Source code for satpy.tests.test_resample

# Copyright (c) 2016 Satpy developers
# This file is part of satpy.
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# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# satpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
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"""Unittests for resamplers."""

import os
import shutil
import tempfile
import unittest
from unittest import mock

import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
import pytest
import xarray as xr
from pyproj import CRS

from satpy.resample import NativeResampler

[docs] def get_test_data(input_shape=(100, 50), output_shape=(200, 100), output_proj=None, input_dims=("y", "x")): """Get common data objects used in testing. Returns: tuple: * input_data_on_area: DataArray with dimensions as if it is a gridded dataset. * input_area_def: AreaDefinition of the above DataArray * input_data_on_swath: DataArray with dimensions as if it is a swath. * input_swath: SwathDefinition of the above DataArray * target_area_def: AreaDefinition to be used as a target for resampling """ import dask.array as da from pyresample.geometry import AreaDefinition, SwathDefinition from xarray import DataArray ds1 = DataArray(da.zeros(input_shape, chunks=85), dims=input_dims, attrs={"name": "test_data_name", "test": "test"}) if input_dims and "y" in input_dims: ds1 = ds1.assign_coords(y=da.arange(input_shape[-2], chunks=85)) if input_dims and "x" in input_dims: ds1 = ds1.assign_coords(x=da.arange(input_shape[-1], chunks=85)) if input_dims and "bands" in input_dims: ds1 = ds1.assign_coords(bands=list("RGBA"[:ds1.sizes["bands"]])) input_proj_str = ("+proj=geos +lon_0=-95.0 +h=35786023.0 +a=6378137.0 " "+b=6356752.31414 +sweep=x +units=m +no_defs") crs = CRS(input_proj_str) source = AreaDefinition( "test_target", "test_target", "test_target", crs, input_shape[1], # width input_shape[0], # height (-1000., -1500., 1000., 1500.)) ds1.attrs["area"] = source ds1 = ds1.assign_coords(crs=crs) ds2 = ds1.copy() input_area_shape = tuple(ds1.sizes[dim] for dim in ds1.dims if dim in ["y", "x"]) geo_dims = ("y", "x") if input_dims else None lons = da.random.random(input_area_shape, chunks=50) lats = da.random.random(input_area_shape, chunks=50) swath_def = SwathDefinition( DataArray(lons, dims=geo_dims), DataArray(lats, dims=geo_dims)) ds2.attrs["area"] = swath_def crs = CRS.from_string("+proj=latlong +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84") ds2 = ds2.assign_coords(crs=crs) # set up target definition output_proj_str = ("+proj=lcc +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 " "+lon_0=-95. +lat_0=25 +lat_1=25 +units=m +no_defs") output_proj_str = output_proj or output_proj_str target = AreaDefinition( "test_target", "test_target", "test_target", CRS(output_proj_str), output_shape[1], # width output_shape[0], # height (-1000., -1500., 1000., 1500.), ) return ds1, source, ds2, swath_def, target
[docs] class TestHLResample(unittest.TestCase): """Test the higher level resampling functions."""
[docs] def test_type_preserve(self): """Check that the type of resampled datasets is preserved.""" from pyresample.geometry import SwathDefinition from satpy.resample import resample_dataset source_area = SwathDefinition(xr.DataArray(da.arange(4, chunks=5).reshape((2, 2)), dims=["y", "x"]), xr.DataArray(da.arange(4, chunks=5).reshape((2, 2)), dims=["y", "x"])) dest_area = SwathDefinition(xr.DataArray(da.arange(4, chunks=5).reshape((2, 2)) + .0001, dims=["y", "x"]), xr.DataArray(da.arange(4, chunks=5).reshape((2, 2)) + .0001, dims=["y", "x"])) expected_gap = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 255]]) data = xr.DataArray(da.from_array(expected_gap, chunks=5), dims=["y", "x"]) data.attrs["_FillValue"] = 255 data.attrs["area"] = source_area res = resample_dataset(data, dest_area) assert res.dtype == data.dtype assert np.all(res.values == expected_gap) expected_filled = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 3]]) res = resample_dataset(data, dest_area, radius_of_influence=1000000) assert res.dtype == data.dtype assert np.all(res.values == expected_filled)
[docs] class TestKDTreeResampler(unittest.TestCase): """Test the kd-tree resampler."""
