Source code for satpy.tests.test_readers

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2019, 2022, 2023 Satpy developers
# This file is part of satpy.
# satpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# satpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# satpy.  If not, see <>.
"""Test classes and functions in the readers/ module."""

import builtins
import contextlib
import os
import sys
import unittest
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Iterator
from unittest import mock

import numpy as np
import pytest
import xarray as xr
from pytest_lazyfixture import lazy_fixture

from satpy.dataset.data_dict import get_key
from satpy.dataset.dataid import DataID, ModifierTuple, WavelengthRange
from satpy.readers import FSFile, find_files_and_readers, open_file_or_filename

# The following fixtures are not defined in this file, but are used and injected by Pytest:
# - monkeypatch
# - tmp_path

# clear the config dir environment variable so it doesn't interfere
os.environ.pop("PPP_CONFIG_DIR", None)
os.environ.pop("SATPY_CONFIG_PATH", None)

local_id_keys_config = {"name": {
    "required": True,
    "wavelength": {
    "type": WavelengthRange,
    "resolution": None,
    "calibration": {
    "enum": [
    "polarization": None,
    "level": None,
    "modifiers": {
    "required": True,
    "default": ModifierTuple(),
    "type": ModifierTuple,

real_import = builtins.__import__

[docs] @pytest.fixture() def viirs_file(tmp_path, monkeypatch): """Create a dummy viirs file.""" filename = "SVI01_npp_d20120225_t1801245_e1802487_b01708_c20120226002130255476_noaa_ops.h5" monkeypatch.chdir(tmp_path) # touch the file so it exists on disk open(filename, "w").close() return filename
[docs] @pytest.fixture() def atms_file(tmp_path, monkeypatch): """Create a dummy atms file.""" filename = "SATMS_j01_d20221220_t0910240_e0921356_b26361_c20221220100456348770_cspp_dev.h5" monkeypatch.chdir(tmp_path) # touch the file so it exists on disk open(filename, "w").close() return filename
[docs] def make_dataid(**items): """Make a data id.""" return DataID(local_id_keys_config, **items)
[docs] class TestDatasetDict(unittest.TestCase): """Test DatasetDict and its methods."""
[docs] def setUp(self): """Create a test DatasetDict.""" from satpy import DatasetDict self.regular_dict = regular_dict = { make_dataid(name="test", wavelength=(0, 0.5, 1), resolution=1000): "1", make_dataid(name="testh", wavelength=(0, 0.5, 1), resolution=500): "1h", make_dataid(name="test2", wavelength=(1, 1.5, 2), resolution=1000): "2", make_dataid(name="test3", wavelength=(1.2, 1.7, 2.2), resolution=1000): "3", make_dataid(name="test4", calibration="radiance", polarization="V"): "4rad", make_dataid(name="test4", calibration="reflectance", polarization="H"): "4refl", make_dataid(name="test5", modifiers=("mod1", "mod2")): "5_2mod", make_dataid(name="test5", modifiers=("mod2",)): "5_1mod", make_dataid(name="test6", level=100): "6_100", make_dataid(name="test6", level=200): "6_200", } self.test_dict = DatasetDict(regular_dict)
[docs] def test_init_noargs(self): """Test DatasetDict init with no arguments.""" from satpy import DatasetDict d = DatasetDict() assert isinstance(d, dict)
[docs] def test_init_dict(self): """Test DatasetDict init with a regular dict argument.""" from satpy import DatasetDict regular_dict = {make_dataid(name="test", wavelength=(0, 0.5, 1)): "1", } d = DatasetDict(regular_dict) assert d == regular_dict
[docs] def test_getitem(self): """Test DatasetDict getitem with different arguments.""" from satpy.tests.utils import make_dsq d = self.test_dict # access by name assert d["test"] == "1" # access by exact wavelength assert d[1.5] == "2" # access by near wavelength assert d[1.55] == "2" # access by near wavelength of another dataset assert d[1.65] == "3" # access by name with multiple levels assert d["test6"] == "6_100" assert d[make_dsq(wavelength=1.5)] == "2" assert d[make_dsq(wavelength=0.5, resolution=1000)] == "1" assert d[make_dsq(wavelength=0.5, resolution=500)] == "1h" assert d[make_dsq(name="test6", level=100)] == "6_100" assert d[make_dsq(name="test6", level=200)] == "6_200" # higher resolution is returned assert d[0.5] == "1h" assert d["test4"] == "4refl" assert d[make_dataid(name="test4", calibration="radiance")] == "4rad" with pytest.raises(KeyError): d.getitem("1h") # test with full tuple assert d[make_dsq(name="test", wavelength=(0, 0.5, 1), resolution=1000)] == "1"
