Source code for satpy.tests.reader_tests.test_seviri_l2_bufr

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Satpy developers
# This file is part of satpy.
# satpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
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"""Unittesting the SEVIRI L2 BUFR reader."""

import sys
import unittest
from datetime import datetime
from unittest import mock

import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
import pytest
from pyresample import geometry

from satpy.tests.utils import make_dataid

FILETYPE_INFO = {"file_type": "seviri_l2_bufr_asr"}

FILENAME_INFO = {"start_time": "20191112000000",
                 "spacecraft": "MSG2"}
FILENAME_INFO2 = {"start_time": "20191112000000",
                  "spacecraft": "MSG2",
                  "server": "TESTSERVER"}
    "NominalTime": datetime(2019, 11, 6, 18, 0),
    "SpacecraftName": "09",
    "RectificationLongitude": "E0455"

    "name": "testdata",
    "key": "#1#brightnessTemperature",
    "coordinates": ("longitude", "latitude"),
    "fill_value": 0

    "name": "latitude",
    "key": "#1#latitude",
    "fill_value": -1.e+100

    "name": "longitude",
    "key": "#1#longitude",
    "fill_value": -1.e+100

    "platform_name": "MET09",
    "ssp_lon": 45.5,
    "seg_size": 16

AREA_DEF = geometry.AreaDefinition(
    "MSG SEVIRI Indian Ocean Data Coverage service area definition with 48 km resolution",
    {"a": 6378169., "b": 6356583.8, "lon_0": DATASET_ATTRS["ssp_lon"],
     "h": 35785831., "proj": "geos", "units": "m"},
    (-5570248.6867, -5567248.2834, 5567248.2834, 5570248.6867)

AREA_DEF_FES = geometry.AreaDefinition(
    "MSG SEVIRI Full Earth Scanning service area definition with 48 km resolution",
    {"a": 6378169., "b": 6356583.8, "lon_0": 0.0,
     "h": 35785831., "proj": "geos", "units": "m"},
    (-5570248.6867, -5567248.2834, 5567248.2834, 5570248.6867)

AREA_DEF_EXT = geometry.AreaDefinition(
    "MSG SEVIRI Indian Ocean Data Coverage service area definition with 9 km resolution "
    "(extended outside original 3km grid)",
    {"a": 6378169., "b": 6356583.8, "lon_0": DATASET_ATTRS["ssp_lon"],
     "h": 35785831., "proj": "geos", "units": "m"},
    (-5571748.8883, -5571748.8882, 5571748.8882, 5571748.8883)


# Test data
DATA = np.random.uniform(low=250, high=350, size=(128,))
LAT = np.random.uniform(low=-80, high=80, size=(128,))
LON = np.random.uniform(low=-38.5, high=121.5, size=(128,))

