Source code for satpy.tests.test_file_handlers

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2017 Satpy developers
# This file is part of satpy.
# satpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# satpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# satpy.  If not, see <>.
"""test file handler baseclass."""

import unittest
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from unittest import mock

import numpy as np
import pytest

from satpy.readers.file_handlers import BaseFileHandler, open_dataset
from satpy.tests.utils import FakeFileHandler

[docs] def test_open_dataset(): """Test xr.open_dataset wrapper.""" fn = mock.MagicMock() str_file_path = "path/to/" with mock.patch("xarray.open_dataset") as xr_open: _ = open_dataset(fn, decode_cf=True, chunks=500) xr_open.assert_called_once_with(, decode_cf=True, chunks=500) xr_open.reset_mock() _ = open_dataset(str_file_path, decode_cf=True, chunks=500) xr_open.assert_called_once_with(str_file_path, decode_cf=True, chunks=500)
[docs] class TestBaseFileHandler(unittest.TestCase): """Test the BaseFileHandler."""
[docs] def setUp(self): """Set up the test.""" self.fh = BaseFileHandler( "filename", {"filename_info": "bla"}, "filetype_info") self.early_time = datetime(2024, 2, 12, 11, 00) self.late_time = datetime(2024, 2, 12, 12, 00)
[docs] def test_combine_times(self): """Combine times.""" info1 = {"start_time": self.early_time} info2 = {"start_time": self.late_time} res = self.fh.combine_info([info1, info2]) exp = {"start_time": self.early_time} assert res == exp res = self.fh.combine_info([info2, info1]) exp = {"start_time": self.early_time} assert res == exp info1 = {"end_time": self.early_time} info2 = {"end_time": self.late_time} res = self.fh.combine_info([info1, info2]) exp = {"end_time": self.late_time} assert res == exp res = self.fh.combine_info([info2, info1]) exp = {"end_time": self.late_time} assert res == exp
[docs] def test_combine_orbits(self): """Combine orbits.""" info1 = {"start_orbit": 1} info2 = {"start_orbit": 2} res = self.fh.combine_info([info1, info2]) exp = {"start_orbit": 1} assert res == exp res = self.fh.combine_info([info2, info1]) exp = {"start_orbit": 1} assert res == exp info1 = {"end_orbit": 1} info2 = {"end_orbit": 2} res = self.fh.combine_info([info1, info2]) exp = {"end_orbit": 2} assert res == exp res = self.fh.combine_info([info2, info1]) exp = {"end_orbit": 2} assert res == exp
[docs] @mock.patch("satpy.readers.file_handlers.SwathDefinition") def test_combine_area(self, sdef): """Combine area.""" area1 = mock.MagicMock() area1.lons = np.arange(5) area1.lats = np.arange(5) = "area1" area2 = mock.MagicMock() area2.lons = np.arange(5) area2.lats = np.arange(5) = "area2" info1 = {"area": area1} info2 = {"area": area2} self.fh.combine_info([info1, info2]) assert sdef.call_args[1]["lons"].shape == (2, 5) assert sdef.call_args[1]["lats"].shape == (2, 5) assert == "area1_area2"
[docs] def test_combine_orbital_parameters(self): """Combine orbital parameters.""" info1 = {"orbital_parameters": {"projection_longitude": 1, "projection_latitude": 1, "projection_altitude": 1, "satellite_nominal_longitude": 1, "satellite_nominal_latitude": 1, "satellite_actual_longitude": 1, "satellite_actual_latitude": 1, "satellite_actual_altitude": 1, "nadir_longitude": 1, "nadir_latitude": 1, "only_in_1": False}} info2 = {"orbital_parameters": {"projection_longitude": 2, "projection_latitude": 2, "projection_altitude": 2, "satellite_nominal_longitude": 2, "satellite_nominal_latitude": 2, "satellite_actual_longitude": 2, "satellite_actual_latitude": 2, "satellite_actual_altitude": 2, "nadir_longitude": 2, "nadir_latitude": 2, "only_in_2": True}} exp = {"orbital_parameters": {"projection_longitude": 1.5, "projection_latitude": 1.5, "projection_altitude": 1.5, "satellite_nominal_longitude": 1.5, "satellite_nominal_latitude": 1.5, "satellite_actual_longitude": 1.5, "satellite_actual_latitude": 1.5, "satellite_actual_altitude": 1.5, "nadir_longitude": 1.5, "nadir_latitude": 1.5, "only_in_1": False, "only_in_2": True}} res = self.fh.combine_info([info1, info2]) assert res == exp # Identity assert self.fh.combine_info([info1]) == info1 # Empty self.fh.combine_info([{}])
[docs] def test_combine_time_parameters(self): """Combine times in 'time_parameters.""" time_params1 = { "nominal_start_time": datetime(2020, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0), "nominal_end_time": datetime(2020, 1, 1, 12, 2, 30), "observation_start_time": datetime(2020, 1, 1, 12, 0, 2, 23821), "observation_end_time": datetime(2020, 1, 1, 12, 2, 23, 12348), } time_params2 = {} time_shift = timedelta(seconds=1.5) for key, value in time_params1.items(): time_params2[key] = value + time_shift res = self.fh.combine_info([ {"time_parameters": time_params1}, {"time_parameters": time_params2} ]) res_time_params = res["time_parameters"] assert res_time_params["nominal_start_time"] == datetime(2020, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0) assert res_time_params["nominal_end_time"] == datetime(2020, 1, 1, 12, 2, 31, 500000) assert res_time_params["observation_start_time"] == datetime(2020, 1, 1, 12, 0, 2, 23821) assert res_time_params["observation_end_time"] == datetime(2020, 1, 1, 12, 2, 24, 512348)
[docs] def test_file_is_kept_intact(self): """Test that the file object passed (string, path, or other) is kept intact.""" open_file = mock.MagicMock() bfh = BaseFileHandler(open_file, {"filename_info": "bla"}, "filetype_info") assert bfh.filename == open_file from pathlib import Path filename = Path("/bla/") bfh = BaseFileHandler(filename, {"filename_info": "bla"}, "filetype_info") assert isinstance(bfh.filename, Path)
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("file_type", "ds_file_type", "exp_result"), [ ("fake1", "fake1", True), ("fake1", ["fake1"], True), ("fake1", ["fake1", "fake2"], True), ("fake1", ["fake2"], None), ("fake1", "fake2", None), ("fake1", "fake1_with_suffix", None), ] ) def test_file_type_match(file_type, ds_file_type, exp_result): """Test that file type matching uses exactly equality.""" fh = FakeFileHandler("some_file.txt", {}, {"file_type": file_type}) assert fh.file_type_matches(ds_file_type) is exp_result