[docs] def test_get_key(self): """Test 'get_key' special functions.""" from satpy.dataset import DataQuery d = self.test_dict res1 = get_key(make_dataid(name="test4"), d, calibration="radiance") res2 = get_key(make_dataid(name="test4"), d, calibration="radiance", num_results=0) res3 = get_key(make_dataid(name="test4"), d, calibration="radiance", num_results=3) assert len(res2) == 1 assert len(res3) == 1 res2 = res2[0] res3 = res3[0] assert res1 == res2 assert res1 == res3 res1 = get_key("test4", d, query=DataQuery(polarization="V")) assert res1 == make_dataid(name="test4", calibration="radiance", polarization="V") res1 = get_key(0.5, d, query=DataQuery(resolution=500)) assert res1 == make_dataid(name="testh", wavelength=(0, 0.5, 1), resolution=500) res1 = get_key("test6", d, query=DataQuery(level=100)) assert res1 == make_dataid(name="test6", level=100) res1 = get_key("test5", d) res2 = get_key("test5", d, query=DataQuery(modifiers=("mod2",))) res3 = get_key("test5", d, query=DataQuery(modifiers=("mod1", "mod2",))) assert res1 == make_dataid(name="test5", modifiers=("mod2",)) assert res1 == res2 assert res1 != res3 # more than 1 result when default is to ask for 1 result with pytest.raises(KeyError): get_key("test4", d, best=False)
[docs] def test_contains(self): """Test DatasetDict contains method.""" d = self.test_dict assert "test" in d assert not d.contains("test") assert "test_bad" not in d assert 0.5 in d assert not d.contains(0.5) assert 1.5 in d assert 1.55 in d assert 1.65 in d assert make_dataid(name="test4", calibration="radiance") in d assert "test4" in d
[docs] def test_keys(self): """Test keys method of DatasetDict.""" from satpy.tests.utils import DataID d = self.test_dict assert len(d.keys()) == len(self.regular_dict.keys()) assert all(isinstance(x, DataID) for x in d.keys()) name_keys = d.keys(names=True) assert sorted(set(name_keys))[:4] == ["test", "test2", "test3", "test4"] wl_keys = tuple(d.keys(wavelengths=True)) assert (0, 0.5, 1) in wl_keys assert (1, 1.5, 2, "µm") in wl_keys assert (1.2, 1.7, 2.2, "µm") in wl_keys assert None in wl_keys
[docs] def test_setitem(self): """Test setitem method of DatasetDict.""" d = self.test_dict d["new_ds"] = {"metadata": "new_ds"} assert d["new_ds"]["metadata"] == "new_ds" d[0.5] = {"calibration": "radiance"} assert d[0.5]["resolution"] == 500 assert d[0.5]["name"] == "testh"
[docs] class TestReaderLoader(unittest.TestCase): """Test the `load_readers` function. Assumes that the VIIRS SDR reader exists and works. """
[docs] def setUp(self): """Wrap HDF5 file handler with our own fake handler.""" from satpy.readers.viirs_sdr import VIIRSSDRFileHandler from satpy.tests.reader_tests.test_viirs_sdr import FakeHDF5FileHandler2 # self.p = mock.patch.object(VIIRSSDRFileHandler, "__bases__", (FakeHDF5FileHandler2,)) self.fake_handler = self.p.start() self.p.is_local = True
[docs] def tearDown(self): """Stop wrapping the HDF5 file handler.""" self.p.stop()
[docs] def test_no_args(self): """Test no args provided. This should check the local directory which should have no files. """ from satpy.readers import load_readers ri = load_readers() assert ri == {}
[docs] def test_filenames_only(self): """Test with filenames specified.""" from satpy.readers import load_readers ri = load_readers(filenames=["SVI01_npp_d20120225_t1801245_e1802487_b01708_c20120226002130255476_noaa_ops.h5"]) assert list(ri.keys()) == ["viirs_sdr"]
[docs] def test_filenames_and_reader(self): """Test with filenames and reader specified.""" from satpy.readers import load_readers ri = load_readers(reader="viirs_sdr", filenames=["SVI01_npp_d20120225_t1801245_e1802487_b01708_c20120226002130255476_noaa_ops.h5"]) assert list(ri.keys()) == ["viirs_sdr"]
[docs] def test_bad_reader_name_with_filenames(self): """Test bad reader name with filenames provided.""" from satpy.readers import load_readers with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="No reader named: i_dont_exist"): load_readers(reader="i_dont_exist", filenames=["SVI01_npp_d20120225_t1801245_e1802487_b01708_c20120226002130255476_noaa_ops.h5"])
[docs] def test_filenames_as_path(self): """Test with filenames specified as pathlib.Path.""" from pathlib import Path from satpy.readers import load_readers ri = load_readers(filenames=[ Path("SVI01_npp_d20120225_t1801245_e1802487_b01708_c20120226002130255476_noaa_ops.h5"), ]) assert list(ri.keys()) == ["viirs_sdr"]
[docs] def test_filenames_as_dict(self): """Test loading readers where filenames are organized by reader.""" from satpy.readers import load_readers filenames = { "viirs_sdr": ["SVI01_npp_d20120225_t1801245_e1802487_b01708_c20120226002130255476_noaa_ops.h5"], } ri = load_readers(filenames=filenames) assert list(ri.keys()) == ["viirs_sdr"]
[docs] def test_filenames_as_dict_bad_reader(self): """Test loading with filenames dict but one of the readers is bad.""" from satpy.readers import load_readers filenames = { "viirs_sdr": ["SVI01_npp_d20120225_t1801245_e1802487_b01708_c20120226002130255476_noaa_ops.h5"], "__fake__": ["fake.txt"], } with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"(?=.*__fake__)(?!.*viirs)(^No reader.+)"): load_readers(filenames=filenames)