[docs] class SeviriL2BufrData: """Mock SEVIRI L2 BUFR data.""" @unittest.skipIf(sys.platform.startswith("win"), "'eccodes' not supported on Windows") def __init__(self, filename, with_adef=False, rect_lon="default"): """Initialize by mocking test data for testing the SEVIRI L2 BUFR reader.""" import eccodes as ec from satpy.readers.seviri_l2_bufr import SeviriL2BufrFileHandler self.buf1 = ec.codes_bufr_new_from_samples("BUFR4_local_satellite") ec.codes_set(self.buf1, "unpack", 1) # write the bufr test data twice as we want to read in and then concatenate the data in the reader # 55 id corresponds to METEOSAT 8` ec.codes_set(self.buf1, "satelliteIdentifier", 56) ec.codes_set_array(self.buf1, "#1#latitude", LAT) ec.codes_set_array(self.buf1, "#1#latitude", LAT) ec.codes_set_array(self.buf1, "#1#longitude", LON) ec.codes_set_array(self.buf1, "#1#longitude", LON) ec.codes_set_array(self.buf1, "#1#brightnessTemperature", DATA) ec.codes_set_array(self.buf1, "#1#brightnessTemperature", DATA) self.m = mock.mock_open() # only our offline product contain MPEF product headers so we get the metadata from there if ("BUFRProd" in filename): with mock.patch("") as fromfile: fromfile.return_value = MPEF_PRODUCT_HEADER with mock.patch("satpy.readers.seviri_l2_bufr.recarray2dict") as recarray2dict: recarray2dict.side_effect = (lambda x: x) self.fh = SeviriL2BufrFileHandler(filename, FILENAME_INFO2, FILETYPE_INFO, with_area_definition=with_adef, rectification_longitude=rect_lon) self.fh.mpef_header = MPEF_PRODUCT_HEADER else: # No Mpef Header so we get the metadata from the BUFR messages with mock.patch("", self.m, create=True): with mock.patch("eccodes.codes_bufr_new_from_file", side_effect=[self.buf1, None, self.buf1, None, self.buf1, None]) as ec1: ec1.return_value = ec1.side_effect with mock.patch("eccodes.codes_set") as ec2: ec2.return_value = 1 with mock.patch("eccodes.codes_release") as ec5: ec5.return_value = 1 self.fh = SeviriL2BufrFileHandler(filename, FILENAME_INFO, FILETYPE_INFO, with_area_definition=with_adef, rectification_longitude=rect_lon)
[docs] def get_data(self, dataset_info): """Read data from mock file.""" with mock.patch("", self.m, create=True): with mock.patch("eccodes.codes_bufr_new_from_file", side_effect=[self.buf1, self.buf1, None]) as ec1: ec1.return_value = ec1.side_effect with mock.patch("eccodes.codes_set") as ec2: ec2.return_value = 1 with mock.patch("eccodes.codes_release") as ec5: ec5.return_value = 1 z = self.fh.get_dataset(make_dataid(name=dataset_info["name"], resolution=48000), dataset_info) return z
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize("input_file", TEST_FILES) class TestSeviriL2BufrReader: """Test SEVIRI L2 BUFR Reader."""
[docs] @staticmethod def test_lonslats(input_file): """Test reading of longitude and latitude data with SEVIRI L2 BUFR reader.""" bufr_obj = SeviriL2BufrData(input_file) zlat = bufr_obj.get_data(DATASET_INFO_LAT) zlon = bufr_obj.get_data(DATASET_INFO_LON) np.testing.assert_array_equal(zlat.values, np.concatenate((LAT, LAT), axis=0)) np.testing.assert_array_equal(zlon.values, np.concatenate((LON, LON), axis=0))
[docs] @staticmethod def test_attributes_with_swath_definition(input_file): """Test correctness of dataset attributes with data loaded with a SwathDefinition (default behaviour).""" bufr_obj = SeviriL2BufrData(input_file) z = bufr_obj.get_data(DATASET_INFO) assert z.attrs["platform_name"] == DATASET_ATTRS["platform_name"] assert z.attrs["ssp_lon"] == DATASET_ATTRS["ssp_lon"] assert z.attrs["seg_size"] == DATASET_ATTRS["seg_size"]
[docs] @staticmethod def test_attributes_with_area_definition(input_file): """Test correctness of dataset attributes with data loaded with a AreaDefinition.""" bufr_obj = SeviriL2BufrData(input_file, with_adef=True) _ = bufr_obj.get_data(DATASET_INFO_LAT) # We need to load the lat/lon data in order to _ = bufr_obj.get_data(DATASET_INFO_LON) # populate the file handler with these data z = bufr_obj.get_data(DATASET_INFO) assert z.attrs["platform_name"] == DATASET_ATTRS["platform_name"] assert z.attrs["ssp_lon"] == DATASET_ATTRS["ssp_lon"] assert z.attrs["seg_size"] == DATASET_ATTRS["seg_size"]
[docs] @staticmethod def test_data_with_swath_definition(input_file): """Test data loaded with SwathDefinition (default behaviour).""" bufr_obj = SeviriL2BufrData(input_file) with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): bufr_obj.fh.get_area_def(None) # concatenate original test arrays as get_dataset will have read and concatented the data x1 = np.concatenate((DATA, DATA), axis=0) z = bufr_obj.get_data(DATASET_INFO) np.testing.assert_array_equal(z.values, x1)
[docs] def test_data_with_area_definition(self, input_file): """Test data loaded with AreaDefinition.""" bufr_obj = SeviriL2BufrData(input_file, with_adef=True) _ = bufr_obj.get_data(DATASET_INFO_LAT) # We need to load the lat/lon data in order to _ = bufr_obj.get_data(DATASET_INFO_LON) # populate the file handler with these data z = bufr_obj.get_data(DATASET_INFO) ad = bufr_obj.fh.get_area_def(None) assert ad == AREA_DEF data_1d = np.concatenate((DATA, DATA), axis=0) # Put BUFR data on 2D grid that the 2D array returned by get_dataset should correspond to lons_1d, lats_1d = da.compute(bufr_obj.fh.longitude, bufr_obj.fh.latitude) icol, irow = ad.get_array_indices_from_lonlat(lons_1d, lats_1d) data_2d = np.empty(ad.shape) data_2d[:] = np.nan data_2d[irow.compressed(), icol.compressed()] = data_1d[~irow.mask] np.testing.assert_array_equal(z.values, data_2d) # Test that the correct AreaDefinition is identified for products with 3 pixel segements bufr_obj.fh.seg_size = 3 ad_ext = bufr_obj.fh._construct_area_def(make_dataid(name="dummmy", resolution=9000)) assert ad_ext == AREA_DEF_EXT
[docs] def test_data_with_rect_lon(self, input_file): """Test data loaded with AreaDefinition and user defined rectification longitude.""" bufr_obj = SeviriL2BufrData(input_file, with_adef=True, rect_lon=0.0) np.testing.assert_equal(bufr_obj.fh.ssp_lon, 0.0) _ = bufr_obj.get_data(DATASET_INFO_LAT) # We need to load the lat/lon data in order to _ = bufr_obj.get_data(DATASET_INFO_LON) # populate the file handler with these data _ = bufr_obj.get_data(DATASET_INFO) # We need to lead the data in order to create the AreaDefinition ad = bufr_obj.fh.get_area_def(None) assert ad == AREA_DEF_FES
[docs] class SeviriL2AMVBufrData: """Mock SEVIRI L2 AMV BUFR data.""" @unittest.skipIf(sys.platform.startswith("win"), "'eccodes' not supported on Windows") def __init__(self, filename): """Initialize by mocking test data for testing the SEVIRI L2 BUFR reader.""" from satpy.readers.seviri_l2_bufr import SeviriL2BufrFileHandler with mock.patch(""): self.fh = SeviriL2BufrFileHandler(filename, FILENAME_INFO2, filetype_info={"file_type": "seviri_l2_bufr_amv"}, with_area_definition=True)
[docs] class TestSeviriL2AMVBufrReader: """Test SEVIRI L2 BUFR Reader for AMV data."""
[docs] @staticmethod def test_amv_with_area_def(): """Test that AMV data can not be loaded with an area definition.""" bufr_obj = SeviriL2AMVBufrData("AMVBUFRProd_20201110124500Z_00_OMPEFS04_MET11_FES_E0000") assert bufr_obj.fh.with_adef is False