Source code for satpy.tests.reader_tests.test_nwcsaf_nc

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2018-2023 Satpy developers
# This file is part of satpy.
# satpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# satpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
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"""Unittests for NWC SAF reader."""

import h5netcdf
import numpy as np
import pytest
import xarray as xr

from satpy.readers.nwcsaf_nc import NcNWCSAF, read_nwcsaf_time
from satpy.tests.utils import RANDOM_GEN

PROJ_KM = {"gdal_projection": "+proj=geos +a=6378.137000 +b=6356.752300 +lon_0=0.000000 +h=35785.863000",
           "gdal_xgeo_up_left": -5569500.0,
           "gdal_ygeo_up_left": 5437500.0,
           "gdal_xgeo_low_right": 5566500.0,
           "gdal_ygeo_low_right": 2653500.0}


PROJ = {"gdal_projection": f"+proj=geos +a=6378137.000 +b=6356752.300 +lon_0=0.000000 +h={NOMINAL_ALTITUDE:.3f}",
        "gdal_xgeo_up_left": -5569500.0,
        "gdal_ygeo_up_left": 5437500.0,
        "gdal_xgeo_low_right": 5566500.0,
        "gdal_ygeo_low_right": 2653500.0}

dimensions = {"nx": 1530,
              "ny": 928,
              "pal_colors_250": 250,
              "pal_rgb": 3}

NOMINAL_TIME = "2023-01-18T10:30:00Z"
START_TIME = "2023-01-18T10:39:17Z"
END_TIME = "2023-01-18T10:42:22Z"
START_TIME_PPS = "20230118T103917000Z"
END_TIME_PPS = "20230118T104222000Z"

global_attrs = {"source": "NWC/GEO version v2021.1",
                "satellite_identifier": "MSG4",
                "sub-satellite_longitude": NOMINAL_LONGITUDE,
                "time_coverage_start": START_TIME,
                "time_coverage_end": END_TIME}


global_attrs_geo = global_attrs.copy()
global_attrs_geo["nominal_product_time"] = NOMINAL_TIME

CTTH_PALETTE_MEANINGS = ("0 500 1000 1500")

COT_PALETTE_MEANINGS = ("0 2 5 8 10 13 16 19 23 26 29 33 36 40 43 47 51 55 59 63 68 72 77 81 86 91 96"
                        " 101 107 112 118 123 129 135 142 148 154 161 168 175 182 190 198 205 213 222"
                        " 230 239 248 257 266 276 286 296 307 317 328 340 351 363 375 388 401 414 428"
                        " 442 456 470 485 501 517 533 550 567 584 602 621 640 660 680 700 721 743 765"
                        " 788 811 835 860 885 911 938 965 993 1022 1052 1082 1113 1145 1178 1212 1246"
                        " 1282 1318 1355 1394 1433 1474 1515 1558 1601 1646 1692 1739 1788 1837 1889 "
                        "1941 1995 2050 2107 2165 2224 2286 2348 2413 2479 2547 2617 2688 2762 2837 "
                        "2915 2994 3076 3159 3245 3333 3424 3517 3612 3710 3810 3913 4019 4127 4239 "
                        "4353 4470 4591 4714 4841 4971 5105 5242 5383 5527 5676 5828 5984 6144 6309 "
                        "6478 6651 6829 7011 7199 7391 7588 7791 7999 8212 8431 8656 8886 9123 9366 "
                        "9615 9871 10134 10404 10680 10964 11256 11555 11862 12177 12501 12833 13173 "
                        "13523 13882 14250 14628 15016 15414 15823 16243 16673 17115 17569 18034 18512"
                        " 19002 19505 20022 20552 21096 21654 22227 22816 23419 24039 24675 25327 "
                        "25997 26685 27390 28114 28858 29621 30404 31207 32032 32878 33747 34639 35554"
                        " 36493 37457 38446 39462 40504 41574 42672 43798 44955 46142 47360 48610 "
                        "49893 51210 52562 53949 55373 56834 58334 59873 61453 63075 64739")

