Source code for satpy.tests.reader_tests.test_cmsaf_claas

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2019 Satpy developers
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"""Tests for the 'cmsaf-claas2_l2_nc' reader."""

import datetime  # noqa: I001
import os

import numpy as np
import pytest
import xarray as xr
from pyresample.geometry import AreaDefinition

from satpy.tests.utils import make_dataid

# The following fixtures are not defined in this file, but are used and injected by Pytest:
# - tmp_path
# - request

[docs] @pytest.fixture( params=[datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 5), datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 6)] ) def start_time(request): """Get start time of the dataset.""" return request.param
[docs] @pytest.fixture def start_time_str(start_time): """Get string representation of the start time.""" return start_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
[docs] @pytest.fixture def fake_dataset(start_time_str): """Create a CLAAS-like test dataset.""" cph = xr.DataArray( [[[0, 1], [2, 0]]], dims=("time", "y", "x") ) ctt = xr.DataArray( [[280, 290], [300, 310]], dims=("y", "x") ) time_bounds = xr.DataArray( [[12436.91666667, 12436.92534722]], dims=("time", "bndsize") ) attrs = { "CMSAF_proj4_params": "+a=6378169.0 +h=35785831.0 " "+b=6356583.8 +lon_0=0 +proj=geos", "CMSAF_area_extent": np.array( [-5456233.41938636, -5453233.01608472, 5453233.01608472, 5456233.41938636]), "time_coverage_start": start_time_str, "time_coverage_end": "2085-08-13T13:15:00Z", } return xr.Dataset( { "cph": cph, "ctt": ctt, "time_bnds": time_bounds }, attrs=attrs )
[docs] @pytest.fixture def encoding(): """Dataset encoding.""" return { "ctt": {"scale_factor": np.float32(0.01)}, }
[docs] @pytest.fixture def fake_file(fake_dataset, encoding, tmp_path): """Write a fake dataset to file.""" filename = tmp_path / "" fake_dataset.to_netcdf(filename, encoding=encoding) return filename
[docs] @pytest.fixture def fake_files(fake_dataset, encoding, tmp_path): """Write the same fake dataset into two different files.""" filenames = [ tmp_path / "", tmp_path / "", ] for filename in filenames: fake_dataset.to_netcdf(filename, encoding=encoding) return filenames
[docs] @pytest.fixture def reader(): """Return reader for CMSAF CLAAS-2.""" from satpy._config import config_search_paths from satpy.readers import load_reader reader_configs = config_search_paths( os.path.join("readers", "cmsaf-claas2_l2_nc.yaml")) reader = load_reader(reader_configs) return reader
[docs] def test_file_pattern(reader): """Test file pattern matching.""" filenames = [ "", "", "", ""] files = reader.select_files_from_pathnames(filenames) # only 3 out of 4 above should match assert len(files) == 3
[docs] class TestCLAAS2MultiFile: """Test reading multiple CLAAS-2 files."""
[docs] @pytest.fixture def multi_file_reader(self, reader, fake_files): """Create a multi-file reader.""" loadables = reader.select_files_from_pathnames(fake_files) reader.create_filehandlers(loadables) return reader
[docs] @pytest.fixture def multi_file_dataset(self, multi_file_reader): """Load datasets from multiple files.""" ds_ids = [make_dataid(name=name) for name in ["cph", "ctt"]] datasets = multi_file_reader.load(ds_ids) return datasets
[docs] def test_combine_timestamps(self, multi_file_reader, start_time): """Test combination of timestamps.""" assert multi_file_reader.start_time == start_time assert multi_file_reader.end_time == datetime.datetime(2085, 8, 13, 13, 15)
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("ds_name", "expected"), [ ("cph", [[0, 1], [2, 0], [0, 1], [2, 0]]), ("ctt", [[280, 290], [300, 310], [280, 290], [300, 310]]), ] ) def test_combine_datasets(self, multi_file_dataset, ds_name, expected): """Test combination of datasets.""" np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal( multi_file_dataset[ds_name].data, expected )
[docs] def test_number_of_datasets(self, multi_file_dataset): """Test number of datasets.""" assert 2 == len(multi_file_dataset)
[docs] class TestCLAAS2SingleFile: """Test reading a single CLAAS2 file."""
[docs] @pytest.fixture def file_handler(self, fake_file): """Return a CLAAS-2 file handler.""" from satpy.readers.cmsaf_claas2 import CLAAS2 return CLAAS2(fake_file, {}, {})
[docs] @pytest.fixture def area_extent_exp(self, start_time): """Get expected area extent.""" if start_time < datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 6): return (-5454733.160460291, -5454733.160460292, 5454733.160460292, 5454733.160460291) return (-5456233.362099582, -5453232.958821001, 5453232.958821001, 5456233.362099582)
[docs] @pytest.fixture def area_exp(self, area_extent_exp): """Get expected area definition.""" proj_dict = { "a": 6378169.0, "b": 6356583.8, "h": 35785831.0, "lon_0": 0.0, "proj": "geos", "units": "m", } return AreaDefinition( area_id="msg_seviri_fes_3km", description="MSG SEVIRI Full Earth Scanning service area definition with 3 km resolution", proj_id="geos", projection=proj_dict, area_extent=area_extent_exp, width=3636, height=3636, )
[docs] def test_get_area_def(self, file_handler, area_exp): """Test area definition.""" area = file_handler.get_area_def(make_dataid(name="foo")) assert area == area_exp
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("ds_name", "expected"), [ ("ctt", xr.DataArray([[280, 290], [300, 310]], dims=("y", "x"))), ("cph", xr.DataArray([[0, 1], [2, 0]], dims=("y", "x"))), ] ) def test_get_dataset(self, file_handler, ds_name, expected): """Test dataset loading.""" dsid = make_dataid(name=ds_name) ds = file_handler.get_dataset(dsid, {}) xr.testing.assert_allclose(ds, expected)
[docs] def test_start_time(self, file_handler, start_time): """Test start time property.""" assert file_handler.start_time == start_time
[docs] def test_end_time(self, file_handler): """Test end time property.""" assert file_handler.end_time == datetime.datetime(2085, 8, 13, 13, 15)