[docs] @mock.patch("satpy.resample.xr.Dataset") @mock.patch("") @mock.patch("satpy.resample.KDTreeResampler._create_cache_filename") @mock.patch("pyresample.kd_tree.XArrayResamplerNN") def test_kd_resampling(self, xr_resampler, create_filename, zarr_open, xr_dset): """Test the kd resampler.""" from satpy.resample import KDTreeResampler data, source_area, swath_data, source_swath, target_area = get_test_data() mock_dset = mock.MagicMock() xr_dset.return_value = mock_dset resampler = KDTreeResampler(source_swath, target_area) resampler.precompute( mask=da.arange(5, chunks=5).astype(bool), cache_dir=".") xr_resampler.assert_called_once() resampler.resampler.get_neighbour_info.assert_called() # swath definitions should not be cached assert len(mock_dset.to_zarr.mock_calls) == 0 resampler.resampler.reset_mock() resampler = KDTreeResampler(source_area, target_area) resampler.precompute() resampler.resampler.get_neighbour_info.assert_called_with(mask=None) try: the_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() resampler = KDTreeResampler(source_area, target_area) create_filename.return_value = os.path.join(the_dir, "test_cache.zarr") zarr_open.side_effect = ValueError() resampler.precompute(cache_dir=the_dir) # assert data was saved to the on-disk cache assert len(mock_dset.to_zarr.mock_calls) == 1 # assert that zarr_open was called to try to zarr_open something from disk assert len(zarr_open.mock_calls) == 1 # we should have cached things in-memory assert len(resampler._index_caches) == 1 nbcalls = len(resampler.resampler.get_neighbour_info.mock_calls) # test reusing the resampler zarr_open.side_effect = None # The kdtree shouldn't be available after saving cache to disk assert resampler.resampler.delayed_kdtree is None class FakeZarr(dict): def close(self): pass def astype(self, dtype): pass zarr_open.return_value = FakeZarr(valid_input_index=1, valid_output_index=2, index_array=3, distance_array=4) resampler.precompute(cache_dir=the_dir) # we already have things cached in-memory, no need to save again assert len(mock_dset.to_zarr.mock_calls) == 1 # we already have things cached in-memory, don't need to load assert len(zarr_open.mock_calls) == 1 # we should have cached things in-memory assert len(resampler._index_caches) == 1 assert len(resampler.resampler.get_neighbour_info.mock_calls) == nbcalls # test loading saved resampler resampler = KDTreeResampler(source_area, target_area) resampler.precompute(cache_dir=the_dir) assert len(zarr_open.mock_calls) == 4 assert len(resampler.resampler.get_neighbour_info.mock_calls) == nbcalls # we should have cached things in-memory now assert len(resampler._index_caches) == 1 finally: shutil.rmtree(the_dir) fill_value = 8 resampler.compute(data, fill_value=fill_value) resampler.resampler.get_sample_from_neighbour_info.assert_called_with(data, fill_value)
[docs] class TestNativeResampler: """Tests for the 'native' resampling method."""
[docs] def setup_method(self): """Create test data used by multiple tests.""" self.d_arr = da.zeros((6, 20), chunks=4)
[docs] def test_expand_reduce_replicate(self): """Test classmethod 'expand_reduce' to replicate by 2.""" new_data = NativeResampler._expand_reduce(self.d_arr, {0: 2., 1: 2.}) assert new_data.shape == (12, 40)
[docs] def test_expand_reduce_aggregate(self): """Test classmethod 'expand_reduce' to aggregate by half.""" new_data = NativeResampler._expand_reduce(self.d_arr, {0: .5, 1: .5}) assert new_data.shape == (3, 10)
[docs] def test_expand_reduce_aggregate_identity(self): """Test classmethod 'expand_reduce' returns the original dask array when factor is 1.""" new_data = NativeResampler._expand_reduce(self.d_arr, {0: 1., 1: 1.}) assert new_data.shape == (6, 20) assert new_data is self.d_arr
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize("dim0_factor", [1. / 4, 0.333323423, 1.333323423]) def test_expand_reduce_aggregate_invalid(self, dim0_factor): """Test classmethod 'expand_reduce' fails when factor does not divide evenly.""" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="[Aggregation, Expand] .*"): NativeResampler._expand_reduce(self.d_arr, {0: dim0_factor, 1: 1.})