COT_SCALE = 0.01

CRE_ARRAY = RANDOM_GEN.integers(0, 65535, size=(928, 1530), dtype=np.uint16)
COT_ARRAY = RANDOM_GEN.integers(0, 65535, size=(928, 1530), dtype=np.uint16)
PAL_ARRAY = RANDOM_GEN.integers(0, 255, size=(250, 3), dtype=np.uint8)

[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def nwcsaf_geo_ct_filename(tmp_path_factory): """Create a CT file and return the filename.""" return create_nwcsaf_geo_ct_file(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data"))
[docs] def create_nwcsaf_geo_ct_file(directory, attrs=global_attrs_geo): """Create a CT file.""" filename = directory / "" with h5netcdf.File(filename, mode="w") as nc_file: nc_file.dimensions = dimensions nc_file.attrs.update(attrs) var_name = "ct" var = nc_file.create_variable(var_name, ("ny", "nx"), np.uint8, chunks=(256, 256)) var[:] = RANDOM_GEN.integers(0, 255, size=(928, 1530), dtype=np.uint8) return filename
[docs] @pytest.fixture def nwcsaf_geo_ct_filehandler(nwcsaf_geo_ct_filename): """Create a CT filehandler.""" return NcNWCSAF(nwcsaf_geo_ct_filename, {}, {})
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def nwcsaf_pps_cmic_filename(tmp_path_factory): """Create a CMIC file.""" attrs = global_attrs.copy() attrs.update(PROJ_KM) attrs["time_coverage_start"] = START_TIME_PPS attrs["time_coverage_end"] = END_TIME_PPS filename = create_cmic_file(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data"), filetype="cmic", attrs=attrs) return filename
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def nwcsaf_pps_ctth_filename(tmp_path_factory): """Create a CTTH file.""" attrs = global_attrs.copy() attrs.update(PROJ_KM) attrs["time_coverage_start"] = START_TIME_PPS attrs["time_coverage_end"] = END_TIME_PPS filename = create_ctth_file(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data"), attrs=attrs) return filename
[docs] def create_cmic_file(path, filetype, attrs=global_attrs): """Create a cmic file.""" filename = path / f"S_NWC_{filetype.upper()}" with h5netcdf.File(filename, mode="w") as nc_file: nc_file.dimensions = dimensions nc_file.attrs.update(attrs) create_cot_variable(nc_file, f"{filetype}_cot") create_cot_pal_variable(nc_file, f"{filetype}_cot_pal") create_cre_variables(nc_file, f"{filetype}_cre") return filename
[docs] def create_ctth_file(path, attrs=global_attrs): """Create a cmic file.""" filename = path / "" with h5netcdf.File(filename, mode="w") as nc_file: nc_file.dimensions = dimensions nc_file.attrs.update(attrs) create_ctth_variables(nc_file, "ctth_alti") create_ctth_alti_pal_variable_with_fill_value_color(nc_file, "ctth_alti_pal") return filename
[docs] @pytest.fixture def nwcsaf_pps_cmic_filehandler(nwcsaf_pps_cmic_filename): """Create a CMIC filehandler.""" return NcNWCSAF(nwcsaf_pps_cmic_filename, {}, {"file_key_prefix": "cmic_"})
[docs] @pytest.fixture def nwcsaf_pps_ctth_filehandler(nwcsaf_pps_ctth_filename): """Create a CMIC filehandler.""" return NcNWCSAF(nwcsaf_pps_ctth_filename, {}, {})
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def nwcsaf_pps_cpp_filename(tmp_path_factory): """Create a CPP file.""" filename = create_cmic_file(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data"), filetype="cpp") return filename
[docs] def create_cre_variables(nc_file, var_name): """Create a CRE variable.""" var = nc_file.create_variable(var_name, ("ny", "nx"), np.uint16, chunks=(256, 256)) var[:] = CRE_ARRAY