[docs] def test_filenames_as_dict_with_reader(self): """Test loading from a filenames dict with a single reader specified. This can happen in the deprecated Scene behavior of passing a reader and a base_dir. """ from satpy.readers import load_readers filenames = { "viirs_sdr": ["SVI01_npp_d20120225_t1801245_e1802487_b01708_c20120226002130255476_noaa_ops.h5"], } ri = load_readers(reader="viirs_sdr", filenames=filenames) assert list(ri.keys()) == ["viirs_sdr"]
[docs] def test_empty_filenames_as_dict(self): """Test passing filenames as a dictionary with an empty list of filenames.""" # only one reader from satpy.readers import load_readers filenames = { "viirs_sdr": [], } with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="No supported files found"): load_readers(filenames=filenames) # two readers, one is empty filenames = { "viirs_sdr": ["SVI01_npp_d20120225_t1801245_e1802487_b01708_c20120226002130255476_noaa_ops.h5"], "viirs_l1b": [], } ri = load_readers(filenames) assert list(ri.keys()) == ["viirs_sdr"]
[docs] @mock.patch("satpy.readers.hrit_base.HRITFileHandler._get_hd") @mock.patch("satpy.readers.seviri_l1b_hrit.HRITMSGFileHandler._get_header") @mock.patch("satpy.readers.seviri_l1b_hrit.HRITMSGFileHandler.start_time") @mock.patch("satpy.readers.seviri_l1b_hrit.HRITMSGFileHandler.end_time") @mock.patch("satpy.readers.seviri_l1b_hrit.HRITMSGPrologueFileHandler.read_prologue") @mock.patch("satpy.readers.seviri_l1b_hrit.HRITMSGEpilogueFileHandler.read_epilogue") def test_missing_requirements(self, *mocks): """Test warnings and exceptions in case of missing requirements.""" from satpy.readers import load_readers # Filenames from a single scan epi_pro_miss = ["H-000-MSG4__-MSG4________-IR_108___-000006___-201809050900-__"] epi_miss = epi_pro_miss + ["H-000-MSG4__-MSG4________-_________-PRO______-201809050900-__"] pro_miss = epi_pro_miss + ["H-000-MSG4__-MSG4________-_________-EPI______-201809050900-__"] with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message=r"No handler for reading requirement.*", category=UserWarning) for filenames in [epi_miss, pro_miss, epi_pro_miss]: with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="No dataset could be loaded.*"): load_readers(reader="seviri_l1b_hrit", filenames=filenames) # Filenames from multiple scans at_least_one_complete = [ # 09:00 scan is ok "H-000-MSG4__-MSG4________-IR_108___-000006___-201809050900-__", "H-000-MSG4__-MSG4________-_________-PRO______-201809050900-__", "H-000-MSG4__-MSG4________-_________-EPI______-201809050900-__", # 10:00 scan is incomplete "H-000-MSG4__-MSG4________-IR_108___-000006___-201809051000-__", ] with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message=r"No matching requirement file.*", category=UserWarning) try: load_readers(filenames=at_least_one_complete, reader="seviri_l1b_hrit") except ValueError:"If at least one set of filenames is complete, no " "exception should be raised")
[docs] def test_all_filtered(self): """Test behaviour if no file matches the filter parameters.""" import datetime from satpy.readers import load_readers filenames = { "viirs_sdr": ["SVI01_npp_d20120225_t1801245_e1802487_b01708_c20120226002130255476_noaa_ops.h5"], } filter_params = {"start_time": datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1), "end_time": datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 2), "area": None} with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="No dataset could be loaded.*"): load_readers(filenames=filenames, reader_kwargs={"filter_parameters": filter_params})
[docs] def test_all_filtered_multiple(self): """Test behaviour if no file matches the filter parameters.""" import datetime from satpy.readers import load_readers filenames = { "viirs_sdr": ["SVI01_npp_d20120225_t1801245_e1802487_b01708_c20120226002130255476_noaa_ops.h5"], "abi_l1b": [""], } filter_params = {"start_time": datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1), "end_time": datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 2)} with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="No dataset could be loaded."): load_readers(filenames=filenames, reader_kwargs={"filter_parameters": filter_params})
[docs] def test_almost_all_filtered(self): """Test behaviour if only one reader has datasets.""" import datetime from satpy.readers import load_readers filenames = { "viirs_sdr": ["SVI01_npp_d20120225_t1801245_e1802487_b01708_c20120226002130255476_noaa_ops.h5"], "abi_l1b": [""], } filter_params = {"start_time": datetime.datetime(2012, 2, 25), "end_time": datetime.datetime(2012, 2, 26)} # viirs has data that matches the request, abi doesn't readers = load_readers(filenames=filenames, reader_kwargs={"filter_parameters": filter_params}) assert "viirs_sdr" in readers # abi_l1b reader was created, but no datasets available assert "abi_l1b" in readers assert len(list(readers["abi_l1b"].available_dataset_ids)) == 0
[docs] class TestFindFilesAndReaders: """Test the find_files_and_readers utility function."""
