Source code for satpy.tests.reader_tests.test_ghi_l1

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2019 Satpy developers
# This file is part of satpy.
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# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
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# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
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"""The agri_l1 reader tests package."""

import os
from unittest import mock

import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
import pytest
import xarray as xr

from satpy.tests.reader_tests.test_hdf5_utils import FakeHDF5FileHandler

ALL_BAND_NAMES = ["C01", "C02", "C03", "C04", "C05", "C06", "C07"]
RESOLUTION_LIST = [250, 500, 2000]

                          500: ["C01", "C02", "C03", "C04", "C05", "C06"],
                          2000: ALL_BAND_NAMES,
                          "GEO": "solar_azimuth_angle"

    250: (896278.676104, 562456.016066, 895155.242397, 452480.774883),
    500: (896153.676104, 562331.016066, 895155.242397, 452480.774883),
    2000: (895403.676104, 561581.016066, 895155.242397, 452480.774883)

[docs] class FakeHDF5FileHandler2(FakeHDF5FileHandler): """Swap-in HDF5 File Handler."""
[docs] def make_test_data(self, cwl, ch, prefix, dims, file_type): """Make test data.""" if prefix == "CAL": data = xr.DataArray( da.from_array((np.arange(10.) + 1.) / 10., [dims[0] * dims[1]]), attrs={ "Slope": np.array(1.), "Intercept": np.array(0.), "FillValue": np.array(-65535.0), "units": "NUL", "center_wavelength": "{}um".format(cwl).encode("utf-8"), "band_names": "band{}(band number is range from 1 to 14)" .format(ch).encode("utf-8"), "long_name": "Calibration table of {}um Channel".format(cwl).encode("utf-8"), "valid_range": np.array([0, 1.5]), }, dims="_const") elif prefix == "NOM": data = xr.DataArray( da.from_array(np.arange(10, dtype=np.uint16).reshape((2, 5)) + 1, [dim for dim in dims]), attrs={ "Slope": np.array(1.), "Intercept": np.array(0.), "FillValue": np.array(65535), "units": "DN", "center_wavelength": "{}um".format(cwl).encode("utf-8"), "band_names": "band{}(band number is range from 1 to 7)" .format(ch).encode("utf-8"), "long_name": "Calibration table of {}um Channel".format(cwl).encode("utf-8"), "valid_range": np.array([0, 4095]), }, dims=("_RegLength", "_RegWidth")) elif prefix == "GEO": data = xr.DataArray( da.from_array(np.arange(10, dtype=np.float32).reshape((2, 5)) + 1, [dim for dim in dims]), attrs={ "Slope": np.array(1.), "Intercept": np.array(0.), "FillValue": np.array(65535.), "units": "NUL", "band_names": "NUL", "valid_range": np.array([0., 360.]), }, dims=("_RegLength", "_RegWidth")) elif prefix == "COEF": if file_type == "250": data = self._create_coeff_array(1) elif file_type == "500": data = self._create_coeff_array(6) elif file_type == "2000": data = self._create_coeff_array(7) return data
[docs] def _create_coeff_array(self, nb_channels): data = xr.DataArray( da.from_array((np.arange(nb_channels * 2).reshape((nb_channels, 2)) + 1.) / np.array([1E4, 1E2]), [nb_channels, 2]), attrs={ "Slope": 1., "Intercept": 0., "FillValue": 0, "units": "NUL", "band_names": "NUL", "long_name": b"Calibration coefficient (SCALE and OFFSET)", "valid_range": [-500, 500], }, dims=("_num_channel", "_coefs")) return data
[docs] def _create_channel_data(self, chs, cwls, file_type): dim_0 = 2 dim_1 = 5 data = {} for index, _cwl in enumerate(cwls): data["Calibration/CALChannel" + "%02d" % chs[index]] = self.make_test_data(cwls[index], chs[index], "CAL", [dim_0, dim_1], file_type) data["Data/NOMChannel" + "%02d" % chs[index]] = self.make_test_data(cwls[index], chs[index], "NOM", [dim_0, dim_1], file_type) data["Calibration/CALIBRATION_COEF(SCALE+OFFSET)"] = self.make_test_data(cwls[index], chs[index], "COEF", [dim_0, dim_1], file_type) return data
[docs] def _get_250m_data(self, file_type): chs = [1] cwls = [0.675] data = self._create_channel_data(chs, cwls, file_type) return data
[docs] def _get_500m_data(self, file_type): chs = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] cwls = [0.675, 0.47, 0.545, 0.645, 1.378, 1.61] data = self._create_channel_data(chs, cwls, file_type) return data
[docs] def _get_2km_data(self, file_type): chs = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] cwls = [0.675, 0.47, 0.545, 0.645, 1.378, 1.61, 11.4] data = self._create_channel_data(chs, cwls, file_type) return data