[docs] def create_ctth_variables(nc_file, var_name): """Create a CRE variable.""" var = nc_file.create_variable(var_name, ("ny", "nx"), np.uint16, chunks=(256, 256)) var[:] = CRE_ARRAY var.attrs["scale_factor"] = COT_SCALE var.attrs["add_offset"] = COT_OFFSET var.attrs["_FillValue"] = 65535
[docs] def create_cot_pal_variable(nc_file, var_name): """Create a palette variable.""" var = nc_file.create_variable(var_name, ("pal_colors_250", "pal_rgb"), np.uint8) var[:] = PAL_ARRAY var.attrs["palette_meanings"] = COT_PALETTE_MEANINGS
[docs] def create_cot_variable(nc_file, var_name): """Create a COT variable.""" var = nc_file.create_variable(var_name, ("ny", "nx"), np.uint16, chunks=(256, 256)) var[:] = COT_ARRAY var.attrs["scale_factor"] = COT_SCALE var.attrs["add_offset"] = COT_OFFSET var.attrs["_FillValue"] = 65535
[docs] def create_ctth_alti_pal_variable_with_fill_value_color(nc_file, var_name): """Create a palette variable.""" var = nc_file.create_variable(var_name, ("pal_colors_250", "pal_rgb"), np.uint8) var[:] = PAL_ARRAY var.attrs["palette_meanings"] = CTTH_PALETTE_MEANINGS var.attrs["fill_value_color"] = [0, 0, 0] var.attrs["scale_factor"] = COT_SCALE var.attrs["add_offset"] = COT_OFFSET var.attrs["_FillValue"] = 65535
[docs] @pytest.fixture def nwcsaf_pps_cpp_filehandler(nwcsaf_pps_cpp_filename): """Create a CPP filehandler.""" return NcNWCSAF(nwcsaf_pps_cpp_filename, {}, {"file_key_prefix": "cpp_"})
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def nwcsaf_old_geo_ct_filename(tmp_path_factory): """Create a CT file and return the filename.""" attrs = global_attrs_geo.copy() attrs.update(PROJ_KM) attrs["time_coverage_start"] = np.array(["2023-01-18T10:39:17Z"], dtype="S20") return create_nwcsaf_geo_ct_file(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data-old"), attrs=attrs)
[docs] @pytest.fixture def nwcsaf_old_geo_ct_filehandler(nwcsaf_old_geo_ct_filename): """Create a CT filehandler.""" return NcNWCSAF(nwcsaf_old_geo_ct_filename, {}, {})
[docs] class TestNcNWCSAFGeo: """Test the NcNWCSAF reader for Geo products."""
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize(("platform", "instrument"), [("Metop-B", "avhrr-3"), ("NOAA-20", "viirs"), ("Himawari-8", "ahi"), ("GOES-17", "abi"), ("Meteosat-11", "seviri")]) def test_sensor_name_platform(self, nwcsaf_geo_ct_filehandler, platform, instrument): """Test that the correct sensor name is being set.""" nwcsaf_geo_ct_filehandler.set_platform_and_sensor(platform_name=platform) assert nwcsaf_geo_ct_filehandler.sensor == set([instrument]) assert nwcsaf_geo_ct_filehandler.sensor_names == set([instrument])
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize(("platform", "instrument"), [("GOES16", "abi"), ("MSG4", "seviri")]) def test_sensor_name_sat_id(self, nwcsaf_geo_ct_filehandler, platform, instrument): """Test that the correct sensor name is being set.""" nwcsaf_geo_ct_filehandler.set_platform_and_sensor(sat_id=platform) assert nwcsaf_geo_ct_filehandler.sensor == set([instrument]) assert nwcsaf_geo_ct_filehandler.sensor_names == set([instrument])
[docs] def test_get_area_def(self, nwcsaf_geo_ct_filehandler): """Test that get_area_def() returns proper area.""" dsid = {"name": "ct"} _check_filehandler_area_def(nwcsaf_geo_ct_filehandler, dsid)
