Source code for satpy.tests.reader_tests.test_goes_imager_nc_eum

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"""Tests for the goes imager nc reader (EUMETSAT variant)."""

import unittest
from unittest import mock

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from satpy.readers.goes_imager_nc import is_vis_channel
from satpy.tests.utils import make_dataid

[docs] class GOESNCEUMFileHandlerRadianceTest(unittest.TestCase): """Tests for the radiances.""" longMessage = True
[docs] @mock.patch("satpy.readers.goes_imager_nc.xr") def setUp(self, xr_): """Set up the tests.""" from satpy.readers.goes_imager_nc import CALIB_COEFS, GOESEUMNCFileHandler self.coefs = CALIB_COEFS["GOES-15"] self.all_coefs = CALIB_COEFS self.channels = sorted(self.coefs.keys()) self.ir_channels = sorted([ch for ch in self.channels if not is_vis_channel(ch)]) self.vis_channels = sorted([ch for ch in self.channels if is_vis_channel(ch)]) # Mock file access to return a fake dataset. nrows = ncols = 300 self.radiance = np.ones((1, nrows, ncols)) # IR channels self.lon = np.zeros((nrows, ncols)) # Dummy = np.repeat(np.linspace(-150, 150, nrows), ncols).reshape( nrows, ncols) # Includes invalid values to be masked xr_.open_dataset.return_value = xr.Dataset( {"data": xr.DataArray(data=self.radiance, dims=("time", "yc", "xc")), "time": xr.DataArray(data=np.array([0], dtype="datetime64[ns]"), dims=("time",)), "bands": xr.DataArray(data=np.array([1]))}, attrs={"Satellite Sensor": "G-15"}) geo_data = xr.Dataset( {"lon": xr.DataArray(data=self.lon, dims=("yc", "xc")), "lat": xr.DataArray(, dims=("yc", "xc"))}, attrs={"Satellite Sensor": "G-15"}) # Instantiate reader using the mocked open_dataset() method self.reader = GOESEUMNCFileHandler(filename="dummy", filename_info={}, filetype_info={}, geo_data=geo_data)
[docs] def test_get_dataset_radiance(self): """Test getting the radiances.""" for ch in self.channels: if not is_vis_channel(ch): radiance = self.reader.get_dataset( key=make_dataid(name=ch, calibration="radiance"), info={}) # ... this only compares the valid (unmasked) elements assert np.all(self.radiance == radiance.to_masked_array()), \ f"get_dataset() returns invalid radiance for channel {ch}"
[docs] def test_calibrate(self): """Test whether the correct calibration methods are called.""" for ch in self.channels: if not is_vis_channel(ch): calibs = {"brightness_temperature": "_calibrate_ir"} for calib, method in calibs.items(): with mock.patch.object(self.reader, method) as target_func: self.reader.calibrate(["data"], calibration=calib, channel=ch) target_func.assert_called()
[docs] def test_get_sector(self): """Test sector identification.""" from satpy.readers.goes_imager_nc import ( FULL_DISC, NORTH_HEMIS_EAST, NORTH_HEMIS_WEST, SOUTH_HEMIS_EAST, SOUTH_HEMIS_WEST, UNKNOWN_SECTOR, ) shapes = { (2700, 5200): FULL_DISC, (1850, 3450): NORTH_HEMIS_EAST, (600, 3500): SOUTH_HEMIS_EAST, (1310, 3300): NORTH_HEMIS_WEST, (1099, 2800): SOUTH_HEMIS_WEST, (123, 456): UNKNOWN_SECTOR } for (nlines, ncols), sector_ref in shapes.items(): for channel in ("00_7", "10_7"): sector = self.reader._get_sector(channel=channel, nlines=nlines, ncols=ncols) assert sector == sector_ref, "Incorrect sector identification"
[docs] class GOESNCEUMFileHandlerReflectanceTest(unittest.TestCase): """Testing the reflectances.""" longMessage = True
[docs] @mock.patch("satpy.readers.goes_imager_nc.xr") def setUp(self, xr_): """Set up the tests.""" from satpy.readers.goes_imager_nc import CALIB_COEFS, GOESEUMNCFileHandler self.coefs = CALIB_COEFS["GOES-15"] self.all_coefs = CALIB_COEFS self.channels = sorted(self.coefs.keys()) self.ir_channels = sorted([ch for ch in self.channels if not is_vis_channel(ch)]) self.vis_channels = sorted([ch for ch in self.channels if is_vis_channel(ch)]) # Mock file access to return a fake dataset. nrows = ncols = 300 self.reflectance = 50 * np.ones((1, nrows, ncols)) # Vis channel self.lon = np.zeros((nrows, ncols)) # Dummy = np.repeat(np.linspace(-150, 150, nrows), ncols).reshape( nrows, ncols) # Includes invalid values to be masked xr_.open_dataset.return_value = xr.Dataset( {"data": xr.DataArray(data=self.reflectance, dims=("time", "yc", "xc")), "time": xr.DataArray(data=np.array([0], dtype="datetime64[ns]"), dims=("time",)), "bands": xr.DataArray(data=np.array([1]))}, attrs={"Satellite Sensor": "G-15"}) geo_data = xr.Dataset( {"lon": xr.DataArray(data=self.lon, dims=("yc", "xc")), "lat": xr.DataArray(, dims=("yc", "xc"))}, attrs={"Satellite Sensor": "G-15"}) # Instantiate reader using the mocked open_dataset() method self.reader = GOESEUMNCFileHandler(filename="dummy", filename_info={}, filetype_info={}, geo_data=geo_data)
[docs] def test_get_dataset_reflectance(self): """Test getting the reflectance.""" for ch in self.channels: if is_vis_channel(ch): refl = self.reader.get_dataset( key=make_dataid(name=ch, calibration="reflectance"), info={}) # ... this only compares the valid (unmasked) elements assert np.all(self.reflectance == refl.to_masked_array()), \ f"get_dataset() returns invalid reflectance for channel {ch}"