2rad_conversion", "f8"),
                             ("c1_tb2rad_conversion", "f8"),
                             ("c2_tb2rad_conversion", "f8"),
                             ("speed_of_light", "f8"),
                             ("planck_constant", "f8"),
                             ("boltzmann_constant", "f8"),
                             ("spare", "S40"),

# Visible, near-infrared band (Band No. 1 – 6)
# (Band No. 1: backup operation (See Table 4 bb))
_VISCAL_INFO_TYPE = np.dtype([("coeff_rad2albedo_conversion", "f8"),
                              ("coeff_update_time", "f8"),
                              ("cali_gain_count2rad_conversion", "f8"),
                              ("cali_offset_count2rad_conversion", "f8"),
                              ("spare", "S80"),

# 6 Inter-calibration information block
    ("hblock_number", "u1"),
    ("blocklength", "<u2"),
    ("gsics_calibration_intercept", "f8"),
    ("gsics_calibration_slope", "f8"),
    ("gsics_calibration_coeff_quadratic_term", "f8"),
    ("gsics_std_scn_radiance_bias", "f8"),
    ("gsics_std_scn_radiance_bias_uncertainty", "f8"),
    ("gsics_std_scn_radiance", "f8"),
    ("gsics_correction_starttime", "f8"),
    ("gsics_correction_endtime", "f8"),
    ("gsics_radiance_validity_upper_lim", "f4"),
    ("gsics_radiance_validity_lower_lim", "f4"),
    ("gsics_filename", "S128"),
    ("spare", "S56"),

# 7 Segment information block
_SEGMENT_INFO_TYPE = np.dtype([
    ("hblock_number", "u1"),
    ("blocklength", "<u2"),
    ("total_number_of_segments", "u1"),
    ("segment_sequence_number", "u1"),
    ("first_line_number_of_image_segment", "u2"),
    ("spare", "S40"),

# 8 Navigation correction information block
    ("hblock_number", "u1"),
    ("blocklength", "<u2"),
    ("center_column_of_rotation", "f4"),
    ("center_line_of_rotation", "f4"),
    ("amount_of_rotational_correction", "f8"),
    ("numof_correction_info_data", "<u2"),

# Navigation correction sub-info
    ("line_number_after_rotation", "<u2"),
    ("shift_amount_for_column_direction", "f4"),
    ("shift_amount_for_line_direction", "f4"),

# 9 Observation time information block
    ("hblock_number", "u1"),
    ("blocklength", "<u2"),
    ("number_of_observation_times", "<u2"),

    ("line_number", "<u2"),
    ("observation_time", "f8"),

# 10 Error information block
_ERROR_INFO_TYPE = np.dtype([
    ("hblock_number", "u1"),
    ("blocklength", "<u4"),
    ("number_of_error_info_data", "<u2"),

_ERROR_LINE_INFO_TYPE = np.dtype([
    ("line_number", "<u2"),
    ("numof_error_pixels_per_line", "<u2"),