[docs] def setup_method(self): """Wrap HDF5 file handler with our own fake handler.""" from satpy.readers.viirs_sdr import VIIRSSDRFileHandler from satpy.tests.reader_tests.test_viirs_sdr import FakeHDF5FileHandler2 # self.p = mock.patch.object(VIIRSSDRFileHandler, "__bases__", (FakeHDF5FileHandler2,)) self.fake_handler = self.p.start() self.p.is_local = True
[docs] def teardown_method(self): """Stop wrapping the HDF5 file handler.""" self.p.stop()
[docs] def test_reader_name(self, viirs_file): """Test with default base_dir and reader specified.""" ri = find_files_and_readers(reader="viirs_sdr") assert list(ri.keys()) == ["viirs_sdr"] assert ri["viirs_sdr"] == [viirs_file]
[docs] def test_reader_other_name(self, monkeypatch, tmp_path): """Test with default base_dir and reader specified.""" filename = "" monkeypatch.chdir(tmp_path) # touch the file so it exists on disk open(filename, "w").close() ri = find_files_and_readers(reader="nwcsaf-pps_nc") assert list(ri.keys()) == ["nwcsaf-pps_nc"] assert ri["nwcsaf-pps_nc"] == [filename]
[docs] def test_reader_name_matched_start_end_time(self, viirs_file): """Test with start and end time matching the filename.""" from datetime import datetime ri = find_files_and_readers(reader="viirs_sdr", start_time=datetime(2012, 2, 25, 18, 0, 0), end_time=datetime(2012, 2, 25, 19, 0, 0), ) assert list(ri.keys()) == ["viirs_sdr"] assert ri["viirs_sdr"] == [viirs_file]
[docs] def test_reader_name_matched_start_time(self, viirs_file): """Test with start matching the filename. Start time in the middle of the file time should still match the file. """ from datetime import datetime ri = find_files_and_readers(reader="viirs_sdr", start_time=datetime(2012, 2, 25, 18, 1, 30)) assert list(ri.keys()) == ["viirs_sdr"] assert ri["viirs_sdr"] == [viirs_file]
[docs] def test_reader_name_matched_end_time(self, viirs_file): """Test with end matching the filename. End time in the middle of the file time should still match the file. """ from datetime import datetime ri = find_files_and_readers(reader="viirs_sdr", end_time=datetime(2012, 2, 25, 18, 1, 30)) assert list(ri.keys()) == ["viirs_sdr"] assert ri["viirs_sdr"] == [viirs_file]
[docs] def test_reader_name_unmatched_start_end_time(self, viirs_file): """Test with start and end time matching the filename.""" from datetime import datetime with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="No supported files found"): find_files_and_readers(reader="viirs_sdr", start_time=datetime(2012, 2, 26, 18, 0, 0), end_time=datetime(2012, 2, 26, 19, 0, 0))
[docs] def test_no_parameters(self, viirs_file): """Test with no limiting parameters.""" from satpy.readers import find_files_and_readers ri = find_files_and_readers() assert list(ri.keys()) == ["viirs_sdr"] assert ri["viirs_sdr"] == [viirs_file]
[docs] def test_no_parameters_both_atms_and_viirs(self, viirs_file, atms_file): """Test with no limiting parameters when there area both atms and viirs files in the same directory.""" from satpy.readers import find_files_and_readers ri = find_files_and_readers() assert "atms_sdr_hdf5" in list(ri.keys()) assert "viirs_sdr" in list(ri.keys()) assert ri["atms_sdr_hdf5"] == [atms_file] assert ri["viirs_sdr"] == [viirs_file]
[docs] def test_bad_sensor(self): """Test bad sensor doesn't find any files.""" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Sensor.* not supported by any readers"): find_files_and_readers(sensor="i_dont_exist")
[docs] def test_sensor(self, viirs_file): """Test that readers for the current sensor are loaded.""" # we can't easily know how many readers satpy has that support # 'viirs' so we just pass it and hope that this works ri = find_files_and_readers(sensor="viirs") assert list(ri.keys()) == ["viirs_sdr"] assert ri["viirs_sdr"] == [viirs_file]
[docs] def test_sensor_no_files(self): """Test that readers for the current sensor are loaded.""" # we can't easily know how many readers satpy has that support # 'viirs' so we just pass it and hope that this works with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="No supported files found"): find_files_and_readers(sensor="viirs") assert find_files_and_readers(sensor="viirs", missing_ok=True) == {}
[docs] def test_reader_load_failed(self): """Test that an exception is raised when a reader can't be loaded.""" import yaml from satpy.readers import find_files_and_readers # touch the file so it exists on disk with mock.patch("yaml.load") as load: load.side_effect = yaml.YAMLError("Import problems") with pytest.raises(yaml.YAMLError): find_files_and_readers(reader="viirs_sdr")
[docs] def test_pending_old_reader_name_mapping(self): """Test that requesting pending old reader names raises a warning.""" from satpy.readers import PENDING_OLD_READER_NAMES, get_valid_reader_names if not PENDING_OLD_READER_NAMES: return unittest.skip("Skipping pending deprecated reader tests because " "no pending deprecated readers.") test_reader = sorted(PENDING_OLD_READER_NAMES.keys())[0] with pytest.warns(FutureWarning): valid_reader_names = get_valid_reader_names([test_reader]) assert valid_reader_names[0] == PENDING_OLD_READER_NAMES[test_reader]
[docs] def test_old_reader_name_mapping(self): """Test that requesting old reader names raises a warning.""" from satpy.readers import OLD_READER_NAMES, get_valid_reader_names if not OLD_READER_NAMES: return pytest.skip("Skipping deprecated reader tests because " "no deprecated readers.") test_reader = sorted(OLD_READER_NAMES.keys())[0] with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Reader name .* has been deprecated, use .* instead."): get_valid_reader_names([test_reader])
[docs] class TestYAMLFiles: """Test and analyze the reader configuration files."""