[docs] def _get_geo_data(self, file_type): dim_0 = 2 dim_1 = 5 data = {"Navigation/NOMSunAzimuth": self.make_test_data("NUL", "NUL", "GEO", [dim_0, dim_1], file_type)} return data
[docs] def get_test_content(self, filename, filename_info, filetype_info): """Mimic reader input file content.""" global_attrs = { "/attr/NOMSubSatLat": np.array(0.0), "/attr/NOMSubSatLon": np.array(133.0), "/attr/NOMSatHeight": np.array(3.5786E7), "/attr/Semi_major_axis": np.array(6378.14), "/attr/Semi_minor_axis": np.array(6353.28), "/attr/OBIType": "REGX", "/attr/RegLength": np.array(2.0), "/attr/RegWidth": np.array(5.0), "/attr/Corner-Point Latitudes": np.array((4.1, 5.1, 4.1, 5.1)), "/attr/Corner-Point Longitudes": np.array((141.1, 141.1, 141.1, 151.1)), "/attr/Begin Line Number": np.array(0), "/attr/End Line Number": np.array(1), "/attr/Observing Beginning Date": "2019-06-03", "/attr/Observing Beginning Time": "00:30:01.807", "/attr/Observing Ending Date": "2019-06-03", "/attr/Observing Ending Time": "00:34:07.572", "/attr/Satellite Name": "FY4B", "/attr/Sensor Identification Code": "GHI", "/attr/Sensor Name": "GHI", } data = {} if self.filetype_info["file_type"] == "ghi_l1_0250m": data = self._get_250m_data("250") elif self.filetype_info["file_type"] == "ghi_l1_0500m": data = self._get_500m_data("500") elif self.filetype_info["file_type"] == "ghi_l1_2000m": data = self._get_2km_data("2000") elif self.filetype_info["file_type"] == "ghi_l1_2000m_geo": data = self._get_geo_data("2000") test_content = {} test_content.update(global_attrs) test_content.update(data) return test_content
[docs] def _create_filenames_from_resolutions(*resolutions): """Create filenames from the given resolutions.""" if "GEO" in resolutions: return ["FY4B-_GHI---_N_REGX_1330E_L1-_GEO-_MULT_NOM_20220613145300_20220613145359_2000M_V0001.HDF"] pattern = ("FY4B-_GHI---_N_REGX_1330E_L1-_FDI-_MULT_NOM_20220613145300_20220613145359_" "{resolution:04d}M_V0001.HDF") return [pattern.format(resolution=resolution) for resolution in resolutions]
[docs] class Test_HDF_GHI_L1_cal: """Test VIRR L1B Reader.""" yaml_file = "ghi_l1.yaml"
[docs] def setup_method(self): """Wrap HDF5 file handler with our own fake handler.""" from satpy._config import config_search_paths from satpy.readers.fy4_base import FY4Base from satpy.readers.ghi_l1 import HDF_GHI_L1 self.reader_configs = config_search_paths(os.path.join("readers", self.yaml_file)) # self.fy4 = mock.patch.object(FY4Base, "__bases__", (FakeHDF5FileHandler2,)) self.p = mock.patch.object(HDF_GHI_L1.__class__, (self.fy4,)) self.fake_handler = self.fy4.start() self.p.is_local = True self.expected = { "C01": np.array([[2.01, 2.02, 2.03, 2.04, 2.05], [2.06, 2.07, 2.08, 2.09, 2.1]]), "C02": np.array([[4.03, 4.06, 4.09, 4.12, 4.15], [4.18, 4.21, 4.24, 4.27, 4.3]]), "C03": np.array([[6.05, 6.1, 6.15, 6.2, 6.25], [6.3, 6.35, 6.4, 6.45, 6.5]]), "C04": np.array([[8.07, 8.14, 8.21, 8.28, 8.35], [8.42, 8.49, 8.56, 8.63, 8.7]]), "C05": np.array([[10.09, 10.18, 10.27, 10.36, 10.45], [10.54, 10.63, 10.72, 10.81, 10.9]]), "C06": np.array([[12.11, 12.22, 12.33, 12.44, 12.55], [12.66, 12.77, 12.88, 12.99, 13.1]]), "C07": np.array([[0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6], [0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1., np.nan]]), }
[docs] def teardown_method(self): """Stop wrapping the HDF5 file handler.""" self.p.stop()
[docs] def test_ghi_channels_are_loaded_with_right_resolution(self): """Test all channels are loaded with the right resolution.""" reader = self._create_reader_for_resolutions(*RESOLUTION_LIST) available_datasets = reader.available_dataset_ids for resolution_to_test in RESOLUTION_LIST: self._check_keys_for_dsq(available_datasets, resolution_to_test)
[docs] def test_ghi_all_bands_have_right_units(self): """Test all bands have the right units.""" reader = self._create_reader_for_resolutions(*RESOLUTION_LIST) band_names = ALL_BAND_NAMES res = reader.load(band_names) assert len(res) == 7 for band_name in band_names: assert res[band_name].shape == (2, 5) self._check_units(band_name, res)