# 11 Spare block
_SPARE_TYPE = np.dtype([
    ("hblock_number", "u1"),
    ("blocklength", "<u2"),
    ("spare", "S256")

[docs] class AHIHSDFileHandler(BaseFileHandler): """AHI standard format reader. The AHI sensor produces data for some pixels outside the Earth disk (i,e: atmospheric limb or deep space pixels). By default, these pixels are masked out as they contain data of limited or no value, but some applications do require these pixels. It is therefore possible to override the default behaviour and perform no masking of non-Earth pixels. In order to change the default behaviour, use the 'mask_space' variable as part of ``reader_kwargs`` upon Scene creation:: import satpy import glob filenames = glob.glob('*FLDK*.dat') scene = satpy.Scene(filenames, reader='ahi_hsd', reader_kwargs={'mask_space': False}) scene.load([0.6]) The AHI HSD data files contain multiple VIS channel calibration coefficients. By default, the updated coefficients in header block 6 are used. If the user prefers the default calibration coefficients from block 5 then they can pass calib_mode='nominal' when creating a scene:: import satpy import glob filenames = glob.glob('*FLDK*.dat') scene = satpy.Scene(filenames, reader='ahi_hsd', reader_kwargs={'calib_mode': 'update'}) scene.load([0.6]) Alternative AHI calibrations are also available, such as GSICS coefficients. As such, you can supply custom per-channel correction by setting calib_mode='custom' and passing correction factors via:: user_calibration={'chan': ['slope': slope, 'offset': offset]} Where slo and off are per-channel slope and offset coefficients defined by:: rad_leo = (rad_geo - off) / slo If you do not have coefficients for a particular band, then by default the slope will be set to 1 .and the offset to 0.:: import satpy import glob # Load bands 7, 14 and 15, but we only have coefs for 7+14 calib_dict = {'B07': {'slope': 0.99, 'offset': 0.002}, 'B14': {'slope': 1.02, 'offset': -0.18}} filenames = glob.glob('*FLDK*.dat') scene = satpy.Scene(filenames, reader='ahi_hsd', reader_kwargs={'user_calibration': calib_dict) # B15 will not have custom radiance correction applied. scene.load(['B07', 'B14', 'B15']) By default, user-supplied calibrations / corrections are applied to the radiance data in accordance with the GSICS standard defined in the equation above. However, user-supplied gain and offset values for converting digital number into radiance via Rad = DN * gain + offset are also possible. To supply your own factors, supply a user calibration dict using `type: 'DN'` as follows:: calib_dict = {'B07': {'slope': 0.0037, 'offset': 18.5}, 'B14': {'slope': -0.002, 'offset': 22.8}, 'type': 'DN'} You can also explicitly select radiance correction with `'type': 'RAD'` but this is not necessary as it is the default option if you supply your own correction coefficients. """ def __init__(self, filename, filename_info, filetype_info, mask_space=True, calib_mode="update", user_calibration=None, round_actual_position=True): """Initialize the reader.""" super(AHIHSDFileHandler, self).__init__(filename, filename_info, filetype_info) self.is_zipped = False self._unzipped = unzip_file(self.filename, prefix=str(filename_info["segment"]).zfill(2)) # Assume file is not zipped if self._unzipped: # But if it is, set the filename to point to unzipped temp file self.is_zipped = True self.filename = self._unzipped self.channels = dict([(i, None) for i in AHI_CHANNEL_NAMES]) self.units = dict([(i, "counts") for i in AHI_CHANNEL_NAMES]) self._data = dict([(i, None) for i in AHI_CHANNEL_NAMES]) self._header = dict([(i, None) for i in AHI_CHANNEL_NAMES]) self.lons = None self.lats = None self.segment_number = filename_info["segment"] self.total_segments = filename_info["total_segments"] with open(self.filename) as fd: self.basic_info = np.fromfile(fd, dtype=_BASIC_INFO_TYPE, count=1) self.data_info = np.fromfile(fd, dtype=_DATA_INFO_TYPE, count=1) self.proj_info = np.fromfile(fd, dtype=_PROJ_INFO_TYPE, count=1)[0] self.nav_info = np.fromfile(fd, dtype=_NAV_INFO_TYPE, count=1)[0] self.platform_name = np2str(self.basic_info["satellite"]) self.observation_area = np2str(self.basic_info["observation_area"]) self.sensor = "ahi" self.mask_space = mask_space self.band_name = filetype_info["file_type"][4:].upper() calib_mode_choices = ("NOMINAL", "UPDATE") if calib_mode.upper() not in calib_mode_choices: raise ValueError("Invalid calibration mode: {}. Choose one of {}".format( calib_mode, calib_mode_choices)) self.calib_mode = calib_mode.upper() self.user_calibration = user_calibration self._round_actual_position = round_actual_position def __del__(self): """Delete the object.""" if self.is_zipped and os.path.exists(self.filename): os.remove(self.filename) @property def start_time(self): """Get the nominal start time.""" return self.nominal_start_time @property def end_time(self): """Get the nominal end time.""" return self.nominal_end_time @property def observation_start_time(self): """Get the observation start time.""" return datetime(1858, 11, 17) + timedelta(days=float(self.basic_info["observation_start_time"].item())) @property def observation_end_time(self): """Get the observation end time.""" return datetime(1858, 11, 17) + timedelta(days=float(self.basic_info["observation_end_time"].item())) @property def _timeline(self): return "{:04d}".format(self.basic_info["observation_timeline"][0]) @property def nominal_start_time(self): """Time this band was nominally to be recorded.""" calc = _NominalTimeCalculator(self._timeline, self.observation_area) return calc.get_nominal_start_time(self.observation_start_time) @property def nominal_end_time(self): """Get the nominal end time.""" calc = _NominalTimeCalculator(self._timeline, self.observation_area) return calc.get_nominal_end_time(self.nominal_start_time)
[docs] def get_dataset(self, key, info): """Get the dataset.""" return self.read_band(key, info)
@cached_property def area(self): """Get AreaDefinition representing this file's data.""" return self._get_area_def()
[docs] def get_area_def(self, dsid): """Get the area definition.""" del dsid return self.area
[docs] def _get_area_def(self): pdict = {} pdict["cfac"] = np.uint32(self.proj_info["CFAC"]) pdict["lfac"] = np.uint32(self.proj_info["LFAC"]) pdict["coff"] = np.float32(self.proj_info["COFF"]) pdict["loff"] = -np.float32(self.proj_info["LOFF"]) + 1 pdict["a"] = float(self.proj_info["earth_equatorial_radius"] * 1000) pdict["h"] = float(self.proj_info["distance_from_earth_center"] * 1000 - pdict["a"]) pdict["b"] = float(self.proj_info["earth_polar_radius"] * 1000) pdict["ssp_lon"] = float(self.proj_info["sub_lon"]) pdict["nlines"] = int(self.data_info["number_of_lines"].item()) pdict["ncols"] = int(self.data_info["number_of_columns"].item()) pdict["scandir"] = "N2S" pdict["loff"] = pdict["loff"] + (self.segment_number * pdict["nlines"]) aex = get_area_extent(pdict) pdict["a_name"] = self.observation_area pdict["a_desc"] = "AHI {} area".format(self.observation_area) pdict["p_id"] = f'geosh{self.basic_info["satellite"][0].decode()[-1]}' return get_area_definition(pdict, aex)
[docs] def _check_fpos(self, fp_, fpos, offset, block): """Check file position matches blocksize.""" if fp_.tell() + offset != fpos: warnings.warn( f"Actual {block} header size does not match expected", stacklevel=3 ) return