[docs] def test_get_area_def_km(self, nwcsaf_old_geo_ct_filehandler): """Test that get_area_def() returns proper area when the projection is in km.""" dsid = {"name": "ct"} _check_filehandler_area_def(nwcsaf_old_geo_ct_filehandler, dsid)
[docs] def test_scale_dataset_attr_removal(self, nwcsaf_geo_ct_filehandler): """Test the scaling of the dataset and removal of obsolete attributes.""" import numpy as np import xarray as xr attrs = {"scale_factor": np.array(10), "add_offset": np.array(20)} var = xr.DataArray([1, 2, 3], attrs=attrs) var = nwcsaf_geo_ct_filehandler.scale_dataset(var, "dummy") np.testing.assert_allclose(var, [30, 40, 50]) assert "scale_factor" not in var.attrs assert "add_offset" not in var.attrs
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize(("attrs", "expected"), [({"scale_factor": np.array(1.5), "add_offset": np.array(2.5), "_FillValue": 1}, [np.nan, 5.5, 7]), ({"scale_factor": np.array(1.5), "add_offset": np.array(2.5), "valid_min": 1.1}, [np.nan, 5.5, 7]), ({"scale_factor": np.array(1.5), "add_offset": np.array(2.5), "valid_max": 2.1}, [4, 5.5, np.nan]), ({"scale_factor": np.array(1.5), "add_offset": np.array(2.5), "valid_range": (1.1, 2.1)}, [np.nan, 5.5, np.nan])]) def test_scale_dataset_floating(self, nwcsaf_geo_ct_filehandler, attrs, expected): """Test the scaling of the dataset with floating point values.""" var = xr.DataArray([1, 2, 3], attrs=attrs) var = nwcsaf_geo_ct_filehandler.scale_dataset(var, "dummy") np.testing.assert_allclose(var, expected) assert "scale_factor" not in var.attrs assert "add_offset" not in var.attrs
[docs] def test_scale_dataset_floating_nwcsaf_geo_ctth(self, nwcsaf_geo_ct_filehandler): """Test the scaling of the dataset with floating point values for CTTH NWCSAF/Geo v2016/v2018.""" attrs = {"scale_factor": np.array(1.), "add_offset": np.array(-2000.), "valid_range": (0., 27000.)} var = xr.DataArray([1, 2, 3], attrs=attrs) var = nwcsaf_geo_ct_filehandler.scale_dataset(var, "dummy") np.testing.assert_allclose(var, [-1999., -1998., -1997.]) assert "scale_factor" not in var.attrs assert "add_offset" not in var.attrs np.testing.assert_equal(var.attrs["valid_range"], (-2000., 25000.))
[docs] def test_scale_dataset_uint8_noop(self, nwcsaf_geo_ct_filehandler): """Test that uint8 is not accidentally casted when no scaling is done.""" attrs = {} var = xr.DataArray(np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.uint8), attrs=attrs) var = nwcsaf_geo_ct_filehandler.scale_dataset(var, "dummy") np.testing.assert_equal(var, np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.uint8)) assert var.dtype == np.uint8
[docs] def test_orbital_parameters_are_correct(self, nwcsaf_geo_ct_filehandler): """Test that orbital parameters are present in the dataset attributes.""" dsid = {"name": "ct"} var = nwcsaf_geo_ct_filehandler.get_dataset(dsid, {}) assert "orbital_parameters" in var.attrs for param in var.attrs["orbital_parameters"]: assert isinstance(var.attrs["orbital_parameters"][param], (float, int)) assert var.attrs["orbital_parameters"]["satellite_nominal_altitude"] == NOMINAL_ALTITUDE assert var.attrs["orbital_parameters"]["satellite_nominal_longitude"] == NOMINAL_LONGITUDE assert var.attrs["orbital_parameters"]["satellite_nominal_latitude"] == 0
[docs] def test_times_are_in_dataset_attributes(self, nwcsaf_geo_ct_filehandler): """Check that start/end times are in the attributes of datasets.""" dsid = {"name": "ct"} var = nwcsaf_geo_ct_filehandler.get_dataset(dsid, {}) assert "start_time" in var.attrs assert "end_time" in var.attrs