[docs] def test_expand_reduce_agg_rechunk(self): """Test that an incompatible factor for the chunk size is rechunked. This can happen when a user chunks their data that makes sense for the overall shape of the array and for their local machine's performance, but the resulting resampling factor does not divide evenly into that chunk size. """ from satpy.utils import PerformanceWarning d_arr = da.zeros((6, 20), chunks=3) text = "Array chunk size is not divisible by aggregation factor. Re-chunking to continue native resampling." with pytest.warns(PerformanceWarning, match=text): new_data = NativeResampler._expand_reduce(d_arr, {0: 0.5, 1: 0.5}) assert new_data.shape == (3, 10)
[docs] def test_expand_reduce_numpy(self): """Test classmethod 'expand_reduce' converts numpy arrays to dask arrays.""" n_arr = np.zeros((6, 20)) new_data = NativeResampler._expand_reduce(n_arr, {0: 2., 1: 1.0}) np.testing.assert_equal(new_data.compute()[::2, :], n_arr)
[docs] def test_expand_dims(self): """Test expanding native resampling with 2D data.""" ds1, source_area, _, _, target_area = get_test_data() # source geo def doesn't actually matter resampler = NativeResampler(source_area, target_area) new_data = resampler.resample(ds1) assert new_data.shape == (200, 100) new_data2 = resampler.resample(ds1.compute()) np.testing.assert_equal(new_data.compute().data, new_data2.compute().data) assert "y" in new_data.coords assert "x" in new_data.coords assert "crs" in new_data.coords assert isinstance(new_data.coords["crs"].item(), CRS) assert "lambert" in new_data.coords["crs"].item().coordinate_operation.method_name.lower() assert new_data.coords["y"].attrs["units"] == "meter" assert new_data.coords["x"].attrs["units"] == "meter" assert == new_data.coords["crs"].item()
[docs] def test_expand_dims_3d(self): """Test expanding native resampling with 3D data.""" ds1, source_area, _, _, target_area = get_test_data( input_shape=(3, 100, 50), input_dims=("bands", "y", "x")) # source geo def doesn't actually matter resampler = NativeResampler(source_area, target_area) new_data = resampler.resample(ds1) assert new_data.shape == (3, 200, 100) new_data2 = resampler.resample(ds1.compute()) np.testing.assert_equal(new_data.compute().data, new_data2.compute().data) assert "y" in new_data.coords assert "x" in new_data.coords assert "bands" in new_data.coords np.testing.assert_equal(new_data.coords["bands"].values, ["R", "G", "B"]) assert "crs" in new_data.coords assert isinstance(new_data.coords["crs"].item(), CRS) assert "lambert" in new_data.coords["crs"].item().coordinate_operation.method_name.lower() assert new_data.coords["y"].attrs["units"] == "meter" assert new_data.coords["x"].attrs["units"] == "meter" assert == new_data.coords["crs"].item()
[docs] def test_expand_without_dims(self): """Test expanding native resampling with no dimensions specified.""" ds1, source_area, _, _, target_area = get_test_data(input_dims=None) # source geo def doesn't actually matter resampler = NativeResampler(source_area, target_area) new_data = resampler.resample(ds1) assert new_data.shape == (200, 100) new_data2 = resampler.resample(ds1.compute()) np.testing.assert_equal(new_data.compute().data, new_data2.compute().data) assert "crs" in new_data.coords assert isinstance(new_data.coords["crs"].item(), CRS) assert "lambert" in new_data.coords["crs"].item().coordinate_operation.method_name.lower() assert == new_data.coords["crs"].item()
[docs] def test_expand_without_dims_4D(self): """Test expanding native resampling with 4D data with no dimensions specified.""" ds1, source_area, _, _, target_area = get_test_data( input_shape=(2, 3, 100, 50), input_dims=None) # source geo def doesn't actually matter resampler = NativeResampler(source_area, target_area) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Can only handle 2D or 3D arrays without dimensions."): resampler.resample(ds1)
[docs] class TestBilinearResampler(unittest.TestCase): """Test the bilinear resampler."""
