satpy.tests.reader_tests._li_test_utils module

Common utility modules used for LI mock-oriented unit tests.

class satpy.tests.reader_tests._li_test_utils.FakeLIFileHandlerBase(filename, filename_info, filetype_info, auto_maskandscale=False, xarray_kwargs=None, cache_var_size=0, cache_handle=False, extra_file_content=None)[source]

Bases: FakeNetCDF4FileHandler

Class for faking the NetCDF4 Filehandler.

Get fake file content from ‘get_test_content’.

get_test_content(filename, filename_info, filetype_info)[source]

Get the content of the test data.

Here we generate the default content we want to provide depending on the provided filename infos.

get_variable_writer(dset, settings)[source]

Get a variable writer.

schema_parameters = None
write_sector_variables(settings, write_variable)[source]

Write the sector variables.

write_variables(settings, write_variable)[source]

Write raw (i.e. not in sectors) variables.

satpy.tests.reader_tests._li_test_utils.accumulation_dimensions(nacc, nobs)[source]

Set dimensions for the accumulated products.

satpy.tests.reader_tests._li_test_utils.add_attributes(attribs, ignored_attrs, desc)[source]

Add all the custom properties directly as attributes.

satpy.tests.reader_tests._li_test_utils.extract_filetype_info(filetype_infos, filetype)[source]

Extract Satpy-conform filetype_info from filetype_infos fixture.

satpy.tests.reader_tests._li_test_utils.fci_grid_definition(axis, nobs)[source]

FCI grid definition on X or Y axis.

satpy.tests.reader_tests._li_test_utils.get_product_schema(pname, settings=None)[source]

Retrieve an LI product schema given its name.


Define schema for LI L2 AF product.


Define schema for LI L2 AFA product.


Define schema for LI L2 AFR product.


Define schema for LI L2 LE product.


Define schema for LI L2 LEF product.


Define schema for LI L2 LFL product.


Define schema for LI L2 LGR product.


MTG geos projection definition.

satpy.tests.reader_tests._li_test_utils.populate_dummy_data(data, names, details)[source]

Populate variable with dummy data.

satpy.tests.reader_tests._li_test_utils.set_variable_path(var_path, desc, sname)[source]

Replace variable default path if applicable and ensure trailing separator.