Source code for satpy.tests.writer_tests.test_ninjogeotiff

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2021 Satpy developers
# This file is part of satpy.
# satpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# satpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# satpy.  If not, see <>.
"""Tests for writing GeoTIFF files with NinJoTIFF tags."""

import datetime
import logging
import os
from unittest.mock import Mock

import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
import pytest
import xarray as xr
from pyresample import create_area_def

from satpy import Scene
from satpy.writers import get_enhanced_image, to_image

    from math import prod
except ImportError:  # Remove when dropping Python < 3.8
    from functools import reduce
    from operator import mul

    def prod(iterable):  # type: ignore
        """Drop-in replacement for"""
        return reduce(mul, iterable, 1)

# The following fixtures are not defined in this file, but are used and injected by Pytest:
# - tmp_path
# - monkeypatch
# - caplog

[docs] def _get_fake_da(lo, hi, shp, dtype="f4"): """Generate dask array with synthetic data. This is more or less a 2d linspace: it'll return a 2-d dask array of shape ``shp``, lowest value is ``lo``, highest value is ``hi``. """ return da.linspace(lo, hi, prod(shp), dtype=dtype).reshape(shp)
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def test_area_tiny_eqc_sphere(): """Create 10x00 test equirectangular area centered on (40, -30), spherical geoid, m.""" shp = (10, 20) test_area = create_area_def( "test-area-eqc-sphere", {"proj": "eqc", "lat_ts": 0., "lat_0": 0., "lon_0": 0., "x_0": 0., "y_0": 0., "ellps": "sphere", "units": "m", "no_defs": None, "type": "crs"}, units="m", shape=shp, resolution=1000, center=(-3330000.0, 4440000.0)) return test_area
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def test_area_small_eqc_wgs84(): """Create 50x100 test equirectangular area centered on (50, 90), wgs84.""" shp = (50, 100) test_area = create_area_def( "test-area-eqc-wgs84", {"proj": "eqc", "lat_0": 2.5, "lon_0": 1., "ellps": "WGS84"}, units="m", shape=shp, resolution=1000, center=(10000000.0, 6000000.0)) return test_area
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def test_area_tiny_stereographic_wgs84(): """Create a 20x10 test stereographic area centered near the north pole, wgs84.""" shp = (20, 10) test_area = create_area_def( "test-area-north-stereo", {"proj": "stere", "lat_0": 75.0, "lon_0": 2.0, "lat_ts": 60.0, "ellps": "WGS84", "units": "m", "type": "crs"}, units="m", shape=shp, resolution=1000, center=(0.0, 1500000.0)) return test_area
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def test_area_tiny_antarctic(): """Create a 20x10 test stereographic area centered near the south pole, wgs84.""" shp = (20, 10) test_area = create_area_def( "test-area-south-stereo", {"proj": "stere", "lat_0": -75.0, "lon_0": 2.0, "lat_ts": 60.0, "ellps": "WGS84", "units": "m", "type": "crs"}, units="m", shape=shp, resolution=1000, center=(0.0, -1500000.0)) return test_area
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def test_area_northpole(): """Create a 20x10 test area centered exactly on the north pole. This has no well-defined central meridian so needs separate testing. """ shp = (20, 10) test_area = create_area_def( "test-area-north-pole", {"proj": "stere", "lat_0": 90, "lat_ts": 60, "ellps": "WGS84"}, shape=shp, resolution=1000, center=(0.0, 15000000.0)) return test_area
