#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2019 Satpy developers
# This file is part of satpy.
# satpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# satpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
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"""The HRIT electrol reader tests package."""
import datetime
import unittest
from unittest import mock
import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
import pytest
from xarray import DataArray
from satpy.readers.electrol_hrit import (
from satpy.tests.utils import make_dataid
# Simplify some type selections
f64_t = np.float64
i32_t = np.int32
u32_t = np.uint32
class Testrecarray2dict(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test the function that converts numpy record arrays into dicts for use within SatPy."""
def test_fun(self):
"""Test record array."""
inner_st = np.dtype([("test_str", "<S20"), ("test_int", "i4")])
outer_st = np.dtype([("test_sec", inner_st), ("test_flt", "f4")])
inner_da = np.array([("Testing", 10)], dtype=inner_st)
outer_da = np.array([(inner_da, 1.45)], dtype=outer_st)
expected = {"test_sec": {"test_str": np.array([b"Testing"], dtype="<S20"),
"test_int": np.array([10], dtype=np.int32)},
"test_flt": np.array([1.45], dtype=np.float32)}
assert expected == recarray2dict(outer_da)
class TestHRITGOMSProFileHandler(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test the HRIT Prologue FileHandler."""
# Below are variable definitions used in testing the prologue reader.
# These values are taken from a typical ELECTRO-L HRIT scene
test_sat_status = {"TagType": 2,
"TagLength": 292,
"SatelliteID": 19002,
"SatelliteName": b"ELECTRO",
"NominalLongitude": 1.3264,
"SatelliteCondition": 1,
"TimeOffset": 0.}
test_img_acq = {"TagType": np.repeat(3, 10).astype(u32_t),
"TagLength": np.repeat(24, 10).astype(u32_t),
"Status": np.repeat(2, 10).astype(u32_t),
"StartDelay": np.repeat(9119019, 10).astype(np.int32),
"Cel": np.repeat(0., 10)}
test_calib = np.full((10, 1024), 50, dtype=np.int32)
test_pro = {"SatelliteStatus": test_sat_status,
"ImageAcquisition": test_img_acq,
"ImageCalibration": test_calib}
def test_init(self, new_fh_init, fromfile):
"""Set up the hrit file handler for testing."""
new_fh_init.return_value.filename = "filename"
HRITGOMSPrologueFileHandler.filename = "filename"
HRITGOMSPrologueFileHandler.mda = {"total_header_length": 1}
# Set up the test data to use within the prologue reader
tss = np.array([(2, 292, 19002, "ELECTRO", 1.3264, 1, 0.)],
tia = np.tile(np.array([(3, 24, 2, 9119019, 0.)],
dtype=image_acquisition), (1, 10))
tc = np.full((10, 1024), 50)
rtv = np.array([(tss, tia, tc)], dtype=prologue)
# Pretend to return this when reading a fake prologue
fromfile.return_value = rtv
m = mock.mock_open()
with mock.patch("satpy.readers.electrol_hrit.open",
m, create=True) as newopen:
newopen.return_value.__enter__.return_value.seek.return_value = 1
test_t = datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 1, 0, 0)
self.reader = HRITGOMSPrologueFileHandler(
"filename", {"platform_shortname": "GOMS2",
"start_time": test_t,
"service": "test_service"},
{"filetype": "info"})
# assertDictEqual doesn't seem to work for dicts containing dicts,
# so we must compare some items individually
assert self.test_pro["SatelliteStatus"] == self.reader.prologue["SatelliteStatus"]
prop = "ImageAcquisition"
for key in self.reader.prologue[prop]:
class TestHRITGOMSEpiFileHandler(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test the HRIT Epilogue FileHandler."""
def test_init(self, new_fh_init, fromfile):
"""Set up the hrit file handler for testing."""