[docs] def test_start_time(self, nwcsaf_geo_ct_filehandler): """Test the start time property.""" assert nwcsaf_geo_ct_filehandler.start_time == read_nwcsaf_time(NOMINAL_TIME)
[docs] def test_end_time(self, nwcsaf_geo_ct_filehandler): """Test the end time property.""" assert nwcsaf_geo_ct_filehandler.end_time == read_nwcsaf_time(END_TIME)
[docs] def test_uint8_remains_uint8(self, nwcsaf_geo_ct_filehandler): """Test that loading uint8 remains uint8.""" ct = nwcsaf_geo_ct_filehandler.get_dataset( {"name": "ct"}, {"name": "ct", "file_type": "nc_nwcsaf_geo"}) assert ct.dtype == np.dtype("uint8")
[docs] class TestNcNWCSAFPPS: """Test the NcNWCSAF reader for PPS products."""
[docs] def test_start_time(self, nwcsaf_pps_cmic_filehandler): """Test the start time property.""" assert nwcsaf_pps_cmic_filehandler.start_time == read_nwcsaf_time(START_TIME_PPS)
[docs] def test_end_time(self, nwcsaf_pps_cmic_filehandler): """Test the start time property.""" assert nwcsaf_pps_cmic_filehandler.end_time == read_nwcsaf_time(END_TIME_PPS)
[docs] def test_drop_xycoords(self, nwcsaf_pps_cmic_filehandler): """Test the drop of x and y coords.""" y_line = xr.DataArray(list(range(5)), dims=("y"), attrs={"long_name": "scan line number"}) x_pixel = xr.DataArray(list(range(10)), dims=("x"), attrs={"long_name": "pixel number"}) lat = xr.DataArray(np.ones((5, 10)), dims=("y", "x"), coords={"y": y_line, "x": x_pixel}, attrs={"name": "lat", "standard_name": "latitude"}) lon = xr.DataArray(np.ones((5, 10)), dims=("y", "x"), coords={"y": y_line, "x": x_pixel}, attrs={"name": "lon", "standard_name": "longitude"}) data_array_in = xr.DataArray(np.ones((5, 10)), attrs={"scale_factor": np.array(0, dtype=float), "add_offset": np.array(1, dtype=float)}, dims=("y", "x"), coords={"lon": lon, "lat": lat, "y": y_line, "x": x_pixel}) data_array_out = nwcsaf_pps_cmic_filehandler.drop_xycoords(data_array_in) assert "y" not in data_array_out.coords
[docs] def test_get_dataset_scales_and_offsets(self, nwcsaf_pps_cpp_filehandler): """Test that get_dataset() returns scaled and offseted data.""" dsid = {"name": "cpp_cot"} info = dict(name="cpp_cot", file_type="nc_nwcsaf_cpp") res = nwcsaf_pps_cpp_filehandler.get_dataset(dsid, info) np.testing.assert_allclose(res, COT_ARRAY * COT_SCALE + COT_OFFSET)
[docs] def test_get_dataset_scales_and_offsets_palette_meanings_using_other_dataset(self, nwcsaf_pps_cpp_filehandler): """Test that get_dataset() returns scaled palette_meanings with another dataset as scaling source.""" dsid = {"name": "cpp_cot_pal"} info = dict(name="cpp_cot_pal", file_type="nc_nwcsaf_cpp", scale_offset_dataset="cot") res = nwcsaf_pps_cpp_filehandler.get_dataset(dsid, info) palette_meanings = np.array(COT_PALETTE_MEANINGS.split()).astype(int) np.testing.assert_allclose(res.attrs["palette_meanings"], palette_meanings * COT_SCALE + COT_OFFSET)
[docs] def test_get_palette_fill_value_color_added(self, nwcsaf_pps_ctth_filehandler): """Test that get_dataset() returns scaled palette_meanings with fill_value_color added.""" dsid = {"name": "ctth_alti_pal"} info = dict(name="ctth_alti_pal", file_type="nc_nwcsaf_ctth", scale_offset_dataset="ctth_alti") res = nwcsaf_pps_ctth_filehandler.get_dataset(dsid, info) res.attrs["palette_meanings"] palette_meanings = np.array([0, 500, 1000, 1500, 65535]) np.testing.assert_allclose(res.attrs["palette_meanings"], palette_meanings * COT_SCALE + COT_OFFSET)