[docs] def test_filename_matches_reader_name(self): """Test that every reader filename matches the name in the YAML.""" import yaml class IgnoreLoader(yaml.SafeLoader): def _ignore_all_tags(self, tag_suffix, node): return tag_suffix + " " + node.value IgnoreLoader.add_multi_constructor("", IgnoreLoader._ignore_all_tags) from satpy._config import glob_config from satpy.readers import read_reader_config for reader_config in glob_config("readers/*.yaml"): reader_fn = os.path.basename(reader_config) reader_fn_name = os.path.splitext(reader_fn)[0] reader_info = read_reader_config([reader_config], loader=IgnoreLoader) assert reader_fn_name == reader_info["name"], \ "Reader YAML filename doesn't match reader name in the YAML file."
[docs] def test_available_readers(self): """Test the 'available_readers' function.""" from satpy import available_readers reader_names = available_readers() assert len(reader_names) > 0 assert isinstance(reader_names[0], str) assert "viirs_sdr" in reader_names # needs h5py assert "abi_l1b" in reader_names # needs netcdf4 assert reader_names == sorted(reader_names) reader_infos = available_readers(as_dict=True) assert len(reader_names) == len(reader_infos) assert isinstance(reader_infos[0], dict) for reader_info in reader_infos: assert "name" in reader_info assert reader_infos == sorted(reader_infos, key=lambda reader_info: reader_info["name"])
[docs] def test_available_readers_base_loader(self, monkeypatch): """Test the 'available_readers' function for yaml loader type BaseLoader.""" import yaml from satpy import available_readers from satpy._config import glob_config def patched_import_error(name, globals=None, locals=None, fromlist=(), level=0): # noqa: A002 if name in ("netcdf4", ): raise ImportError(f"Mocked import error {name}") return real_import(name, globals=globals, locals=locals, fromlist=fromlist, level=level) monkeypatch.delitem(sys.modules, "netcdf4", raising=False) monkeypatch.setattr(builtins, "__import__", patched_import_error) with pytest.raises(ImportError): import netcdf4 # noqa: F401 reader_names = available_readers(yaml_loader=yaml.BaseLoader) assert "abi_l1b" in reader_names # needs netcdf4 assert "viirs_l1b" in reader_names assert len(reader_names) == len(list(glob_config("readers/*.yaml")))
[docs] class TestGroupFiles(unittest.TestCase): """Test the 'group_files' utility function."""
[docs] def setUp(self): """Set up test filenames to use.""" input_files = [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ] self.g16_files = input_files self.g17_files = [x.replace("G16", "G17") for x in input_files] self.noaa20_files = [ "GITCO_j01_d20180511_t2027292_e2028538_b02476_c20190530192858056873_noac_ops.h5", "GITCO_j01_d20180511_t2028550_e2030195_b02476_c20190530192932937427_noac_ops.h5", "GITCO_j01_d20180511_t2030208_e2031435_b02476_c20190530192932937427_noac_ops.h5", "GITCO_j01_d20180511_t2031447_e2033092_b02476_c20190530192932937427_noac_ops.h5", "GITCO_j01_d20180511_t2033105_e2034350_b02476_c20190530192932937427_noac_ops.h5", "SVI03_j01_d20180511_t2027292_e2028538_b02476_c20190530190950789763_noac_ops.h5", "SVI03_j01_d20180511_t2028550_e2030195_b02476_c20190530192911205765_noac_ops.h5", "SVI03_j01_d20180511_t2030208_e2031435_b02476_c20190530192911205765_noac_ops.h5", "SVI03_j01_d20180511_t2031447_e2033092_b02476_c20190530192911205765_noac_ops.h5", "SVI03_j01_d20180511_t2033105_e2034350_b02476_c20190530192911205765_noac_ops.h5", "SVI04_j01_d20180511_t2027292_e2028538_b02476_c20190530190951848958_noac_ops.h5", "SVI04_j01_d20180511_t2028550_e2030195_b02476_c20190530192903985164_noac_ops.h5", "SVI04_j01_d20180511_t2030208_e2031435_b02476_c20190530192903985164_noac_ops.h5", "SVI04_j01_d20180511_t2031447_e2033092_b02476_c20190530192903985164_noac_ops.h5", "SVI04_j01_d20180511_t2033105_e2034350_b02476_c20190530192903985164_noac_ops.h5" ] self.npp_files = [ "GITCO_npp_d20180511_t1939067_e1940309_b33872_c20190612031740518143_noac_ops.h5", "GITCO_npp_d20180511_t1940321_e1941563_b33872_c20190612031740518143_noac_ops.h5", "GITCO_npp_d20180511_t1941575_e1943217_b33872_c20190612031740518143_noac_ops.h5", "SVI03_npp_d20180511_t1939067_e1940309_b33872_c20190612032009230105_noac_ops.h5", "SVI03_npp_d20180511_t1940321_e1941563_b33872_c20190612032009230105_noac_ops.h5", "SVI03_npp_d20180511_t1941575_e1943217_b33872_c20190612032009230105_noac_ops.h5", ] self.unknown_files = [ "ʌsɔ˙pıʃɐʌuı", "no such"]
[docs] def test_no_reader(self): """Test that reader does not need to be provided.""" from satpy.readers import group_files # without files it's going to be an empty result assert group_files([]) == [] groups = group_files(self.g16_files) assert 6 == len(groups)
[docs] def test_unknown_files(self): """Test that error is raised on unknown files.""" from satpy.readers import group_files with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="No matching readers found for these files: .*"): group_files(self.unknown_files, "abi_l1b")
[docs] def test_bad_reader(self): """Test that reader not existing causes an error.""" import yaml from satpy.readers import group_files # touch the file so it exists on disk with mock.patch("yaml.load") as load: load.side_effect = yaml.YAMLError("Import problems") with pytest.raises(yaml.YAMLError): group_files([], reader="abi_l1b")