new_fh_init.return_value.filename = "filename"
HRITGOMSEpilogueFileHandler.filename = "filename"
HRITGOMSEpilogueFileHandler.mda = {"total_header_length": 1}
# Set up the test data to use within the epilogue reader
rtv = np.ones((1,), dtype=epilogue)
# Pretend to return this when reading a fake epilogue
fromfile.return_value = rtv
m = mock.mock_open()
with mock.patch("satpy.readers.electrol_hrit.open",
m, create=True) as newopen:
newopen.return_value.__enter__.return_value.seek.return_value = 1
test_t = datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 1, 0, 0)
self.reader = HRITGOMSEpilogueFileHandler(
"filename", {"platform_shortname": "GOMS2",
"start_time": test_t,
"service": "test_service"},
{"filetype": "info"})
epi = self.reader.epilogue
# We don't check everything in the epilogue (too many nested dicts)
# but rather check the epilogue is returned as a dict and that two
# representative data fields are as we expect.
assert isinstance(epi, dict)
epi["RadiometricProcessing"]["RPSummary"]["IsOptic"], np.ones(10))
epi["GeometricProcessing"]["TimeProcessing"], np.ones(10))
@mock.patch("satpy.readers.electrol_hrit.HRITGOMSFileHandler.__init__", return_value=None)
@mock.patch("satpy.readers.electrol_hrit.HRITFileHandler.get_dataset", return_value={})
class TestHRITGOMSFileHandler(unittest.TestCase):
"""A test of the ELECTRO-L main file handler functions."""
def test_get_dataset(self, calibrate_mock, *mocks):
"""Test get dataset."""
key = make_dataid(name="CH1", calibration="counts")
fake_array = mock.MagicMock()
fake_array.attrs = dict()
calibrate_mock.return_value = fake_array
fh = HRITGOMSFileHandler()
fh.platform_name = "Electro"
fh.mda = {"projection_parameters": {"SSP_longitude": 0.0},
"orbital_parameters": {"satellite_nominal_longitude": 0.5}}
info = {"units": "m", "standard_name": "electro", "wavelength": 5.0}
output = fh.get_dataset(key, info)
# Check that 'calibrate' is called
# Check that the correct attributes are returned
attrs_exp = info.copy()
attrs_exp.update({"orbital_parameters": {"satellite_nominal_longitude": 0.5,
"satellite_nominal_latitude": 0.0,
"projection_longitude": 0.0,
"projection_latitude": 0.0,
"projection_altitude": 35785831.00},
"platform_name": "Electro",
"sensor": "msu-gs"})
assert dict(output.attrs, **attrs_exp) == output.attrs
def test_calibrate(self, *mocks):
"""Test calibrate."""
lut = np.linspace(1e6, 1.6e6, num=1024).astype(np.int32)
lut = np.tile(lut, (10, 1))
fh = HRITGOMSFileHandler()
fh.prologue = {"ImageCalibration": lut}
fh.chid = 1
# Set up test input data
counts = DataArray(da.linspace(1, 1023, 25, chunks=5,
dtype=np.uint16).reshape(5, 5))
# Test that calibration fails if given a silly mode
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
fh.calibrate(counts, "nonsense")
# Test that 'counts' calibration returns identical values to input
out = fh.calibrate(counts, "counts")
assert np.all(out.values == counts.values)
# Test that 'radiance' calibrates successfully
out = fh.calibrate(counts, "radiance")
assert np.allclose(out.values, lut[0, counts] / 1000.0)
# Test that 'brightness_temperature' calibrates successfully
out = fh.calibrate(counts, "brightness_temperature")
assert np.allclose(out.values, lut[0, counts] / 1000.0)
def test_get_area_def(self, *mocks):
"""Test get_area_def."""
example_area_ext = (-5566748.0802, -1854249.1809,
5570748.6178, 2000.2688)
fh = HRITGOMSFileHandler()
fh.mda = {"cfac": 10231753, "lfac": 10231753,
"coff": 1392.0, "loff": 0.0, "number_of_lines": 464,
"number_of_columns": 2784,
"projection_parameters": {"SSP_longitude": 0.0}}
area = fh.get_area_def(True)
assert np.allclose(np.array(area.area_extent), np.array(example_area_ext))