[docs] def test_ghi_orbital_parameters_are_correct(self): """Test orbital parameters are set correctly.""" reader = self._create_reader_for_resolutions(*RESOLUTION_LIST) band_names = ALL_BAND_NAMES res = reader.load(band_names) # check whether the data type of orbital_parameters is float orbital_parameters = res[band_names[0]].attrs["orbital_parameters"] for attr in orbital_parameters: assert isinstance(orbital_parameters[attr], float) assert orbital_parameters["satellite_nominal_latitude"] == 0. assert orbital_parameters["satellite_nominal_longitude"] == 133.0 assert orbital_parameters["satellite_nominal_altitude"] == 3.5786E7
[docs] @staticmethod def _check_keys_for_dsq(available_datasets, resolution_to_test): from satpy.dataset.data_dict import get_key from satpy.tests.utils import make_dsq band_names = CHANNELS_BY_RESOLUTION[resolution_to_test] for band_name in band_names: ds_q = make_dsq(name=band_name, resolution=resolution_to_test) res = get_key(ds_q, available_datasets, num_results=0, best=False) if band_name < "C07": assert len(res) == 2 else: assert len(res) == 3
[docs] def test_ghi_counts_calibration(self): """Test loading data at counts calibration.""" from satpy.tests.utils import make_dsq reader = self._create_reader_for_resolutions(*RESOLUTION_LIST) ds_ids = [] band_names = CHANNELS_BY_RESOLUTION[2000] for band_name in band_names: ds_ids.append(make_dsq(name=band_name, calibration="counts")) res = reader.load(ds_ids) assert len(res) == 7 for band_name in band_names: assert res[band_name].shape == (2, 5) assert res[band_name].attrs["calibration"] == "counts" assert res[band_name].dtype == np.uint16 assert res[band_name].attrs["units"] == "1"
[docs] def test_ghi_geo(self): """Test loading data for angles.""" from satpy.tests.utils import make_dsq reader = self._create_reader_for_resolutions("GEO") band_name = "solar_azimuth_angle" ds_ids = [make_dsq(name=band_name)] res = reader.load(ds_ids) assert len(res) == 1 assert res[band_name].shape == (2, 5) assert res[band_name].dtype == np.float32
[docs] def _create_reader_for_resolutions(self, *resolutions): from satpy.readers import load_reader filenames = _create_filenames_from_resolutions(*resolutions) reader = load_reader(self.reader_configs) files = reader.select_files_from_pathnames(filenames) assert len(filenames) == len(files) reader.create_filehandlers(files) # Make sure we have some files assert reader.file_handlers return reader
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize("resolution_to_test", RESOLUTION_LIST) def test_ghi_for_one_resolution(self, resolution_to_test): """Test loading data when only one resolution is available.""" reader = self._create_reader_for_resolutions(resolution_to_test) available_datasets = reader.available_dataset_ids band_names = CHANNELS_BY_RESOLUTION[resolution_to_test] self._assert_which_channels_are_loaded(available_datasets, band_names, resolution_to_test) res = reader.load(band_names) assert len(res) == len(band_names) self._check_calibration_and_units(band_names, res) for band_name in band_names: np.testing.assert_allclose(np.array(res[band_name].attrs["area"].area_extent), np.array(AREA_EXTENTS_BY_RESOLUTION[resolution_to_test]))
[docs] def _check_calibration_and_units(self, band_names, result): for band_name in band_names: assert result[band_name].attrs["sensor"].islower() assert result[band_name].shape == (2, 5) np.testing.assert_allclose(result[band_name].values, self.expected[band_name], equal_nan=True) self._check_units(band_name, result)
[docs] @staticmethod def _check_units(band_name, result): if band_name <= "C06": assert result[band_name].attrs["calibration"] == "reflectance" else: assert result[band_name].attrs["calibration"] == "brightness_temperature" if band_name <= "C06": assert result[band_name].attrs["units"] == "%" else: assert result[band_name].attrs["units"] == "K"
[docs] @staticmethod def _assert_which_channels_are_loaded(available_datasets, band_names, resolution_to_test): from satpy.dataset.data_dict import get_key from satpy.tests.utils import make_dsq other_resolutions = RESOLUTION_LIST.copy() other_resolutions.remove(resolution_to_test) for band_name in band_names: for resolution in other_resolutions: ds_q = make_dsq(name=band_name, resolution=resolution) with pytest.raises(KeyError): _ = get_key(ds_q, available_datasets, num_results=0, best=False) ds_q = make_dsq(name=band_name, resolution=resolution_to_test) res = get_key(ds_q, available_datasets, num_results=0, best=False) if band_name < "C07": assert len(res) == 2 else: assert len(res) == 3