Source code for satpy.dataset.data_dict

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2020 Satpy developers
# This file is part of satpy.
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# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# satpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
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# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# satpy.  If not, see <>.
"""Classes and functions related to a dictionary with DataID keys."""

import numpy as np

from .dataid import DataID, create_filtered_query, minimal_default_keys_config

[docs] class TooManyResults(KeyError): """Special exception when one key maps to multiple items in the container."""
[docs] def get_best_dataset_key(key, choices): """Choose the "best" `DataID` from `choices` based on `key`. To see how the keys are sorted, refer to `:meth:satpy.datasets.DataQuery.sort_dataids`. This function assumes `choices` has already been filtered to only include datasets that match the provided `key`. Args: key (DataQuery): Query parameters to sort `choices` by. choices (iterable): `DataID` objects to sort through to determine the best dataset. Returns: List of best `DataID`s from `choices`. If there is more than one element this function could not choose between the available datasets. """ sorted_choices, distances = key.sort_dataids(choices) if len(sorted_choices) == 0 or distances[0] is np.inf: return [] else: return [choice for choice, distance in zip(sorted_choices, distances) if distance == distances[0]]
[docs] def get_key(key, key_container, num_results=1, best=True, query=None, # noqa: D417 **kwargs): """Get the fully-specified key best matching the provided key. Only the best match is returned if `best` is `True` (default). See `get_best_dataset_key` for more information on how this is determined. `query` is provided as a convenience to filter by multiple parameters at once without having to filter by multiple `key` inputs. Args: key (DataID): DataID of query parameters to use for searching. Any parameter that is `None` is considered a wild card and any match is accepted. key_container (dict or set): Container of DataID objects that uses hashing to quickly access items. num_results (int): Number of results to return. Use `0` for all matching results. If `1` then the single matching key is returned instead of a list of length 1. (default: 1) best (bool): Sort results to get "best" result first (default: True). See `get_best_dataset_key` for details. query (DataQuery): filter for the key which can contain for example: resolution (float, int, or list): Resolution of the dataset in dataset units (typically meters). This can also be a list of these numbers. calibration (str or list): Dataset calibration (ex.'reflectance'). This can also be a list of these strings. polarization (str or list): Dataset polarization (ex.'V'). This can also be a list of these strings. level (number or list): Dataset level (ex. 100). This can also be a list of these numbers. modifiers (list): Modifiers applied to the dataset. Unlike resolution and calibration this is the exact desired list of modifiers for one dataset, not a list of possible modifiers. Returns: list or DataID: Matching key(s) Raises: KeyError if no matching results or if more than one result is found when `num_results` is `1`. """ key = create_filtered_query(key, query) res = key.filter_dataids(key_container) if not res: raise KeyError("No dataset matching '{}' found".format(str(key))) if best: res = get_best_dataset_key(key, res) if num_results == 1 and not res: raise KeyError("No dataset matching '{}' found".format(str(key))) if num_results == 1 and len(res) != 1: raise TooManyResults("No unique dataset matching {}".format(str(key))) if num_results == 1: return res[0] if num_results == 0: return res return res[:num_results]
[docs] class DatasetDict(dict): """Special dictionary object that can handle dict operations based on dataset name, wavelength, or DataID. Note: Internal dictionary keys are `DataID` objects. """
[docs] def keys(self, names=False, wavelengths=False): """Give currently contained keys.""" # sort keys so things are a little more deterministic (.keys() is not) keys = sorted(super(DatasetDict, self).keys()) if names: return (k.get("name") for k in keys) elif wavelengths: return (k.get("wavelength") for k in keys) else: return keys
[docs] def get_key(self, match_key, num_results=1, best=True, **dfilter): # noqa: D417 """Get multiple fully-specified keys that match the provided query. Args: key (DataID): DataID of query parameters to use for searching. Any parameter that is `None` is considered a wild card and any match is accepted. Can also be a string representing the dataset name or a number representing the dataset wavelength. num_results (int): Number of results to return. If `0` return all, if `1` return only that element, otherwise return a list of matching keys. **dfilter (dict): See `get_key` function for more information. """ return get_key(match_key, self.keys(), num_results=num_results, best=best, **dfilter)
[docs] def getitem(self, item): """Get Node when we know the *exact* DataID.""" return super(DatasetDict, self).__getitem__(item)
def __getitem__(self, item): """Get item from container.""" try: # short circuit - try to get the object without more work return super(DatasetDict, self).__getitem__(item) except KeyError: key = self.get_key(item) return super(DatasetDict, self).__getitem__(key)
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None): """Get value with optional default.""" try: key = self.get_key(key) except KeyError: return default return super(DatasetDict, self).get(key, default)
def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Support assigning 'Dataset' objects or dictionaries of metadata.""" if hasattr(value, "attrs"): # xarray.DataArray objects value_info = value.attrs else: value_info = value # use value information to make a more complete DataID if not isinstance(key, DataID): key = self._create_dataid_key(key, value_info) # update the 'value' with the information contained in the key try: new_info = key.to_dict() except AttributeError: new_info = key if isinstance(value_info, dict): value_info.update(new_info) if isinstance(key, DataID): value_info["_satpy_id"] = key return super(DatasetDict, self).__setitem__(key, value)
[docs] def _create_dataid_key(self, key, value_info): """Create a DataID key from dictionary.""" if not isinstance(value_info, dict): raise ValueError("Key must be a DataID when value is not an xarray DataArray or dict") old_key = key try: key = self.get_key(key) except KeyError: if isinstance(old_key, str): new_name = old_key else: new_name = value_info.get("name") # this is a new key and it's not a full DataID tuple if new_name is None and value_info.get("wavelength") is None: raise ValueError("One of 'name' or 'wavelength' attrs " "values should be set.") id_keys = self._create_id_keys_from_dict(value_info) value_info["name"] = new_name key = DataID(id_keys, **value_info) return key
[docs] def _create_id_keys_from_dict(self, value_info_dict): """Create id_keys from dict.""" try: id_keys = value_info_dict["_satpy_id"].id_keys except KeyError: try: id_keys = value_info_dict["_satpy_id_keys"] except KeyError: id_keys = minimal_default_keys_config return id_keys
[docs] def contains(self, item): """Check contains when we know the *exact* DataID.""" return super(DatasetDict, self).__contains__(item)
def __contains__(self, item): """Check if item exists in container.""" try: key = self.get_key(item) except KeyError: return False return super(DatasetDict, self).__contains__(key) def __delitem__(self, key): """Delete item from container.""" try: # short circuit - try to get the object without more work return super(DatasetDict, self).__delitem__(key) except KeyError: key = self.get_key(key) return super(DatasetDict, self).__delitem__(key)