[docs] @mock.patch("satpy.resample._move_existing_caches") @mock.patch("satpy.resample.BilinearResampler._create_cache_filename") @mock.patch("pyresample.bilinear.XArrayBilinearResampler") def test_bil_resampling(self, xr_resampler, create_filename, move_existing_caches): """Test the bilinear resampler.""" from satpy.resample import BilinearResampler data, source_area, swath_data, source_swath, target_area = get_test_data() # Test that bilinear resampling info calculation is called resampler = BilinearResampler(source_swath, target_area) resampler.precompute( mask=da.arange(5, chunks=5).astype(bool)) resampler.resampler.load_resampling_info.assert_not_called() resampler.resampler.get_bil_info.assert_called_once() resampler.resampler.reset_mock() # Test that get_sample_from_bil_info is called properly fill_value = 8 resampler.resampler.get_sample_from_bil_info.return_value = \ xr.DataArray(da.zeros(target_area.shape), dims=("y", "x")) new_data = resampler.compute(data, fill_value=fill_value) resampler.resampler.get_sample_from_bil_info.assert_called_with( data, fill_value=fill_value, output_shape=target_area.shape) assert "y" in new_data.coords assert "x" in new_data.coords assert "crs" in new_data.coords assert isinstance(new_data.coords["crs"].item(), CRS) assert "lambert" in new_data.coords["crs"].item().coordinate_operation.method_name.lower() assert new_data.coords["y"].attrs["units"] == "meter" assert new_data.coords["x"].attrs["units"] == "meter" assert == new_data.coords["crs"].item() # Test that the resampling info is tried to read from the disk resampler = BilinearResampler(source_swath, target_area) resampler.precompute(cache_dir=".") resampler.resampler.load_resampling_info.assert_called() # Test caching the resampling info try: the_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() resampler = BilinearResampler(source_area, target_area) create_filename.return_value = os.path.join(the_dir, "test_cache.zarr") xr_resampler.return_value.load_resampling_info.side_effect = IOError resampler.precompute(cache_dir=the_dir) resampler.resampler.save_resampling_info.assert_called() # assert data was saved to the on-disk cache resampler.resampler.save_resampling_info.assert_called_once() nbcalls = resampler.resampler.get_bil_info.call_count resampler.resampler.load_resampling_info.side_effect = None resampler.precompute(cache_dir=the_dir) # we already have things cached in-memory, no need to save again resampler.resampler.save_resampling_info.assert_called_once() # we already have things cached in-memory, don't need to load assert resampler.resampler.get_bil_info.call_count == nbcalls # test loading saved resampler resampler = BilinearResampler(source_area, target_area) resampler.precompute(cache_dir=the_dir) assert resampler.resampler.load_resampling_info.call_count == 3 assert resampler.resampler.get_bil_info.call_count == nbcalls resampler = BilinearResampler(source_area, target_area) resampler.precompute(cache_dir=the_dir) resampler.save_bil_info(cache_dir=the_dir) zarr_file = os.path.join(the_dir, "test_cache.zarr") # Save again faking the cache file already exists with mock.patch("os.path.exists") as exists: exists.return_value = True resampler.save_bil_info(cache_dir=the_dir) move_existing_caches.assert_called_once_with(the_dir, zarr_file) finally: shutil.rmtree(the_dir)
[docs] def test_move_existing_caches(self): """Test that existing caches are moved to a subdirectory.""" try: the_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() # Test that existing cache file is moved away zarr_file = os.path.join(the_dir, "test.zarr") with open(zarr_file, "w") as fid: fid.write("42") from satpy.resample import _move_existing_caches _move_existing_caches(the_dir, zarr_file) assert not os.path.exists(zarr_file) assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(the_dir, "moved_by_satpy", "test.zarr")) # Run again to see that the existing dir doesn't matter with open(zarr_file, "w") as fid: fid.write("42") _move_existing_caches(the_dir, zarr_file) finally: shutil.rmtree(the_dir)
[docs] class TestCoordinateHelpers(unittest.TestCase): """Test various utility functions for working with coordinates."""
