#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Satpy developers
# This file is part of satpy.
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# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
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"""Test for readers/virr_l1b.py."""
import os
import unittest
from unittest import mock
import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from satpy.tests.reader_tests.test_hdf5_utils import FakeHDF5FileHandler
class FakeHDF5FileHandler2(FakeHDF5FileHandler):
"""Swap-in HDF5 File Handler."""
def make_test_data(self, dims):
"""Create fake test data."""
return xr.DataArray(da.from_array(np.ones([dim for dim in dims], dtype=np.float32) * 10, [dim for dim in dims]))
def _make_file(self, platform_id, geolocation_prefix, l1b_prefix, ECWN, Emissive_units):
dim_0 = 19
dim_1 = 20
test_file = {
# Satellite data.
"/attr/Day Or Night Flag": "D", "/attr/Observing Beginning Date": "2018-12-25",
"/attr/Observing Beginning Time": "21:41:47.090", "/attr/Observing Ending Date": "2018-12-25",
"/attr/Observing Ending Time": "21:47:28.254", "/attr/Satellite Name": platform_id,
"/attr/Sensor Identification Code": "VIRR",
# Emissive data.
l1b_prefix + "EV_Emissive": self.make_test_data([3, dim_0, dim_1]),
l1b_prefix + "EV_Emissive/attr/valid_range": [0, 50000],
l1b_prefix + "Emissive_Radiance_Scales": self.make_test_data([dim_0, dim_1]),
l1b_prefix + "EV_Emissive/attr/units": Emissive_units,
l1b_prefix + "Emissive_Radiance_Offsets": self.make_test_data([dim_0, dim_1]),
"/attr/" + ECWN: [2610.31, 917.6268, 836.2546],
# Reflectance data.
l1b_prefix + "EV_RefSB": self.make_test_data([7, dim_0, dim_1]),
l1b_prefix + "EV_RefSB/attr/valid_range": [0, 32767], l1b_prefix + "EV_RefSB/attr/units": "none",
"/attr/RefSB_Cal_Coefficients": np.ones(14, dtype=np.float32) * 2
for attribute in ["Latitude", "Longitude", geolocation_prefix + "SolarZenith",
geolocation_prefix + "SensorZenith", geolocation_prefix + "SolarAzimuth",
geolocation_prefix + "SensorAzimuth"]:
test_file[attribute] = self.make_test_data([dim_0, dim_1])
test_file[attribute + "/attr/Intercept"] = 0.
test_file[attribute + "/attr/units"] = "degrees"
if "Solar" in attribute or "Sensor" in attribute:
test_file[attribute + "/attr/Slope"] = .01
if "Azimuth" in attribute:
test_file[attribute + "/attr/valid_range"] = [0, 18000]
test_file[attribute + "/attr/valid_range"] = [-18000, 18000]
test_file[attribute + "/attr/Slope"] = 1.
if "Longitude" == attribute:
test_file[attribute + "/attr/valid_range"] = [-180., 180.]
test_file[attribute + "/attr/valid_range"] = [-90., 90.]
return test_file
def get_test_content(self, filename, filename_info, filetype_info):
"""Mimic reader input file content."""
if filename_info["platform_id"] == "FY3B":
return self._make_file("FY3B", "", "", "Emmisive_Centroid_Wave_Number", "milliWstts/m^2/cm^(-1)/steradian")
return self._make_file(filename_info["platform_id"], "Geolocation/", "Data/",
"Emissive_Centroid_Wave_Number", "none")
class TestVIRRL1BReader(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test VIRR L1B Reader."""
yaml_file = "virr_l1b.yaml"
def setUp(self):
"""Wrap HDF5 file handler with our own fake handler."""
from satpy._config import config_search_paths
from satpy.readers.virr_l1b import VIRR_L1B
self.reader_configs = config_search_paths(os.path.join("readers", self.yaml_file))
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12219967/how-to-mock-a-base-class-with-python-mock-library
self.p = mock.patch.object(VIRR_L1B, "__bases__", (FakeHDF5FileHandler2,))
self.fake_handler = self.p.start()
self.p.is_local = True
def tearDown(self):
"""Stop wrapping the HDF5 file handler."""
