#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2020 Satpy developers
# This file is part of satpy.
# satpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# satpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# satpy. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""Utilities for merging metadata from various sources."""
import datetime as dt
import warnings
from collections.abc import Collection
from functools import partial, reduce
from operator import eq, is_
import numpy as np
from satpy.writers.utils import flatten_dict
def _get_valid_dicts(metadata_objects):
"""Get the valid dictionaries matching the metadata_objects."""
info_dicts = []
for metadata_object in metadata_objects:
if isinstance(metadata_object, dict):
metadata_dict = metadata_object
elif hasattr(metadata_object, "attrs"):
metadata_dict = metadata_object.attrs
return info_dicts
def _shared_keys(info_dicts):
key_sets = (set(metadata_dict.keys()) for metadata_dict in info_dicts)
return reduce(set.intersection, key_sets)
def _combine_shared_info(shared_keys, info_dicts):
shared_info = {}
for key in shared_keys:
values = [info[key] for info in info_dicts]
_combine_values(key, values, shared_info)
return shared_info
def _combine_values(key, values, shared_info):
if "time" in key:
times = _combine_times(key, values)
if times is not None:
shared_info[key] = times
elif _are_values_combinable(values):
shared_info[key] = values[0]
def _combine_times(key, values):
if key == "time_parameters":
return _combine_time_parameters(values)
filtered_values = _filter_time_values(values)
if not filtered_values:
return None
if "end_time" in key:
return max(filtered_values)
elif "start_time" in key:
return min(filtered_values)
return average_datetimes(filtered_values)
def _combine_time_parameters(values):
# Assume the first item has all the keys
keys = values[0].keys()
res = {}
for key in keys:
sub_values = [itm[key] for itm in values]
res[key] = _combine_times(key, sub_values)
return res
def _filter_time_values(values):
"""Remove values that are not datetime objects."""
return [v for v in values if isinstance(v, dt.datetime)]
def average_datetimes(datetime_list):
"""Average a series of datetime objects.
.. note::
This function assumes all datetime objects are naive and in the same
time zone (UTC).
datetime_list (iterable): Datetime objects to average
Returns: Average datetime as a datetime object
total = [dt.datetime.timestamp(d) for d in datetime_list]
return dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(sum(total) / len(total))
def _are_values_combinable(values):
"""Check if the *values* can be combined."""
if _contain_dicts(values):
return _all_dicts_equal(values)
return _all_non_dicts_equal(values)
def _all_non_dicts_equal(values):
if _contain_arrays(values):
return _all_arrays_equal(values)
if _contain_collections_of_arrays(values):
# in the real world, the `ancillary_variables` attribute may be
# List[xarray.DataArray], this means our values are now
# List[List[xarray.DataArray]].
# note that this list_of_arrays check is also true for any
# higher-dimensional ndarray, but we only use this check after we have
# checked any_arrays so this false positive should have no impact
return _all_list_of_arrays_equal(values)
return _all_values_equal(values)
def _contain_arrays(values):
return any([_is_array(value) for value in values])
def _is_array(val):
"""Check if val is an array."""
return hasattr(val, "__array__") and not np.isscalar(val)
def _contain_dicts(values):
return any(isinstance(value, dict) for value in values)
nan_allclose = partial(np.allclose, equal_nan=True)
def _all_arrays_equal(arrays):
"""Check if the arrays are equal.
If the arrays are lazy, just check if they have the same identity.
if hasattr(arrays[0], "compute"):
return _all_identical(arrays)
return _all_values_equal(arrays)
def _all_values_equal(values):
return _all_close(values)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
# In case of object type arrays (e.g. datetime) _all_close fails,
# but _all_equal succeeds.
return _all_equal(values)
def _all_dicts_equal(dicts):
return _pairwise_all(_dict_equal, dicts)
except AttributeError:
# There is something else than a dictionary in the list
return False
def _dict_equal(d1, d2):
"""Check that two dictionaries are equal.
Nested dictionaries are flattened to facilitate comparison.
d1_flat = flatten_dict(d1)
d2_flat = flatten_dict(d2)
if not _dict_keys_equal(d1_flat, d2_flat):
return False
for key in d1_flat.keys():
value_pair = [d1_flat[key], d2_flat[key]]
if not _all_non_dicts_equal(value_pair):
return False
return True
def _dict_keys_equal(d1, d2):
return d1.keys() == d2.keys()
def _pairwise_all(func, values):
for value in values[1:]:
if not _is_equal(values[0], value, func):
return False
return True
def _is_equal(a, b, comp_func):
res = comp_func(a, b)
if _is_array(res):
return res.all()
return res
def _all_identical(values):
"""Check that the identities of all values are the same."""
return _pairwise_all(is_, values)
def _all_close(values):
return _pairwise_all(nan_allclose, values)
def _all_equal(values):
return _pairwise_all(eq, values)
def _contain_collections_of_arrays(values):
return any(
[_is_non_empty_collection(value) and
for value in values])
def _is_non_empty_collection(value):
return isinstance(value, Collection) and len(value) > 0
def _is_all_arrays(value):
return all([_is_array(sub_value) for sub_value in value])
def _all_list_of_arrays_equal(array_lists):
"""Check that the lists of arrays are equal."""
for array_list in zip(*array_lists):
if not _all_arrays_equal(array_list):
return False
return True