[docs] def test_area_def_coordinates(self): """Test coordinates being added with an AreaDefinition.""" from pyresample.geometry import AreaDefinition from satpy.resample import add_crs_xy_coords area_def = AreaDefinition( "test", "test", "test", {"proj": "lcc", "lat_1": 25, "lat_0": 25}, 100, 200, [-100, -100, 100, 100] ) data_arr = xr.DataArray( da.zeros((200, 100), chunks=50), attrs={"area": area_def}, dims=("y", "x"), ) new_data_arr = add_crs_xy_coords(data_arr, area_def) assert "y" in new_data_arr.coords assert "x" in new_data_arr.coords assert "units" in new_data_arr.coords["y"].attrs assert new_data_arr.coords["y"].attrs["units"] == "meter" assert "units" in new_data_arr.coords["x"].attrs assert new_data_arr.coords["x"].attrs["units"] == "meter" assert "crs" in new_data_arr.coords assert isinstance(new_data_arr.coords["crs"].item(), CRS) assert == new_data_arr.coords["crs"].item() # already has coords data_arr = xr.DataArray( da.zeros((200, 100), chunks=50), attrs={"area": area_def}, dims=("y", "x"), coords={"y": np.arange(2, 202), "x": np.arange(100)} ) new_data_arr = add_crs_xy_coords(data_arr, area_def) assert "y" in new_data_arr.coords assert "units" not in new_data_arr.coords["y"].attrs assert "x" in new_data_arr.coords assert "units" not in new_data_arr.coords["x"].attrs np.testing.assert_equal(new_data_arr.coords["y"], np.arange(2, 202)) assert "crs" in new_data_arr.coords assert isinstance(new_data_arr.coords["crs"].item(), CRS) assert == new_data_arr.coords["crs"].item() # lat/lon area area_def = AreaDefinition( "test", "test", "test", {"proj": "latlong"}, 100, 200, [-100, -100, 100, 100] ) data_arr = xr.DataArray( da.zeros((200, 100), chunks=50), attrs={"area": area_def}, dims=("y", "x"), ) new_data_arr = add_crs_xy_coords(data_arr, area_def) assert "y" in new_data_arr.coords assert "x" in new_data_arr.coords assert "units" in new_data_arr.coords["y"].attrs assert new_data_arr.coords["y"].attrs["units"] == "degrees_north" assert "units" in new_data_arr.coords["x"].attrs assert new_data_arr.coords["x"].attrs["units"] == "degrees_east" assert "crs" in new_data_arr.coords assert isinstance(new_data_arr.coords["crs"].item(), CRS) assert == new_data_arr.coords["crs"].item()
[docs] def test_swath_def_coordinates(self): """Test coordinates being added with an SwathDefinition.""" from pyresample.geometry import SwathDefinition from satpy.resample import add_crs_xy_coords lons_data = da.random.random((200, 100), chunks=50) lats_data = da.random.random((200, 100), chunks=50) lons = xr.DataArray(lons_data, attrs={"units": "degrees_east"}, dims=("y", "x")) lats = xr.DataArray(lats_data, attrs={"units": "degrees_north"}, dims=("y", "x")) area_def = SwathDefinition(lons, lats) data_arr = xr.DataArray( da.zeros((200, 100), chunks=50), attrs={"area": area_def}, dims=("y", "x"), ) new_data_arr = add_crs_xy_coords(data_arr, area_def) # See # self.assertIn('longitude', new_data_arr.coords) # self.assertIn('units', new_data_arr.coords['longitude'].attrs) # self.assertEqual( # new_data_arr.coords['longitude'].attrs['units'], 'degrees_east') # self.assertIsInstance(new_data_arr.coords['longitude'].data, da.Array) # self.assertIn('latitude', new_data_arr.coords) # self.assertIn('units', new_data_arr.coords['latitude'].attrs) # self.assertEqual( # new_data_arr.coords['latitude'].attrs['units'], 'degrees_north') # self.assertIsInstance(new_data_arr.coords['latitude'].data, da.Array) assert "crs" in new_data_arr.coords crs = new_data_arr.coords["crs"].item() assert isinstance(crs, CRS) assert crs.is_geographic assert isinstance(new_data_arr.coords["crs"].item(), CRS)
[docs] class TestBucketAvg(unittest.TestCase): """Test the bucket resampler."""