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def test_area_merc(): """Create a mercator area.""" from pyproj import CRS shp = (20, 10) test_area = create_area_def( "test-area-merc", CRS("+proj=merc"), units="m", shape=shp, resolution=1000, center=(0.0, 0.0)) return test_area
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def test_area_weird(): """Create a weird area (interrupted goode homolosine) to test error handling.""" from pyproj import CRS shp = (20, 10) test_area = create_area_def( "test-area-north-stereo", CRS("+proj=igh"), units="m", shape=shp, resolution=1000, center=(0.0, 1500000.0)) return test_area
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def test_area_epsg4326(): """Test with EPSG4326 (latlong) area, which has no CRS coordinate operation.""" from pyproj import CRS shp = (16, 8) euro4326 = create_area_def( "epgs4326europa", CRS.from_epsg(4326), resolution=1/128, shape=shp, center=(0, 0)) return euro4326
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def test_image_small_mid_atlantic_L(test_area_tiny_eqc_sphere): """Get a small test image in mode L, over Atlantic.""" arr = xr.DataArray( _get_fake_da(-80, 40, test_area_tiny_eqc_sphere.shape + (1,)), dims=("y", "x", "bands"), attrs={ "name": "test-small-mid-atlantic", "start_time": datetime.datetime(1985, 8, 13, 13, 0), "area": test_area_tiny_eqc_sphere}) return get_enhanced_image(arr)
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def test_image_small_mid_atlantic_K_L(test_area_tiny_eqc_sphere): """Get a small test image in units K, mode L, over Atlantic.""" arr = xr.DataArray( _get_fake_da(-80+273.15, 40+273.15, test_area_tiny_eqc_sphere.shape + (1,)), dims=("y", "x", "bands"), attrs={ "name": "test-small-mid-atlantic", "start_time": datetime.datetime(1985, 8, 13, 13, 0), "area": test_area_tiny_eqc_sphere, "units": "K"}) return get_enhanced_image(arr)
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def test_image_small_mid_atlantic_L_no_quantity(test_area_tiny_eqc_sphere): """Get a small test image, mode L, over Atlantic, with non-quantitywvalues. This could be the case, for example, for vis_with_night_ir. """ arr = xr.DataArray( _get_fake_da(0, 273, test_area_tiny_eqc_sphere.shape + (1,)), dims=("y", "x", "bands"), attrs={ "name": "test-small-mid-atlantic", "start_time": datetime.datetime(1985, 8, 13, 13, 0), "area": test_area_tiny_eqc_sphere, "units": "N/A"}) return get_enhanced_image(arr)
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def test_image_large_asia_RGB(test_area_small_eqc_wgs84): """Get a large-ish test image in mode RGB, over Asia.""" arr = xr.DataArray( _get_fake_da(0, 255, test_area_small_eqc_wgs84.shape + (3,), "uint8"), dims=("y", "x", "bands"), coords={"bands": ["R", "G", "B"]}, attrs={ "name": "test-large-asia", "start_time": datetime.datetime(2015, 10, 21, 20, 25, 0), "area": test_area_small_eqc_wgs84, "mode": "RGB"}) return get_enhanced_image(arr)
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def test_image_small_arctic_P(test_area_tiny_stereographic_wgs84): """Get a small-ish test image in mode P, over Arctic.""" arr = xr.DataArray( _get_fake_da(0, 10, test_area_tiny_stereographic_wgs84.shape + (1,), "uint8"), dims=("y", "x", "bands"), coords={"bands": ["P"]}, attrs={ "name": "test-small-arctic", "start_time": datetime.datetime(2027, 8, 2, 8, 20), "area": test_area_tiny_stereographic_wgs84, "mode": "P"}) # simulate an enhancement history such as palettize may add arr.attrs["enhancement_history"] = [ {"scale": np.float64(0.01), "offset": np.float64(0.0), "colormap": Mock()}] return to_image(arr)