[docs] def test_default_behavior(self): """Test the default behavior with the 'abi_l1b' reader.""" from satpy.readers import group_files groups = group_files(self.g16_files, reader="abi_l1b") assert 6 == len(groups) assert 2 == len(groups[0]["abi_l1b"])
[docs] def test_default_behavior_set(self): """Test the default behavior with the 'abi_l1b' reader.""" from satpy.readers import group_files files = set(self.g16_files) num_files = len(files) groups = group_files(files, reader="abi_l1b") # we didn't modify it assert len(files) == num_files assert 6 == len(groups) assert 2 == len(groups[0]["abi_l1b"])
[docs] def test_non_datetime_group_key(self): """Test what happens when the start_time isn't used for grouping.""" from satpy.readers import group_files groups = group_files(self.g16_files, reader="abi_l1b", group_keys=("platform_shortname",)) assert 1 == len(groups) assert 12 == len(groups[0]["abi_l1b"])
[docs] def test_large_time_threshold(self): """Test what happens when the time threshold holds multiple files.""" from satpy.readers import group_files groups = group_files(self.g16_files, reader="abi_l1b", time_threshold=60*8) assert 3 == len(groups) assert 4 == len(groups[0]["abi_l1b"])
[docs] def test_two_instruments_files(self): """Test the behavior when two instruments files are provided. This is undesired from a user point of view since we don't want G16 and G17 files in the same Scene. Readers (like abi_l1b) are or can be configured to have specific group keys for handling these situations. Due to that this test forces the fallback group keys of ('start_time',). """ from satpy.readers import group_files groups = group_files(self.g16_files + self.g17_files, reader="abi_l1b", group_keys=("start_time",)) assert 6 == len(groups) assert 4 == len(groups[0]["abi_l1b"])
[docs] def test_two_instruments_files_split(self): """Test the default behavior when two instruments files are provided and split. Tell the sorting to include the platform identifier as another field to use for grouping. """ from satpy.readers import group_files groups = group_files(self.g16_files + self.g17_files, reader="abi_l1b", group_keys=("start_time", "platform_shortname")) assert 12 == len(groups) assert 2 == len(groups[0]["abi_l1b"]) # default for abi_l1b should also behave like this groups = group_files(self.g16_files + self.g17_files, reader="abi_l1b") assert 12 == len(groups) assert 2 == len(groups[0]["abi_l1b"])
[docs] def test_viirs_orbits(self): """Test a reader that doesn't use 'start_time' for default grouping.""" from satpy.readers import group_files groups = group_files(self.noaa20_files + self.npp_files, reader="viirs_sdr") assert 2 == len(groups) # the noaa-20 files will be first because the orbit number is smaller # 5 granules * 3 file types assert 5 * 3 == len(groups[0]["viirs_sdr"]) # 3 granules * 2 file types assert 6 == len(groups[1]["viirs_sdr"])
[docs] def test_viirs_override_keys(self): """Test overriding a group keys to add 'start_time'.""" from satpy.readers import group_files groups = group_files(self.noaa20_files + self.npp_files, reader="viirs_sdr", group_keys=("start_time", "orbit", "platform_shortname")) assert 8 == len(groups) assert 2 == len(groups[0]["viirs_sdr"]) # NPP assert 2 == len(groups[1]["viirs_sdr"]) # NPP assert 2 == len(groups[2]["viirs_sdr"]) # NPP assert 3 == len(groups[3]["viirs_sdr"]) # N20 assert 3 == len(groups[4]["viirs_sdr"]) # N20 assert 3 == len(groups[5]["viirs_sdr"]) # N20 assert 3 == len(groups[6]["viirs_sdr"]) # N20 assert 3 == len(groups[7]["viirs_sdr"]) # N20 # Ask for a larger time span with our groups groups = group_files(self.noaa20_files + self.npp_files, reader="viirs_sdr", time_threshold=60 * 60 * 2, group_keys=("start_time", "orbit", "platform_shortname")) assert 2 == len(groups) # NPP is first because it has an earlier time # 3 granules * 2 file types assert 6 == len(groups[0]["viirs_sdr"]) # 5 granules * 3 file types assert 5 * 3 == len(groups[1]["viirs_sdr"])
[docs] def test_multi_readers(self): """Test passing multiple readers.""" from satpy.readers import group_files groups = group_files( self.g16_files + self.noaa20_files, reader=("abi_l1b", "viirs_sdr")) assert len(groups) == 11 # test that they're grouped together when time threshold is huge and # only time is used to group groups = group_files( self.g16_files + self.noaa20_files, reader=("abi_l1b", "viirs_sdr"), group_keys=("start_time",), time_threshold=10**9) assert len(groups) == 1 # test that a warning is raised when a string is passed (meaning no # group keys found in common) with pytest.warns(UserWarning): groups = group_files( self.g16_files + self.noaa20_files, reader=("abi_l1b", "viirs_sdr"), group_keys=("start_time"), time_threshold=10**9)
_filenames_abi_glm = [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]
[docs] def test_multi_readers_empty_groups_raises_filenotfounderror(self): """Test behaviour on empty groups passing multiple readers. Make sure it raises an exception, for there will be groups containing GLM but not ABI. """ from satpy.readers import group_files with pytest.raises( FileNotFoundError, match="when grouping files, group at index 1 " "had no files for readers: abi_l1b"): group_files( self._filenames_abi_glm, reader=["abi_l1b", "glm_l2"], group_keys=("start_time",), time_threshold=35, missing="raise")