def _band_helper(self, attributes, units, calibration, standard_name,
file_type, band_index_size, resolution):
assert units == attributes["units"]
assert calibration == attributes["calibration"]
assert standard_name == attributes["standard_name"]
assert file_type == attributes["file_type"]
assert (attributes["band_index"] in range(band_index_size)) is True
assert resolution == attributes["resolution"]
assert ("longitude", "latitude") == attributes["coordinates"]
def _fy3_helper(self, platform_name, reader, Emissive_units):
"""Load channels and test accurate metadata."""
import datetime
band_values = {"1": 22.0, "2": 22.0, "6": 22.0, "7": 22.0, "8": 22.0, "9": 22.0, "10": 22.0,
"3": 496.542155, "4": 297.444511, "5": 288.956557, "solar_zenith_angle": .1,
"satellite_zenith_angle": .1, "solar_azimuth_angle": .1, "satellite_azimuth_angle": .1,
"longitude": 10}
if platform_name == "FY3B":
# updated 2015 coefficients
band_values["1"] = -0.168
band_values["2"] = -0.2706
band_values["6"] = -1.5631
band_values["7"] = -0.2114
band_values["8"] = -0.171
band_values["9"] = -0.1606
band_values["10"] = -0.1328
datasets = reader.load([band for band in band_values])
for dataset in datasets:
# Object returned by get_dataset.
ds = datasets[dataset["name"]]
attributes = ds.attrs
assert isinstance(ds.data, da.Array)
assert "virr" == attributes["sensor"]
assert platform_name == attributes["platform_name"]
assert datetime.datetime(2018, 12, 25, 21, 41, 47, 90000) == attributes["start_time"]
assert datetime.datetime(2018, 12, 25, 21, 47, 28, 254000) == attributes["end_time"]
assert (19, 20) == datasets[dataset["name"]].shape
assert ("y", "x") == datasets[dataset["name"]].dims
if dataset["name"] in ["1", "2", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10"]:
self._band_helper(attributes, "%", "reflectance",
"toa_bidirectional_reflectance", "virr_l1b",
7, 1000)
elif dataset["name"] in ["3", "4", "5"]:
self._band_helper(attributes, Emissive_units, "brightness_temperature",
"toa_brightness_temperature", "virr_l1b", 3, 1000)
elif dataset["name"] in ["longitude", "latitude"]:
assert "degrees" == attributes["units"]
assert (attributes["standard_name"] in ["longitude", "latitude"]) is True
assert ["virr_l1b", "virr_geoxx"] == attributes["file_type"]
assert 1000 == attributes["resolution"]
assert "degrees" == attributes["units"]
assert attributes["standard_name"] in ["solar_zenith_angle", "sensor_zenith_angle",
"solar_azimuth_angle", "sensor_azimuth_angle"]
assert ["virr_geoxx", "virr_l1b"] == attributes["file_type"]
assert ("longitude", "latitude") == attributes["coordinates"]
np.testing.assert_allclose(band_values[dataset["name"]], ds[ds.shape[0] // 2][ds.shape[1] // 2], rtol=1e-6)
assert "valid_range" not in ds.attrs
def test_fy3b_file(self):
"""Test that FY3B files are recognized."""
from satpy.readers import load_reader
FY3B_reader = load_reader(self.reader_configs)
FY3B_file = FY3B_reader.select_files_from_pathnames(["tf2018359214943.FY3B-L_VIRRX_L1B.HDF"])
assert 1 == len(FY3B_file)
# Make sure we have some files
assert FY3B_reader.file_handlers
self._fy3_helper("FY3B", FY3B_reader, "milliWstts/m^2/cm^(-1)/steradian")
def test_fy3c_file(self):
"""Test that FY3C files are recognized."""
from satpy.readers import load_reader
FY3C_reader = load_reader(self.reader_configs)
FY3C_files = FY3C_reader.select_files_from_pathnames(["tf2018359143912.FY3C-L_VIRRX_GEOXX.HDF",
assert 2 == len(FY3C_files)
# Make sure we have some files
assert FY3C_reader.file_handlers
self._fy3_helper("FY3C", FY3C_reader, "1")