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def test_image_northpole(test_area_northpole): """Test image with area exactly on northpole.""" arr = xr.DataArray( _get_fake_da(1, 100, test_area_northpole.shape + (1,), "uint8"), dims=("y", "x", "bands"), coords={"bands": ["L"]}, attrs={ "name": "test-northpole", "start_time": datetime.datetime(1926, 5, 12, 0), "area": test_area_northpole, "mode": "L"}) return get_enhanced_image(arr)
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def test_image_weird(test_area_weird): """Get a small image with some weird properties to test error handling.""" da = xr.DataArray( _get_fake_da(1, 2, test_area_weird.shape + (2,), "uint8"), dims=("y", "x", "bands"), coords={"bands": ["L", "A"]}, attrs={ "name": "interrupted image", "start_time": datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1), "area": test_area_weird, "mode": "LA"}) return get_enhanced_image(da)
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def test_image_rgba_merc(test_area_merc): """Get a small test image in mode RGBA and mercator.""" arr = xr.DataArray( _get_fake_da(-80, 40, test_area_merc.shape + (4,)), dims=("y", "x", "bands"), coords={"bands": ["R", "G", "B", "A"]}, attrs={ "name": "test-rgba", "start_time": datetime.datetime(2013, 2, 22, 12, 0), "area": test_area_merc, "mode": "RGBA"}) return get_enhanced_image(arr)
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def test_image_cmyk_antarctic(test_area_tiny_antarctic): """Get a small test image in mode CMYK on south pole.""" arr = xr.DataArray( _get_fake_da(-80, 40, test_area_tiny_antarctic.shape + (4,)), dims=("y", "x", "bands"), coords={"bands": ["C", "M", "Y", "K"]}, attrs={ "name": "test-cmyk", "start_time": datetime.datetime(2065, 11, 22, 11), "area": test_area_tiny_antarctic, "mode": "CMYK"}) return get_enhanced_image(arr)
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def test_image_latlon(test_area_epsg4326): """Get image with latlon areadefinition.""" arr = xr.DataArray( _get_fake_da(-50, 30, test_area_epsg4326.shape + (1,)), dims=("y", "x", "bands"), coords={"bands": ["L"]}, attrs={ "name": "test-latlon", "start_time": datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0), "area": test_area_epsg4326, "mode": "L"}) return get_enhanced_image(arr)
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def ntg1(test_image_small_mid_atlantic_L): """Create instance of NinJoTagGenerator class.""" from satpy.writers.ninjogeotiff import NinJoTagGenerator return NinJoTagGenerator( test_image_small_mid_atlantic_L, 255, "quinoa.tif", ChannelID=900015, DataType="GORN", PhysicUnit="C", PhysicValue="Temperature", SatelliteNameID=6400014, DataSource="dowsing rod")
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def ntg2(test_image_large_asia_RGB): """Create instance of NinJoTagGenerator class.""" from satpy.writers.ninjogeotiff import NinJoTagGenerator return NinJoTagGenerator( test_image_large_asia_RGB, 0, "seitan.tif", ChannelID=1000015, DataType="GORN", PhysicUnit="N/A", PhysicValue="N/A", SatelliteNameID=6400014)
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def ntg3(test_image_small_arctic_P): """Create instance of NinJoTagGenerator class.""" from satpy.writers.ninjogeotiff import NinJoTagGenerator return NinJoTagGenerator( test_image_small_arctic_P, 255, "spelt.tif", ChannelID=800012, DataType="PPRN", PhysicUnit="N/A", PhysicValue="N/A", SatelliteNameID=6500014, OverFlightTime=42)
