satpy.tests.test_config module

Test objects and functions in the satpy.config module.

class satpy.tests.test_config.TestBuiltinAreas(methodName='runTest')[source]

Bases: TestCase

Test that the builtin areas are all valid.

Create an instance of the class that will use the named test method when executed. Raises a ValueError if the instance does not have a method with the specified name.

_classSetupFailed = False
_class_cleanups = []

Test all areas have valid projections with pyproj.


Test all areas have valid projections with rasterio.

class satpy.tests.test_config.TestConfigObject[source]

Bases: object

Test basic functionality of the central config object.


Test that a str config path isn’t allowed.


Test that multiple config paths are accepted.


Test that config paths from subprocesses load properly.

Satpy modifies the config path environment variable when it is imported. If Satpy is imported again from a subprocess then it should be able to parse this modified variable.


Test adding a custom configuration file using SATPY_CONFIG.


Test that deprecated variables are mapped to new config.


Check that the default temporary directory is writable.

class satpy.tests.test_config.TestPluginsConfigs[source]

Bases: object

Test that plugins are working.

static _check_available_component(available_func, exp_component)[source]
static _get_and_check_reader_writer_configs(specified_component, configs_func, exp_yaml)[source]

Set up the test.


Check that the plugin configs are looked for.


Test that composites can be loaded from plugin entry points.

test_plugin_enhancements_generic_sensor(fake_enh_plugin_etc_path, sensor_name, exp_result)[source]

Test that enhancements from a plugin are available.


Test that readers can be loaded from plugin entry points.

test_plugin_reader_configs(fake_reader_plugin_etc_path, specified_reader)[source]

Test that readers can be loaded from plugin entry points.


Test that readers can be loaded from plugin entry points.

test_plugin_writer_configs(fake_writer_plugin_etc_path, specified_writer)[source]

Test that writers can be loaded from plugin entry points.

satpy.tests.test_config._create_fake_importlib_files(module_paths: dict[str, Path]) Callable[[str], Path][source]
satpy.tests.test_config._create_fake_iter_entry_points(entry_points: dict[str, list[EntryPoint]]) Callable[[], dict[str, EntryPoint]][source]
satpy.tests.test_config._create_yamlbased_plugin(tmp_path: Path, component_type: str, yaml_name: str, yaml_func: Callable[[str], None]) Iterator[Path][source]
satpy.tests.test_config._get_entry_points_and_etc_paths(tmp_path: Path, entry_point_names: dict[str, list[str]]) tuple[Path, dict[str, list[EntryPoint]], dict[str, Path]][source]
satpy.tests.test_config._write_fake_composite_yaml(yaml_filename: str) None[source]
satpy.tests.test_config._write_fake_enh_yamls(yaml_filename: str) None[source]
satpy.tests.test_config._write_fake_reader_yaml(yaml_filename: str) None[source]
satpy.tests.test_config._write_fake_writer_yaml(yaml_filename: str) None[source]
satpy.tests.test_config.fake_composite_plugin_etc_path(tmp_path: Path) Iterator[Path][source]

Create a fake plugin entry point with a fake compositor YAML configuration file.

satpy.tests.test_config.fake_enh_plugin_etc_path(tmp_path: Path) Iterator[Path][source]

Create a fake plugin entry point with a fake enhancement YAML configure files.

This creates a fake_sensor.yaml and generic.yaml enhancement configuration.

satpy.tests.test_config.fake_plugin_etc_path(tmp_path: Path, entry_point_names: dict[str, list[str]]) Iterator[Path][source]

Create a fake satpy plugin entry point.

This mocks the necessary methods to trick Satpy into thinking a plugin package is installed and has made a satpy plugin available.

satpy.tests.test_config.fake_reader_plugin_etc_path(tmp_path: Path) Iterator[Path][source]

Create a fake plugin entry point with a fake reader YAML configuration file.

satpy.tests.test_config.fake_writer_plugin_etc_path(tmp_path: Path) Iterator[Path][source]

Create a fake plugin entry point with a fake writer YAML configuration file.


Test writable directory check.