#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2015-2019 Satpy developers
# This file is part of satpy.
# satpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# satpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
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"""Compositors for cloud products."""
import numpy as np
from satpy.composites import GenericCompositor, SingleBandCompositor
class CloudCompositorWithoutCloudfree(SingleBandCompositor):
"""Put cloud-free pixels as fill_value_color in palette."""
def __call__(self, projectables, **info):
"""Create the composite."""
if len(projectables) != 2:
raise ValueError("Expected 2 datasets, got %d" %
(len(projectables), ))
data, status = projectables
valid = status != status.attrs["_FillValue"]
status_cloud_free = status % 2 == 1 # bit 0 is set
cloud_free = np.logical_and(valid, status_cloud_free)
if "bad_optical_conditions" in status.attrs.get("flag_meanings", "") and data.name == "cmic_cre":
bad_optical_conditions = np.bitwise_and(np.right_shift(status, 1), 1)
cloud_free = np.logical_and(cloud_free, np.logical_not(bad_optical_conditions))
# Where condition is true keep data, in other place update to scaled_FillValue:
data = data.where(np.logical_not(cloud_free), data.attrs["scaled_FillValue"])
# Update not cloudfree product and nodata to NaN (already done for scaled vars in the reader)
# Keep cloudfree or valid product
data = data.where(np.logical_or(cloud_free, data != data.attrs["scaled_FillValue"]), np.nan)
res = SingleBandCompositor.__call__(self, [data], **data.attrs)
res.attrs["_FillValue"] = np.nan
return res
class CloudCompositorCommonMask(SingleBandCompositor):
"""Put cloud-free pixels as fill_value_color in palette."""
def __call__(self, projectables, **info):
"""Create the composite."""
if len(projectables) != 2:
raise ValueError("Expected 2 datasets, got %d" %
(len(projectables), ))
data, cma = projectables
valid_cma = cma != cma.attrs["_FillValue"]
valid_prod = data != data.attrs["_FillValue"]
valid_prod = np.logical_and(valid_prod, np.logical_not(np.isnan(data)))
# Update valid_cma and not valid_prod means: keep not valid cma or valid prod
data = data.where(np.logical_or(np.logical_not(valid_cma), valid_prod),
data = data.where(np.logical_or(valid_prod, valid_cma), np.nan)
res = SingleBandCompositor.__call__(self, [data], **data.attrs)
res.attrs["_FillValue"] = np.nan
return res
class PrecipCloudsRGB(GenericCompositor):
"""Precipitation clouds compositor."""
def __call__(self, projectables, *args, **kwargs):
"""Make an RGB image out of the three probability categories of the NWCSAF precip product."""
projectables = self.match_data_arrays(projectables)
light = projectables[0]
moderate = projectables[1]
intense = projectables[2]
status_flag = projectables[3]
if np.bitwise_and(status_flag, 4).any():
# AMSU is used
maxs1 = 70
maxs2 = 70
maxs3 = 100
# avhrr only
maxs1 = 30
maxs2 = 50
maxs3 = 40
scalef3 = 1.0 / maxs3 - 1 / 255.0
scalef2 = 1.0 / maxs2 - 1 / 255.0
scalef1 = 1.0 / maxs1 - 1 / 255.0
p1data = (light*scalef1).where(light != 0)
p1data = p1data.where(light != light.attrs["_FillValue"])
p1data.attrs = light.attrs
data = moderate*scalef2
p2data = data.where(moderate != 0)
p2data = p2data.where(moderate != moderate.attrs["_FillValue"])
p2data.attrs = moderate.attrs
data = intense*scalef3
p3data = data.where(intense != 0)
p3data = p3data.where(intense != intense.attrs["_FillValue"])
p3data.attrs = intense.attrs
res = super(PrecipCloudsRGB, self).__call__((p3data, p2data, p1data),
*args, **kwargs)
return res