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def ntg_northpole(test_image_northpole): """Create NinJoTagGenerator with north pole image.""" from satpy.writers.ninjogeotiff import NinJoTagGenerator return NinJoTagGenerator( test_image_northpole, 255, "lentils.tif", ChannelID=900012, DataType="PORN", PhysicUnit="Temperature", PhysicValue="K", SatelliteNameID=7500014)
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def ntg_weird(test_image_weird): """Create NinJoTagGenerator instance with weird image.""" from satpy.writers.ninjogeotiff import NinJoTagGenerator return NinJoTagGenerator( test_image_weird, 12, "tempeh.tif", ChannelID=800012, DataType="PPRN", PhysicUnit="N/A", PhysicValue="N/A", SatelliteNameID=6500014)
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def ntg_no_fill_value(test_image_small_mid_atlantic_L): """Create instance of NinJoTagGenerator class.""" from satpy.writers.ninjogeotiff import NinJoTagGenerator return NinJoTagGenerator( test_image_small_mid_atlantic_L, None, "bulgur.tif", ChannelID=900015, DataType="GORN", PhysicUnit="C", PhysicValue="Temperature", SatelliteNameID=6400014, DataSource="dowsing rod")
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def ntg_rgba(test_image_rgba_merc): """Create NinJoTagGenerator instance with RGBA image.""" from satpy.writers.ninjogeotiff import NinJoTagGenerator return NinJoTagGenerator( test_image_rgba_merc, 12, "soy.tif", ChannelID=800042, DataType="GORN", PhysicUnit="N/A", PhysicValue="N/A", SatelliteNameID=6500014)
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def ntg_cmyk(test_image_cmyk_antarctic): """Create NinJoTagGenerator instance with CMYK image.""" from satpy.writers.ninjogeotiff import NinJoTagGenerator return NinJoTagGenerator( test_image_cmyk_antarctic, 0, "tvp.tif", ChannelID=123042, DataType="PPRN", PhysicUnit="N/A", PhysicValue="N/A", SatelliteNameID=6500014)
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def ntg_latlon(test_image_latlon): """Create NinJoTagGenerator with latlon-area image.""" from satpy.writers.ninjogeotiff import NinJoTagGenerator return NinJoTagGenerator( test_image_latlon, 0, "latlon.tif", ChannelID=123456, DataType="GORN", PhysicUnit="%", PhysicValue="Reflectance", SatelliteNameID=654321)
[docs] @pytest.fixture def _patch_datetime_now(monkeypatch): """Get a fake""" # Source:, CC-BY-SA 4.0 class mydatetime(datetime.datetime): """Drop-in replacement for datetime.datetime.""" @classmethod def now(cls, tz=datetime.timezone.utc): """Drop-in replacement for""" return datetime.datetime(2033, 5, 18, 3, 33, 20, tzinfo=tz) monkeypatch.setattr(datetime, "datetime", mydatetime)
[docs] def test_write_and_read_file(test_image_small_mid_atlantic_L, tmp_path): """Test that it writes a GeoTIFF with the appropriate NinJo-tags.""" import rasterio from satpy.writers.ninjogeotiff import NinJoGeoTIFFWriter fn = os.fspath(tmp_path / "test.tif") ngtw = NinJoGeoTIFFWriter() ngtw.save_dataset(, filename=fn, fill_value=0, blockxsize=128, blockysize=128, compress="lzw", predictor=2, PhysicUnit="C", PhysicValue="Temperature", SatelliteNameID=6400014, ChannelID=900015, DataType="GORN", DataSource="dowsing rod") src = tgs = src.tags() assert tgs["ninjo_FileName"] == fn assert tgs["ninjo_DataSource"] == "dowsing rod" np.testing.assert_allclose(float(tgs["ninjo_Gradient"]), 0.46771654391851947) np.testing.assert_allclose(float(tgs["ninjo_AxisIntercept"]), -79.86771951938239)