[docs] def test_multi_readers_empty_groups_missing_skip(self): """Verify empty groups are skipped. Verify that all groups lacking ABI are skipped, resulting in only three groups that are all non-empty for both instruments. """ from satpy.readers import group_files groups = group_files( self._filenames_abi_glm, reader=["abi_l1b", "glm_l2"], group_keys=("start_time",), time_threshold=35, missing="skip") assert len(groups) == 2 for g in groups: assert g["abi_l1b"] assert g["glm_l2"]
[docs] def test_multi_readers_empty_groups_passed(self): """Verify that all groups are there, resulting in some that are empty.""" from satpy.readers import group_files groups = group_files( self._filenames_abi_glm, reader=["abi_l1b", "glm_l2"], group_keys=("start_time",), time_threshold=35, missing="pass") assert len(groups) == 17 assert not groups[1]["abi_l1b"] # should be empty assert groups[1]["glm_l2"] # should not be empty
[docs] def test_multi_readers_invalid_parameter(self): """Verify that invalid missing parameter raises ValueError.""" from satpy.readers import group_files with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Invalid value for ``missing`` argument..*"): group_files( self._filenames_abi_glm, reader=["abi_l1b", "glm_l2"], group_keys=("start_time",), time_threshold=35, missing="hopkin green frog")
[docs] def _generate_random_string(): import uuid return str(uuid.uuid1())
[docs] def _assert_is_open_file_and_close(opened): try: assert hasattr(opened, "tell") finally: opened.close()
[docs] def _posixify_path(filename): drive, driveless_name = os.path.splitdrive(filename) return driveless_name.replace("\\", "/")
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def random_string(): """Random string to be used as fake file content.""" return _generate_random_string()
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def local_filename(tmp_path_factory, random_string): """Create simple on-disk file.""" with _local_file(tmp_path_factory, random_string) as local_path: yield local_path
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def _local_file(tmp_path_factory, filename: str) -> Iterator[Path]: tmp_path = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("local_files") local_filename = tmp_path / filename local_filename.touch() yield local_filename
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def local_file(local_filename): """Open local file with fsspec.""" import fsspec return
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def local_filename2(tmp_path_factory): """Create a second local file.""" random_string2 = _generate_random_string() with _local_file(tmp_path_factory, random_string2) as local_path: yield local_path
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def local_zip_file(local_filename2): """Create local zip file containing one local file.""" import zipfile zip_name = Path(str(local_filename2) + ".zip") zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_name, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) zip_file.write(local_filename2) zip_file.close() return zip_name
[docs] class TestFSFile: """Test the FSFile class."""
[docs] def test_regular_filename_is_returned_with_str(self, random_string): """Test that str give the filename.""" from satpy.readers import FSFile assert str(FSFile(random_string)) == random_string
[docs] def test_fsfile_with_regular_filename_abides_pathlike(self, random_string): """Test that FSFile abides PathLike for regular filenames.""" from satpy.readers import FSFile assert os.fspath(FSFile(random_string)) == random_string
[docs] def test_fsfile_with_regular_filename_and_fs_spec_abides_pathlike(self, random_string): """Test that FSFile abides PathLike for filename+fs instances.""" from satpy.readers import FSFile assert os.fspath(FSFile(random_string, fs=None)) == random_string
[docs] def test_fsfile_with_pathlike(self, local_filename): """Test FSFile with path-like object.""" from pathlib import Path from satpy.readers import FSFile f = FSFile(Path(local_filename)) assert str(f) == os.fspath(f) == str(local_filename)
[docs] def test_fsfile_with_fs_open_file_abides_pathlike(self, local_file, random_string): """Test that FSFile abides PathLike for fsspec OpenFile instances.""" from satpy.readers import FSFile assert os.fspath(FSFile(local_file)).endswith(random_string)
[docs] def test_repr_includes_filename(self, local_file, random_string): """Test that repr includes the filename.""" from satpy.readers import FSFile assert random_string in repr(FSFile(local_file))
[docs] def test_open_regular_file(self, local_filename): """Test opening a regular file.""" from satpy.readers import FSFile _assert_is_open_file_and_close(FSFile(local_filename).open())
[docs] def test_open_local_fs_file(self, local_file): """Test opening a localfs file.""" from satpy.readers import FSFile _assert_is_open_file_and_close(FSFile(local_file).open())
[docs] def test_open_zip_fs_regular_filename(self, local_filename2, local_zip_file): """Test opening a zipfs with a regular filename provided.""" from import ZipFileSystem from satpy.readers import FSFile zip_fs = ZipFileSystem(local_zip_file) file = FSFile(_posixify_path(local_filename2), zip_fs) _assert_is_open_file_and_close(
[docs] def test_open_zip_fs_openfile(self, local_filename2, local_zip_file): """Test opening a zipfs openfile.""" import fsspec from satpy.readers import FSFile open_file ="zip:/" + _posixify_path(local_filename2) + "::file://" + str(local_zip_file)) file = FSFile(open_file) _assert_is_open_file_and_close(
