Source code for satpy.readers.omps_edr

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Satpy developers
# This file is part of satpy.
# satpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# satpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
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# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
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"""Interface to OMPS EDR format."""
import logging
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

import numpy as np

from satpy.readers.hdf5_utils import HDF5FileHandler

NO_DATE = datetime(1958, 1, 1)
EPSILON_TIME = timedelta(days=2)
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class EDRFileHandler(HDF5FileHandler): """EDR file handler.""" _fill_name = "_FillValue" @property def start_orbit_number(self): """Get the start orbit number.""" return self.filename_info["orbit"] @property def end_orbit_number(self): """Get the end orbit number.""" return self.filename_info["orbit"] @property def platform_name(self): """Get the platform name.""" return self.filename_info["platform_shortname"] @property def sensor_name(self): """Get the sensor name.""" return self.filename_info["instrument_shortname"]
[docs] def get_shape(self, ds_id, ds_info): """Get the shape.""" return self[ds_info["file_key"] + "/shape"]
[docs] def adjust_scaling_factors(self, factors, file_units, output_units): """Adjust scaling factors.""" if factors is None or factors[0] is None: factors = [1, 0] if file_units == output_units: LOG.debug("File units and output units are the same (%s)", file_units) return factors return np.array(factors)
[docs] def get_metadata(self, dataset_id, ds_info): """Get the metadata.""" var_path = ds_info.get("file_key", "{}".format(dataset_id["name"])) info = getattr(self[var_path], "attrs", {}).copy() info.pop("DIMENSION_LIST", None) info.update(ds_info) file_units = ds_info.get("file_units") if file_units is None: file_units = self.get(var_path + "/attr/units", self.get(var_path + "/attr/Units")) if file_units is None: raise KeyError("File variable '{}' has no units attribute".format(var_path)) if file_units == "deg": file_units = "degrees" elif file_units == "Unitless": file_units = "1" info.update({ "shape": self.get_shape(dataset_id, ds_info), "file_units": file_units, "units": ds_info.get("units", file_units), "platform_name": self.platform_name, "sensor": self.sensor_name, "start_orbit": self.start_orbit_number, "end_orbit": self.end_orbit_number, }) info.update(dataset_id.to_dict()) if "standard_name" not in ds_info: info["standard_name"] = self.get(var_path + "/attr/Title", dataset_id["name"]) return info
[docs] def get_dataset(self, dataset_id, ds_info): """Get the dataset.""" var_path = ds_info.get("file_key", "{}".format(dataset_id["name"])) metadata = self.get_metadata(dataset_id, ds_info) valid_min, valid_max = self.get(var_path + "/attr/valid_range", self.get(var_path + "/attr/ValidRange", (None, None))) if valid_min is None or valid_max is None: valid_min = self.get(var_path + "/attr/valid_min", None) valid_max = self.get(var_path + "/attr/valid_max", None) if valid_min is None or valid_max is None: raise KeyError("File variable '{}' has no valid range attribute".format(var_path)) fill_name = var_path + "/attr/{}".format(self._fill_name) if fill_name in self: fill_value = self[fill_name] else: fill_value = None data = self[var_path] scale_factor_path = var_path + "/attr/ScaleFactor" if scale_factor_path in self: scale_factor = self[scale_factor_path] scale_offset = self[var_path + "/attr/Offset"] else: scale_factor = None scale_offset = None if valid_min is not None and valid_max is not None: # the original .cfg/INI based reader only checked valid_max data = data.where((data <= valid_max) & (data >= valid_min)) if fill_value is not None: data = data.where(data != fill_value) factors = (scale_factor, scale_offset) factors = self.adjust_scaling_factors(factors, metadata["file_units"], ds_info.get("units")) if factors[0] != 1 or factors[1] != 0: data = data * factors[0] + factors[1] data.attrs.update(metadata) if "DIMENSION_LIST" in data.attrs: data.attrs.pop("DIMENSION_LIST") dimensions = self.get_reference(var_path, "DIMENSION_LIST") for dim, coord in zip(data.dims, dimensions): data.coords[dim] = coord[0] return data
[docs] class EDREOSFileHandler(EDRFileHandler): """EDR EOS file handler.""" _fill_name = "MissingValue"