Source code for satpy.tests.test_regressions

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2020 Satpy developers
# This file is part of satpy.
# satpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# satpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# satpy.  If not, see <>.
"""Test fixed bugs."""

from unittest.mock import patch

import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
from xarray import DataArray, Dataset

from satpy.tests.utils import make_dataid

abi_file_list = ["/data/",

[docs] def generate_fake_abi_xr_dataset(filename, chunks=None, **kwargs): """Create a fake xarray dataset for abi data. This is an incomplete copy of existing file structures. """ dataset = Dataset(attrs={ "time_coverage_start": "2018-03-13T20:30:42.3Z", "time_coverage_end": "2018-03-13T20:41:18.9Z", }) projection = DataArray( [-214748364], attrs={ "long_name": "GOES-R ABI fixed grid projection", "grid_mapping_name": "geostationary", "perspective_point_height": 35786023.0, "semi_major_axis": 6378137.0, "semi_minor_axis": 6356752.31414, "inverse_flattening": 298.2572221, "latitude_of_projection_origin": 0.0, "longitude_of_projection_origin": -75.0, "sweep_angle_axis": "x" }) dataset["goes_imager_projection"] = projection if "C01" in filename or "C03" in filename or "C05" in filename: stop = 10847 step = 2 scale = 2.8e-05 offset = 0.151858 elif "C02" in filename: stop = 21693 step = 4 scale = 1.4e-05 offset = 0.151865 else: stop = 5424 step = 1 scale = 5.6e-05 offset = 0.151844 y = DataArray( da.arange(0, stop, step), attrs={ "scale_factor": -scale, "add_offset": offset, "units": "rad", "axis": "Y", "long_name": "GOES fixed grid projection y-coordinate", "standard_name": "projection_y_coordinate" }, dims=["y"]) dataset["y"] = y x = DataArray( da.arange(0, stop, step), attrs={ "scale_factor": scale, "add_offset": -offset, "units": "rad", "axis": "X", "long_name": "GOES fixed grid projection x-coordinate", "standard_name": "projection_x_coordinate" }, dims=["x"]) dataset["x"] = x rad = DataArray( da.random.randint(0, 1025, size=[len(y), len(x)], dtype=np.int16, chunks=chunks), attrs={ "_FillValue": np.array(1023), "long_name": "ABI L1b Radiances", "standard_name": "toa_outgoing_radiance_per_unit_wavelength", "_Unsigned": "true", "sensor_band_bit_depth": 10, "valid_range": np.array([0, 1022], dtype=np.int16), "scale_factor": 0.8121064, "add_offset": -25.936647, "units": "W m-2 sr-1 um-1", "resolution": "y: 0.000028 rad x: 0.000028 rad", "grid_mapping": "goes_imager_projection", "cell_methods": "t: point area: point" }, dims=["y", "x"] ) dataset["Rad"] = rad sublat = DataArray(0.0, attrs={ "long_name": "nominal satellite subpoint latitude (platform latitude)", "standard_name": "latitude", "_FillValue": -999.0, "units": "degrees_north"}) dataset["nominal_satellite_subpoint_lat"] = sublat sublon = DataArray(-75.0, attrs={ "long_name": "nominal satellite subpoint longitude (platform longitude)", "standard_name": "longitude", "_FillValue": -999.0, "units": "degrees_east"}) dataset["nominal_satellite_subpoint_lon"] = sublon satheight = DataArray(35786.023, attrs={ "long_name": "nominal satellite height above GRS 80 ellipsoid (platform altitude)", "standard_name": "height_above_reference_ellipsoid", "_FillValue": -999.0, "units": "km"}) dataset["nominal_satellite_height"] = satheight yaw_flip_flag = DataArray(0, attrs={ "long_name": "Flag indicating the spacecraft is operating in yaw flip configuration", "_Unsigned": "true", "_FillValue": np.array(-1), "valid_range": np.array([0, 1], dtype=np.int8), "units": "1", "flag_values": "0 1", "flag_meanings": "false true"}) dataset["yaw_flip_flag"] = yaw_flip_flag return dataset
[docs] @patch("xarray.open_dataset") def test_1258(fake_open_dataset): """Save true_color from abi with radiance doesn't need two resamplings.""" from satpy import Scene fake_open_dataset.side_effect = generate_fake_abi_xr_dataset scene = Scene(abi_file_list, reader="abi_l1b") scene.load(["true_color_nocorr", "C04"], calibration="radiance") resampled_scene = scene.resample(scene.coarsest_area(), resampler="native") assert len(resampled_scene.keys()) == 2
[docs] @patch("xarray.open_dataset") def test_1088(fake_open_dataset): """Check that copied arrays gets resampled.""" from satpy import Scene fake_open_dataset.side_effect = generate_fake_abi_xr_dataset scene = Scene(abi_file_list, reader="abi_l1b") scene.load(["C04"], calibration="radiance") my_id = make_dataid(name="my_name", wavelength=(10, 11, 12)) scene[my_id] = scene["C04"].copy() resampled = scene.resample("eurol") assert resampled[my_id].shape == (2048, 2560)
[docs] @patch("xarray.open_dataset") def test_no_enums(fake_open_dataset): """Check that no enums are inserted in the resulting attrs.""" from enum import Enum from satpy import Scene fake_open_dataset.side_effect = generate_fake_abi_xr_dataset scene = Scene(abi_file_list, reader="abi_l1b") scene.load(["C04"], calibration="radiance") for value in scene["C04"].attrs.values(): assert not isinstance(value, Enum)