Source code for satpy.readers.nwcsaf_msg2013_hdf5

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2019 Satpy developers
# This file is part of satpy.
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"""Reader for the old NWCSAF/Geo (v2013 and earlier) cloud product format.

   - The NWCSAF GEO 2013 products documentation: - Search for Code "ICD/3"; Type
     "MSG" and the box to the right should say 'Status' (which means any
     status). Version 7.0 seems to be for v2013


import logging
from datetime import datetime

import h5py
import numpy as np
from pyresample.geometry import AreaDefinition

from satpy.readers.hdf5_utils import HDF5FileHandler

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

PLATFORM_NAMES = {"MSG1": "Meteosat-8",
                  "MSG2": "Meteosat-9",
                  "MSG3": "Meteosat-10",
                  "MSG4": "Meteosat-11", }

[docs] class Hdf5NWCSAF(HDF5FileHandler): """NWCSAF MSG hdf5 reader.""" def __init__(self, filename, filename_info, filetype_info): """Init method.""" super(Hdf5NWCSAF, self).__init__(filename, filename_info, filetype_info) self.cache = {}
[docs] def get_dataset(self, dataset_id, ds_info): """Load a dataset.""" file_key = ds_info.get("file_key", dataset_id["name"]) data = self[file_key] nodata = None if "SCALING_FACTOR" in data.attrs and "OFFSET" in data.attrs: dtype = np.dtype( if dataset_id["name"] in ["ctth_alti"]: data.attrs["valid_range"] = (0, 27000) data.attrs["_FillValue"] = np.nan if dataset_id["name"] in ["ctth_alti", "ctth_pres", "ctth_tempe", "ctth_effective_cloudiness"]: dtype = np.dtype("float32") nodata = 255 if dataset_id["name"] in ["ct"]: data.attrs["valid_range"] = (0, 20) data.attrs["_FillValue"] = 255 # data.attrs['palette_meanings'] = list(range(21)) attrs = data.attrs scaled_data = (data * data.attrs["SCALING_FACTOR"] + data.attrs["OFFSET"]).astype(dtype) if nodata: scaled_data = scaled_data.where(data != nodata) scaled_data = scaled_data.where(scaled_data >= 0) data = scaled_data data.attrs = attrs for key in list(data.attrs.keys()): val = data.attrs[key] if isinstance(val, h5py.h5r.Reference): del data.attrs[key] return data
[docs] def get_area_def(self, dsid): """Get the area definition of the datasets in the file.""" if dsid["name"].endswith("_pal"): raise NotImplementedError cfac = self.file_content["/attr/CFAC"] lfac = self.file_content["/attr/LFAC"] coff = self.file_content["/attr/COFF"] loff = self.file_content["/attr/LOFF"] numcols = int(self.file_content["/attr/NC"]) numlines = int(self.file_content["/attr/NL"]) aex = get_area_extent(cfac, lfac, coff, loff, numcols, numlines) pname = self.file_content["/attr/PROJECTION_NAME"] proj = {} if pname.startswith("GEOS"): proj["proj"] = "geos" proj["a"] = "6378169.0" proj["b"] = "6356583.8" proj["h"] = "35785831.0" proj["lon_0"] = str(float(pname.split("<")[1][:-1])) else: raise NotImplementedError("Only geos projection supported yet.") area_def = AreaDefinition(self.file_content["/attr/REGION_NAME"], self.file_content["/attr/REGION_NAME"], pname, proj, numcols, numlines, aex) return area_def
@property def start_time(self): """Return the start time of the object.""" return datetime.strptime(self.file_content["/attr/IMAGE_ACQUISITION_TIME"], "%Y%m%d%H%M")
[docs] def get_area_extent(cfac, lfac, coff, loff, numcols, numlines): """Get the area extent from msg parameters.""" xur = (numcols - coff) * 2 ** 16 / (cfac * 1.0) xur = np.deg2rad(xur) * 35785831.0 xll = (-1 - coff) * 2 ** 16 / (cfac * 1.0) xll = np.deg2rad(xll) * 35785831.0 xres = (xur - xll) / numcols xur, xll = xur - xres / 2, xll + xres / 2 yll = (numlines - loff) * 2 ** 16 / (-lfac * 1.0) yll = np.deg2rad(yll) * 35785831.0 yur = (-1 - loff) * 2 ** 16 / (-lfac * 1.0) yur = np.deg2rad(yur) * 35785831.0 yres = (yur - yll) / numlines yll, yur = yll + yres / 2, yur - yres / 2 return xll, yll, xur, yur