[docs] def test_write_and_read_file_RGB(test_image_large_asia_RGB, tmp_path): """Test writing and reading RGB.""" import rasterio from satpy.writers.ninjogeotiff import NinJoGeoTIFFWriter fn = os.fspath(tmp_path / "test.tif") ngtw = NinJoGeoTIFFWriter() ngtw.save_dataset(, filename=fn, fill_value=0, PhysicUnit="N/A", PhysicValue="N/A", SatelliteNameID=6400014, ChannelID=900015, DataType="GORN", DataSource="dowsing rod") src = tgs = src.tags() assert tgs["ninjo_FileName"] == fn assert tgs["ninjo_DataSource"] == "dowsing rod" assert "ninjo_Gradient" not in tgs.keys() assert "ninjo_AxisIntercept" not in tgs.keys() assert tgs["ninjo_PhysicValue"] == "N/A"
[docs] def test_write_and_read_file_LA(test_image_latlon, tmp_path): """Test writing and reading LA image.""" import rasterio from satpy.writers.ninjogeotiff import NinJoGeoTIFFWriter fn = os.fspath(tmp_path / "test.tif") ngtw = NinJoGeoTIFFWriter() ngtw.save_dataset(, filename=fn, fill_value=None, # to make it LA PhysicUnit="%", PhysicValue="Reflectance", SatelliteNameID=6400014, ChannelID=900015, DataType="GORN", DataSource="dowsing rod") src = assert len(src.indexes) == 2 # mode LA tgs = src.tags() assert tgs["ninjo_FileName"] == fn assert tgs["ninjo_DataSource"] == "dowsing rod" np.testing.assert_allclose(float(tgs["ninjo_Gradient"]), 0.31058823679007746) np.testing.assert_allclose(float(tgs["ninjo_AxisIntercept"]), -49.6) assert tgs["ninjo_PhysicValue"] == "Reflectance" assert tgs["ninjo_TransparentPixel"] == "-1" # meaning not set
[docs] def test_write_and_read_file_P(test_image_small_arctic_P, tmp_path): """Test writing and reading P image.""" import rasterio from trollimage.colormap import Colormap from satpy.writers.ninjogeotiff import NinJoGeoTIFFWriter fn = os.fspath(tmp_path / "test.tif") ngtw = NinJoGeoTIFFWriter() ngtw.save_image( test_image_small_arctic_P, filename=fn, fill_value=255, PhysicUnit="satdata", PhysicValue="satdata", SatelliteNameID=6400014, ChannelID=900015, DataType="PPRN", DataSource="dowsing rod", keep_palette=True, cmap=Colormap(*enumerate(zip(*([np.linspace(0, 1, 256)]*3))))) src = assert len(src.indexes) == 1 # mode P assert src.colorinterp[0] == rasterio.enums.ColorInterp.palette tgs = src.tags() assert tgs["ninjo_FileName"] == fn assert tgs["ninjo_DataSource"] == "dowsing rod" assert tgs["ninjo_Gradient"] == "1.0" assert tgs["ninjo_AxisIntercept"] == "0.0"
[docs] def test_write_and_read_file_units( test_image_small_mid_atlantic_K_L, tmp_path, caplog): """Test that it writes a GeoTIFF with the appropriate NinJo-tags and units.""" import rasterio from satpy.writers.ninjogeotiff import NinJoGeoTIFFWriter fn = os.fspath(tmp_path / "test.tif") ngtw = NinJoGeoTIFFWriter() with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG): ngtw.save_dataset(, filename=fn, fill_value=0, blockxsize=128, blockysize=128, compress="lzw", predictor=2, PhysicUnit="C", PhysicValue="Temperature", SatelliteNameID=6400014, ChannelID=900015, DataType="GORN", DataSource="dowsing rod") assert "Adding offset for K → °C conversion" in caplog.text # a better test would be to check that the attributes haven't changed at # all, but that currently fails due to # assert["enhancement_history"][0] != {"scale": 1, "offset": 273.15} src = tgs = src.tags() assert tgs["ninjo_FileName"] == fn assert tgs["ninjo_DataSource"] == "dowsing rod" np.testing.assert_allclose(float(tgs["ninjo_Gradient"]), 0.467717, rtol=1e-5) np.testing.assert_allclose(float(tgs["ninjo_AxisIntercept"]), -79.86771, rtol=1e-5) fn2 = os.fspath(tmp_path / "test2.tif") with caplog.at_level(logging.WARNING): ngtw.save_dataset(, filename=fn2, fill_value=0, blockxsize=128, blockysize=128, compress="lzw", predictor=2, PhysicUnit="F", PhysicValue="Temperature", SatelliteNameID=6400014, ChannelID=900015, DataType="GORN", DataSource="dowsing rod") assert ("Writing F to ninjogeotiff headers, but " "data attributes have unit K. " "No conversion applied.") in caplog.text