[docs] def _read_header(self, fp_): """Read header.""" header = {} fpos = 0 header["block1"] = np.fromfile( fp_, dtype=_BASIC_INFO_TYPE, count=1) fpos = fpos + int(header["block1"]["blocklength"].item()) self._check_fpos(fp_, fpos, 0, "block1"), 0) header["block2"] = np.fromfile(fp_, dtype=_DATA_INFO_TYPE, count=1) fpos = fpos + int(header["block2"]["blocklength"].item()) self._check_fpos(fp_, fpos, 0, "block2"), 0) header["block3"] = np.fromfile(fp_, dtype=_PROJ_INFO_TYPE, count=1) fpos = fpos + int(header["block3"]["blocklength"].item()) self._check_fpos(fp_, fpos, 0, "block3"), 0) header["block4"] = np.fromfile(fp_, dtype=_NAV_INFO_TYPE, count=1) fpos = fpos + int(header["block4"]["blocklength"].item()) self._check_fpos(fp_, fpos, 0, "block4"), 0) header["block5"] = np.fromfile(fp_, dtype=_CAL_INFO_TYPE, count=1) logger.debug("Band number = " + str(header["block5"]["band_number"][0])) logger.debug("Time_interval: %s - %s", str(self.start_time), str(self.end_time)) band_number = header["block5"]["band_number"][0] if band_number < 7: cal = np.fromfile(fp_, dtype=_VISCAL_INFO_TYPE, count=1) else: cal = np.fromfile(fp_, dtype=_IRCAL_INFO_TYPE, count=1) fpos = fpos + int(header["block5"]["blocklength"].item()) self._check_fpos(fp_, fpos, 0, "block5"), 0) header["calibration"] = cal header["block6"] = np.fromfile( fp_, dtype=_INTER_CALIBRATION_INFO_TYPE, count=1) fpos = fpos + int(header["block6"]["blocklength"].item()) self._check_fpos(fp_, fpos, 0, "block6"), 0) header["block7"] = np.fromfile( fp_, dtype=_SEGMENT_INFO_TYPE, count=1) fpos = fpos + int(header["block7"]["blocklength"].item()) self._check_fpos(fp_, fpos, 0, "block7"), 0) header["block8"] = np.fromfile( fp_, dtype=_NAVIGATION_CORRECTION_INFO_TYPE, count=1) # 8 The navigation corrections: ncorrs = header["block8"]["numof_correction_info_data"][0] corrections = [] for _i in range(ncorrs): corrections.append(np.fromfile(fp_, dtype=_NAVIGATION_CORRECTION_SUBINFO_TYPE, count=1)) fpos = fpos + int(header["block8"]["blocklength"].item()) self._check_fpos(fp_, fpos, 40, "block8"), 0) header["navigation_corrections"] = corrections header["block9"] = np.fromfile(fp_, dtype=_OBSERVATION_TIME_INFO_TYPE, count=1) numobstimes = header["block9"]["number_of_observation_times"][0] lines_and_times = [] for _i in range(numobstimes): lines_and_times.append(np.fromfile(fp_, dtype=_OBSERVATION_LINE_TIME_INFO_TYPE, count=1)) header["observation_time_information"] = lines_and_times fpos = fpos + int(header["block9"]["blocklength"].item()) self._check_fpos(fp_, fpos, 40, "block9"), 0) header["block10"] = np.fromfile(fp_, dtype=_ERROR_INFO_TYPE, count=1) num_err_info_data = header["block10"][ "number_of_error_info_data"][0] err_info_data = [] for _i in range(num_err_info_data): err_info_data.append(np.fromfile(fp_, dtype=_ERROR_LINE_INFO_TYPE, count=1)) header["error_information_data"] = err_info_data fpos = fpos + int(header["block10"]["blocklength"].item()) self._check_fpos(fp_, fpos, 40, "block10"), 0) header["block11"] = np.fromfile(fp_, dtype=_SPARE_TYPE, count=1) fpos = fpos + int(header["block11"]["blocklength"].item()) self._check_fpos(fp_, fpos, 0, "block11"), 0) return header
[docs] def _read_data(self, fp_, header, resolution): """Read data block.""" nlines = int(header["block2"]["number_of_lines"].item()) ncols = int(header["block2"]["number_of_columns"].item()) chunks = normalize_low_res_chunks( ("auto", "auto"), (nlines, ncols), # 1100 minimum chunk size for 500m, 550 for 1km, 225 for 2km (1100, 1100), (int(resolution / 500), int(resolution / 500)), np.float32, ) return da.from_array(np.memmap(self.filename, offset=fp_.tell(), dtype="<u2", shape=(nlines, ncols), mode="r"), chunks=chunks)
[docs] def _mask_invalid(self, data, header): """Mask invalid data.""" invalid = da.logical_or(data == header["block5"]["count_value_outside_scan_pixels"][0], data == header["block5"]["count_value_error_pixels"][0]) return da.where(invalid, np.float32(np.nan), data)
[docs] def _mask_space(self, data): """Mask space pixels.""" return data.where(get_geostationary_mask(self.area, chunks=data.chunks))