[docs] def test_get_dataset_raises_when_dataset_missing(self, nwcsaf_pps_cpp_filehandler): """Test that get_dataset() raises an error when the requested dataset is missing.""" dsid = {"name": "cpp_phase"} info = dict(name="cpp_phase", file_type="nc_nwcsaf_cpp") with pytest.raises(KeyError): nwcsaf_pps_cpp_filehandler.get_dataset(dsid, info)
[docs] def test_get_dataset_uses_file_key_if_present(self, nwcsaf_pps_cmic_filehandler, nwcsaf_pps_cpp_filehandler): """Test that get_dataset() uses a file_key if present.""" dsid_cpp = {"name": "cpp_cot"} dsid_cmic = {"name": "cmic_cot"} file_key = "cmic_cot" nwcsaf_pps_cmic_filehandler.file_key_prefix = "" info_cpp = dict(name="cpp_cot", file_key=file_key, file_type="nc_nwcsaf_cpp") res_cpp = nwcsaf_pps_cmic_filehandler.get_dataset(dsid_cpp, info_cpp) info_cmic = dict(name="cmic_cot", file_type="nc_nwcsaf_cpp") res_cmic = nwcsaf_pps_cmic_filehandler.get_dataset(dsid_cmic, info_cmic) np.testing.assert_allclose(res_cpp, res_cmic)
[docs] def test_get_dataset_can_handle_file_key_list(self, nwcsaf_pps_cmic_filehandler, nwcsaf_pps_cpp_filehandler): """Test that get_dataset() can handle a list of file_keys.""" dsid_cpp = {"name": "cpp_reff"} dsid_cmic = {"name": "cmic_cre"} info_cpp = dict(name="cmic_reff", file_key=["reff", "cre"], file_type="nc_nwcsaf_cpp") res_cpp = nwcsaf_pps_cpp_filehandler.get_dataset(dsid_cpp, info_cpp) info_cmic = dict(name="cmic_reff", file_key=["reff", "cre"], file_type="nc_nwcsaf_cpp") res_cmic = nwcsaf_pps_cmic_filehandler.get_dataset(dsid_cmic, info_cmic) np.testing.assert_allclose(res_cpp, res_cmic)
[docs] class TestNcNWCSAFFileKeyPrefix: """Test the NcNWCSAF reader when using a file key prefix."""
[docs] def test_get_dataset_uses_file_key_prefix(self, nwcsaf_pps_cmic_filehandler): """Test that get_dataset() uses a file_key_prefix.""" dsid_cpp = {"name": "cpp_cot"} dsid_cmic = {"name": "cmic_cot"} file_key = "cot" info_cpp = dict(name="cpp_cot", file_key=file_key, file_type="nc_nwcsaf_cpp") res_cpp = nwcsaf_pps_cmic_filehandler.get_dataset(dsid_cpp, info_cpp) info_cmic = dict(name="cmic_cot", file_type="nc_nwcsaf_cpp") res_cmic = nwcsaf_pps_cmic_filehandler.get_dataset(dsid_cmic, info_cmic) np.testing.assert_allclose(res_cpp, res_cmic)
[docs] def test_get_dataset_scales_and_offsets_palette_meanings_using_other_dataset(self, nwcsaf_pps_cmic_filehandler): """Test that get_dataset() returns scaled palette_meanings using another dataset as scaling source.""" dsid = {"name": "cpp_cot_pal"} info = dict(name="cpp_cot_pal", file_key="cot_pal", file_type="nc_nwcsaf_cpp", scale_offset_dataset="cot") res = nwcsaf_pps_cmic_filehandler.get_dataset(dsid, info) palette_meanings = np.array(COT_PALETTE_MEANINGS.split()).astype(int) np.testing.assert_allclose(res.attrs["palette_meanings"], palette_meanings * COT_SCALE + COT_OFFSET)
[docs] def _check_filehandler_area_def(file_handler, dsid): from pyproj import CRS area_definition = file_handler.get_area_def(dsid) expected_crs = CRS(PROJ["gdal_projection"]) assert == expected_crs correct_extent = (PROJ["gdal_xgeo_up_left"], PROJ["gdal_ygeo_low_right"], PROJ["gdal_xgeo_low_right"], PROJ["gdal_ygeo_up_left"]) assert area_definition.area_extent == correct_extent