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize("unit", ["N/A", "1", ""]) def test_write_and_read_no_quantity( test_image_small_mid_atlantic_L_no_quantity, tmp_path, unit): """Test that no scale/offset written if no valid units present.""" import rasterio from satpy.writers.ninjogeotiff import NinJoGeoTIFFWriter fn = os.fspath(tmp_path / "test.tif") ngtw = NinJoGeoTIFFWriter() ngtw.save_dataset(, filename=fn, blockxsize=128, blockysize=128, compress="lzw", predictor=2, PhysicUnit=unit, PhysicValue="N/A", SatelliteNameID=6400014, ChannelID=900015, DataType="GORN", DataSource="dowsing rod") src = tgs = src.tags() assert "ninjo_Gradient" not in tgs.keys() assert "ninjo_AxisIntercept" not in tgs.keys()
[docs] def test_write_and_read_via_scene(test_image_small_mid_atlantic_L, tmp_path): """Test that all attributes are written also when writing from scene. It appears that :func:`Satpy.Scene.save_dataset` does not pass the filename to the writer. Test that filename is still written to header when saving this way (the regular way). """ import rasterio sc = Scene() fn = os.fspath(tmp_path / "test-{name}.tif") sc["montanha-do-pico"] = sc.save_dataset( "montanha-do-pico", writer="ninjogeotiff", filename=fn, fill_value=0, PhysicUnit="C", PhysicValue="Temperature", SatelliteNameID=6400014, ChannelID=900015, DataType="GORN") src = / "test-montanha-do-pico.tif") tgs = src.tags() assert tgs["ninjo_FileName"] == os.fspath(tmp_path / "test-montanha-do-pico.tif")
[docs] def test_get_all_tags(ntg1, ntg3, ntg_latlon, ntg_northpole, caplog): """Test getting all tags from dataset.""" # test that passed, dynamic, and mandatory tags are all included, and # nothing more t1 = ntg1.get_all_tags() assert set(t1.keys()) == ( ntg1.fixed_tags.keys() | ntg1.passed_tags | ntg1.dynamic_tags.keys() | {"DataSource"}) # test that when extra tag is passed this is also included t3 = ntg3.get_all_tags() assert t3.keys() == ( ntg3.fixed_tags.keys() | ntg3.passed_tags | ntg3.dynamic_tags.keys() | {"OverFlightTime"}) assert t3["OverFlightTime"] == 42 # test that CentralMeridian skipped and warning logged with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG): t_latlon = ntg_latlon.get_all_tags() assert ("Unable to obtain value for optional NinJo tag CentralMeridian" in caplog.text) assert "CentralMeridian" not in t_latlon.keys() t_northpole = ntg_northpole.get_all_tags() assert "CentralMeridian" not in t_northpole.keys()
[docs] def test_calc_single_tag_by_name(ntg1, ntg2, ntg3): """Test calculating single tag from dataset.""" assert ntg1.get_tag("Magic") == "NINJO" assert ntg1.get_tag("DataType") == "GORN" assert ntg2.get_tag("DataType") == "GORN" assert ntg3.get_tag("DataType") == "PPRN" assert ntg1.get_tag("DataSource") == "dowsing rod" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Unknown tag: invalid"): ntg1.get_tag("invalid") with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Optional tag OriginalHeader must be supplied by user if user wants to request the value," " but wasn't."): ntg1.get_tag("OriginalHeader") with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Tag Gradient is added later by the GeoTIFF writer."): ntg1.get_tag("Gradient")