[docs] def setUp(self): """Create fake area definitions and resampler to be tested.""" from satpy.resample import BucketAvg get_lonlats = mock.MagicMock() get_lonlats.return_value = (1, 2) get_proj_vectors = mock.MagicMock() get_proj_vectors.return_value = ([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) self.source_geo_def = mock.MagicMock(get_lonlats=get_lonlats) self.target_geo_def = mock.MagicMock(get_lonlats=get_lonlats, crs=None, get_proj_vectors=get_proj_vectors) self.bucket = BucketAvg(self.source_geo_def, self.target_geo_def)
[docs] def test_init(self): """Test bucket resampler initialization.""" assert self.bucket.resampler is None assert self.bucket.source_geo_def == self.source_geo_def assert self.bucket.target_geo_def == self.target_geo_def
[docs] @mock.patch("pyresample.bucket.BucketResampler") def test_precompute(self, bucket): """Test bucket resampler precomputation.""" bucket.return_value = True self.bucket.precompute() assert self.bucket.resampler bucket.assert_called_once_with(self.target_geo_def, 1, 2)
[docs] def _compute_mocked_bucket_avg(self, data, return_data=None, **kwargs): """Compute the mocked bucket average.""" self.bucket.resampler = mock.MagicMock() if return_data is not None: self.bucket.resampler.get_average.return_value = return_data else: self.bucket.resampler.get_average.return_value = data res = self.bucket.compute(data, **kwargs) return res
[docs] def test_compute(self): """Test bucket resampler computation.""" # 1D data data = da.ones((5,)) res = self._compute_mocked_bucket_avg(data, fill_value=2) assert res.shape == (1, 5) # 2D data data = da.ones((5, 5)) res = self._compute_mocked_bucket_avg(data, fill_value=2) assert res.shape == (1, 5, 5) # 3D data data = da.ones((3, 5, 5)) self.bucket.resampler.get_average.return_value = data[0, :, :] res = self._compute_mocked_bucket_avg(data, return_data=data[0, :, :], fill_value=2) assert res.shape == (3, 5, 5)
[docs] def test_compute_and_use_skipna_handling(self): """Test bucket resampler computation and use skipna handling.""" data = da.ones((5,)) self._compute_mocked_bucket_avg(data, fill_value=2, skipna=False) self.bucket.resampler.get_average.assert_called_once_with( data, fill_value=2, skipna=False) self._compute_mocked_bucket_avg(data, fill_value=2) self.bucket.resampler.get_average.assert_called_once_with( data, fill_value=2, skipna=True)
[docs] @mock.patch("pyresample.bucket.BucketResampler") def test_resample(self, pyresample_bucket): """Test bucket resamplers resample method.""" self.bucket.resampler = mock.MagicMock() self.bucket.precompute = mock.MagicMock() self.bucket.compute = mock.MagicMock() # 1D input data data = xr.DataArray(da.ones((5,)), dims=("foo"), attrs={"bar": "baz"}) self.bucket.compute.return_value = da.ones((5, 5)) res = self.bucket.resample(data) self.bucket.precompute.assert_called_once() self.bucket.compute.assert_called_once() assert res.shape == (5, 5) assert res.dims == ("y", "x") assert "bar" in res.attrs assert res.attrs["bar"] == "baz" # 2D input data data = xr.DataArray(da.ones((5, 5)), dims=("foo", "bar")) self.bucket.compute.return_value = da.ones((5, 5)) res = self.bucket.resample(data) assert res.shape == (5, 5) assert res.dims == ("y", "x") # 3D input data with 'bands' dim data = xr.DataArray(da.ones((1, 5, 5)), dims=("bands", "foo", "bar"), coords={"bands": ["L"]}) self.bucket.compute.return_value = da.ones((1, 5, 5)) res = self.bucket.resample(data) assert res.shape == (1, 5, 5) assert res.dims == ("bands", "y", "x") assert res.coords["bands"] == ["L"] # 3D input data with misc dim names data = xr.DataArray(da.ones((3, 5, 5)), dims=("foo", "bar", "baz")) self.bucket.compute.return_value = da.ones((3, 5, 5)) res = self.bucket.resample(data) assert res.shape == (3, 5, 5) assert res.dims == ("foo", "bar", "baz")
[docs] class TestBucketSum(unittest.TestCase): """Test the sum bucket resampler."""