[docs] def test_sorting_fsfiles(self, local_filename, local_filename2, local_zip_file): """Test sorting FSFiles.""" from import ZipFileSystem from satpy.readers import FSFile zip_fs = ZipFileSystem(local_zip_file) file1 = FSFile(local_filename2, zip_fs) file2 = FSFile(local_filename) extra_file = os.path.normpath("/somedir/bla") sorted_filenames = [os.fspath(file) for file in sorted([file1, file2, extra_file])] expected_filenames = sorted([extra_file, os.fspath(file1), os.fspath(file2)]) assert sorted_filenames == expected_filenames
[docs] def test_equality(self, local_filename, local_filename2, local_zip_file): """Test that FSFile compares equal when it should.""" from import ZipFileSystem from satpy.readers import FSFile zip_fs = ZipFileSystem(local_zip_file) assert FSFile(local_filename) == FSFile(local_filename) assert (FSFile(local_filename, zip_fs) == FSFile(local_filename, zip_fs)) assert (FSFile(local_filename, zip_fs) != FSFile(local_filename)) assert FSFile(local_filename) != FSFile(local_filename2)
[docs] def test_hash(self, local_filename, local_filename2, local_zip_file): """Test that FSFile hashing behaves sanely.""" from fsspec.implementations.cached import CachingFileSystem from fsspec.implementations.local import LocalFileSystem from import ZipFileSystem from satpy.readers import FSFile lfs = LocalFileSystem() zfs = ZipFileSystem(local_zip_file) cfs = CachingFileSystem(fs=lfs) # make sure each name/fs-combi has its own hash assert len({hash(FSFile(fn, fs)) for fn in {local_filename, local_filename2} for fs in [None, lfs, zfs, cfs]}) == 2 * 4
[docs] def test_open_file_or_filename_uses_mode(tmp_path): """Test that open_file_or_filename uses provided mode.""" filename = tmp_path / "hej" with open(filename, mode="wb") as fd: fd.write(b"hej") fileobj = FSFile(os.fspath(filename)) res = open_file_or_filename(fileobj, mode="rb").read() assert isinstance(res, bytes)
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def local_netcdf_filename(tmp_path_factory): """Create a simple local NetCDF file.""" filename = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("fake_netcdfs") / "" ds = xr.Dataset() ds.attrs = { "attr1": "a", "attr2": 2, } ds["var1"] = xr.DataArray(np.zeros((10, 10), dtype=np.int16), dims=("y", "x")) ds.to_netcdf(filename) return str(filename)
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def local_netcdf_path(local_netcdf_filename): """Get Path object pointing to local netcdf file.""" return Path(local_netcdf_filename)
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def local_netcdf_fsspec(local_netcdf_filename): """Get fsspec OpenFile object pointing to local netcdf file.""" import fsspec return
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def local_netcdf_fsfile(local_netcdf_fsspec): """Get FSFile object wrapping an fsspec OpenFile pointing to local netcdf file.""" from satpy.readers import FSFile return FSFile(local_netcdf_fsspec)
[docs] def _open_xarray_netcdf4(): from functools import partial pytest.importorskip("netCDF4") return partial(xr.open_dataset, engine="netcdf4")
[docs] def _open_xarray_h5netcdf(): from functools import partial pytest.importorskip("h5netcdf") return partial(xr.open_dataset, engine="h5netcdf")
[docs] def _open_xarray_default(): pytest.importorskip("netCDF4") pytest.importorskip("h5netcdf") return xr.open_dataset
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def local_hdf5_filename(tmp_path_factory): """Create on-disk HDF5 file.""" import h5py filename = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("fake_hdf5s") / "test.h5" h = h5py.File(filename, "w") h.create_dataset("var1", data=np.zeros((10, 10), dtype=np.int16)) h.close() return str(filename)
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def local_hdf5_path(local_hdf5_filename): """Get Path object pointing to local HDF5 file.""" return Path(local_hdf5_filename)
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def local_hdf5_fsspec(local_hdf5_filename): """Get fsspec OpenFile pointing to local HDF5 file.""" import fsspec return
[docs] def _open_h5py(): h5py = pytest.importorskip("h5py") return h5py.File
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("file_thing", "create_read_func"), [ (lazy_fixture("local_netcdf_filename"), _open_xarray_default), (lazy_fixture("local_netcdf_filename"), _open_xarray_netcdf4), (lazy_fixture("local_netcdf_filename"), _open_xarray_h5netcdf), (lazy_fixture("local_netcdf_path"), _open_xarray_default), (lazy_fixture("local_netcdf_path"), _open_xarray_netcdf4), (lazy_fixture("local_netcdf_path"), _open_xarray_h5netcdf), (lazy_fixture("local_netcdf_fsspec"), _open_xarray_default), (lazy_fixture("local_netcdf_fsspec"), _open_xarray_h5netcdf), (lazy_fixture("local_netcdf_fsfile"), _open_xarray_default), (lazy_fixture("local_netcdf_fsfile"), _open_xarray_h5netcdf), (lazy_fixture("local_hdf5_filename"), _open_h5py), (lazy_fixture("local_hdf5_path"), _open_h5py), (lazy_fixture("local_hdf5_fsspec"), _open_h5py), ], ) def test_open_file_or_filename(file_thing, create_read_func): """Test various combinations of file-like things and opening them with various libraries.""" from satpy.readers import open_file_or_filename read_func = create_read_func() open_thing = open_file_or_filename(file_thing) read_func(open_thing)