[docs] def test_get_central_meridian(ntg1, ntg2, ntg3, ntg_latlon, ntg_northpole): """Test calculating the central meridian.""" cm = ntg1.get_central_meridian() assert isinstance(cm, float) np.testing.assert_allclose(cm, 0.0) np.testing.assert_allclose(ntg2.get_central_meridian(), 1.0) np.testing.assert_allclose(ntg3.get_central_meridian(), 2.0) with pytest.raises(AttributeError): # latlon area has no central meridian ntg_latlon.get_central_meridian() with pytest.raises(KeyError): # nor does area exactly on northpole ntg_northpole.get_central_meridian()
[docs] def test_get_color_depth(ntg1, ntg2, ntg3, ntg_weird, ntg_rgba, ntg_cmyk): """Test extracting the color depth.""" cd = ntg1.get_color_depth() assert isinstance(cd, int) assert cd == 8 # mode L assert ntg2.get_color_depth() == 24 # mode RGB assert ntg3.get_color_depth() == 8 # mode P assert ntg_weird.get_color_depth() == 16 # mode LA assert ntg_rgba.get_color_depth() == 32 # mode RGBA with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Unsupported image mode: CMYK"): ntg_cmyk.get_color_depth()
[docs] @pytest.mark.usefixtures("_patch_datetime_now") def test_get_creation_date_id(ntg1, ntg2, ntg3): """Test getting the creation date ID. This is the time at which the file was created. This test believes it is run at 2033-5-18 05:33:20Z. """ cdid = ntg1.get_creation_date_id() assert isinstance(cdid, int) assert cdid == 2000000000 assert ntg2.get_creation_date_id() == 2000000000 assert ntg3.get_creation_date_id() == 2000000000
[docs] def test_get_date_id(ntg1, ntg2, ntg3): """Test getting the date ID.""" did = ntg1.get_date_id() assert isinstance(did, int) assert did == 492786000 assert ntg2.get_date_id() == 1445459100 assert ntg3.get_date_id() == 1817194800
[docs] def test_get_earth_radius_large(ntg1, ntg2, ntg3): """Test getting the Earth semi-major axis.""" erl = ntg1.get_earth_radius_large() assert isinstance(erl, float) np.testing.assert_allclose(erl, 6370997.0) np.testing.assert_allclose(ntg2.get_earth_radius_large(), 6378137.0) np.testing.assert_allclose(ntg3.get_earth_radius_large(), 6378137.0)
[docs] def test_get_earth_radius_small(ntg1, ntg2, ntg3): """Test getting the Earth semi-minor axis.""" ers = ntg1.get_earth_radius_small() assert isinstance(ers, float) np.testing.assert_allclose(ers, 6370997.0) np.testing.assert_allclose(ntg2.get_earth_radius_small(), 6356752.314245179) np.testing.assert_allclose(ntg3.get_earth_radius_small(), 6356752.314245179)
[docs] def test_get_filename(ntg1, ntg2, ntg3): """Test getting the filename.""" assert ntg1.get_filename() == "quinoa.tif" assert ntg2.get_filename() == "seitan.tif" assert ntg3.get_filename() == "spelt.tif"
[docs] def test_get_min_gray_value_L(ntg1): """Test getting min gray value for mode L.""" mg = ntg1.get_min_gray_value() assert isinstance(mg.compute().item(), int) assert mg.compute() == 0
[docs] def test_get_min_gray_value_RGB(ntg2): """Test getting min gray value for RGB. Note that min/max gray value is mandatory in NinJo even for RGBs? """ assert ntg2.get_min_gray_value().compute().item() == 1 # fill value 0
[docs] def test_get_min_gray_value_P(ntg3): """Test getting min gray value for mode P.""" assert ntg3.get_min_gray_value().compute().item() == 0
[docs] def test_get_max_gray_value_L(ntg1): """Test getting max gray value for mode L.""" mg = ntg1.get_max_gray_value().compute().item() assert isinstance(mg, int) assert mg == 254 # fill value is 255
[docs] def test_get_max_gray_value_RGB(ntg2): """Test max gray value for RGB.""" assert ntg2.get_max_gray_value() == 255
[docs] def test_get_max_gray_value_P(ntg3): """Test getting max gray value for mode P.""" assert ntg3.get_max_gray_value().compute().item() == 10