[docs] def setUp(self): """Create fake area definitions and resampler to be tested.""" from satpy.resample import BucketSum get_lonlats = mock.MagicMock() get_lonlats.return_value = (1, 2) self.source_geo_def = mock.MagicMock(get_lonlats=get_lonlats) self.target_geo_def = mock.MagicMock(get_lonlats=get_lonlats) self.bucket = BucketSum(self.source_geo_def, self.target_geo_def)
[docs] def _compute_mocked_bucket_sum(self, data, return_data=None, **kwargs): """Compute the mocked bucket sum.""" self.bucket.resampler = mock.MagicMock() if return_data is not None: self.bucket.resampler.get_sum.return_value = return_data else: self.bucket.resampler.get_sum.return_value = data res = self.bucket.compute(data, **kwargs) return res
[docs] def test_compute(self): """Test sum bucket resampler computation.""" # 1D data data = da.ones((5,)) res = self._compute_mocked_bucket_sum(data) assert res.shape == (1, 5) # 2D data data = da.ones((5, 5)) res = self._compute_mocked_bucket_sum(data) assert res.shape == (1, 5, 5) # 3D data data = da.ones((3, 5, 5)) res = self._compute_mocked_bucket_sum(data, return_data=data[0, :, :]) assert res.shape == (3, 5, 5)
[docs] def test_compute_and_use_skipna_handling(self): """Test bucket resampler computation and use skipna handling.""" data = da.ones((5,)) self._compute_mocked_bucket_sum(data, skipna=False) self.bucket.resampler.get_sum.assert_called_once_with( data, skipna=False) self._compute_mocked_bucket_sum(data) self.bucket.resampler.get_sum.assert_called_once_with( data, skipna=True)
[docs] class TestBucketCount(unittest.TestCase): """Test the count bucket resampler."""
[docs] def setUp(self): """Create fake area definitions and resampler to be tested.""" from satpy.resample import BucketCount get_lonlats = mock.MagicMock() get_lonlats.return_value = (1, 2) self.source_geo_def = mock.MagicMock(get_lonlats=get_lonlats) self.target_geo_def = mock.MagicMock(get_lonlats=get_lonlats) self.bucket = BucketCount(self.source_geo_def, self.target_geo_def)
[docs] def _compute_mocked_bucket_count(self, data, return_data=None, **kwargs): """Compute the mocked bucket count.""" self.bucket.resampler = mock.MagicMock() if return_data is not None: self.bucket.resampler.get_count.return_value = return_data else: self.bucket.resampler.get_count.return_value = data res = self.bucket.compute(data, **kwargs) return res
[docs] def test_compute(self): """Test count bucket resampler computation.""" # 1D data data = da.ones((5,)) res = self._compute_mocked_bucket_count(data) self.bucket.resampler.get_count.assert_called_once_with() assert res.shape == (1, 5) # 2D data data = da.ones((5, 5)) res = self._compute_mocked_bucket_count(data) self.bucket.resampler.get_count.assert_called_once_with() assert res.shape == (1, 5, 5) # 3D data data = da.ones((3, 5, 5)) res = self._compute_mocked_bucket_count(data, return_data=data[0, :, :]) assert res.shape == (3, 5, 5)
[docs] class TestBucketFraction(unittest.TestCase): """Test the fraction bucket resampler."""
[docs] def setUp(self): """Create fake area definitions and resampler to be tested.""" from satpy.resample import BucketFraction get_lonlats = mock.MagicMock() get_lonlats.return_value = (1, 2) get_proj_vectors = mock.MagicMock() get_proj_vectors.return_value = ([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) self.source_geo_def = mock.MagicMock(get_lonlats=get_lonlats) self.target_geo_def = mock.MagicMock(get_lonlats=get_lonlats, crs=None, get_proj_vectors=get_proj_vectors) self.bucket = BucketFraction(self.source_geo_def, self.target_geo_def)
[docs] def test_compute(self): """Test fraction bucket resampler computation.""" self.bucket.resampler = mock.MagicMock() data = da.ones((3, 3)) # No kwargs given _ = self.bucket.compute(data) self.bucket.resampler.get_fractions.assert_called_with( data, categories=None, fill_value=np.nan) # Custom kwargs _ = self.bucket.compute(data, categories=[1, 2], fill_value=0) self.bucket.resampler.get_fractions.assert_called_with( data, categories=[1, 2], fill_value=0) # Too many dimensions data = da.ones((3, 5, 5)) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="BucketFraction not implemented for 3D datasets"): _ = self.bucket.compute(data)
[docs] @mock.patch("pyresample.bucket.BucketResampler") def test_resample(self, pyresample_bucket): """Test fraction bucket resamplers resample method.""" self.bucket.resampler = mock.MagicMock() self.bucket.precompute = mock.MagicMock() self.bucket.compute = mock.MagicMock() # Fractions return a dict data = xr.DataArray(da.ones((1, 5, 5)), dims=("bands", "y", "x")) arr = da.ones((5, 5)) self.bucket.compute.return_value = {0: arr, 1: arr, 2: arr} res = self.bucket.resample(data) assert "categories" in res.coords assert "categories" in res.dims assert np.all(res.coords["categories"] == np.array([0, 1, 2]))