[docs] def read_band(self, key, ds_info): """Read the data.""" with open(self.filename, "rb") as fp_: self._header = self._read_header(fp_) res = self._read_data(fp_, self._header, key["resolution"]) res = self._mask_invalid(data=res, header=self._header) res = self.calibrate(res, key["calibration"]) new_info = self._get_metadata(key, ds_info) res = xr.DataArray(res, attrs=new_info, dims=["y", "x"]) if self.mask_space: res = self._mask_space(res) return res
[docs] def _get_metadata(self, key, ds_info): # Get actual satellite position. For altitude use the ellipsoid radius at the SSP. actual_lon = float(self.nav_info["SSP_longitude"]) actual_lat = float(self.nav_info["SSP_latitude"]) re = get_earth_radius(lon=actual_lon, lat=actual_lat, a=float(self.proj_info["earth_equatorial_radius"] * 1000), b=float(self.proj_info["earth_polar_radius"] * 1000)) actual_alt = float(self.nav_info["distance_earth_center_to_satellite"]) * 1000 - re if self._round_actual_position: actual_lon = round(actual_lon, 3) actual_lat = round(actual_lat, 2) actual_alt = round(actual_alt / 150) * 150 # to the nearest 150m # Update metadata new_info = dict( units=ds_info["units"], standard_name=ds_info["standard_name"], wavelength=ds_info["wavelength"], resolution=ds_info["resolution"], id=key, name=key["name"], platform_name=self.platform_name, sensor=self.sensor, time_parameters=dict( nominal_start_time=self.nominal_start_time, nominal_end_time=self.nominal_end_time, observation_start_time=self.observation_start_time, observation_end_time=self.observation_end_time, ), orbital_parameters={ "projection_longitude": float(self.proj_info["sub_lon"]), "projection_latitude": 0., "projection_altitude": float(self.proj_info["distance_from_earth_center"] - self.proj_info["earth_equatorial_radius"]) * 1000, "satellite_actual_longitude": actual_lon, "satellite_actual_latitude": actual_lat, "satellite_actual_altitude": actual_alt, "nadir_longitude": float(self.nav_info["nadir_longitude"]), "nadir_latitude": float(self.nav_info["nadir_latitude"]), }, ) return new_info
[docs] def calibrate(self, data, calibration): """Calibrate the data.""" if calibration == "counts": return data if calibration in ["radiance", "reflectance", "brightness_temperature"]: data = self.convert_to_radiance(data) if calibration == "reflectance": data = self._vis_calibrate(data) elif calibration == "brightness_temperature": data = self._ir_calibrate(data) return data
[docs] def convert_to_radiance(self, data): """Calibrate to radiance.""" bnum = self._header["block5"]["band_number"][0] # Check calibration mode and select corresponding coefficients if self.calib_mode == "UPDATE" and bnum < 7: dn_gain = self._header["calibration"]["cali_gain_count2rad_conversion"][0] dn_offset = self._header["calibration"]["cali_offset_count2rad_conversion"][0] if dn_gain == 0 and dn_offset == 0: "No valid updated coefficients, fall back to default values.") dn_gain = self._header["block5"]["gain_count2rad_conversion"][0] dn_offset = self._header["block5"]["offset_count2rad_conversion"][0] else: dn_gain = self._header["block5"]["gain_count2rad_conversion"][0] dn_offset = self._header["block5"]["offset_count2rad_conversion"][0] # Assume no user correction correction_type = self._get_user_calibration_correction_type() if correction_type == "DN": # Replace file calibration with user calibration dn_gain, dn_offset = get_user_calibration_factors(self.band_name, self.user_calibration) data = (data * np.float32(dn_gain) + np.float32(dn_offset)) # If using radiance correction factors from GSICS or similar, apply here if correction_type == "RAD": user_slope, user_offset = get_user_calibration_factors(self.band_name, self.user_calibration) data = apply_rad_correction(data, np.float32(user_slope), np.float32(user_offset)) return data
[docs] def _get_user_calibration_correction_type(self): correction_type = None if isinstance(self.user_calibration, dict): # Check if we have DN correction coeffs correction_type = self.user_calibration.get("type", "RAD") return correction_type