[docs] @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="not easy, not needed, not implemented") def test_get_meridian_east(ntg1, ntg2, ntg3): """Test getting east meridian.""" np.testing.assert_allclose(ntg1.get_meridian_east(), -29.048101549452294) np.testing.assert_allclose(ntg2.get_meridian_east(), 180.0) np.testing.assert_allclose(ntg3.get_meridian_east(), 99.81468125314737)
[docs] @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="not easy, not needed, not implemented") def test_get_meridian_west(ntg1, ntg2, ntg3): """Test getting west meridian.""" np.testing.assert_allclose(ntg1.get_meridian_west(), -30.846745608241903) np.testing.assert_allclose(ntg2.get_meridian_east(), -180.0) np.testing.assert_allclose(ntg3.get_meridian_west(), 81.84837557075694)
[docs] def test_get_projection(ntg1, ntg2, ntg3, ntg_weird, ntg_rgba, ntg_cmyk, ntg_latlon): """Test getting projection string.""" assert ntg1.get_projection() == "PLAT" assert ntg2.get_projection() == "PLAT" assert ntg3.get_projection() == "NPOL" assert ntg_cmyk.get_projection() == "SPOL" assert ntg_rgba.get_projection() == "MERC" assert ntg_latlon.get_projection() == "PLAT" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Unknown mapping from area .*"): ntg_weird.get_projection()
[docs] def test_get_ref_lat_1(ntg1, ntg2, ntg3, ntg_weird, ntg_latlon): """Test getting reference latitude 1.""" rl1 = ntg1.get_ref_lat_1() assert isinstance(rl1, float) np.testing.assert_allclose(rl1, 0.0) np.testing.assert_allclose(ntg2.get_ref_lat_1(), 2.5) np.testing.assert_allclose(ntg3.get_ref_lat_1(), 75) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Could not find reference latitude for area test-area-north-stereo"): ntg_weird.get_ref_lat_1() with pytest.raises(AttributeError): ntg_latlon.get_ref_lat_1()
[docs] @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Not implemented, what is this?") def test_get_ref_lat_2(ntg1, ntg2, ntg3): """Test getting reference latitude 2.""" rl2 = ntg1.get_ref_lat_2() assert isinstance(rl2, float) np.testing.assert_allclose(rl2, 0.0) np.testing.assert_allclose(ntg2.get_ref_lat_2(), 0.0) np.testing.assert_allclose(ntg2.get_ref_lat_3(), 0.0)
[docs] def test_get_transparent_pixel(ntg1, ntg2, ntg3, ntg_no_fill_value): """Test getting fill value.""" tp = ntg1.get_transparent_pixel() assert isinstance(tp, int) assert tp == 255 assert ntg2.get_transparent_pixel() == 0 assert ntg3.get_transparent_pixel() == 255 assert ntg_no_fill_value.get_transparent_pixel() == -1
[docs] def test_get_xmax(ntg1, ntg2, ntg3): """Test getting maximum x.""" xmax = ntg1.get_xmaximum() assert isinstance(xmax, int) assert xmax == 20 assert ntg2.get_xmaximum() == 100 assert ntg3.get_xmaximum() == 10
[docs] def test_get_ymax(ntg1, ntg2, ntg3): """Test getting maximum y.""" ymax = ntg1.get_ymaximum() assert isinstance(ymax, int) assert ymax == 10 assert ntg2.get_ymaximum() == 50 assert ntg3.get_ymaximum() == 20
[docs] def test_create_unknown_tags(test_image_small_arctic_P): """Test that unknown tags raise ValueError.""" from satpy.writers.ninjogeotiff import NinJoTagGenerator with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="The following tags were not recognised: Locatie"): NinJoTagGenerator( test_image_small_arctic_P, 42, "quorn.tif", ChannelID=800012, DataType="GPRN", PhysicUnit="N/A", PhysicValue="N/A", SatelliteNameID=6500014, Locatie="Hozomeen")
[docs] def test_str_ids(test_image_small_arctic_P): """Test that channel and satellit IDs can be str.""" from satpy.writers.ninjogeotiff import NinJoTagGenerator NinJoTagGenerator( test_image_small_arctic_P, 42, "quorn.tif", ChannelID="la manche", DataType="GPRN", PhysicUnit="N/A", PhysicValue="N/A", SatelliteNameID="trollsat")