Source code for satpy.tests.reader_tests.test_geos_area

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"""Geostationary project utility module tests package."""

import unittest

import numpy as np

from satpy.readers._geos_area import (

[docs] class TestGEOSProjectionUtil(unittest.TestCase): """Tests for the area utilities."""
[docs] def make_pdict_ext(self, typ, scan): """Create a dictionary and extents to use in testing.""" if typ == 1: # Fulldisk pdict = {"a": 6378169.00, "b": 6356583.80, "h": 35785831.00, "ssp_lon": 0.0, "nlines": 3712, "ncols": 3712, "a_name": "geostest", "a_desc": "test area", "p_id": "test_area", "cfac": -13642337, "lfac": -13642337, "coff": 1856} if scan == "N2S": pdict["scandir"] = "N2S" pdict["loff"] = 1856 extent = (5567248.28340708, 5567248.28340708, -5570248.686685662, -5570248.686685662) if scan == "S2N": pdict["scandir"] = "S2N" pdict["loff"] = -1856 extent = (5567248.28340708, 5570248.686685662, -5570248.686685662, -5567248.28340708) if typ == 2: # One sector pdict = {"a": 6378169.00, "b": 6356583.80, "h": 35785831.00, "ssp_lon": 0.0, "nlines": 464, "ncols": 3712, "a_name": "geostest", "a_desc": "test area", "p_id": "test_area", "cfac": -13642337, "lfac": -13642337, "coff": 1856} if scan == "N2S": pdict["scandir"] = "N2S" pdict["loff"] = 464 extent = (5567248.28340708, 1390686.9196223018, -5570248.686685662, -1500.2016392905093) if scan == "S2N": pdict["scandir"] = "S2N" pdict["loff"] = 464 extent = (5567248.28340708, -1390686.9196223018, -5570248.686685662, -2782874.0408838945) return pdict, extent
[docs] def test_geos_area(self): """Test area extent calculation with N->S scan then S->N scan.""" # North -> South full disk pdict, extent = self.make_pdict_ext(1, "N2S") aex = get_area_extent(pdict) np.testing.assert_allclose(aex, extent) # South -> North full disk pdict, extent = self.make_pdict_ext(1, "S2N") aex = get_area_extent(pdict) np.testing.assert_allclose(aex, extent) # North -> South one sector pdict, extent = self.make_pdict_ext(2, "N2S") aex = get_area_extent(pdict) np.testing.assert_allclose(aex, extent) # South -> North one sector pdict, extent = self.make_pdict_ext(2, "S2N") aex = get_area_extent(pdict) np.testing.assert_allclose(aex, extent)
[docs] def test_get_xy_from_linecol(self): """Test the scan angle calculation.""" pdict, extent = self.make_pdict_ext(1, "S2N") good_xy = [0.2690166648133674, -10.837528496767087] factors = (pdict["lfac"], pdict["cfac"]) offsets = (pdict["loff"], pdict["coff"]) x, y = get_xy_from_linecol(400, 1800, offsets, factors) np.testing.assert_approx_equal(x, good_xy[0]) np.testing.assert_approx_equal(y, good_xy[1]) pdict, extent = self.make_pdict_ext(2, "N2S") good_xy = [0.2690166648133674, 0.30744761692956274] factors = (pdict["lfac"], pdict["cfac"]) offsets = (pdict["loff"], pdict["coff"]) x, y = get_xy_from_linecol(400, 1800, offsets, factors) np.testing.assert_approx_equal(x, good_xy[0]) np.testing.assert_approx_equal(y, good_xy[1])
[docs] def test_get_area_definition(self): """Test the retrieval of the area definition.""" from pyproj import CRS pdict, extent = self.make_pdict_ext(1, "N2S") good_res = (-3000.4032785810186, -3000.4032785810186) a_def = get_area_definition(pdict, extent) assert a_def.area_id == pdict["a_name"] assert a_def.resolution == good_res expected_crs = CRS(dict(proj="geos", units="m", a=6378169, b=6356583.8, h=35785831)) assert == expected_crs
[docs] def test_sampling_to_lfac_cfac(self): """Test conversion from angular sampling to line/column offset.""" lfac = 13642337 # SEVIRI LFAC sampling = np.deg2rad(2 ** 16 / lfac) np.testing.assert_allclose(sampling_to_lfac_cfac(sampling), lfac)
[docs] def test_get_geos_area_naming(self): """Test the geos area naming function.""" input_dict = {"platform_name": "testplatform", "instrument_name": "testinstrument", "resolution": 1000, "service_name": "testservicename", "service_desc": "testdesc"} output_dict = get_geos_area_naming(input_dict) assert output_dict["area_id"] == "testplatform_testinstrument_testservicename_1km" assert output_dict["description"] == "TESTPLATFORM TESTINSTRUMENT testdesc area definition with 1 km resolution"
[docs] def test_get_resolution_and_unit_strings_in_km(self): """Test the resolution and unit strings function for a km resolution.""" out = get_resolution_and_unit_strings(1000) assert out["value"] == "1" assert out["unit"] == "km"
[docs] def test_get_resolution_and_unit_strings_in_m(self): """Test the resolution and unit strings function for a m resolution.""" out = get_resolution_and_unit_strings(500) assert out["value"] == "500" assert out["unit"] == "m"