[docs] def _vis_calibrate(self, data): """Visible channel calibration only.""" coeff = self._header["calibration"]["coeff_rad2albedo_conversion"] return (data * np.float32(coeff) * 100).clip(0)
[docs] def _ir_calibrate(self, data): """IR calibration.""" # No radiance -> no temperature data = da.where(data == 0, np.float32(np.nan), data) cwl = self._header["block5"]["central_wave_length"][0] * 1e-6 c__ = self._header["calibration"]["speed_of_light"][0] h__ = self._header["calibration"]["planck_constant"][0] k__ = self._header["calibration"]["boltzmann_constant"][0] a__ = (h__ * c__) / (k__ * cwl) b__ = ((2 * h__ * c__ ** 2) / (data * 1.0e6 * cwl ** 5)) + 1 Te_ = a__ / da.log(b__) c0_ = self._header["calibration"]["c0_rad2tb_conversion"][0] c1_ = self._header["calibration"]["c1_rad2tb_conversion"][0] c2_ = self._header["calibration"]["c2_rad2tb_conversion"][0] return (c0_ + c1_ * Te_ + c2_ * Te_ ** 2).clip(0)
[docs] class _NominalTimeCalculator: """Get time when a scan was nominally to be recorded.""" def __init__(self, timeline, area): """Initialize the nominal timestamp calculator. Args: timeline (str): Observation timeline (four characters HHMM) area (str): Observation area (four characters, e.g. FLDK) """ self.timeline = self._parse_timeline(timeline) self.area = area
[docs] def _parse_timeline(self, timeline): try: return datetime.strptime(timeline, "%H%M").time() except ValueError: return None
[docs] def get_nominal_start_time(self, observation_start_time): """Get nominal start time of the scan.""" return self._modify_observation_time_for_nominal(observation_start_time)
[docs] def get_nominal_end_time(self, nominal_start_time): """Get nominal end time of the scan.""" freq = self._observation_frequency return nominal_start_time + timedelta(minutes=freq // 60, seconds=freq % 60)
[docs] def _modify_observation_time_for_nominal(self, observation_time): """Round observation time to a nominal time based on known observation frequency. AHI observations are split into different sectors including Full Disk (FLDK), Japan (JP) sectors, and smaller regional (R) sectors. Each sector is observed at different frequencies (ex. every 10 minutes, every 2.5 minutes, and every 30 seconds). This method will take the actual observation time and round it to the nearest interval for this sector. So if the observation time is 13:32:48 for the "JP02" sector which is the second Japan observation where every Japan observation is 2.5 minutes apart, then the result should be 13:32:30. """ if not self.timeline: warnings.warn( "Observation timeline is fill value, not rounding observation time.", stacklevel=3 ) return observation_time timeline = self._get_closest_timeline(observation_time) dt = self._get_offset_relative_to_timeline() return timeline + timedelta(minutes=dt//60, seconds=dt % 60)
[docs] def _get_closest_timeline(self, observation_time): """Find the closest timeline for the given observation time. Needs to check surrounding days because the observation might start a little bit before the planned time. Observation start time: 2022-12-31 23:59 Timeline: 0000 => Nominal start time: 2023-01-01 00:00 """ delta_days = [-1, 0, 1] surrounding_dates = [ (observation_time + timedelta(days=delta)).date() for delta in delta_days ] timelines = [ datetime.combine(date, self.timeline) for date in surrounding_dates ] diffs = [ abs((timeline - observation_time)) for timeline in timelines ] argmin = np.argmin(diffs) return timelines[argmin]
[docs] def _get_offset_relative_to_timeline(self): if self.area == "FLDK": return 0 sector_repeat = int(self.area[2:]) - 1 return self._observation_frequency * sector_repeat
@property def _observation_frequency(self): frequencies = {"FLDK": 600, "JP": 150, "R3": 150, "R4": 30, "R5": 30} area = self.area if area != "FLDK": # e.g. JP01, JP02 etc area = area[:2] return frequencies[area]