Source code for satpy.readers.hy2_scat_l2b_h5

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# This file is part of satpy.
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"""HY-2B L2B Reader.

Distributed by Eumetsat in HDF5 format.
Also handle the HDF5 files from NSOAS, based on a file example.

import datetime as dt

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from satpy.readers.hdf5_utils import HDF5FileHandler

[docs] class HY2SCATL2BH5FileHandler(HDF5FileHandler): """File handler for HY2 scat.""" @property def start_time(self): """Time for first observation.""" return dt.datetime.strptime(self["/attr/Range_Beginning_Time"], "%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S") @property def end_time(self): """Time for final observation.""" return dt.datetime.strptime(self["/attr/Range_Ending_Time"], "%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S") @property def platform_name(self): """Get the Platform ShortName.""" return self["/attr/Platform_ShortName"]
[docs] def get_variable_metadata(self): """Get the variable metadata.""" info = getattr(self, "attrs", {}) info.update({ "Equator_Crossing_Longitude": self["/attr/Equator_Crossing_Longitude"], "Equator_Crossing_Time": self["/attr/Equator_Crossing_Time"], "Input_L2A_Filename": self["/attr/Input_L2A_Filename"], "L2B_Actual_WVC_Rows": self["/attr/L2B_Actual_WVC_Rows"], "Orbit_Inclination": self["/attr/Orbit_Inclination"], "Orbit_Number": self["/attr/Orbit_Number"], "Output_L2B_Filename": self["/attr/Output_L2B_Filename"], "Production_Date_Time": self["/attr/Production_Date_Time"], "L2B_Expected_WVC_Rows": self["/attr/L2B_Expected_WVC_Rows"] }) try: info.update({"L2B_Number_WVC_cells": self["/attr/L2B_Number_WVC_cells"]}) except KeyError: info.update({"L2B_Expected_WVC_Cells": self["/attr/L2B_Expected_WVC_Cells"]}) return info
[docs] def get_metadata(self): """Get the metadata.""" info = getattr(self, "attrs", {}) info.update({ "WVC_Size": self["/attr/WVC_Size"], "HDF_Version_Id": self["/attr/HDF_Version_Id"], "Instrument_ShorName": self["/attr/Instrument_ShorName"], "L2A_Inputdata_Version": self["/attr/L2A_Inputdata_Version"], "L2B_Algorithm_Descriptor": self["/attr/L2B_Algorithm_Descriptor"], "L2B_Data_Version": self["/attr/L2B_Data_Version"], "L2B_Processing_Type": self["/attr/L2B_Processing_Type"], "L2B_Processor_Name": self["/attr/L2B_Processor_Name"], "L2B_Processor_Version": self["/attr/L2B_Processor_Version"], "Long_Name": self["/attr/Long_Name"], "Platform_LongName": self["/attr/Platform_LongName"], "Platform_ShortName": self["/attr/Platform_ShortName"], "Platform_Type": self["/attr/Platform_Type"], "Producer_Agency": self["/attr/Producer_Agency"], "Producer_Institution": self["/attr/Producer_Institution"], "Rev_Orbit_Perio": self["/attr/Rev_Orbit_Period"], "Short_Name": self["/attr/Short_Name"], "Sigma0_Granularity": self["/attr/Sigma0_Granularity"], }) return info
[docs] def get_dataset(self, key, info): """Get the dataset.""" dims = ["y", "x"] if self[key["name"]].ndim == 3: dims = ["y", "x", "selection"] data = self[key["name"]] if "valid range" in data.attrs: data.attrs.update({"valid_range": data.attrs.pop("valid range")}) if key["name"] in "wvc_row_time": data = data.rename({data.dims[0]: "y"}) else: dim_map = {curr_dim: new_dim for curr_dim, new_dim in zip(data.dims, dims)} data = data.rename(dim_map) data = self._mask_data(data) data = self._scale_data(data) if key["name"] in "wvc_lon": _attrs = data.attrs data = xr.where(data > 180, data - 360., data) data.attrs.update(_attrs) data.attrs.update(info) data.attrs.update(self.get_metadata()) data.attrs.update(self.get_variable_metadata()) if "Platform_ShortName" in data.attrs: data.attrs.update({"platform_name": data.attrs["Platform_ShortName"]}) return data
[docs] def _scale_data(self, data): return data * data.attrs["scale_factor"] + data.attrs["add_offset"]
[docs] def _mask_data(self, data): _attrs = data.attrs valid_range = data.attrs["valid_range"] data = xr.where(data == data.attrs["fill_value"], np.nan, data) data = xr.where(data < valid_range[0], np.nan, data) data = xr.where(data > valid_range[1], np.nan, data) data.attrs.update(_attrs) return data